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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Dixie, I'm sorry about your kitty. I hope the ultrasound shows nothing serious. Thank you for posting our Care and Celebration lists for us today. Great job!👍 Nancy, thanks for the photos of your arrival in Boca da Valeria today. Beautiful sunrise and sunset. I'm so glad to hear you got to see the pink dolphins! What a weird thing to happen with the 911 call. Thankfully you were okay!😅 Hope you have a great Farkle Friday with your family tonight. Plenty of new chairs to seat everyone. Great cat photo. So interesting about the thumbs. What a nice photo of your sweet daughter enjoying her cruise. That's the life! I'm very glad your DH's medical report yesterday was good news. Hopefully the remainder of the tests come back good as well.🙏 Wonderful photos of the local people during your visit. I know they must have loved your offerings. Not sure I'd want to stand too close to the boy with the baby alligator/crocodile/caiman. Thank you for that update. I'll make a note to myself to change the Fleet Report tomorrow. But it sure is a bummer not visiting there.😒 Thank you for sharing your photos from all the Charlottetown visits. You are very lucky to make all those port visits since I've heard weather is often an issue there. At least that's what I've been told and was the reason our cruise didn't make it there. Bob, I do remember that! Back in those days, I watched Regis and Kelly every day and remember how beautiful the setting was for that day's show. That's one reason I wanted to go there. Great news about the tilers! Now no one has to get after them. You may learn to love the Mexican music by middle of next week. LOL You are right about the trial in South Carolina. Everybody has had their eyes glued to the news reports on that case. Ann, I'm very sorry to hear your DH and DD are having health problems. That's a lot! Not to mention the Prolia dilemma. I hope things turn around soon for all of you and that we see you here more often. Nine hours sleep! That's at least two nights' worth for me. Hope that type of sleep routine continues for you. Karen, I'm happy for you that DH is coming home finally. It's been a while. I hope his heel continues to get better so he can walk again. Good luck! What?? How dare they renege on the deal? Call them and be the squeaky wheel.🤬 Thank you so much for your great photos in Charlottetown. Interesting seeing the decor inside. I totally agree, it's not good when you wake up at 12, 1 or 2 am and find out you have only slept a few hours. Good idea Lenda about the tilers helping out by assembling the table. Hopefully Terri didn't already pay Wayfair, and she can hand some bills over to the tilers instead. They may be interested.💲
  2. It IS a good idea and interesting your town was thinking about doing it. Did it ever come to pass? They should have a lift of some kind for the pedestrians having to walk up that steep hill, too because it wasn't an easy walk. If you don't walk to the fortress on the hill you might never see it. The second time I was in Trondheim no one was using it so I'm glad I got the photos of the women using it the first visit. Thanks for your information on the Noordam! I hope I can do a decent job of reporting on the ships in New Zealand from now on. Enjoy your new kitten.
  3. Good morning friends! Today it is 60F, cloudy with rain or thunderstorms expected at some point during the day and a high of 75. First, thanks to Rich @richwmnfor collecting all the data needed for this report before his World Cruise. We appreciate you so much! We have some very nice days to celebrate this Friday. First Caregiver Appreciation Day. If you are a regular reader of the Daily you know there are many caregivers here on this thread. A sharp salute to all of you and we pray for strength for you to continue doing that important job each day. Secondly, I Want You To Be Happy Day. What a thoughtful thing to celebrate. Third, If Pets Had Thumbs Day. That is an interesting one. Imagine how much trouble our pets would get into if they did. 😂 An interesting quote this morning, and a fish dish for Debbie @dfish to feature. I eat small amounts of fish so will pay attention to see if it would work for me. I will pass on the drink and Chardonnay. Prayers for all in need today which includes the Daily Care list and those around the world suffering from natural and unnatural disaster. Special prayers for the police officers in the news this week who have been shot, either killed or injured. Prayers also for their families. 🙏 Cheers to all on the Celebration list right now. We are all so happy for you and wish you well.🥂 For those cruising, fair winds and following seas.🚢 Today's port if the lovely port of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. It was posted here once before on September 26, 2021 so below you will find the link to retrieve photos. I wish I'd been in Charlottetown, PEI as we were scheduled to in 2018. The weather on our New England cruise was not good near Charlottetown and our Captain had to skip it. That was a major disappointment. I have it on my bucket list and intend to get there someday. Note to Terri's @Cruzin Terri's tile contractor, you'd better show up today or we're all coming after you!😉 Here's hoping everyone will have a safe and enjoyable day!
