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Everything posted by StLouisCruisers

  1. Today is Carnival Day, Carpe Diem Day, and National Pistachio Day In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.--Jane Austen, Pride And PrejudiceMeal Suggestion for today - Butternut Squash Mac And CheeseDrink of the Day - Juan CollinsWine of the Day - Familia Zuccardi Malbec Paraje Altamira Concreto 2021Destination of the Day - Safaga, Egypt Eurodam Dry Dock Bahamas Bahamas until 3/3 Koningsdam Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaii 08:00 Arrive Nieuw Amsterdam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Nieuw Statendam Half Moon Cay, Bahamas 08:00 - 15:00 Oosterdam Puerto Montt, Chile 08:00 - 17:00 Rotterdam At Sea Destination Philipsburg St Maarten, Netherlands Antilles eta 2-28 Volendam At Sea Destination Belem, Brazil eta 2-27 Zaandam At Sea Destination Panama Canal eta 2-27Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Napier, New Zealand 12:00 - 18:00 Westerdam Singapore - 16:00 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Port Louis, Mauritius Island eta 3-02 Sandi for Roy and Rich
  2. That's exactly what I take along with us. I have rarely felt any nausea on our cruises but have the meclizine available in case rough seas are heading our way. Very inexpensive compared to Bonine tablets.
  3. Those were some great screenshots. Maureen has asked that people send them to her email address at rmlincoln at hotmail dot com. Can some of you do that? I got to see virtually nothing today! 😥
  4. Wish I knew. All I can see is a black screen that says this live stream video is unavailable
  5. I'm getting nothing today, not even on my Iphone. I hope someone can take screenshots of Rotterdam and @RMLincoln.
  6. Darn, my computer keeps stopping and starting on the webcam. I won't be able to see anything.
  7. Oh my, Joy! I hope this is fixed quickly for you guys. Come on Coast Guard!
  8. All of us must remember the appliance color schemes over the years! My parents did a reno on their kitchen in 1965 and got copper color appliances. This is not their kitchen but this photo is a good representation. In the 1970's our first home had avocado green appliances and the second had harvest gold. We stayed with harvest gold in the third home in the late 70's-early 80's but the 1983 house had almond appliances. I kept that scheme in the next one, a1989 house. I sent that almond refrigerator to a family member in 1996 and had black appliances with wood panels. Same with the 2004 house but I finally went to stainless steel in 2011. I guess they have something called black stainless now but I don't see it on the reno shows on HGTV much.
  9. Well, I went to the gym again this morning. This time at 11 and it wasn't terribly busy but while I was there people kept arriving. Today I managed to add some arm strength equipment to my routine. I only skipped two of the 14 machines. More soreness expected tomorrow.💪 I love the comment about your DH wanting the freezer on the bottom so you agreed. DH tells me he doesn't care for the bottom freezer only but it is what it is. But it brings to mind the fact that my DH picked the color of our cabinets and insisted we get the black granite with flecks in it. Since I picked so many other things I agreed to go with his choices. Now he agrees with me that "we" should have chosen another color scheme.🤷‍♀️ We could change out the granite and have the cabinets painted but that's a lot of trouble. So we just live with it. Someday! I'm happy to hear you made the right decision for your needs, a side by side. Up to this house, we put side by sides in all our kitchens. Last two houses had side by sides with wood panels installed to match the cabinets (units for Graham). We have had a spare fridge in our homes since about 1980. The spare one I have now has been in service since 1996 and it's an Amana. Plenty of room for beer, wine, extra juice, bottled water, etc. Then we definitely need the extra freezer space it provides. We've had GE appliances in the past, too. Quite reliable as I recall. Sounds like Irving might be the next office manager. I've never had a cat for a pet so didn't realize they like boxes and shredding paper until I heard all these cat stories from everyone. Especially interesting about the boxes. I guess that's why everyone says their cats jump in the suitcase as soon as their humans begin packing for a trip/cruise. Thanks for the photos of Aarhus and the surrounding area. The living museum concept is used in Colonial Williamsburg. Arzz, I think I remember you've been here before. Welcome back! I award you worst renovation story on the Daily thus far. Terri's @Cruzin Terri was bad but didn't stretch out quite as long. 🥇 Thank you for your compliments on this thread. It's a team project and we hope everyone gains something from reading it every day.
