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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. Here I am showing off my favorite brand of water:
  2. Yep, they just upgraded their whole computer system at the mothership and all ships so they can offer texting for free. This is their latest and greatest computer system:
  3. Well, the only way to get things to change is to voice your concerns to every RCCL official you can find on the ship, surveys, and letters to the CEO. Otherwise, nothing will change.
  4. And I wouldn't want it any other way. As long as it doesn't get personal.
  5. Vegan won't eat animal derived foods. I guess that means things like milk, eggs, butter, animal based cooking oil. Vegetarians aren't that picky I'm not either. But, if there is no vegetarian selection on the menu, order the main meal and tell them to skip the meat, and so on.
  6. I stay away from talking about the M word. Every time I say how I feel about them, the entire thread gets deleted. So, MUMMMMMMs the word.
  7. Oh man, here I am on a diet and you are talking/typing like that. Stooooooop, you're killing me.
  8. I think that anyone/everyone that cruises is a VIP, no matter the class, category, wealth, and so on. It ain't cheap to cruise no matter how wealthy or unwealthy you are. However, I do understand and do participate in the ability to pay a little extra for some extra privileges and perks. If you see me with a Genie walking to the front of the line, I paid for that little perk. I may not "bother" to cruise "often" but I do earn my benefits, including cutting the lines. I earn my benefits by paying thousands of dollars more than those that don't. That doesn't make me better than anyone else. It make me willing and able to pay for some extra perks that is an option to me and most all others if they are willing to save for it. I save up for about 2 years to cruise in Star Class. But, in between that, I cruise in a Balcony Cabin. So, I cruise on average once a year, excluding COVID years.
  9. I see many posts that compare on cruise line's food with another, especially in here vs Rustbucket Cruise Lines. A lot of people say that the food on the other cruise line was better than RCCL's. Well, if I were the mothership at RCCL HQ, I'd be paying very close attention to these boards. There are a lot of people that choose a cruise line based almost totally because of the cruise line's food. Me personally, I've only got one cruise line to compare to, Rustbucket Cruise Line. I personally think that the vast majority of the food on RCCL is better, not to mention that the cliental/clientele is better on RCCL. But, I have to say that Rustbucket does a much better job on desserts. JMHO
  10. That's the main reason why I call my least favorite cruise line Rustbucket Cruise Line, has nothing to do with rust. It would be a long list of issues we had on our last cruises with Rustbucket, a long list. I swore that I would never use their actual name again, and I plan to honor that promise to myself (well, I did use the name once, a weak moment). I think most people know what cruise line I'm talking about. So, Rustbucket Cruise Lines is just my way of expressing my total and complete disgust with the company. Nothing more, nothing less.
  11. Thanks for noticing. Stay tuned. My new plan, I'm going to either predict the topic of the day or respond with emoji to the topic of the day. Day, loosely defined.
  12. Just playing "Devil's Advocate", again. For decades, going back to the first days of luxury cruising, up until about the early 2000's smoking on a ship was permissible, virtually anywhere. I don't remember any major fires on a cruise ship being reported as cigarettes being the verifiable caused of a fire. Even the fire on the Princess report says that it was "LIKELY" caused by a cigarette being thrown off of the balcony. Even if it was conclusive, a single incident shouldn't dictate a whole industry's policies/rules. Keep in mind, I said, "I DON'T REMEMBER". That doesn't mean that I'm saying there were none, I'm not a student of smoking on cruise ships! So, what has happened that made smoking and smokers the modern day pariah? The squeaky wheel theory. My personal feelings: I don't smoke and I really don't care if people smoke or vape anywhere (common sense prevailing of course) on a ship. So, I really don't care if there is a non-Smoking/vaping policy. On the other hand, I can understand those that have an actual medical reason for not wanting smoking where they are. But, I know that if I am allergic to something and a place that has that substance that I'm allergic to, I don't go. But, once again, on the other hand, people with allergies have a right to enjoy the same things we do. So, the bottom line, there is no easy answer. It's a conundrum.
  13. Well, it is kinda contemporary as related to this board, right!
  14. We may be talking past each other here, I'm not sure. But, my intent was that I don't remember seeing anybody admitting to being "put in their place". Most of us are firm in our commitment to our opinions, likes, and dislikes. And we don't mind stating our opinions, likes and dislikes. So, why would anybody like that, me included, feel like they've been put in their place if it doesn't change their opinion, likes, or dislikes.
  15. I'd bet that you are a better/informed consumer than to fall for the/any marketing ploy. I believe that there is a post in this thread that outlines the, so called, benefits that aren't. Off the top of my head, the one that rang so true to me, the early/special "Arriving Time". It does seem that they aren't paying attention to the "Arrival Times" anymore, at least at some ports/terminals/ships. BUT, you are you, if it makes sense to you, go for it. Who am I to try to tell you what to do? Answer, I'm not anybody that should tell you what to do.
  16. But, it ain't pure water vapor, either. Unless you are vaping pure water, which doesn't make any sense, does it. I don't vape or smoke cigarettes of any kind.
  17. Of all the things going on in Mexico, that is one of their top concerns!
  18. I completely agree with that. However, I do like to play the Devil's Advocate at times. Don't we all do things on a daily basis that can adversely affect others, things that could just be done away with with a rule or law? If so, where do we stop, where does my rights start and yours ends or Vise Versa. What is enough rules/laws, what is not enough rules/laws? My only personal though about this is that I'd give company's a lot more wiggle room than governmental jurisdictions to make rules or laws. You break a company rule, you are slapped on the wrist, told not to do it again, and/or kicked out. Break a law, you are arrested, tried, convicted, and/or jailed. No, this is not intended to be a political discussion.
  19. One in the same for me. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, as far as I'm concerned.
  20. Apples/Oranges! Speeding is USUALLY a physical activity that creeps up on most people as most people are rule followers. So, the vast majority of speeders aren't anti-rule, just not 100% cognizant of their actions, me included, but it still isn't an excuse. I'm very thankful for cruise control. I believe that is a whole lot different than lighting up a cigarette in a venue/location that is Non-Smoking/Vaping. Sneaking on Wine/Alcohol/Beer, whatever on to a ship that it is known for their rules. Hell, I talked to a guy in a cruise terminal, recently, that told me that he has two wine bottles filled with Rum or other hard liquor and that he had a machine/device that put a wax seal on the bottles to make it look like a factory seal. Hell, I go out of my way to go in the "ENTRANCE" doors and out the "EXIT" doors at Walmart/Target (Not really, I don't go Target, but you get my point), and I give the stink eye look to those that don't. I also believe totally in the 2A. But, won't go into places that don't, with 2A or not, on me. Some places can't be avoided though. Do I speed. Yes, but not with intent and when I find that I am, I slow down and am glad that I wasn't pulled over for my inattentiveness. Smoking/Vaping/Smuggling aren't unintended acts, they are very overt acts of defiance.
  21. Thalidomide is totally safe and peer reviewed (or whatever they called in back in the day) as a great medication, too. I think I know some folks that would argue that.
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