  4. Today is Caregiver Appreciation Day, I Want You to be Happy Day, and If Pets Had Thumbs Day True life is lived when tiny changes occur. - Leo TolstoyMeal Suggestion for today - Yellowtail with Glass Noodles and PearDrink of the Day - Orchard TwistWine of the Day - Grgich Hills Chardonnay, Napa Valley, CaliforniaDestination of the Day - Charlottetown, PEI Canada Eurodam Dry Dock Bahamas Bahamas until 3/3 Koningsdam At Sea Destination Fanning Island, Line Islands, Kiribati eta 3-04 Nieuw Amsterdam At Sea Destination Half Moon Cay, Bahamas eta 3-04 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 3-04 Oosterdam Ushuaia, Argentina 12:00 - 20:00 Rotterdam Fort-de-France, Martinique 07:00 - 16:00 Volendam Boca da Valeria, Brazil Amazon 08:00 - 14:00 Zaandam Half Moon Cay, Bahamas 08:00 - 15:00 Zuiderdam Saint-Denis, Reunion Island 08:00 - 18:00Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Fiordland National Park, New Zealand Westerdam Manila, Luzon Island, Philippines 08:00 - 17:00 Notice on this map the Volendam in the center of Brazil, an interesting place for a cruise ship to be - on the Amazon River Sandi for Rich and Roy
  5. Thanks for your viewpoint Paul. At 5 am with not much sleep it's really hard to analyze positions especially because that date is nearly over by the time we see the Fleet Report. I'll just post what is on Halfacts.com/Daily and be done with it. 🥴
  6. Yes, I see it there on the webcam. I've been having this debate every day lately on the position of the Noordam. Twelve hours from this point in time I will be posting the Daily for March 3 here in the U.S. When I look at the time at that point in New Zealand, it will be approximately 11pm on March 3 and the Noordam will have left the port listed on Halfacts.com/Daily and will be heading to the next port. Therefore I try to update to its actual position or where it is actually heading at that point in time. Does that make sense? I've been trying to be accurate. Anyone have any ideas what is the correct way to do this? Edited to say, I just checked cruisetimetables.com and see that I may have jumped one day forward on the itinerary this morning. I apologize if I have posted incorrectly at times. Perhaps I should try not to overthink the position at that date and time and just post as it is listed on halfacts. We can all look at the maps posted and see approximately where the ship is located.
  7. Hugs to Sarah on this sad day for her, and to you and Pauline for being there for Sarah. I'm sure the widow, family and friends are having a difficult time grasping their loss. Vanessa, I hope your eye problem eases soon. It looks like you have a lot of experience with this particular issue. Eight hours sleep sounds wonderful! I took some Benadryl last night but woke up at 1:30 and stayed up for quite a while. Eventually I dozed and woke up at 4 for the day. Still, I'm pretty used to it so I guess I will live. LOL! I remember those barges too. The water looked pretty high in your fishing photos. Did they mention anything about water levels? As you recall, the water levels were low around Manaus in Nov.-Dec. and we could only arrive during daytime hours. Are you still heading to Boca da Valeria tomorrow? Thanks again for the memes! Great fun. Your lobster looked great and sounds like you had an enjoyable day. And why is it the men are sleeping so well, or at least most of you are. I give up!🤷‍♀️ Excellent news! So sorry to hear about your neighbor passing away Joy. She sounds like a remarkable woman. I hope her cats are happy in their new homes, and it was wonderful of her to think about their welfare in advance. Hope you are all having fun on your Koningsdam cruise! @Sharon in AZit's nice when the snow arrives somewhere that people will appreciate it. Not at my home please! Well, I was home earlier than I thought I would be this morning. Before my hair appointment I ran into an adjacent grocery store to replenish our wine and beer supply. That done, I went into the hair salon and was told my stylist, who owns the salon, was sick with a stomach bug today. She said she texted me to cancel the appointment but obviously she texted my landline. No text. She did that once before, and since then I have texted her several times, and she back to me. But not today! So I went home with a rescheduled appointment for next Friday. Luckily the rain wasn't too bad while gone, but it's rained pretty hard since I got home. When a new lake appears on the golf course fairway behind us you know it was a heavy rain. DH is upset with Amazon today. He ordered something Sunday and of course your prime membership delivery is supposed to be two days, right? Well, that never happens anymore. You know why? They send these packages all over the country on their way to your house. Yesterday morning the package was in Atlanta where it originated, and then they sent it off to Katy, Texas yesterday afternoon. So now it's there in Katy. What is wrong with this picture? We live 30 to 40 miles from Atlanta depending on north or south. Somebody made a boo-boo!
