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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. I think I gained a pound just looking at it! Yum! Very good news! Is surgery still the 22nd?
  2. Nevermind @ottahand7Nancy. I found some port schedules which verify the cruisetimetables.com information. It will be St. Thomas followed by San Juan. Back in Port Everglades on Saturday. Already??😉
  3. Jacqui @kazu, it's very nice to see you posting today. Fingers crossed about your weather this week and sending positive thoughts your way. Debbie @dfishgood luck at your appointment today and I hope things can be finally settled. The dish today looks great no matter which recipe. I'm a big fan of pasta. Nancy @ottahand7I hope today is a better day for you two in Roseau, Dominica. Only two more port days on this cruise and if you don't mind, may I ask about the itinerary? On my confirmation for this cruise (we cancelled of course) it shows San Juan on the 14th and Half Moon Cay on the 17th. However cruisetimetables.com shows St. Thomas on the 14th and San Juan on the 15th. I tend to think the latter since it's more recent. I appreciate any help with this.
  4. Maureen, I'm so sorry to hear the bad news about your positive Covid tests. I hope you can get things settled with DH's procedure. My advice is resting as much as possible because energy levels were the worst part of it for us.
  5. @grapau27Graham, that is a lovely photo of Pauline. Thanks for posting it. @aliaschiefBruce, outstanding collection of memes today. We all need a laugh in the morning.
  6. We of course had the same beautiful scenery leaving the Castle and heading back to the city. We made our last stop at Speight's Brewery, the largest one in New Zealand. We began our tour in the production area, but evereyone had that tasting room on their mind. Our guide took us through the history of the company and its place in Dunedin's background. Our guide Keith went through the whole process. I don't remember much he said, but DH could probably give the tour for him with 29 years experience in engineering at Anheuser-Busch. On to the tasting room! Since I don't drink beer I took small sips of lighter beers. I would never want to waste a whole glass of beer like that. We had a full day on this tour and enjoyed it a lot. If I were going back I would check out their tours and no doubt find something new to do in Dunedin. Well time to get back on that treadmill and sweat it out. Thanks for indulging me this morning with one of my favorite place to visit's photos.
  7. I actually posted photos last time we had Dunedin, of our 2017 visit on Sun Princess. That was a great cruise! You will be sick of my photos by the time I finish! Another beautiful day in Port Chalmers on Nov. 30, 2017. On this trip we were on Sun Princess for 62 days seeing all the sights in Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand. I believe I booked a private tour from Good Company, so we waited in this special area for our group to gather. We would visit Larnach Castle, Speight's Brewery and a Dunedin city tour. Along the way to Dunedin we saw theForsyth Barr Stadium, third largest in New Zealand. We passed a different brewery named Emerson's. One place we stopped at seemed pretty popular for tourists guessing from the number of people already there. The so called steepest street in the world, Baldwin Street. I'm not so sure. I feel like I've been on steeper before. The tour stopped at the Dunedin Railway Station which was nice because I'm sure many on the bus had never been there before. Out on the Station lawn, you can see the Cadbury candy company across the road. Some tours actually include a Cadbury tour and it's quite popular. I know the crew made sure they got a good supply of Cadbury chocolates while in town. That's our bus parked in front of the train station. Time to head downtown to pick up more passengers. We stopped near St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral which is right next door to the Town Hall. I'm not sure why this statue of poet Robert Burns has an orange cone on his head. ?? We enjoyed a lovely view of the countryside as we headed out to Larnach Castle. That's Dunedin in the distance. We pulled over at this scenic view. I was enjoying this part of the tour a lot. Beautiful Larnach Castle. This was a residence and is the only "castle" in New Zealand. We had an extensive tour of dozens of rooms. This is the type of decor we saw inside. I won't bore you with a dozen photos like it. I enjoyed the outdoors more. Well, maybe a photo of this floor in the foyer, which proclaimed this home The Camp. I'd love to see what their city home looked like! There was a rooftop terrace we could enjoy the view from. The entrance to their garden. I used this photo as the cover of a wall calendar I made documenting our Down Under cruise. more for the Garden Club Next door was the Ballroom Cafe where we enjoyed lunch. Oh my, I'd better stop this post and continue on for a brief visit to the brewery. You're probably all sick of Larnack Castle by now.
