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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit!🐇 Good morning this first day of March. Here in my neck of the woods it is 57F, cloudy with a high expected of 76. Today I have nothing planned except to keep up. I did sleep last night thanks to a Benadryl and hope everyone else got some rest too. Thank you to Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet report content he provided and I hope he is enjoying his cruise so far. Sounds like he has from his postings. Thanks in advance to all our posters new and old but especially Vanessa @JazzyVfor the lists and the Food and Beverage ladies. We really appreciate you! Today our celebration days are National Pig Day🐷. I hadn't thought about them much but ironic today's meal is pork chops. Ouch! It is also Peace Corps Day which is a good one since everyone wants peace worldwide. In addition we have Peanut Butter Lovers Day. I like it as do most of us I bet. Hopefully none here are allergic. An interesting quote and a strange sounding drink. The shiraz would be nice I would think, provided you like red wine. The port is Saguenay, Quebec, Canada which is the third time for that destination. It was first posted here May 13, 2021 and last time was July 19, 2022. My one and only New England cruise did not go to that destination. Here are links to Rich's post those dates. Prayers today for all on the Care list and I'm sure we have quite a few people listed. Just yesterday we heard from some members on the challenges they face so be assured we are thinking of you, supporting you and praying for you.🙏 There are also people around the world facing things that no one wants to endure. Ukraine citizens, the earthquake victims and their families, people with toxic air, water, and soil in East Palestine, Ohio. Those involved in cyclones in New Zealand. Praying for peace and calm on earth! But in addition we can rejoice with those with good news and happy events such as holidays especially on our favorite mode of transportation - cruising! Enjoy life while you can!!🙂🥂🎉 I hope I haven't forgotten anything or anyone! If so I will be back later, and will be reading all about your days! Have a great one!
  2. Today is National Pig Day, Peace Corps Day, and Peanut Butter Lovers' Day Life begins at the end of your comfort zone -- Neale Donald WalschMeal Suggestion for today - Glazed Honey Balsamic Pork ChopsDrink of the Day - Chocolate Covered BerriesWine of the Day - Backsberg Pumphouse Shiraz, Paarl, South AfricaDestination of the Day - Saguenay, Quebec, Canada Eurodam Dry Dock Bahamas Bahamas until 3/3 Koningsdam At Sea Destination Fanning Island, Line Islands, Kiribati eta 3-04 Nieuw Amsterdam San Juan, Puerto Rico 13:00 - 22:00 Nieuw Statendam Willemstad Curacao, Netherlands Antilles 07:00 - 16:00 Oosterdam At Sea Destination Punta Arenas, Chile Antarctica eta 3-02 Rotterdam Castries, St Lucia Island 08:00 - 16:00 Volendam At Sea Destination Santarem, Brazil Amazon eta 3-02 Zaandam At Sea Destination Half Moon Cay, Bahamas eta 3-03 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Port Louis, Mauritius Island eta 3-02Eastern Hemisphere Noordam At Sea Destination Lyttelton-Christchurch, New Zealand 08:00 - 19:00 eta 3-02 Westerdam Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island, Philippines 08:00 - 17:00 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  3. I think I will try the blue bubble posting method that Vanessa @JazzyV mentioned and that several of you like to do, too. Here goes! @kazuJacqui, thanks for the Iceland-Greenland meme. Loved it! I hope you get all your seeds planted on time. @cat shepardAnn I hope Bindi is back to her normal calmness soon. @JazzyVVanessa, great job on the Care and Celebration lists. Thank you! Thanks also for the amazing photos from Christchurch. It must have been so interesting. They have the ball time signal in Greenwich, England, too. I believe the signal was at about 1 pm there. @ger_77Gerry hoping to hear your DH's tooth was replaced today. Maybe the denturist should start using your super glue. 