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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. I grabbed a screenshot of the Eurodam passing the condos this morning but have been busy ever since. Here it is in case anyone is interested.
  2. Eurodam just sailed into Port Everglades. Odyssey of the Seas is following and then Nieuw Statendam. 5:15 am
  3. Good morning friends! It's Saturday! This morning we have a temp of 65F with some rain/storms coming through perhaps 8 am to 11 am. High will be 80 and the afternoon should be sunny. Thank you to Rich @richwmn for our Fleet Report and Daily info for us to post. I hope he is having an interesting day in Takoradi, Ghana today. On our Daily we have Feast of the Annunciation, Pecan Day and Waffle Day to celebrate. That means Easter is coming up quickly. Easter is the day after my birthday in 2023, the same as it was the year I was born. Our big sister was thrilled to hear two babies were coming home as an Easter surprise. I love pecans, and am quite fond of waffles too. The quote by J.K. Rowling is true. I'm sure the recipes for the strawberry basil relish for the seared salmon will be interesting and varied. Someone always seems to change the concept because of personal dislikes of ingredients. I'll pass on the mixed drink and wine today. And can you believe it, another day with a port we haven't had before on the Daily? I haven't heard of Sandnessjoen, Norway before so looks like a new spot for me to go to someday. No links or photos necessary this morning so I will be on the treadmill very early I guess. Prayers for our Care list today as always. Hoping for successful surgeries and recoveries, and relief from pain. And congrats to those on the Celebration list! Welcome home to our friend Joy (and Allen) @Seasick Sailor, @57redbird, and @seagarsmoker. We know you all had a blast! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for taking care of our lists. And thanks to the Food and Beverage Department ladies. We couldn't have a Daily without you.❤️ I'm up early enough to watch Eurodam and Nieuw Statendam sail into Port Everglades this morning so I think I'll do that right now. Hope everyone has a Successful Saturday! I forgot yesterday when I said DH and I should take the weekend off that we always do laundry on Saturday, then wash linens on Sunday. Have to keep up with the schedule. Off to see Eurodam!
  4. Today is Feast of the Annunciation, Pecan Day, and Waffle Day It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default. J.K. RowlingMeal Suggestion for today - Seared Salmon with Strawberry Basil RelishDrink of the Day - Cruzan CoquitoWine of the Day - Butterworth Riesling Martinborough Dry 2022Destination of the Day - Sandnessjoen, Norway Eurodam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Koningsdam San Diego, California 07:00 - 16:00 Nieuw Amsterdam Freeport, Bahamas 0800-1600 Nieuw Statendam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Oosterdam Coquimbo, La Serena, Chile 08:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam Basseterre, St. Kitts 0800-1700 Volendam St Georges, Grenada 0800-1600 Zaandam San Diego, California 07:00 - 16:00 Zuiderdam Takoradi, Ghana 08:00 - 17:00Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Tauranga, Rotorua, New Zealand 08:00 - 17:00 Westerdam At Sea Destination Yokohama, Tokyo, Japan Kanagawa eta 3-27 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  5. Sky Princess began their transatlantic last Saturday. Expected to reach Funchal, Madeira on Sunday.