  8. Good morning friends! This morning is cold, 45F with loads of sunshine predicted but a high of only 57. This is after last week's pretty consistent 70's. The next few nights will lower to about 30F so all the lovely new growth on our shrubs will shrivel up and die just like it does every year. Mother Nature can be so cruel! First of all Happy Birthday Pauline! May you have many more to celebrate.🎂🎈 Thanks to Rich @richwmnfor our Daily and Fleet Report details. Hope all is well on your World Cruise and you will be enjoying Cape Town before long. We have some interesting days to celebrate including Ear Muff Day. I really hope it's not cold enough for anyone to need ear muffs this Monday. I don't even have any. Jewel Day sounds very good. I hope it is referring to jewelry. I can appreciate that though I don't wear my precious pieces very often, at least they are there if I want to. Last is Smart and Sexy Day. I'm sure that fits us all to a T, male and female. The quote by Maya Angelou is nice. Live your life must have been her motto. Up next is bucatini all'amatriciana which sounds delicious! I'm sure Debbie @dfish🥕 has some very tasty recipes to share and I would love a sample of them. The drink today must be referring to the month of March so that is appropriate. And the Simi Sauvignon Blanc sounds great. I'll have a glass. Dailyites are up early today and posting I see. Must be that time change that has everyone awake. I slept well last night and hope you did too. Thanks go to Vanessa @JazzyVfor our Care and Celebration lists. Superb job! Prayers for our friends and family on the Care list, and those around the globe in trouble or who have lost loved ones. 🙏 Cheers to the lucky ones on the Celebration list (including my DB). We must all be thankful for our good fortune.🥂🎉 Our port is the lovely Dunedin (Port Chalmers), New Zealand. We had that port on Oct. 5, 2022 so here is a link to retrieve your photos, people. I know I've always enjoyed visiting there. Here are my photos from Dunedin. We first visited Port Chalmers on Dec. 19, 2013 on Diamond Princess. We took a tour on the Taieri Gorge Railway train which came right to the ship for pickup of passengers. It was a comfortable ride and some seats had a table at them sort of in a booth configuration which came in handy at lunch. Four of us ate at the table and they even provided wine with refills if you wanted it. Made for a crowded table but no one minded. Along the way on our tour of the Taieri Gorge. The scenery was great and we saw a lot this yellow plant growing there. We saw horses and sheep and either alpacas or llamas. You could step off the car and take photos between the cars if you wanted to. We made a stop or two along the way at tiny little outposts, but the train stopped and reversed course at Pukerangi. Locals set up tables displaying good for the tourists to buy and enjoy. This guy was set for Christmas with his little hat on. I think he would rather have been at home taking a nap. The train station in Dunedin is famous and they stopped there long enough to let you take a little self guided tour. It's beautiful as you'll see especially on the opposite side from the tracks. At the end of the tour we decided to walk around Port Chalmers. There is a tall hill near the ship which we walked up, on a residential street, so we could take photos from that viewpoint. This is the sign along the steep street. Photos of the timber along the shore. and Diamond Princess The view from Upper Port Chalmers as a sign up there named it. And a crazy statue someone placed up there. A local church with scaffolding That's it for that visit in Port Chalmers. The next time we would do another tour which we also enjoyed. Hope you all have a Marvelous Monday!!