😆 Nice of your trusted friend to give you a hand setting up the new computer. @smitty34877Terry pretty snow pic (if you like snow). I hope your DH's tests come back in a positive way. @ottahand7Nancy I'm glad you enjoyed your Belem tour but that late couple should be ashamed of themselves. Thank you for your photos too. You are certainly having some lovely dinners onboard the Volendam. On our Amazon cruise they scheduled the Crossing the Equator festivities for after the third crossing. @dfishDebbie the dining set looks great in your dining room. I'm glad all the snow that fell didn't delay the delivery today. The tortellini skillet dinner looks delicious! @superoma Eva Happy 53rd Anniversary! The flowers are beautiful! @aliaschiefBruce it's good to hear someone is sleeping well. Wish we could all join your well rested club! The memes each day continue to make me laugh out loud! Maybe I need to de-stress on a world cruise like Rich is doing. 😉 @Crazy For CatsJake I hope you can easily fall back to sleep with all the wake up calls from the kids. I'd be an even bigger mess than I already am🥴. @Cruzin TerriTerri hope you sleep better tonight too. Amazing that your DH can sleep just about anywhere including standing up. Hopefully the table arrived today and you and DH can get it set up soon. Good luck waiting for the tiler. You should be making good progress on the unpacking of the boxes in the meantime. @marshhawkAnnie, I'm sorry to hear of the problems with neighborhood pilferers. We always keep our doors locked, ever since we lived near the prison that Charles Manson was locked up in out in Northern California. We weren't taking any chances! @kochleffel Paul, sleep if you can because it can't hurt you. We are envious.😴 Thank you for the photo from Valdemossa. Nutty weather! @cruising sisterLorraine hope you got some public sleeping in today on your flight. Have a wonderful time! Your new airport looks nice. @Quartzsite CruiserLenda good idea your tour guide had telling everyone to arrive back at the bus 30 minutes early and letting you all know the actual time would be 30 minutes later. Did the couple ever catch on? When my late sister was first married and had several toddlers she would always be late for Sunday dinner at our parent's house. So we just told her dinner was 30 minutes earlier than planned. It worked great! @AncientWandererMaxine thank you for telling us of your experience in Christchurch, taking the City Line tour bus from Akaroa. I love visiting botanical gardens. I love the 4 am bathroom visit meme. If I woke up at 4 am I would just stay awake since I would normally get out of bed within the hour to begin the Daily and then do the treadmill. Actually I'd be thrilled to sleep from 10 pm to 4 am. Maybe I'll try the Benadryl route Sharon mentioned. @TiogaCruiser Laura,I love your creativity with the flowers. This event should be outstanding. @Safety SquirrelEdna, thank you for your discussion of the Churchill tour. We love learning new things. @rafinmdRoy, thanks for the photos from Christchurch. I hope the foot continues to go down in swelling. @Seasick Sailorthanks for the reminder about Honolulu instead of Kauai today. I simply forgot to note that today. Nawiliwili is difficult on a good day. Are you leaving for Fanning Island, Kiribati Wednesday? Arriving March 4? Also thanks for the sleep advice. @luvteachingKaren, it's good to hear your DH is doing well lately and will be home soon. It's better to be safe than sorry with driving on slippery roads. @Cruising-alongCarolyn, good luck with all your medical appointments. And I do feel like a lump tonight. Sweet dreams to you tonight! @NextOneEdi, glad to hear your new X-rays and tests look good! But I hope there won't be a need for a heart valve replacement. My Mom had two replaced with pig valves in the late 1990's. I don't know if they still use those these days. While we were out today we saw blooming trees of all colors and kinds. Spring is showing up early, so we'd better watch out for the unexpected March or April snow. @Sharon in AZSharon it's too bad you've been experiencing heartburn and stomach problems lately. Hoping tomorrow is a better day for you. @lazey1Jane, what a terrible month you've had! I'm so sorry you have to go through so many procedures and appointments to get some answers. Also I hate to hear of the congestive heart failure diagnosis. Thankfully the medications seem to be helping. After hearing this I am going to try not to complain about losing sleep even if it does make me feel crummy. We should always try to look on the bright side of things. Prayers for you that things improve for you very soon, and good luck with all the doctor visits. Well sorry this took so long to finish. Dinner was in the middle there, too, so it couldn't be helped. I don't like not being able to read and keep up with the Daily all day long. This one time reply at the end of the day is for the birds! Now I know how @erewhonfeels. Well, see you all in the morning. I have 9 hours to relax and wind down!