  6. That's a good one, Bruce. I haven't met any Billy Joes down here in Georgia but the last time we had our home exterior painted we used a popular painting company in our locality owned by, you guessed, it. Bubba! However, I don't think we should pick on Georgia too much. I have met many intelligent people here, and unfortunately lots of "less-smart" people in every other state. It's really an equal opportunity affliction.🤓 I hope the splint can be made more comfortable for you and that your appointment with your DS and FA went as well as you had hoped. I remember trying those vegetarian enchiladas on the Volendam last November. I wrote in my journal that they were very good! I was hoping to have them show up on the menu again but they never did. Sorry about your MSU BB team loss. 😟 Hard to believe how terrible the luggage shipping service was this time around. Were your wheels that broke off spinner type? I have heard they break off easily. We haven't bought that type of luggage yet because of that. I hope someone is going to reimburse you for your new replacement luggage! Sorry the prednisone may become permanent but if it's necessary I guess it will have to be. Have a good trip home. That bear sounds pretty smart! Too bad he has to be moved. The St. Louis Zoo is a very good zoo and quite enjoyable to visit. Hope he doesn't miss it! Brenda, I'm glad your and DH's experience last year turned out all right. Must have been frightening for you both. Love the aurora photos! Gerry congratulations to your DH on being honored today! That is quite an accomplishment and I'm sure he deserves it along with many more accolades for his work in teaching and promoting tourism. Going to MickyD for lunch sounds like a grand idea, too. Yesterday we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch before grocery shopping. You have Chick-fil-A in Canada, right? My favorite chicken sandwich! My dental appointment went fine. Nothing spotted wrong. She recommended using sensitive toothpaste for 2 months and see if I have any more problems with sensitivity on that new crown I got last year. I told her we are not going back to that dentist anymore and will be having all our "work" done at our old dentist's new location in a different practice. She said she had heard that before. We will remain with her for cleanings but crowns, filling repairs, X-rays and oral exams will be done with the old dentist. DH finished the oil change and clean up. When I got home I said let's vacuum the cars out, so I did that and he helped moving the cord from one side of the garage to the other for me. After lunch he went out and trimmed up some shrubs out front. We think we've earned a weekend OFF! 😉
  7. What a wonderful experience your Captain is bringing to everyone on board! Cruising is a fantastic way to travel. Sorry about that Chinese dinner last night. Love the memes! Don't worry @DWAliaschief will be home soon. Debbie @dfish I'm happy the antacids did the trick last night for you. Hope everyone there has a fabulous Farkle Friday. Carol @mamaofami sorry about your delay yesterday but great to hear all went as planned once it commenced. Good luck with healing! After breakfast I went to the gym again today instead of tomorrow since the weather is beautiful right now and tomorrow will not be a nice day. Now I'm ready for my dental appointment. After his exercise, DH put his car up on the ramps and is changing the oil. I am fearful when he does that so he has decided he has graduated from changing his own oil and will just take the cars in to the shop to have them do it in the future. (Like everybody else does. Maybe I should say MOST people do)
  8. Good morning friends! It is bright and early on a Friday and the temp here is 59F. We expect 80 and sunny this afternoon. I hope the weather is nice where you are. We are told there are good chances of rain for the next four days though. Thank you Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Reprt and Daily for today. I am happy to present it for you. On the agenda we have National Cheesesteak Day, National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day, and National Cocktail Day. I don't think I've ever tried a cheesesteak (and I know I haven't been to Philadelphia where they're pretty famous). They sound like an artery clogger, no offense! I do like chocolate covered raisins, and Dixie @summer slope will be showing us our cocktail, a Bloody Maria before long. It sounds like a relative of Bloody Mary. Today's quote is a fun-loving Dr. Seuss one. I know the Vegetarian Enchiladas will be popular with several of you. And with that name the wine might be a tad bit expensive. Sometimes the more descriptive the names, the more $$$. Today is a unique port, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Unique because it's not a very often visited port as far as I know and also because this is a first time appearance for it on the Fleet Report. I can't recall but perhaps the World Cruise Rich is on might have even gone there. I'm sure someone will enlighten me. Zanzibar on the other hand has been listed three times before! Prayers for all on the Care list today, and I have added poor Lana my neighbor to mine. 🙏 Also cheers to all on the Celebration list, and especially our cruisers! 🥂 Enjoy your happy day and congratulations to all! Thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for posting our lists today and every day for the past month or more. Thanks also to Tina @01010 for handling the recipes for Debbie @dfish this week, and to Ann @cat shepard for the wine descriptions and Dixie @summer slope for those mixed drinks. We appreciate you all! I'm off very early to do my treadmill it looks like. Then breakfast and a 9:30 am dental cleaning. Hoping for no problems detected. Have a Fantastic Friday everyone!😎 Especially @portofrome who is our early visitor but silent otherwise. Would love to more about them.
