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Grandad John

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Everything posted by Grandad John

  1. Where’s Graham? McDonalds and Greggs are getting perilously close to issuing profit warnings!!
  2. You should always feel free to watch whatever you dig😳.
  3. Must be a Chinese restaurant owned by a dentist with that booking time. Tooth hurty.
  4. Bloody hell Kalos, Jane (Beckett) was right the scriptwriters of any soap would struggle to come up with a better cliffhanger!! So,so glad for you and your good lady that all turned out well in the end.
  5. So Kalos and Selbourne were on the same cruise? Or am I missing something?
  6. Heartbreaking, pray that the end is as peaceful as it can be.
  7. Macca used to say that his favourite Beatles song was Here,There & Everywhere which the beautiful Emmylou Harris did a haunting version of on her first album. I still find both the words and music of such songs as Let It Be, Long and Winding Road and Hey Jude to be incredibly moving. Guess I’m just an old softy really (despite not liking cats😳).
  8. The Bonzos were certainly different with a great sense of humour.
  9. Ah good old Yesterday, or scrambled eggs as it was originally known.
  10. Now you worry me, Jackson Browne is one of my all time favourite singer/songwriters. Last I knew he was very much alive.
  11. Does the lovely Suella Braverman know about this one, she just loves big barges!!
  12. Yes you’re right, my first pop/rock concert was seeing The Beatles at Wakefield ABC in 1963. Not the best musical experience due to the number of screaming girls, you weren’t there were you?!!😂. Still get to see the odd gig, more into Americana nowadays, the likes of Lambchop, Wilco etc.
  13. Didn’t have that good fortune Jane, but saw Neil Young & Crazy Horse at Sheffield Arena a few years ago, absolutely awesome.
  14. No, you’re absolutely right about Amlodipine and grapefruit, luckily like some others on here I do not like grapefruit anyway.
  15. Absolutely right, no other way to eat a ‘doorstop’!
  16. Good old Crosby, Stills & Nash. Where are todays equivalents?
  17. Pretty drink carton Graham, did you get a ‘Happy Meal’?😀
  18. Selbourne I am booked on Ventura departing 5th November next year with members of my family to celebrate my stepson’s 60th birthday. I assume you have a similar itinerary? Madeira, Canaries & La Coruna. I will be most interested to read how you get on with the sea days in terms of what there is to do assuming the weather will be somewhat inclement. Looking forward to your reports, have a great time.
  19. Sue More words will not help, and others have commented more eloquently than I might. The best advice I have seen is to use the Tell Us Once facility once you have the death certificate. I found that to be a great help after my wife died last year. I too found great solace in being with my wife holding her hand as she died knowing that is what she would have wanted. Take good care and make good use of a supportive family network.
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