  4. Well, this turned out to be an even busier day than I anticipated. I arrived at the doctor's office (where the lab was) 10 minutes before opening and I was 4th in line to get in. It took about 20 to 25 minutes for them to get to me. Unfortunately, for the first time ever my excellent veins weren't cooperating. She wasn't getting enough blood to fill the tubes so she had to stick me in each arm! We decided it was because I had drunk only about 8 oz. of water beforehand and my exercise may have caused me to be dehyrdrated. I take an 8 oz. bottle of water down to the treadmill each morning, then eat breakfast which usually has O.J. and milk included. Next time I go to get blood drawn I will drink a lot more water even if I haven't exercised beforehand. I've never had to have both arms stuck to get all the blood needed and don't intend to repeat that! Following the lab we went to Kroger for groceries and gas, and headed home where I was able to have a snack of yogurt and banana along with lots to drink. Feeling refreshed I decided to go to the gym for some weight resistance, so I walked the short distance there and back. Unfortunately with our temps in the high 70's today, that wasn't as much fun as 6 or 7 am walking! It was hot!🥵 And yes, I had water with me. After lunch we decided we needed some items from Sam's Club so drove there and got the items plus some meats. Then it was nap time! I did get a little sleep at that point though right in the middle I woke myself up with some of my chronic coughing. So here I am finally trying to catch up on the Daily! I shall return later with more posting once I see what everyone else did today.
  5. Go for it! You deserve it.😴 Sounds fascinating! If you have any photos you can share we'd love to see them.
  6. You and Pauline are both welcome. We couldn't have found a nicer couple than the two of you.🙂 I'm sorry you joined the 3 a.m. club last night along with the rest of us. I wish I had waited until 3 a.m. to wake up. 1 a.m. is ridiculous! Off to the treadmill now and listening to the morning news on my bluetooth headphone. Meanwhile, try to take a little nap today. I'm going to try.
  7. Good morning friends! Or is it? I went to bed at 10 pm and awoke at 1 am. Then I tossed and turned waiting to fall back asleep. It never happened and I'm so tired this morning. If I didn't have to get blood drawn after the lab opens at 8 am, then get groceries, and also get over to the gym for a workout I would go back to bed now. Maybe after the workout. I am doing my miles on the treadmill as soon as I finish here. 😴 Thanks to Rich, Vanessa, Ann, Dixie and Debbie for their assistance in putting together today's Daily and Fleet Report for you. I'm simply the messenger. Sorry I'm a little too weary for the blue bubbles today. I'm sure many will celebrate Floral Design Day, not to mention the fabulous National Chili Day! DH doesn't have that on our menu any day this week. I know because he showed me our shopping list and plans for meals last night. I love chili! However Public Sleeping is not really accepted in some circles. I hope I don't fall asleep in public today! Today we also have a J. K. Rowling quote for all her fans. The Cheesy Tortellini and Sausage Bake sounds tasty. It will be interesting to see all the recipes. (no food for me this morning - darn!). I'm sure many will enjoy the drink and wine of the day. Prayers for all on the Care list today and three cheers to those on the Celebration list. Hoping for better days ahead for those ailing or in pain. And smooth seas and following winds for those at sea. Our port today is Lyttelton (Christchurch), New Zealand and it is the second time here for it. My trips there have not included Lyttelton or Christchurch. Perhaps because after the 2011 earthquake the cruise lines had to move on to other places as they worked on building back their city. I would love to go there sometime, and also would enjoy any photos posted here today. Have a wonderful day my friends!