  9. Today is National Cheesesteak Day, National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day, and National Cocktail Day I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.--Dr. SeussMeal Suggestion for today - Vegetarian EnchiladasDrink of the Day - Bloody MariaWine of the Day - Clos Cibonne Tibouren Cotes de Provence Rose Cuvee Tradition 2020Destination of the Day - Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Eurodam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 3-25 Koningsdam At Sea Destination San Diego, California eta 3-25 Nieuw Amsterdam At Sea destination Freeport, Bahamas eta 3-25 Nieuw Statendam Nassau, Bahamas 10:00 - 19:00 Oosterdam San Antonio, Chile 08:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam Fort de France, Martinique 0700-1600 Volendam Bridgetown, Barbados 0800-1800 Zaandam At Sea Destination San Diego, California eta 3-25 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Takoradi, Ghana eta 3-25Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Auckland, New Zealand 07:00 - 17:00 Westerdam Kagoshima City, Japan Kagoshima 10:00 - 17:00 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  10. I can't blame you for being freaked out. I haven't had a broken bone but I'm sure getting the cast off, it isn't always pretty. A good cry is excellent therapy sometimes and tomorrow will be better. Hugs to you Lorraine (my Mom's name by the way).🤗 Cooper is a handsome dog! Happy 11th birthday to him Sunday.🎂
  11. Two days ago we got an email that a woman who lives on our street was in home hospice. She is a long time resident of perhaps 10 years and lived alone though the email mentioned a relative who was with her. She apparently lost her fight today because we saw a hearse drive up our street and stop at her house. So quickly she is gone. Prayers for Lana and may God rest her soul.🙏
  12. Ann, your dogs Trapper and Bella were so cute. Truly darlings as you said. Yes, we would all enjoy a live from with you and others from the roll call chiming in during your cruise. Hope all the preparations go smoothly and you are soon enjoying your time aboard ship.🚢
  13. I'm glad you posted your photos today. Great photo of you by the way. I am going to try to concentrate harder on the day of the week from now on especially at 5 am. I notice I also have trouble with NE, NW, SE and SW and need to edit often. I know which direction I'm talking about but often seem to type the wrong one. Bertie Woofster is a real cutie! Thanks for your photos in Chile, Ann. I love the coffee cups for the wine - whatever works, right? Your granddogs are very cute. They look like they love one another. @St Pete Cruiser enjoy lovely Auckland, and all of New Zealand! Great idea Paul! What they don't know won't hurt them.🍷 Beautiful photo of Maverick, Jacqui. I couldn't read the article (paywall) but what a shame it didn't advance further than the launch. That's what Sadie looks like when you throw her soft toy up in the air. She could be an Olympic athlete. Gracie never did that!🐶😂 I agree, Pauline should probably practice. DH is our usual driver, but I've been driving back and forth to our gym in my huge SUV. We have a double door but DH parks pretty far to the right so when I start to back out warnings flash and beep, telling me that I'm approaching an object on my right rear fender. It's a bit scary! I tend to pull in farther from the door frame and we were just talking this morning about the differences in our garage parking. I'd hate to have a narrow opening with my large vehicle, but I realize many people do. The more practice the better!🚙
  14. Laura (?) @TiogaCruiser I noticed you had some wonderful photos last time, Aug. 17, 2022, of your tour in Punta Arenas. I also saw some great photos from Vanessa @JazzyV. This group is a well traveled group, that's for sure!
  15. Lenda, I hope the washer delivery goes smoothly today. I am always nervous when something large and heavy is delivered because I am afraid they will drop it on my wood or tile floors. You can breathe a sigh of relief the moment they drive away! Something else DS mentioned about his oldest boy is that certain universities will reduce the exorbitant yearly tuition charges by 50% (like USC) if you are a National Merit Finalist. DGS is a NM finalist along with second in his class. He hears tomorrow from USC supposedly. He has been accepted at UCLA but I think he liked USC more. Berkeley should let him know by next Friday. Both DS and DDIL are graduate student alumni of Berkeley. Anyway, exciting times for a nearly 18 year old!
  16. Roy, I said Tuesday instead of Thursday in my last comment of my second post, the one with the photos of Punta Arenas. The original post of the Daily is fine.
  17. An excellent and interesting article about the new baby tortoises. They're adorable. Sorry to hear about your poor sleep. The problems with work are probably the reason why, and I'm hoping things improve with that soon.