  9. Today is Ear Muff Day, Jewel Day, and Smart & Sexy Day Life loves the liver of it. - Maya AngelouMeal Suggestion for today - Bucatini all'AmatricianaDrink of the Day - Lion And The LambWine of the Day - Simi Sauvignon Blanc, Sonoma County, CaliforniaDestination of the Day - Dunedin, Port Chalmers, New Zealand Eurodam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 3-14 Koningsdam At Sea Destination Fakarava Atoll, Tuamotus French Polynesia eta 3-14 Nieuw Amsterdam Half Moon Cay 08:00 - 13:00 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Puerto Plata-Amber Cove, Dominicana eta 3-14 Oosterdam At Sea Destination Port Stanley, East Falkland Island eta 3-15 Rotterdam Kralendijk Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles 08:00 - 23:00 Volendam Roseau, Dominica 08:00 - 17:00 Zaandam Huatulco, La Crucecita, Mexico Riviera 13:00 - 19:00 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Cape Town, South Africa eta 3-14Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Burnie, Tasmania Australia 07:30 - 19:00 Westerdam Shimizu, Japan Shizuoka 10:00 - 18:00 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  10. Thank you Terry for your encouraging remarks. You tell Tana I think of her everytime I think of DB's new diagnosis. Tell her also I think she's a champ! And I have to admit when I look at a carrot I think of Debbie, too. 🥕
  11. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserthanks for posting your great photos of Kuala Lumpur. Very interesting looking place to visit.👍
  12. Annie, I know. Isn't it wonderful that people can receive grants for these terribly expensive medications that are so needed? No way could DB afford $10,000 per month! Nice to hear Chuck got the medication he needed too.🤗 When I listened to Father David's sermon I was struck by what he said - "Even in the hard places and hard times of life, God will always be there to provide". That is what happened this week with DB's grant. 🙏 I think Graham and Pauline believe in celebrating birthday weeks so she has probably already begun. 🥂 I think I'm going to take that to heart and see if DH wants to celebrate with me next month. At the very least I want a cake!🎂
  13. Great idea and it's appreciated by all! We can't forget tomorrow's big birthday for one of our family members. 😉 @RMLincolnI'm glad you are feeling better and hope the cold meds help DH today. Good luck to him on his medical visit tomorrow. Hint for Lenda's blue bubble not coming up, Quartzsite has an S after the Z. I looked up the name of the company DB mentioned regarding his benefactor. A quick search showed it's one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies and the largest private one. I'm not familiar with the name, but he said this one is considered a last resort if none of the other companies had a grant available. This last resort paid off and we are all so grateful.🙏
  14. Thanks to Ann @cat shepardfor helping us remember everyone's birthday. You must have a list similar to my port spreadsheet. I somehow missed Mitzi's birthday mention so happy birthday to you Mitzi! Celebrate with some birthday balloons!🎈 And here are some birthday cupcakes for Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.🧁 I went back to bed around 5:30 and didn't get up until 8:15! Still tired so may even need a nap later. I have the sheets in the washer and after we remake the bed that should be it for my chores today. By the way, when we got up we heard some thunder and it began to rain hard so we checked the gutter DH cleared of a clog yesterday. It's working like a charm so three cheers for hubby's to do list accomplishments this week. He deserves a vacation somewhere.🚢
  15. Good morning friends! I hope you remembered to turn your clocks ahead one hour last night. It is very dark outside, 52 F with plenty of rain today and a high of 60. Hope the weather is better for Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiseras she celebrates her birthday. Happy birthday from me!🎂 I want to first thank Rich @richwmnfor setting up the Daily for us to enjoy each day, Vanessa @JazzyVfor keeping tabs on everyone with our Care and Celebration lists, and the lovely ladies of the food and beverage department.🥂 I hope Roy @rafinmdis nearly 100% before too long and that Jacqui @kazustops in to say hello today. Today we will celebrate Genealogy Day and I know several of you have a big interest in that. Fascinating the things we discover about ourselves and our ancestors. Then we can't forget the Girl Scouts especially this time of year with the delicious cookies they sell to raise funds. It's an American tradition! And finally for our Garden Club, Plant a Flower Day. I doubt it's warm enough to be planting flowers for most of us but keep it in mind. Some of you are still looking at snow! I have never eaten goulash in my life so it will be fun to see what I'm missing when Debbie @dfishshows us the recipes she's found. Apple martinis sound healthy (NOT!).