  8. Today is Floral Design Day, National Chili Day, and Public Sleeping Day It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.--J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneMeal Suggestion for today - Cheesy Tortellini And Sausage BakeDrink of the Day - Devil And Miss MaryWine of the Day - Chateau Talbot St.-Julien 2019Destination of the Day - Lyttelton (Christchurch), New Zealand Eurodam Dry Dock Bahamas Bahamas until 3/3 Koningsdam Nawiliwili, Lihue, Kauai Island, Hawaii 08:00 - 17:00 Nieuw Amsterdam Grand Turk Island, Cockburn Town, Turks and Caicos 08:00 - 15:00 Nieuw Statendam Oranjestad Aruba, Netherlands Antilles 14:00 - 23:59 Oosterdam At Sea Destination Punta Arenas, Chile Antarctica eta 3-02 Rotterdam Philipsburg St Maarten, Netherlands Antilles 08:00 - 16:00 Volendam At Sea Destination Santarem, Brazil Amazon eta 3-02 Zaandam Cartagena Colombia 12:00 - 18:00 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Port Louis, Mauritius Island eta 3-02Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Wellington, New Zealand 07:00 - 19:00 Westerdam At Sea Destination Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island, Philippines eta 3-02 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  9. Funny comment about Sadie being a bad influence on Milo. You could be right! I notice many here mention decluttering and sorting through belongings. I'm thinking we should do that too, but we must be too lazy. I'm feeling a little guilty about that.🤔 More wonderful photos! You two look good in Miami. I'm just saying... Susan, what a shame about all the avalanches there! It must be terrifying to be in that situation. I hope your DH can find out what's ailing him. Good luck with that! Your comment about double trouble reminds me of my twin and I in 5th grade. We had the same teacher and she jokingly said we were double trouble (but we really weren't). 😄 Thanks for the photo of Blue today. Must be good and warm there. DD's first dog, Gracie, used to sit on the stair landing just so she could see out the transom windows over the front door. Wouldn't want a bird/rabbit/chipmunk/dog/cat or person to walk by their house!! Watching the launches must be so much fun. Hope the next scheduled one goes off alright. Good luck at the back surgeon appointment Thursday. I hope you get to go to Norway and Iceland! Katie, my condolences on your cat Jerry crossing the Rainbow Bridge. I'm glad the vet let you be there for him. Many here have experienced this and know how you feel.😥 Melisa, hope the weather warms up and melts your ice. Some snow melting wouldn't be a bad thing either. Take care! You have twin sisters Jacqui? And unexpected ones, too. Same with my parents. Strange how twins weren't noticed for so many people back in the day. I'm not sure I'd be happy not knowing in advance but that's the way it was. I'm hoping Milo can turn Sadie around, and not the other way around. I think you made the right decision to go ahead with the cruise. They will let you know how everything goes. And we will have him on our prayer list. Really great photos! How frustrating working on this internet problem with your provider. I hope someone can give you some advice. Your new steam mop sounds really cool. Nothing worse than tile (and grout) that's looking a little shabby. Makes you want to clean everything doesn't it? Sort of like when you get started power washing. I think I agree with you about double the interruptions for DSIL but you can't tell a 50 year old what to do. They have to make their own decisions and find out for themselves.🐕🐕 Tell us what you'll be looking for in a washer / dryer. I'm sure we will have plenty of advice. 😁 Thanks for stopping by today to talk. We welcome everyone. Your polar bear and beluga whale photos are wonderful. Amazing really. You're welcome, @erewhon. The way you, Vanessa and Lenda do it by making notes and typing your comments seems neater but I hate taking notes. I hope the 3 missing people are like you said...not wanting to be located. They might be hiding out from the tax collector or the ex-wife. I hope that doesn't offend anyone. Just a little joke.🙁
  10. Eva, sounds like a very special visit coming up with your DSIL from Germany. I hope you all enjoy the family parties and get togethers. Sorry to hear about the crossing the border issues. Have a good trip to Las Vegas! Hope the new airport works out well.✈️ More great memes today, Bruce! The last one reminds me that the concept of rotary dial phones is lost completely on the newer generations. Funniest videos of them trying to figure out how to dial a number, all while the receiver is still on the hook. Always good for a laugh! Great shot of the polar bears! Your fellow passenger must have one of those foot long lenses on his camera. Thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for the additional photos Graham. I've never been to Miami, except for flying in to the airport in 2004 and taking a transfer to a Fort Lauderdale cruise. It's nice that you two took the time to stay and visit Miami before and after your latest cruise.