  18. First, to Bruce @aliaschief great memes as usual. And you are right, it is Thursday not Tuesday! I actually was downstairs on my treadmill about 15 minutes after I posted and thought to myself "did I type Tuesday or Thursday?" I decided it was too late now to edit so will have to let it be. I'll blame the early hour! Happy Birthday to @seagarsmoker!! Not a bad way to celebrate, eh? Roy @rafinmd nice post today. Looking like you are feeling better every day. Ann @cat shepard that is some expensive wine! Terry @smitty34877 good luck at that doctor's appointment, whether for you or DH. So nice of your old friends and coworkers to volunteer to help out with Tana's needs. Tina @0106 cute pups! For Punta Arenas, look into some tours to see penguins. Most people enjoy those type of excursions.🐧 Debbie @dfish take it easy today and sleep as much as you want. Dr. Sandi prescribes more ice cream.🤓 Terri @Cruzin Terri good luck at your medical appointment. Enjoy a relaxing morning beforehand. I hope the glass for your bathroom doesn't take long to come in and get installed. Vanessa @JazzyV great job as usual on the lists. I know you posted wonderful photos of Punta Arenas last time so I hope you post them again today.
  19. Good morning friends! This morning no problems at all getting onto Cruise Critic and especially the Holland America board. Weather wise we have a temp of 50F, and later today it will be a ridiculous (after last week) of 79 and sunny. Thank you Rich @richwmn for our Fleet Report and Daily information for us to enjoy. We have National Puppy Day which will be a big hit here, Melba Toast Day, and National Chip and Dip Day. I celebrate puppies, but couldn't care less about melba toast. I've tried to cut out the dip but enjoy potato chips often I'm afraid. The quote is a bit silly. The menu suggestion sounds unique as does the drink. It sounds more like dessert than a mixed drink! I have no idea what the wine describes. And our port is Punta Arenas, Chile which is a very popular one on the South America and/or Antarctica cruises. Of course I have plenty of pictures from there and I apologize in advance for the amount of them. We have only seen Punta Arenas, Chile as our port one previous time, on Aug. 17, 2022. I will post the link to that date below. Thanks in advance for all photos you have to show us. My goodness, Vanessa must have been so busy yesterday updating the Care and Celebration lists! We had good news and bad including the ability to continue on a scheduled cruise and getting back to driving. We have Carol @mamaofami having her cataract surgery and we pray for her to have good results and no pain. Lorraine @cruising sister is having cast removal too. Prayers for all on the list, and those who aren't who are in need. Praying also for those around the world in tough situations especially the Ukrainians.🙏 For everyone with happy news and on their cruises, congratulations to them and may everything continue going well. Good news for DGS in Michigan (Ren's older brother). I found out last night he has been named 2nd in his graduating class this May. He is still waiting to hear from some of the California schools he applied to (USC and Berkeley) but has many others to choose from. So a big hurray for him from us! It's nice to get some good news for a change isn't it??🥂 Thanks go to Vanessa @JazzyV, Ann @cat shepard, Dixie @summer slope and Tina @0106 for their reports. Thanks also to Tina for handling the menu suggestion recipes for Debbie @dfish as she recovers from her successful surgery yesterday. We couldn't do this without you! Roy @rafinmd happy to see you posting more each day and before long you will be back watching over our Care and Celebration lists. 🎉🎈 For National Puppy Day I present my two granddogs Sadie and Milo. It seems Sadie hates to have her fur brushed but had been at the groomers the day this photo was taken. That is the only reason she doesn't look like a ragamuffin in this shot!! They both have mastered the command SIT and are awaiting their treat! Here is the link to Rich's August 17, 2022 post: Punta Arenas, Chile is a first time showing for port of the day. I thought I'd been there four times, but the fourth time was a miss because of a huge storm while on Coral Princess in January 2020. We stopped instead at Puerto Montt. The other times there were a March 2012 Star Princess South America cruise, then a February 2015 Ruby Princess South America cruise (which included Lenda and DH) @Quartzsite Cruiser, and finally a Christmas day 2016 stop on our Seabourn Quest Antarctica and South Georgia Island cruise. You'd be surprised how busy the town was on Christmas Day! On our first stop in Punta Arenas, Chile in 2012 we and another couple who cruised