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Grandad John

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Everything posted by Grandad John

  1. Flipping ‘eck, Doddy spent every waking minute counting his money, especially when the taxman was around,
  2. Think Michelle Mone might have first dabs on it David.
  3. Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Christmas. Let’s pray that 2024 brings a little more peace and harmony to the world.
  4. Given that a significant percentage of McDonalds are run by franchisees who don’t all celebrate Christmas I wouldn’t be surprised if quite a few are open.
  5. Just to save Zap the time and trouble, I thought we’d stopped talking about Strictley😳. Ooh matron!!!
  6. Agree entirely re Kevin Sinfield and a knighthood. I’m sure if he were to donate some of the money to a certain political party the knighthood will be forthcoming!!
  7. Certainly a wobbly Brest region is not to be sniffed at😜.
  8. I would tend to agree Phil, certainly having had the dubious ‘pleasure’ of experiencing Norovirus first hand last year. Must confess I also stumbled over the word ‘normal’, does that mean they always expect a certain number of cases?
  9. Given the number and duration of holidays you’ve got booked work is obviously something you do between holidays to pass the time😜.
  10. All sounds too familiar I’m afraid Josy. I went to visit my wife on a Tuesday in hospital totally unaware until I got there that she had suffered a major stroke, doctor advised me that they expected her to survive hours or at best a couple of days. I asked for her to be taken home as I knew that would be where she wanted to die, the doctor told me that she probably wouldn’t survive the journey so I very reluctantly agreed for her to remain in hospital where she died two days later. I shall spend the rest of my life wondering if I made the right decision. As others have said on here, it’s great that you are supporting your family and it is quite amazing where we humans find the strength to carry on in such circumstances, but be mindful of your own health as well. I send you much love.
  11. Well even if it can’t I’m gonna go with it. Sod it !!
  12. Good old M&S, my much missed late wife was an avid user of M&S, I was so glad when they did away with the St. Michael logo, always had a fear that were I to be involved in an accident and someone searched me looking for i.d. they would probably assume my name was St. Michael😳.
  13. Maybe he’s on his way through the tulips with Tiny Tim😜.
  14. I’m sure I read somewhere that chocolate flavoured knickers were all the rage in Japan😜.
  15. Flipping eck! Calella de la Costa, I too went with some mates circa 1967, 24 hours travelling each way😒. Flew from Manston airport, four of us all the same age from West Yorkshire, took us all a while to work out what a bidet was for!! We’d only just about managed to move in to ‘posh’ council houses with bathrooms instead of the good (not good, especially in winter when you had to take a bucket of water to flush the toilet as the cistern was frozen up) old outside lavvies. The good old days eh!
  16. The taste of palm oil is very much to the fore in all Cadburys chocolate nowadays, something else we have to ‘thank’ the Americans for.
  17. I used it many years ago in a meeting with a senior manager, university degree and there was me secondary modern education, he didn’t have a clue what it meant.
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