  11. Time to check back in this morning because things move pretty fast here each day and it's easy to get way behind. DS called last night and mentioned he and DDIL were heading to Cancun this morning for a little getaway. They are leaving the 18 and 16 year old boys home alone. They can get themselves to school and practices, meetings, etc. on their own. Guess this will be a test! I remember my parents leaving me and my twin home alone on weekends while they spent time at the "river" enjoying boating, etc. We never abused the privilege and even got up early on Sunday to attend 6 a.m. mass. Speaking of my twin, her daughter and SIL are in Cozumel this week diving. Not too far from my DS and DDIL but I doubt they run into each other. Hope they all have a good time and stay safe.🏖️ Thank you for the photos of the lovely art deco buildings of Miami. Quite appropriate on National Retro day. I wish I had a few of my clothes from the 60's and 70's. Navy wool bell bottom slacks, and a culotte dress with "chain" straps which I wore with a complimentary color turtleneck. Lots of mini-skirts! What a beautiful photo! Thank you. On our cruise we didn't take the bus to Belem, and only stayed right at the dock in Icoaraci. Sorry to say Icoaraci was rather dumpy. What did you think of Belem? Thank you for the memes Jacqui! DH and I have decided to join you on skipping wine on Feb. 29, 30, and 31st. Also, I have to agree with your comments about DD's two puppies. I hope it all works out fine, but if one 11 month old is a lot of work I can't imagine adding a 2 month old will be easier. Just like when you go from one baby to two babies. Seemed like lots more than twice the work (but of course lots more JOY). Hoping it all works out as they planned.🤞 Yep, I'm up early every morning! I hope you like the new table to place the TV on. I purchased a couple things from Wayfair and they worked out well. One was a black painted nightstand for a guest room because we had purchased a new headboard and mattress/box spring from a local store. The nightstand turned out great and is quite stylish. Then when we moved a king size bed into the "napping room" I ordered a headboard from them and it turned out nice. I hope you like your new table and if not, I suppose returns are easy. Good luck! I hope you decide to take that Norway cruise. Norway is a fantastic country to visit with gorgeous scenery and friendly people. My favorite cruise Captain is Norwegian, too!😉 Terry, thanks for your concern for us while DH and I were recuperating from Covid on a ship. Not ideal but thankfully we weren't kicked off like so many others were on turnaround day. (good timing!). Lucky that we didn't catch Covid on our following two cruises. I was surprised we didn't on the very crowded Sky Princess! I have no idea what you would have said that was controversial. You are one of the sweetest persons I know on CC.❤️ It doesn't take much to annoy some people! LOL! Wonderful job keeping up with the Dailyites, Vanessa. Thank you! I guess I've only seen polar bears at the zoo, thank the Lord! If we'd seen them in Longyearbyen we would have been lunch. No guns on us nor any bodyguards along as we walked from ship to town. Sorry about the 3 a.m. wakeup but glad to hear you got some good sleep in somehow. I hope the swelling in your foot has gone down so you get a good report from the podiatrist tomorrow. The subs look sooo good, but probably have a lot of calories. I could maybe eat half or a third so a great thing to share with someone. Be careful out in all that snow! Crazy weather! Hope the breakfast is going well with your old work buddies. Is that neighbor ever planning on finding another dog walker? You are very nice to do it but I know you have a busy life and wanted to stop last year. She'd better be paying you lots better! I wish you could find a good aide to help out while you are all so busy with doctor appointments, school, recuperating from surgery, going to work. You have a busy household! It's very nice of Tana's friend from work to offer to come stay with her while you are with DH. Prayers his tests/appointment goes well. And I completely agree that our Graham is quite a wonderful fellow.🤗 I enjoy hearing about your childhood love of books. We all were outside playing all day unlike today's youth, but some of us still found plenty of time to read. I remember vividly riding my bike to the bookmobile in the summer months to pick up the latest batch of books to read. I had a basket on the front of my bike to put my bag of books in. During the school year we had a bookmobile stop at the school one day a month and we all got to visit and choose our favorites to read. School libaries weren't a huge thing in the 1950's unfortunately. I hope you enjoyed the garden and all the beautiful plants as well as the brunch. Thanks for the photos of the flowers! While I've been typing up this post I see there are 10 more replies to read. Think I'll just go ahead and post. See what I mean about keeping up??😀