with us walked to the overlook to see the whole town. We also did some shopping and visited some monuments. A good gift store right down the street from Plaza de Armas. The Plaza de Armas The Magellan statue I think I saw one of these dogs sleeping here three years later on our 2015 stop! On our tender ride back to the Star Princess we were accompanied by some dolphins. In 2015 on Ruby Princess, arriving at our anchorage. We walked downtown again and visited the Shackleton Bar inside the Sara Braun Palace Here's the bar And the much lighter and brighter conservatory near it A protest on a street corner Back at the Plaza de Armas a lot of vendors were set up. And here is a local stray who looks like he could have slept in front of the Magellan statue, or perhaps a relative of one of those dogs I photographed 3 years earlier. On December 25, 2016 we were able to dock instead of anchor on Seabourn Quest's stop there. All the goodies were on display for us even though it should have been a holiday. Penguins are the star here. These look warm! A sign similar to the one in Ushuaia, Argentina For the first time we took a walk in the cemetery. Very interesting place! I could do that walk again. So much to see there. From there we walked back to the church across from Plaza de Armas. Many of us quietly popped our head in the door to see the interior but left quickly so we wouldn't disturb the worshippers. Time to head back to the Quest for a snack at the poolside restaurant. Heaters and blankets are provided for your comfort. Whatever we ate, I'm sure it was great. Hoping everyone here has a Terrific Tuesday! Stay safe and well. I am off to the treadmill then later the gym.
  20. Today is Melba Toast Day, National Chip and Dip Day, and National Puppy Day My uncle Sammy was an angry man. He had printed on his tombstone: What are you looking at? - Margaret SmithMeal Suggestion for today - Baked Feta PastaDrink of the Day - New England Apple PieWine of the Day - Michel Chapoutier Ermitage Le Pavillon, Rhone Valley, France 2014Destination of the Day - Punta Arenas, Chile Antarctica Eurodam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 3-25 Koningsdam At Sea Destination San Diego, California eta 3-25 Nieuw Amsterdam Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos 0700-1800 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Nassau, Bahamas eta 3-24 Oosterdam At Sea Destination San Antonio, Chile eta 3-24 Rotterdam St. Vincent, St. Vincent & The Grenadines 0800-1700 Volendam Castries, St Lucia 0800-1800 Zaandam Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Mexico 07:00 - 15:00 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Takoradi, Ghana eta 3-25Eastern Hemisphere Noordam At Sea Destination Auckland, New Zealand eta 3-25 Westerdam Jeju Island, Cheju City, Korea 07:00 - 16:00 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  21. Debbie @dfish very happy to hear all went well and you rewarded yourself with Moose Tracks! I hope tonight you rest well. 😴 Jacqui @kazu finally some great news for you! You're free! Good idea to have your plow guy do the heavy lifting. Things are looking up!😊
  22. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I enjoyed seeing Alicante at night. The castle looks beautiful lit up like that. Graham @grapau27 thanks also for your photos of Alicante on your March cruise. Yes, Sadie looks like she had a grooming recently. When her fur gets too long she looks like she stepped outside into a hurricane! @seagarsmoker Falmouth sounds a lot nicer than Ocho Rios. In a recent cruise we were moved from Falmouth to Ocho Rios due to too many ships and I wish they hadn't. Tony @sailingdutchy very nice photos of Alicante! I wonder if this was the same day we were there, April 26, 2019. Since Prinsendam was only in service until end of June it wouldn't surprise me if this was the same cruise as we were on. Carolyn @Cruising-along good news your bone density has improved and no I haven't heard of that before. You are very fortunate! Paul @kochleffel your retirement can't come too soon, can it? Sheesh everyone sounds so high maintenance. When is your retirement date?
  23. Annie, I am going to pray that those spots don't get any larger before your cruise so you can wait for that surgery after you have a wonderful, exciting cruise to Alaska.🙏 Fingers crossed the PET scan is better than expected next week.🤞 Hopefully the new inhaler is the right one for the job, too.
  24. It's refreshing to read some positive comments on the entertainment on the HAL ships, otherwise known as the BHB's! 🚢
  25. Wishing you luck on your cast removal and regaining full function.🤞 Thinking of you today on your DS's birthday. 🙏
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