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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. Oh, I'm having a great time and that's all that counts, FOR ME! However, there are a number of folks in here that I don't respect and I don't respond to there posts but I may mock them via Avatar or emoji. I'm sure that breaks their heart, LOL. Well, I won't respond unless it is really stupid or a huge lie. And this goes for any/everybody:
  2. Once upon a time, many moons ago, I was a member of a board, much like this one, but it was a motorcycle board. The board/group had a meet and greet at Fall Church Falls, TN and we rode the country side for the day, this was the first group ride of the season. After the ride and a few days later, a guy and his wife that we had lunch with the day of the ride, came into the board and started complaining about smelling my cigarette smoke as he was following me on the bikes and I stunk up the lunch table that the 4 of us were sitting at. Not a word of complaint while we were in person. Boy O boy, was he pissed. I asked if he was sure it was from me. He was sure, completely sure, and he got really pissed that I challenged him with the possibility of it not being me. This was not the first time the he and I were at motorcycle gatherings and knew each other somewhat well as we've met at gatherings before. So, it was no secrete that I was a smoker. As I said this was the first group gathering/group ride of the season, the 2009 season. I quit smoking in the fall of 2008 and I haven't smoked since, not even putting a cigarette in my mouth or hand. I did not advertise the fact that I had quite. Why would I! So, I let him go on and on about how sickening it was to be around my smoke filled area, smell my clothing and so on. I think others in the board knew what I was doing, I've always let people hang themselves. Well, I finally let the hammer fall and let him know that I had quit smoking about 6 months before that ride and the ride that he was so sure that I smelled of cigarette smoke and he could smell the smoke as he was following me on the bike was not me and could not have been me and that he was making the whole thing up. Several others on the board that were local to my area and we socialized in person during the off riding season verified the fact that I quit in the fall of 2008. Several others came on and stated that the guy was a rabid "anti-smoker" and caused trouble wherever he went where people were smoking. They had to bail him out of trouble a few times. I guess he THOUGHT I was still a smoker and I was his target for the day. Hence, I'm not a big fan of the very vocal and unreasonable anti-smokers. I have no problem with people that simply state that they don't want to be around smokers or smoking. I respect that. I don't want to be around the smell of fish. But, I don't respect those that belittle and/or bully others, for any reason, actually.
  3. I smoked at home up and until I quit in 2008 I started in circa 1964. My family, thankfully, suffers no ill effects. My parents smoked just like your adult family did. So, did I except for the bed part. I don't remember any fires though. Lucky I guess. Please keep in mind that I said that I don't remember knowing of any cigarettes causing a major fire on a cruise ship and "That doesn't mean that I'm saying there were none, I'm not a student of smoking on cruise ships". But, you are probably right, there may be lots of incident of minor fires in cabins that were extinguished by the occupants or crew, little to no damage and not reported any higher than the hotel manager or reported to the ship's Captain but not reported any higher. It wouldn't be great public relations if that info got off the ship and into the public realm.
  4. Depending on the school system, some schools, in the U.S.A., will give the student excused absences and credit for many classes like world geography, which I totally support. Unfortunately, my grandson's school isn't one of them. And that's a whole other conversation for a whole other board. My granddaughter's school will give certain credits but not excused absences and she refuses to miss a day of school. I'd like to know how a school can give credits for certain things but not excused absence.
  5. We were on the Ovation in May, last year. It was about sail away time and the CD had been announcing that there were several people that hadn't been to check-in at their muster stations, yet and asking that if you haven't, please do as the ship wasn't going to leave until they do. We were in an elevator and there was a couple in there with us and they were totally drunk already. The wife, I assume, asked what was the announcement about. I said that there are still some idiots that haven't got to they muster stations and check-in yet. She looked at her husband and told him that they had better find out where their muster station is and check-in. She looked at me with a s#^%ing eating smile and said, "I guess they are looking for us". I looked at my wife and said, "we are surrounded by idiots". Boy O Boy did they scoot off of the elevator when they got to the correct deck.
  6. Do you know if the ship was ready for boarding at 10:00 - 10:30 AM? If not, that is what backs things up at times. If your arrival time is 10:30 AM, I believe that's the earliest "arrival time", and the ship is ready, you walk right on after you do the little bit of processing in the terminal.
  7. One other consideration, are the kids speaking English? If not, it may be south American kid. It's summer, or at least no school down there in many countries.
  8. They will give you a home equity loan to cruise with them! Special for only 6 more hours, only 37.5% interest. What a deal!
  9. Way too many if's, and's, or but's. Some ports/terminals/ships/staff are very strict and some just don't care or have different terminals policies. I can only tell you that at Port of Canaveral, Ovation of the Seas, Oct/Nov 2022, we had a 12:30 "Arrival Time". We were on the ship about an hour earlier than that.
  10. BTW, Lady, here is the whole thing:
  11. LOL, I sure hope you are right. Eventually, all you'll need on a RCCL ship is:
  12. Well, of course it will be everybody else's fault but there's.
  13. When you look at that avatar, think anger. That's what I see in some posts today. And it ain't gett'in any better.
  14. Come on Fred, you know, or should know, its humor, nothing more. Are you always on the lookout for controversy?
  15. Yep, but only if you are alone or with somebody.
  16. Yep, thanks for the reinforcement! See post #24
  17. Well, the caption from the website I stole the picture from said it was the first computer. I don't know, I wasn't there. Once again, I got it from the Internet, it's got to be true. Don't question it!
  18. Sorry but part of the lure of cruising is for the abundance of included food and entertainment. I reluctantly gave-in to the charging for Specialty Restaurants because it was an upgrade of the quality and individual prep., of food. But, I'll not pay for the entertainment. The entertainment on a cruise is generally entertainer wantabes or hasbeens. Yes, that's my opinion. Doesn't have to be yours! Note: I didn't say it was bad entertainment, well except for Cats, nobody can make that good entertainment. Again, my opinion. But they aren't on the A list and some have impressive resumes. But, it isn't good enough for an admission fee.
  19. Back in the mid-80s, while on my second tour of duty in Germany, my boss, who became a very good friend, was a Vegan. However, I don't remember that term being used back then. He invited us, my wife and I, over for diner. The dishes served were great tasting meat (looked almost like stew meat) and gravy, mashed potatoes and gravy and peas or some kind of vegetable, can't remember exactly what. We really enjoyed it and they ate it too. So, in the middle of the meal, I said, "Damn Don, I though you two were vegetarians". His answer, "We are!" "Than why are you eating meat", "We aren't". He laughed, went to the kitchen and brough out a can of vegetarian meat and gravy. I was very surprised at how good it was. HOWEVER, he did tell us that they had to take some kind of supplements to maintain the nutrients the human body needs. Him and his wife would not eat anything that was cooked in a pan or utensils that had meat touching them. So, they didn't get out much. Germany, at the time, didn't have a lot of Vegan restaurants LOL. That was it for me. If I can't get my nutrients from the food I prefer, I will eat the food that will. I will take supplements if medically necessary because of a medical issue. Like I self inject B-12 because of my bariatric/gastric sleeve surgery.
  20. I'm so relieved that Mexico doesn't have any other issues to worry about!
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