  12. Good morning friends! It is currently 57F and will be mostly cloudy with a high of 74 today, slight chance of a shower. We had lots of sunshine yesterday even though they predicted cloudy all day long. Hmmph! Last night I slept pretty well and believe I only woke up once. Arm muscles are slightly sore from Saturday's gym workout. I'm heading downstairs to my treadmill right after this is posted. First I want to thank Rich @richwmnfor going to so much trouble to plan each Daily before he left for his world cruise. It makes it easy for us to post it, and for sure none of us would be able to do as fine a job of it. Thanks also to Vanessa @JazzyVfor taking care of the Care and Celebration list posting for Roy @rafinmd. It takes a lot of the strain off me too. And to all our F&B department ladies, three cheers for your jobs too. We couldn't do this without you! Prayers all around for those in need of them and Vanessa will be listing them before long. If you know of someone who desperately needs prayers don't forget to add them to your personal list. I hope things calm down a bit and we can spend most of our time cheering for the Celebration list instead. Hope the cruisers are having a great time on a smooth cruise! Today we celebrate polar bears. They are magnificent creatures but you wouldn't want to run into one. No brainer sounds good because it seems you don't have to think too hard on that one. National retro day could be fun to celebrate. We all seem to like the book quotes and today's is from Hemingway. I would try a french onion meatball sub. I wonder if Subway has those? We used to eat at Subway all the time but stopped going in there for some reason. I think we were trying to eat out less because you seem to consume more calories in a restaurant. No thanks to the chardonnay but the margarita could be fun. The port of Andalsnes, Norway was our port of the day June 29, 2022, which was disembarkation day for my Island Princess cruise last summer. I had visited Andalsnes only a few days before on Saturday, June 25. That's the day DH got out of Covid jail and I had gotten out only a couple of days earlier so we took a short walk around town. We both tired so quickly we couldn't go too far. But I have to say it seems like a town you might want to get a tour to somewhere near. I did have a beautiful view of the mountain right off the ships's starboard side though. And it's also the place where the gondolas took people up to the top of one of the mountains for a pretty view. Photo taken from the ship of the little town of Andalsnes when I woke up that morning. Gondolas up the mountain left from this building. I'm sure the views from up there were pretty. This was the very busy Visitor Center right on the pier. Shopping of course There were green patches near the town center and this was about as far as we got before getting very tired. We really needed a rest after our bout with Covid. So we headed back to the Island Princess. We had only been out for about 30 minutes but I'm sure we took a nap after that. We really enjoyed the fresh air on the balcony as we sailed away from Andalsnes that afternoon. Hope all have a very good day today!
  13. Today is Polar Bear Day, No Brainer Day, and National Retro Day There is no friend as loyal as a book.--Ernest HemingwayMeal Suggestion for today - French Onion Meatball SubDrink of the Day - Don Francisco MargaritaWine of the Day - Felton Road Chardonnay Central Otago Block 6 2021Destination of the Day - Andalsnes, Norway Eurodam Dry Dock Bahamas Bahamas until 3/3 Koningsdam Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii 17:00 Depart Nieuw Amsterdam At Sea Destination Grand Turk Island, Cockburn Town, Turks and Caic eta 2-28 Nieuw Statendam At Sea Destination Oranjestad Aruba, Netherlands Antilles eta 2-28 Oosterdam Puerto Chacabuco, Chile 11:00 - 19:00 Rotterdam At Sea Destination Philipsburg St Maarten, Netherlands Antilles eta 2-28 Volendam Belem, Brazil 08:00 - 18:00 Zaandam Panama CanalEastern Hemisphere Noordam Picton, New Zealand 10:00 - 21:00 Westerdam At Sea Destination Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island, Philippines eta 3-02 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Port Louis, Mauritius Island eta 3-02 Sandi for Rich and Roy
  14. Debbie, I'm really enjoying seeing Midland again. What a beautiful part of the country!
  15. Brenda, I know! You get a smaller refrigerator but pay for the privilege. In our case our island and bar stools are directly in front of the refrigerator, so we needed as much space as possible to move around. Thankfully, we have an extra fridge for overflow when we buy bulk at the grocery store. And room for more wine in the second fridge.