  8. Terry, I'm sorry the doctor found something on the CT scan the other day. Hopefully the cardiologist has a simple treatment for the aorta problem🙏 Your DD's cats are very good looking animals. They look well cared for. Be careful driving out there today. I could send you some rain, Ann, if you really need some. Plenty to spare! Hope you have a nice day and maybe even a shower or two for your plants. I'm leaving here in an hour and we've already had some rain but it's not doing much right now. It will come in waves today. I hope we don't get as much as they say we will.
  9. Thank you Vanessa for the comprehensive list today and for including my DB. It was very sad reading about the Nieuw Statendam entertainment team passing away yesterday.😢 That last meme is so funny! I read it to DH and he laughed, too. I hope the storm coming your way isn't as bad as the meteorologist predicts. Is your elbow doing any better this morning? Hope you have a good day and get a lot done off your list. This photo is amazing! One of the prettiest I've seen of San Diego. Thanks!
  10. After we left the Cathedral we walked to the Gamle Bybro bridge, called the Old Town Bridge. It's become the symbol of Trondheim and connects the two banks of the river Nidelven. It was first built in 1681. Continuing on We were headed uphill towards the Kristiansten Fortress built in 1685. Very steep climb. On the hill along the curb was a bicycle lift. You put your right food on a triangular shaped metal pad that rises up the hill as you sit on your bike and it does all the work. Here's a pic of someone using it. Anyway we got up to the Fortress and walked around quite a bit there. Lots to see inside. At the bottom of the hill we enjoyed seeing the little shops and restaurants as we headed back to the ship. Back to the lovely Prinsendam I hope you get to Trondheim someday, too. That's all for me. Thanks for your patience. I hope all of you have a wonderful day!!
  11. Good morning friends! Today will be a stormy day so I hope I don't get encounter high winds with falling trees and flooding streets as I go to and from my hair appointment. Why does bad weather occur the one day a week you have an appointment? Anyway, it is 66F, cloudy with a high of 70 expected and I can see the storm heading towards me on the weather radar map. Sigh... Today we can celebrate Old Stuff Day. Now you can either prize your old belongings or you can interpret it to mean it's time to get rid of it. Many on the Daily seem to be tossing and donating their old stuff and at our age it makes sense. I haven't reached that decision yet. Ahh, here's a day for all of you. International Rescue Cat Day! Cats are popular with our Dailyites. Also our friends from UK and Ireland can celebrate World Book Day, and probably don't mind if the rest of us join in. An interesting Socrates quote. Can't wait to see what Debbie @dfishdoes with the Vegan Shepherd's Pie recipes. No thanks to the drink and wine for me. I have to say thanks to Rich @richwmnfor the content of today's Daily and Fleet Report. Preparing it all ahead of time was genius but a lot of work for him. I hope he is now enjoying his time away from home on the World Cruise. Thanks also go to Vanessa @JazzyVwho is handling the Care and Celebration lists, as well as Ann @cat shepard, Dixie @summer slope, and Debbie @dfishfor their reports every day. We have a lot of people to pray for and I hope you will join me in the prayers🙏 Included on the list are the people from around the world in turmoil from their various disasters. Also we have those rejoicing with their celebrations and happy times. Those especially on their cruises, have a wonderful time. We are all fortunate to be able to do that.🥂🚢 Today our port of the day is Trondheim, Norway, another beautiful Norwegian city. It was listed here once on February 20, 2022 and I will post Rich's link from that date below for your convenience. We went to Trondheim in 2016 on the Best Norway Cruise Ever on Prinsendam, and then again last summer on our Island Princess (Covid) cruise. I was out of Covid jail, but DH was still in so I walked around there on my own. I'll show my photos from 2016. On July 1, 2016 the Prinsendam arrived in Trondheim, Norway. It was also Canada Day so later that evening we had a great celebration at our dinner table, since our 4 tablemates were from Canada. Three days later we all 6 celebrated July 4th Independence Day. Here are some arrival photos. On our left as we entered the harbor was the Munkholmen, an ancient fortress island. Look who was on the bridge wing. Captain D.D. We departed the ship and walked towards the the famous Nidaros Cathedral. But we had lots to see before we arrived there. I love the fact the Norwegians aren't afraid of using color on their buildings. On the way to the Cathedral we passed the Church of Our Lady, St. Mary's, built at nearly the same time as Nidaros Cathedral. Oh my, we passed by lots of interesting places on our way to the Cathedral. Parks, squares, shopping malls, statues, murals on walls. We finally arrived at the Nidaros Cathedral but for some reason I couldn't get a level photo of the front of it. All of them seemed to tilt! I tried over and over. That was the best I guess. This Cathedral was built in 1070 and is the largest one in northern Europe. Pretty impressive from the outside. I wondered if they gave tours of the inside so went into the visitor center across from it to see. There were very long lines but when I saw the very expensive ticket price I decided to pass on waiting for a tour. We had lots of other places to see in Trondheim, too. It was massive so we walked all the way around but could never get a photo of the whole thing in one shot. This will have to do! I have about 3 dozen photos but did see this one finally as we left the property. You can see a lot of it here, except where the one tree in the middle is blocking the view. There are so many photos of Trondheim I will post now and begin another post to finish them up.
