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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. I don't know that I would use the word "usually", but I wouldn't argue the point. It is true though that the media "usually" doesn't know about situations like this until they are tipped off by the public and that doesn't "usually" happen quickly. And then they go out to gather the information.
  2. Oh Oh Oh ya. I think Utah and its state and federal parks are the most beautiful in the U.S. But, I haven't been to them all, yet.
  3. LOL, that's exactly how I felt about the Canyon. Spent a very long time looking for a parking space, walked a long way to an overlook and YEP a big hole in the ground, turned around, and left. I love nature and plush mountains, waterfalls, and other "GREEN: type national/state parks. BTW, I've lived in the Desert S.W. for many years, White Sand Missile Range, NM and Ft. Hood, TX (it will never be Ft. Cavasos for me).
  4. We were on the same cruise. Enjoyed flying my drone at the top of Mt. Roberts and at Nugget Falls. Great Footage from Nugget Falls. My drone wouldn't handle properly from Mt. Roberts so I landed and went to Nugget Falls. Something interfered with the GPS I guess at Mt. Roberts.
  5. Like many, Alaska is a one-and-done for us. We did Alaska in May 2022 on the Ovation from Seattle. We flew from Atlanta to Seattle with 2 stops on the way. I hated it, I'm not a flyer. The scenery is fantastic in Alaska, for sure. We've done the eastern & western Caribbean, Bermuda, Panama, and Alaska. I really don't think there is much difference between the eastern and western Caribbean. But, I will admit that we aren't big excursion goes and don't experience much beyond the ports in the Caribbean. Except that, I've had enough of Cozumel, far too many, for us, itineraries for the western Caribbean go there. But, as usual, it's all in what you and only you, and your traveling partner(s), want. Whatever you decide, I hope you enjoy yourself.
  6. I think this falls into the realm of "let your conscience be your guide".
  7. Oh, you want me to put words in your mouth. I asked you the question. Do you want me to answer it for you? Is it not possible? If there is a possibility, it ain't funny! Do you not think that Cruise Ships can't be commandeered?
  8. The following is not a direct response to the OP. Just an opportunity for discussion. Many countries experience rebellion, gang violence, general crime issues, and just about any issue that we, as cruisers, don't want to experience. I include our own U.S. of A. in that. Many concerns are completely justified and some are not as serious as some want to make it. Unless, and this is all my own opinion, you are a well-seasoned traveler, current event seeker, and geographically knowledgeable, I'd heed the advice of security experts from the Department of State (as much as it pains me to give any U.S. government agency (except the military) credit for anything). I wouldn't make any decision based on any news agency's initial report(s) unless they are interviewing or quoting directly someone or something from official sources.
  9. It's amazing what media attention will do to an issue!
  10. Just for historic clarity: " After defeating the American forces in the Battle of Bladensburg on August 24, 1814, British forces led by Major General Robert Ross invaded the American capital district of Washington, DC. In so doing, Britain became the first and only country to have ever captured the United States capital in the country’s history. Military and government officials, including US President James Madison, were forced to flee the city. In retaliation for the American destruction of Port Dover in Upper Canada, the British forces set several governmental and military buildings alight, including the United States Capitol Building, and the Presidential Mansion, now known as the White House. The occupation of Washington lasted only slightly more than a day, however, as a heavy thunderstorm passed through the capital putting out the fires, killing several British and American troops, and destroying British ships. The British troops returned to their ships, and Americans returned to the city, thankful for the “Storm that saved Washington.” So, it was the British, and the fire was put out by a storm. And the U.S. did destroy a port in Canada before the British invasion of Washington. But, I'm so glad that we now get along and we can cruise to Canada from many ports in the U.S.
  11. Why? Is the possibility that funny OR do you think it is not possible?
  12. I'm not a TA and don't know for sure but my guess is that a TA gets a % of the revenue or whatever their agency offers, if they work for someone else. I'm guessing that not all revenue is commission-generating, too.
  13. I don't have very high standards when it comes to food. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good quality meal that is cooked right. But, for example, if Onion Soup tastes good quality and cooked right but has little/no visible onions, I'll enjoy it. I don't even care if it is HOT, warm is good enough for me. Generic cereals, generic frozen veggies, et al, are fine for me. But again, I do love well-marbled, prime, and cooked-to-perfection (medium rare), >16 oz, Tomahawk Ribeye from 5-star restaurants. My favorite meal is Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and brown gravy. I don't think I've ever seen Meatloaf in Royal's MDR. I believe I've seen it in the WJ and in Wonderland.
  14. Correct! Maybe not after being on board but close to embarkation time/day. The decision will "PROBABLY" be a last-minute one. The issues in Haiti are dynamic and yes, there is a huge financial risk involved. Things could change virtually overnight. I doubt they will but it is possible. My first cruise was one that went to the Panama Canal. We received a text message, this was Rustbucket Cruise Lines, the night before embarkation that the port of call in Colon was going to be replaced with Raaton because of a hurricane. Well, overnight the Hurricane drastically changed direction or went by faster than forecasted and by the time we did the sail away in Port Everglades, Colon was back on again.
  15. Can't tell if you are joking or not. I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada. So, I guess, if you don't trust Canadians, you should stop reading my posts, if you don't trust 'em.
  16. Fruit for thought, which was the intent of my earlier post: If the gang of criminals was big enough and armed enough, the ship would be the grand prize and I'm not sure how well-defended the ship is. I've read that RCCL and maybe even the Haitian government employees many locals to be armed and provide outer perimeter security to the location. Some folks have actually said that they have seen heavily armed guards at the perimeter fence. AND I don't know if the security on the ship(s) have any weapons to defend the ship with.
  17. I never said that I was considering or not considering going there. I don't have a cruise booked to go there and don't intend on doing so in the near future anyway. I was just posing questions as fruit for thought and I did say that the concerns are not just about personal safety or security. There are people that don't think of those kinds of things and it may provide an incentive to check it out with their own insurance companies. My trust in RCCL or others has nothing to do with my post. It's just about the insurance and legal exposure that passengers and RCCL may face if things go south. BTW, is it possible for RCCL to make the wrong decision to go to certain ports? I don't think you can say that it is impossible, can you! And another BTW, I'd be fine with cruising to Haiti today or tomorrow or.......... I have been there during less-than-perfect conditions in the rest of the country. AND I have discussed in other threads here and other social media sites that I believe that RCCL, et al, would not port in countries or ports that present a clear and present danger. But, that doesn't mean that it doesn't come with concerns and precautions AND the possibility of error.
  18. I can't answer the political or possible political involvement with the decision to designate Haiti with a Travel Advisory. It would just be conjecture on my part. However, a common border doesn't mean that things are the same on both sides of the border. Just look at the border at the U.S. and Mexican border. Totally opposite. Wealth on one side, desperation on the other (yes, I know/understand the arguments to that, just an anecdotal comparison). There are even many differences between Canada and the U.S.A.
  19. While I don't like complainers who are complainers just to be complainers or who try to get something for nothing, I have to remind myself (and sometimes, others) that this is a discussion board. So, if I feel that someone's post fits into one of the examples above, I either engage or ignore it. I do find it very amusing when I read people complaining about complaints(ers). Being retired from the customer service/hospitality industry, I have stories, stories, and more stories.
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