  10. Happy belated birthday @MISTER 67!! You and old Abe Lincoln share the same birthday. Enjoy your upcoming cruise on Celebrity Reflection!
  11. Melisa, I certainly hope this weekend is a lot more relaxing and restorative for you. Great news you have power but unfortunate for the many without it. I just wanted to let you know, the counter depth refrigerators save you quite a bit of space in your kitchen. However they still jut out several inches due to water tubing for the icemaker plus electrical plug. Besides you need space for the doors to swing wide open. I took photos of ours to show you depth, also how the ice bin works in the freezer drawer. @XBGuyhad a photo which showed the the water dispenser on the left wall of the fridge. Side view front view The ice bin when you pull out the freezer drawer. The scoop has a nesting spot right in front. Good luck with your shopping for refrigerators.
  12. Annie @marshhawkjust know you did the right thing. Neko was ready to go. Come here anytime to talk and let us support you through this.💔
  13. I enjoy hearing of the fire company fund raisers and the good food they sell to the community. That chicken pot pie sounds warming today. Yum!🥧
  14. Melanie, I hope the boxes of wine are included too!🍷 Katherine, have a great time in Charleston. Such a beautiful, charming Southern city. Enjoy your cruise and that bottle of champagne this evening.🍾 How appropriate for Open That Bottle Night! Maureen, we will be watching for your departure and wave today! I hope the last flight makes it there safely and everyone is excited about the upcoming cruise. I'm happy for you! Vanessa, super job keeping up with all the Dailyites! Sorry about all the planting issues yesterday. I know, even with your elbow cast that you'll persevere and get the job done. May take a little longer but it will get done. Thanks for the memes! Hilarious memes today. I'm laughing out loud! Thanks for your appreciation today, but I'm grateful for Vanessa helping with the list keeping. Takes lots of her time. And we can't forget Dixie contributing the drink recipes. Good luck taming those back issues. Yay on the sleep last night. I hope the swelling in the foot gets better soon. I went to bed a little later trying to read to make me sleepy. 11 pm. Woke up at 2:25 and 4 am. It will have to do! Nice to see you again. Watch out, we're addictive!
  15. It must have been a very long day for you and Chuck. I'm so sorry and hugs back at you.😥 I remember when we were shopping for a fridge for this new house, seeing all the variations. We all know that outside dispensers are easier to access, but we had two parameters. It had to be counter depth to fit in an enclosure without sticking out into the room too far, and the model had to be Kitchenaid. The dishwasher, counter gas cooktop, and oven/microwave combo were all Kitchenaid and I wanted them to match (especially the door handles). Therefore we have to open the fridge to dispense cold water, and open the bottom freezer to scoop out ice cubes from a bin.
  16. Good morning friends! Weather today is 55 and cloudy with a high of 72. I don't see any sunshine in the forecast but you just never know. Today we have some odd days to celebrate. Pistol Patent Day, International Tongue Twister Contest Day, and Open That Bottle Night. I think I'll pick one that I think represents me the best and that is to Open That Bottle Night. It calls for opening up that special bottle of wine you put away and not leaving it to just sit there. Open it up and share it with others, making good memories along the way. I have no comments on the quote, and the mashed potato menu suggestion is different. Let's see what Debbie @dfishdoes with that. Not sure what the drink and wine are so I'll pass. Thanks to Rich @richwmnfor making up the Daily and Fleet Report for us. And we have to remember Roy @rafinmdwho so kindly took it upon himself to list this group's trials and tribulations along with our good news every day. Now we have Vanessa @JazzyVhandling that for him while he recuperates from his own tribulations. As well as Ann @cat shepardand Dixie @summer slopehandling the beverages. Thank you to all! Prayers for those in ill health or with family/friends who are. We have troubles with Ukraine, Turkey (haven't figures out new spelling yet), Syria, New Zealand and tiny East Palestine, Ohio. 🙏 Then we have the happy campers getting on ships today and those with improved health. Three cheers for all!