  12. Today is Old Stuff Day, International Rescue Cat Day, and World Book Day (UK & Ireland) Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued. - SocratesMeal Suggestion for today - Vegan Shepherd's PieDrink of the Day - BurgundyWine of the Day - Clarendelle Rouge inspired by Haut- Brion, Bordeaux, FranceDestination of the Day - Trondheim, Norway Eurodam Dry Dock Bahamas Bahamas until 3/3 Koningsdam At Sea Destination Fanning Island, Line Islands, Kiribati eta 3-04 Nieuw Amsterdam St Thomas Island USVI, Charlotte Amalie, US Virgin Islands 07:00 - 16:00 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 3-04 Oosterdam Punta Arenas, Chile Antarctica 06:00 - 18:00 Rotterdam Bridgetown, Barbados 08:00 - 17:00 Volendam Santarem, Brazil Amazon 08:00 - 18:00 Zaandam At Sea Destination Half Moon Cay, Bahamas eta 3-03 Zuiderdam Port Louis, Mauritius Island 08:00 - 19:00Eastern Hemisphere Noordam At Sea Destination Fiordland National Park eta 3-04 Westerdam Boracay Island, Caticlan, Philippines 10:00 - 18:00 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  13. Thank you Terri. We all have our problems that we are wrapped up in. All any of us can do is pray, and I appreciate yours and the others here.
  14. Thank you! Here she is on the webcam. By the time we get up in the morning she will be at sea heading to Dunedin, NZ. A little more difficult to keep up with our time differences. Looks like a lovely day there.
  15. Thank you Graham. Yes, it is such sad news. I can't imagine my thoughts if I was told I had a terminal disease, yet it happens to people everywhere every day. Unbelievable that asbestos still isn't banned in the U.S. 🤬 Yes, very tough for everyone, and way too expensive to treat. Doctor said he has one patient who has taken the medication and has lived 10 years. DB has the IPF too - ideopathic meaning no known cause. My DB will turn 70 March 14 so each birthday he has left will be precious to him. Excellent news about your DH's bone in his spine growing well and no restrictions. Best of luck as he progresses. Thank you for your comments about DB. We're all still in shock at this diagnosis.
  16. Because the weather tomorrow is supposed to be rain and/or thunderstorms and I already have a morning hair salon appointment, this morning after treadmill and breakfast I drove to the gym for another workout. I'm trying to get those in about 3 times a week now. DH still uses his Total Gym machine but I'm going another route. I'm feeling hardly any soreness now and hoping it helps strengthen my muscles. In addition, I was sent an email notifying me the blood tests results are back, and everything looked great. One item was a tiny bit higher than the normal range, but when I looked it up the article said that test can be affected by dehyrdration so I feel all is well. PA Amy will be happy next week when I go in. My DB has seen a specialist about his lung disease and definitely has pulmonary fibrosis, scarring in the lungs causing trouble breathing. This is a terminal disease and doctors tell him average lifespan is 3 years. There are 2 FDA approved treatments to slow it down, each cost $10,000/month with possible grant availability for what insurance does not cover. It might help bring down the cost to $3,000 a month, still a ridiculous amount. The application process for one of the treatments, OFEV, has begun. The process is convoluted. Once he begins treatment, he will see the doc once a month with blood draw to check liver function. After 3 months, if everything looks good, he will be seen and tested every 3 months. He is almost certain this was caused by his job as a lithographer at a can factory where they made soda and beer cans. They use a printing method on aluminum that uses a chemical reaction. He said he thinks part of it was caused by 25 years of breathing toxic fumes, using hazardous materials, and working around asbestos. He was never a smoker. He also states a majority of his former coworkers died of emphysema or lung cancer. I wonder if we could put him on the Care list rotation? Terry @smitty34877 is this the same disease that Tana has? Didn't you mention that hers got worse after having Covid, because that is what happened to DB.
  17. That's a nice service they have, and I didn't even know they had it available. Simplifying our lives is a good thing.