🍸 And our chardonnay today is from South Africa! That should be interesting to read about. The port today is another we've not had here on the Daily before, Klang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Selangor. I just read that Selangor is one of the states of Malaysia. So we don't have a link to Klang, Kuala Lumpur but if anyone has been there before we would love to see your photos. I haven't been there before so I can't help out. Thanks in advance for any photos posted. Prayers will be said (as soon as I wake up) for our Care list today. Also for those in need all over the world. Special prayers for Karen @luvteaching's DH who is back in the hospital and let's all hope he can return home soon. Those pesky infections! I really hope the rehab facility is not needed this time Karen. 🙏 Then we have the happy Celebration list people. Hope everyone enjoys their cruises and the anticipation of one if they are coming up. Enjoy your special events, too. 🥂🎉🚢 I'm celebrating my DB's news about finding a foundation to pay for his expensive medications for pulmonary fibrosis.💲💲💲 Best news I've heard all week! Since it's Sunday no treadmill for me so I am going back to bed to wait for the sun to peek out. Wait a minute! That could be Monday for all I know. I'll get up when I'm hungry. Hope you all have a super Sunday!🙂
  16. Today is Genealogy Day, Girl Scouts Day, and Plant a Flower Day Life is too short to work so hard. - Vivien LeighMeal Suggestion for today - GoulashDrink of the Day - Apple ManhattanWine of the Day - Rupert & Rothschild Baroness Nadine Chardonnay, Western Cape, South AfricaDestination of the Day - Klang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Selangor Eurodam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 3-14 Koningsdam Moorea Island, Society Islands, French Polynesia 18:00 Depart Nieuw Amsterdam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida Nieuw Statendam Nassau, Bahamas 09:00 - 17:00 Oosterdam Montevideo, Uruguay 09:00 - 19:00 Rotterdam Willemstad, Curacao 08:00 - ? Volendam Bridgetown, Barbados 09:00 - 19:00 Zaandam Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala 08:00 - 18:00 Zuiderdam Port Elizabeth, South Africa 09:00 - 18:00Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Melbourne, Victoria Australia 08:00 - 17:00 Westerdam Yokohama, Tokyo, Japan Kanagawa 07:00 - 16:00 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  17. Thank you Vanessa for the wonderful list keeping! We are going to miss you when you're gone on that TA you have planned next month! Maureen, nice to see you back but I sure hope it isn't Covid you have. And also I hope your DH gets his surgery as scheduled and doesn't come down with anything. Sad news about the cousin you lost. We are definitely getting to that age. We need to live life to the fullest while we can. Terri, thank you for your kind words. We're doing our best to keep things running here. I hope the remainder of the bathroom renovation happens quickly this week. Nice of you two to celebrate Eugene on his birthday up in heaven. From what you say he was a big part of your lives for quite a long time. Sorry about the continued pain. Prayers for some relief for you. Thanks for your pictures from St.-Denis. First ones of the day. What a horrifying event in your son's life! That is an extremely powerful earthquake. Very thoughtful of you to keep the candle burning for those who lost their lives that day. Congrats to you and your son for the awards you both won. You two must be pretty good golfers! Happy Birthday to dear sister Sue! 🎂 Isn't it great you are able to all celebrate together nowadays? The flowers you are making look so real! Great job! Sorry to hear about the leak though. It's the worst, isn't it? Thanks for your photos, too and welcome to the Daily. Oh no on all the people you knew passing recently. That's really shocking news. Yes, I also couldn't get on CC earlier today. It worked on my phone but not on my laptop. I'm glad they got it fixed. Very nice of you to worry about me Graham. Just a busy day! After treadmill and breakfast I did a quick run to the gym and did the weight machines. Then when home again, DH wanted to head to the grocery store which we did. Then he needed help getting the 10 foot aluminum stepladder down from it's hanging spot high on the garage wall. He wanted to clean a gutter and found the problem with it was a bunch of leaves clogging the drain pipe. Then lunch hour and 3 loads of laundry. Then I collapsed on the sofa and watched some TV. Hope I am caught up for the night because we turn our clocks forward one hour and my morning will come all too soon. Don't forget to set your clocks forward tonight! Disregard this Graham, I think yours comes later. lol OMG! My DB just texted me that he received a letter from a foundation stating his medication for pulmonary fibrosis will be paid for 100%!! It's a miracle that we've all been praying for this week. Now maybe he has a chance to live a longer life. I'm so grateful! Thank you all for your prayers for him.🙏🎉🥂
  18. Can you confirm your itinerary this next week? This is what is published on cruisetimetables.com Willemstad, Curacao (12 Mar 0800(+1)); Kralendijk, Bonaire (13 Mar 0700-2000); Puerto Plata/Amber Cove, Dominican Republic (15 Mar 0800-1700); Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos (16 Mar 0700-1800); Fort Lauderdale, Florida (18 Mar 0700-1500) Checking for the Daily & Fleet Report. Thanks!