🥂🎉 Our port today is Aarhus, Denmark and we have had it here in the past in May, 2021 and May 2022. Last two times it was spelled Arhus but this time with the most up to date spelling with the double A's. Any way you spell it what a wonderful place to visit. I've only stopped there once on a cruise but would love to go back again. Here are the links to Rich's posts from the last two postings. Please post your photos if you can. We visited Arhus (sometimes spelled Aarhus), Denmark in September 2011 on the Emerald Princess. The cruise began with a Baltic cruise which we thoroughly enjoyed, followed by the British Isles, Iceland, Qaqortoq Greenland, Halifax and back to Ft. Lauderdale. It was a bright, chilly morning on Sept. 9, 2011 when our ship stopped in Arhus. We enjoyed our walk through the town. We saw this lovely canal running through the town. People liked to gather on the sunny side to dine. I can't blame them. It looks lovely! We made our way to a Viking Museum which was located underneath a bank. Yes, really. As you walk down the stairs you see the levels with the years associated with that level. This thatched hut in the museum is a copy of a hut which was in that spot in Viking days, all discovered during excavation for the bank. Someone's bones found here in their final resting place. Then we saw this church called the Arhus Cathedral. It had some very unique features inside. Like this Viking ship. And quite a fancy baptismal font I would say. Arhus is a great port to see. I wish more ships would add these interesting places. The reason for the confusion on the spelling is the name has been changed officially there a couple times. According to Wiktionary: Following the spelling reform of 1948, the name was changed from Aarhus to Århus, which remained the spelling preferred by local authorities until 2010, when the city council decided to change the name back to Aarhus, effective from the 1st of January 2011. According to the official rules of Danish orthography, it is still valid to write Århus, although Aarhus is far more prevalent in road signs, media, etc. Have a great day everyone!
  17. Today is Pistol Patent Day, International Tongue Twister Contest Day, and Open That Bottle Night The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.--Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian GrayMeal Suggestion for today - Instant Pot Mashed PotatoesDrink of the Day - Apple N RyeWine of the Day - Fattoria Le Pupille Toscana Saffredi 2019Destination of the Day - Aarhus, Denmark Eurodam Dry Dock Bahamas Bahamas until 3/3 Koningsdam Lahaina, Maui Island, Hawaii 08:00 - 17:00 Nieuw Amsterdam At Sea Destination Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida eta 2-26 Nieuw Statendam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Oosterdam At Sea Destination Puerto Montt, Chile eta 2-26 Rotterdam Fort Lauderdale, Port Everglades, Florida 07:00 - 16:00 Volendam Fortaleza, Brazil 08:00 - 14:00 Zaandam At Sea Destination Panama Canal eta 2-27Eastern Hemisphere Noordam Tauranga, Rotorua, New Zealand 08:00 - 17:00 Westerdam Singapore 11:00 Zuiderdam At Sea Destination Port Louis, Mauritius Island eta 3-02 Rotterdam moving into Port Everglades 5 am eastern time soon to be followed by Nieuw Statendam Sandi for Roy and Rich
  18. Excellent news from Gerry @ger_77and Maureen @RMLincoln! Gerry, except for the repair bill on the furnace, good to hear you have heat. And a bonus getting the computer back, though why can't anything go smoothly? No cord, needs adapter? Sounds like our life! Enjoy your dinner. And wine. Maureen, it sounds like this plan is coming together. Enjoy the time spent with family and I hope the cruise has smooth sailing. Gee, I hope the icemaker continues to work on ours! It's been in use since we bought this house June 2011. Just this week we changed out the filter inside (top right corner of interior) of the fridge. You know, there's an indicator light inside that tells you when to order and when you need to replace the filter. Better ask your wife if she does that on yours! 😁 BTW, my muscles have gotten a little sorer as the day has gone on. Along with the leg muscles I notice the abs are sore too (especially coughing). But I'll live and I want to continue so will probably go back tomorrow for another session at the gym.🏋️‍♀️ I got a request from someone to follow my Instagram account this afternoon from supposedly DGS Ren with his photo from his "old" account but a new name. I told DH and he said you'd better check with Ren first because that doesn't sound right. Sure enough, it's a fake account! Good thing I didn't automatically approve just because it had his avatar with it. Next thing I know they would have been trying to get cash from me to get them out of jail! I watch Dr. Phil - he tries to keep us up to date on all these scams. 😉
  19. I decided to try napping again this afternoon so spent from 2 to 4 pm in our napping room (very dark). I believe I was successful for at least half that time because of the weird dream I had. Normally I don't remember dreams but as soon as I got up I recalled some of the details. An hour later I'm already beginning to forget the dream. Just goes to show if we want to remember them we should write dream details down before they disappear.😴 Yummy looking snacks for the garage buddies at the race! As soon as I saw the inside of your refrigerator I said it looks exactly like the inside of our counter depth Kitchenaid french door fridge. I see the water dispenser on the left bottom with the darn sticker above it that won't stay stuck to the wall! The counter depth style apparently isn't deep enough for the outside-the-door water and ice dispenser thus both are inside. But what's up with that sticker? (note that Whirlpool makes Kitchenaid but I have no idea if Whirlpool fridges have the same water dispenser and sticker). Beautiful rainbow at the falls! I love a sunny day for photo taking.