  18. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful town! It's wonderful how welcoming the citizens are to cruise ship passengers. Thank you for sharing them.
  19. Terry, prayers that your DH's tests and doctor appointment go well. 🙏 Thank goodness your DD can move over to your side of the house to stay with Tana when you are away. You don't need worries about what's going on at home when you're dealing with DH's medical issues. Vanessa, thank you for your hard work posting our Cares and Celebrations! I appreciate it so much. Good to hear you're getting your rest Roy. It helps the healing. Hope you're having a good sea day today. Might be a river but it's a wide one! Thanks for mentioning the three police officers in KC. They have such dangerous jobs and I applaud all who decide that will be their life's work. Joy, hope you got some more sleep after posting. I really hope the seas are gentle enough to tender to Fanning Island. It's so interesting to stroll around and meeting the residents there. Ann, I'm glad to hear Bindi is back to her old self now. That must be some special mail carrier if their absence causes such a reaction. Thanks for your work in presenting the wine descriptions each day. We have a dedicated "staff" here on the Daily.😁 Carol, hope you are feeling better after the UTI and sciatica pain. No fun at all, I'm sure. I'm very happy to hear your DD wasn't in the direct path of that tornado. We drove downtown yesterday and the area north of town is still a wreck. The trees came down all over the place, and some of the wooded areas were practically barren. There are piles of tree debris along the roadways waiting to be hauled away. It's been almost 7 weeks since they struck our little town. Good to hear you have been to Saguenay. Do you have any photos to share? Wow, more great memes again today. Love to have something to smile about. Excellent recipes again today. They look really good. Take care while shoveling snow especially the heavy piles at the street. I remember always having to shovel out a driving path at the street for our mail carriers to deliver the mail. Most times the snow was over the top edge of the mailbox. ❄️ That happened to our Myrtle Beach cruise friend. He flew to Bangkok leaving the day before his birthday and arrived the day after. We dined together every evening and I'm sure we asked for a birthday cake for the poor guy. At the other extreme, I celebrated my birthday two days in a row on our way to and from Fanning Island (where Joy is headed). So technically I'm a year older than my twin sister instead of only 6 minutes. 👶 Graham, that looks like a pretty fancy lunch. I see you like your fish and chips with garden peas instead of mushy peas, like I do. If you're celebrating an event today looks like you picked the right place to do it. Thank you Lenda. Bad news about the weeds surviving your spraying. I wish our landscaping company (provided by HOA) could do a better job on the weeds. I hate seeing them. I had a lot fewer of them when I was the one doing the yard work. Your slow cooker short ribs sound good. Terri I hope you enjoy your Italy trip and get to do the Canada/New England cruise another day. Why do they keep postponing your appointment down at the Mayo Clinic? (Besides your convenience) Good luck with your injection today. Needles are a touchy subject with me since yesterday.🙁 Nice of you to help BFF go through his DD DF's belongings. 👍 Well said. 😂 Hang in there - only a few more months at the shelter. You can do this! I hope you have a great visit today with your DH. So cool he was talkative yesterday during your phone call. Oh no! Have you figured out what caused you both to get sick after dinner? I hope your DH made it safely back from his errand today. I'm happy to hear you got more sleep last night, too. Your photos from Saguenay are so good. Love the costumes. Thanks for posting them. I would love to go there on a Canada/New England cruise. I see you got an answer to your question. On Orange Party day I wear an orange T shirt during the day, and have a dress with several colors including some orange so I can wear that to dinner. I also have a heavy scarf with cream/black/tan and orange on it that I can use as a shawl on dress up nights with a black dress. Doesn't take much to get into the spirit.
  20. Terri prayers for you as you deal with DH's health problems. 🙏 And don't worry about the table. It will get done and you two don't have to strain yourselves trying to lift, move and assemble it. Feeling a lot better today with some extra sleep last night. And yesterday was an especially busy day. Thanks for your support. Welcome to the Daily! Hope to see you here again. Bailey is so adorable! Good that she's graduating from her beginners class. My DGDog Sadie is 11 months and went to puppy kindergarten. It helped but DD says she's going to 1st grade soon. LOL! Apparently Milo the 2 month old is doing okay so far. DD took 2 personal days from school to stay home and help the dogs to acclimate. We love photos of the pets so please share as Bailey gets older. Tell us what breed she is. Sadie and Milo (and Gracie before them) are cavapoos. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and poodle.
  21. Graham, you are just the first one to wish @RedneckBobhappy birthday. Never to early to do that! Hope you are having a wonderful day in a wet North East England!
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