  19. Thanks Rich for updating your destination. I thought there was a mistake on the Daily info this morning but saw your post so quickly changed it back to Port Elizabeth. You must have updated the list on halfacts.com immediately after the change. I appreciate all you do to keep the lists updated and hope you enjoy your visit to Port Elizabeth!
  20. Good morning friends! It's a lot colder this morning. 42F with our high later going to 62, some sun but mostly cloudy as the day goes on. I hope the weather is nice where you are. Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report material. Several of the ports were different than their original itineraries and I changed Nieuw Amsterdam and Rotterdam so I hope that's alright. I thought Zuiderdam was incorrect also until I took a look at your post a little earlier today and see your Zuiderdam had a last minute change of plans. This keeping up with the ships is hard work and I don't know how you do it without going a little crazy! Hats off to you! Today we have some interesting days to celebrate. We've been at this a while so I can remember Johnny Appleseed Day from last year! Good job Johnny at introducing apple trees to large parts of the United States. Next is Worship of Tools Day. Well, I think I can heartily support tools which help us get jobs and chores done. Where we be without them? Last is International Fanny Pack Day. At one time these were quite popular but have fallen out of favor for most. A little geeky maybe but they sure were handy at keeping your "stuff" right at hand.😁 Today's quote is great and actually sounds like a toast.🥂 As for the menu suggestion, I love regular lasagna but I understand vegetarian lasagna is necessary for those who don't eat meat. The drink I have never heard of and I have no idea what the wine is. Help, Dixie@summer slope and Ann @cat shepard!! The port today is a brand new one and probably not one many of us have traveled to. Saint-Denis, Reunion Island. Therefore I don't have a link today and am crossing my fingers we get some photos from someone! I'm sure they will be very interesting. Prayers today for all on our Care list and for anyone not on the list and needing them. Also for the trouble spots in the world with so many people hurting. 🙏 Hoping all on the Celebration list are enjoying their cruises and happy days. We salute you!🎉🥂 To all Dailyites, have a wonderful Saturday!
  21. Today is Johnny Appleseed Day, Worship of Tools Day, and International Fanny Pack Day May you live every day of your life.--Jonathan SwiftMeal Suggestion for today - Vegetarian LasagnaDrink of the Day - ZarzaWine of the Day - Destiny Bay Waiheke Island Magna Praemia 2020Destination of the Day - Saint-Denis, Reunion Island Eurodam Puerto Limon, Costa Rica 06:30 - 16:00 Koningsdam Moorea Island, Society Islands, French Polynesia 08:00 Arrive Nieuw Amsterdam Half Moon Cay, Bahamas 08:00-15:00 Nieuw Statendam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Oosterdam Buenos Aires, Argentina - 18:00 Rotterdam Oranjestad, Aruba 14:00-23:59 Volendam At Sea Destination Bridgetown, Barbados eta 3-12 Zaandam At Sea Destination Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala eta 3/12 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Port Elizabeth, South Africa eta 3/12Eastern Hemisphere Noordam At Sea Destination Melbourne, Victoria Australia eta 3-13 Westerdam At Sea Destination Yokohama, Tokyo, Japan Kanagawa eta 3-13 Sandi for Rich and Roy
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