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Grandad John

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Everything posted by Grandad John

  1. Doddy’s profligacy with money was well documented. Despite being extremely wealthy he spent his whole life in the house that had been owned by his coal merchant dad and mum.
  2. Pizza Express in Woking, ‘no sweat’😳.
  3. Is that Oona, Charlie Chaplin’s wife?
  4. Wouldn’t bet on it Avril, same here in Pontefract. What is annoying is that if you go on the BBC news website they are still showing wall to wall sunshine and 20c. Either they don’t like to admit they got it badly wrong, or perhaps don’t have sufficient staff to keep it updated.
  5. Avril I’m sure many, many years ago there was a menswear shop in Barnsley, Frank Bird, any relation?
  6. Sorry about that, been watching too many Michel Roux Jnr. programmes on Food Network where he constantly stresses how much the French use EVERY single part of an animal to satisfy their gastronomic desires.
  7. Give my regards to Don Corleone would you, and tell him the horses head was delicious.
  8. Wait until you get a bit older Damian, my dear late wife swore blind that once you got over 60 you become invisible. There have been several occasions where I knew exactly what she meant.
  9. I could post a photo of my Roy Cropper shopper if that would help.
  10. Hope not regarding the knitted clothes, still have nightmares about drowning when as a kid we wore those woolly trunks. You came out of the sea weighing considerably more than when you went in.
  11. Happy birthday Megabear, wishing you good health and equine success.
  12. Sad as it is to admit it, the Haribo one with Victor McGuire creases me up every time. What an easily pleased person am I?
  13. Oh to be young again, nowadays the only thing that’s stiff when I wake up is my neck (to quote the late, great Eric Bartholomew ‘are we allowed to say that?)
  14. I realise Paul Ludlow looks quite diminutive🤣, but didn’t think he was part of the on board entertainment!
  15. Having watched some of the racing from Town Moor over the past couple of days the declared soft going seems to me a tad on the generous side. Do I recall you saying previously that Dutch Decoy doesn’t like soft going?
  16. I used to enjoy the nibbles with pre-dinner drinks as well…until I noticed on one evening we were sat in line with the bar area. Any nibbles left in the jar were taken back behind the bar and placed in the large container from which the nibbles were procured. Fine if you believe all the fingers that have been in the nibbles were squeaky clean, but we all know that wouldn’t be the case🤮.
  17. Sorry my ‘phone is playing up! Just wanted to say the mandolin is one of my favourite instruments, Chris Hillman being a real virtuoso. Never known him to slice apples with it though😂.
  18. You live and learn, but then again never realised I could speak Spanish. Must be the Rioja I had with the lamb for my lunch!
  19. Is it fair to say that alliteration plays a big part in the naming of the horses you’re involved with? May have a little flutter on First Folio on Saturday and certainly Dutch Decoy on the 24th as he owes me nothing.
  20. So pleased you’ve had good news Michelle, must be a weight off your mind, enjoy the weather today with an enhanced sense of good feeling.
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