  16. I hope so. I've already seen the spinning circle on the screen once.
  17. Maybe I can watch this sailaway today. I couldn't see anything yesterday with all the site troubles.
  18. Thank you Graham. I am picturing DSIL trying to take conference calls and two pups at the french doors to his home office begging to get in. 😂
  19. I got some interesting news today when DD called. She said they thought their very active 11 month old cavapoo Sadie needed a companion so she wouldn't be so demanding of DSIL who works from home. So they picked up a two month old cavapoo male yesterday and named him Milo. He has the same Father as Sadie so they are half siblings. I hope he turns out to be a good playmate and Sadie won't be bothering DSIL all day long!🤭 I hope this doesn't backfire on them! Milo Sadie trying to help DSIL in his home office
  20. Thanks Lenda. Except for the mosque photo looks like not much to see there.
  21. Bob, from what I hear Safaga isn't worth planning a whole trip for. 😄 We've seen Alexandria which is very trashy looking, Port Said which wasn't terrible and in fact we enjoyed walking the streets there, and Cairo when we went to visit the pyramids. Cairo had it's good points and bad points. The Suez canal was interesting and I'm glad we experienced it. So I think I'll just skip Safaga.😉 Thank you Graham and thanks to Father David for the sermon today. Jacqui, hugs to you as you honor the date of your mother's death yesterday. Those are dates we never forget. Also I enjoyed the memes today and as a transplanted midwesterner to the south, I think I'd just better stay at home! Terri, I hope whatever is wrong with the new one and only toilet is repaired to your satisfaction, and that the tiler has an opening to finish your master bathroom. Then you can celebrate by taking another cruise!🚢 I feel like all the cruise lines should show these types of presentations on the TV later. We said that while on Princess week before last. And that reminds me, I need to complete my after cruise survey from them today! Wouldn't want it to expire. Thank you for the yummy looking comfort food pictures and recipes Debbie. It was so nice of you to visit your old friend at her assisted living facility. I know my DMIL enjoyed visiting with some of my family members while she was staying in her nursing home. My twin and several nieces went to see her which absolutely thrilled her.
  22. I hope I didn't upset you comparing your renovation/repair to @arzz's. I agree 6 months is a long time. But I just thought that two years was an excessively long time to go through a disruption like they did. Here is a medal for you too!🏅 Hope we are still friends!🤗
  23. Hard to believe there are already 3 ships in port ahead of it. They really arrive early!
  24. Good morning friends! Yawn...I woke up all night long so am pretty beat. Today it's 60 right now and we expect cloudy skies with a high temp of 72. Not very exciting but at least it's not a blizzard or something like so many others experienced lately. Thanks to our friend Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report info for us to enjoy. I'm happy to present it for him and Roy @rafinmd. Thanks also to the food and beverage department ladies, and Vanessa @JazzyVwho posts the C & C lists for Roy while he recuperates. I will pray for our Care list people and all around the world who suffer during war, earthquakes, cyclones and train derailments. 🙏 Hoping that list improves in our near future. Special prayers for Annie @marshhawkand Chuck. 💔 Cheers to our friends and family experiencing happy events. I bet the cruisers who embarked yesterday are having a great time already!🥂 Maybe we will hear from some of them this week. Today we have Carnival Day to celebrate so all you party people, go for it. 🎉 That's not me. Carpe Diem Day represents the feeling that we should focus on the present, instead of worrying or planning for the future because this may be the only time that we get.🤗 National pistachio day is your chance to celebrate pistachios, which I can take or leave. Today's quote will make the Jane Austen fans happy. Hope Debbie @dfishhas some butternut squash mac and cheese recipes to tempt us all. Another mixed drink I won't have because I really don't care for many liquors, and an Argentinian Malbec for the red wine lovers to savor.🍷 We have not been to Safaga, Egypt and probably won't because we cancelled the Grand Africa. The port was last listed here on Oct. 16, 2021 and April 4, 2022. Thanks in advance for any photos posted. Since I'm not posting any photos of Safaga today, let me remind you that St. Patrick's Day is coming up in a few weeks. DD has decorated her foyer Celebrations tree for March 17 so here you go!🌲 All these round wooden ornaments were made and painted by her. She sells them on her Facebook page. So cute! Really gets you into the spirit of the holiday. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today! Be well and stay safe.🍀
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