  20. Welcome to posting on the Daily and Fleet Report. That's a great photo from the webcam in Nassau, and it 's such a beautiful day obviously. Appreciate the heads up.
  21. Nancy, when we were in the Amazon region the river levels were very low, so that restricted our time sailing to daylight hours near Manaus. Also they did recommend we use water sparingly and restricted some laundry according to DH who remembers better than I. Apparently they couldn't take on water like they usually do at sea, because the Amazon water was so muddy and would clog filters. They could take water on in port still but that wasn't always an option. I'd plan on not having laundry done while on the river. I really hope that technician comes quickly and gets your heat going, Gerry! Of all people to have furnace problems! Sorry you can't get that new computer yet. How dare that Staples guy be sick today? I knew as a former actuary that dates and exact numbers are important to you, so had a feeling that was what you conveyed in your earlier message today. But just think, everyone has an early start on celebrating your birthday, Roy!!
  22. Morning Roy. I'm glad you got some sleep too. Yes, today is a very thoughtful day as we consider the first anniversary of the invasion in Ukraine, but for you thoughts of your brother are topmost. I was thinking of my late sister this morning too. She has always been an angel in my mind.❤️ Knowing my boy he got right into his car and drove home. Not only has he lived in Michigan for the past 22-23 years, he attended university there for his undergraduate degree, and is a Michigander by birth so it must be in his blood to not worry about road conditions. I will text him in a while and verify he is safe and sound. The plane left SFO a half hour late and still arrived on time last night. That is quite the change in weather for you all. Stay in and stay well! Hello Graham. Your dinner last night looked delicious but I'm sure you enjoy the company of Sarah and Pauline more than the food! Have a good day! It does look beautiful if you don't have to get out into the weather, right? Have a great day!
  23. Good morning friends! It is 66F again this morning, and will be cloudy today, a chance of showers and a high of 74. Similar to yesterday but we had more sun yesterday. I'm feeling very little soreness from my exercise with the weight machines at the gym yesterday. Maybe I'll go again tomorrow. Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Daily and Fleet Report content today. Which brings to mind Roy @rafinmdwho I hope had a good night's rest. For myself, I remember waking up at 11:30 (flight arrival time), 12:30, 3 am, and 4 am. Maybe I got some sleep in between so that is worthwhile but a ridiculous sleep pattern! Today is National Tortilla Chip Day which I like a lot. We eat way too many chips but it doesn't seem to have affected us any so will continue that I'm sure. Also Paczki Day in Poland, and World Bartender Day. Hurray for Paczkis which everyone was celebrating here on Tuesday, weren't we? Also I salute the bartenders because I would be terrible at that job. Love the funny quote from Abraham Lincoln, say no to the halibut and chardonnay, and whoa to the Paloma. I read they are quite strong. Prayers today for our Care list people, also the trouble spots in Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, New Zealand, and let's not forget the people of East Palestine, Ohio who have dealt with so much worry and possible health troubles for the past three weeks. You wouldn't want what they had happen to them in your town. 🙏 Congratulations to all on the Celebration list who are cruising, preparing to cruise and for any other accomplishments in your lives. 🥂 Special thoughts go out to Annie @marshhawk, Chuck and Neko.🙏 Our port today is the ever popular Reykjavik, Iceland. We had it posted here by Rich on May 19, 2021 and Dec. 3, 2022. Here are the links to those dates so you can retrieve your photos. I'll post mine right afterward. Reykjavik is a fine city to visit. Our first visit there was on Emerald Princess in 2011, second visit was on Caribbean Princess in 2015, third visit was on Seabourn Quest in 2018, last visit was on the Covid cruise Island Princess in June 2022. On the 2018 Quest cruise we actually started our cruise in Reykjavik so flew over a day early to spend the night there. That made the stay there a little more interesting because we had more time. We have also flown through Reykjavik several times on our way to Europe. On the 2018 flight to Reykjavik from Boston we had a TV news personality and his family on the flight with us. DH spoke to him while they waited for luggage to show up at the carousel. After hearing our cruise plans, he said he wished he was going on our cruise with us, but he didn't have that amount of time off, so they were going fishing there in Iceland. For those who haven't been to Iceland yet, one of the best tours you can take is a Circle Iceland tour. Sometimes they call it Golden Circle tour and other times Grand Circle tour. The point is they take you outside of Reykjavik to see the geysers, waterfalls, and volcano site. You will probably also see the Icelandic horses in the countryside. They take you quite a distance on these tours so it will take a long day in port to achieve it. We took a private tour with CC roll call members our first time in Iceland. I recommend it for a good overall look. A photo of the famous Hallgrimskirkja church which I took in 2018. The weather was perfect for our overnight visit so we saw pretty blue skies which made all our photos better. You must see this church when you visit Reykjavik! Another place that Reykjavik is famous for is the Blue Lagoon. I have never had an interest in going there in the past, but if I continue to visit this city I have a feeling I will end up there someday. I might even find I like it! A typical street scene. The second stop on the Golden Circle tour was the Pearl, a dome with stunning views of the city from the panoramic 360 degree platform. The dome sits atop the huge tanks in which natural hot water is stored for heating the city. Inside is a rotating restaurant, a cafe and a museum. At least it did in 2011 when we visited there. Driving around the island you saw scenery like this. We stopped to see the tectonic plates which divide Europe from North America. At least I think that's what they told us. This would be a good thing to do some research on when I have nothing else to do. Right... Heading towards the geyser areas we saw scenery like this. Then to the Gullfoss waterfall. Then we drove to another waterfall, name unknown but I did take a photo of this sign just before we arrived so it could be a clue. Last stop was to see this volcanic cauldron. Before we got to the cauldron we were looking at some Icelandic horses in the fields. In their native country they have few diseases; Icelandic law prevents horses from being imported into the country and exported animals are not allowed to return. This is a poor photo of them but we had an accident with a farm dog who ran into the road and had to stop and see to him. The horses were forgotten at that point. A photo taken in 2015 which I've never repeated on my trips there. Maybe this street no longer has the rainbow on it. It's a heavily traveled street with lots of shops on it and as you can see, at the top of the hill is the Hallgrimskirkja church. On the 2015 visit DH was under the weather that day so I walked all over town by myself. I took my umbrella along and at the end it started to pour rain. Lucky I had it as I walked back to the bus shuttle area to get back to the ship. I took this photo of this waterside sculpture on that rainy day. Note the rainbow starting behind it. And here it is in 2018. During the beautiful weather in 2018 we visited a small botanical park in town. ahh, the flowers! For dinner we went to a restaurant for pizza and a bottle of wine. Cost was about $70USD. Not a cheap place to visit but they take credit cards so you don't have to have local currency. Well now that I see that yummy pizza I'd better get downstairs and get on that treadmill for my 2.5 mile walk. Hope everyone has a great Friday and beginning of their weekend. Also hope the snow isn't too deep in Jacqui's @kazu hometown today. I saw last night it was in that general area. Take care and stay safe!
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