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Ret MP

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Everything posted by Ret MP

  1. Yep, sometimes it just doesn't get you over the hump. But, appreciated anyway. Those 28 points put me 3 points short of D. I earned the 3 points on my 4 night cruise on Independence last October/November. But, as you know, you don't get the earned tier benefits until the next cruise.
  2. Very rarely or maybe only once they offer(ed) double points. We got 28 points each on our Alaska, Ovation, May 2022 sailing.
  3. Wrong. I provide site after site, I can provide graph after graph and I'm the one that "Facts don't matter to". Now that is toooooo rich. But, I'm out.
  4. I'm not confused, at all. I may have misread the Quarter vs. Month and originally I didn't remember exactly what quarter/month I got the stat from. But, the market share was at ~65% at one time, which you said that it was never reached 65%. I said it was at 65% and went down, which it did. Look, I can shoot holes in every reported statistic posted in this thread, all of them, mine, yours, anyone's. I've already researched many of them and I just decided to leave them alone. My last post was an attempt to throw out my right hand, shake, and say, "well done". It is still out there.
  5. Okay, I think we have beat this dead horse enough. No matter what you think, I appreciate the info you have presented and in many cases, made me do a little quick research, which is a good thing. Until this thread, I had no idea what UWB was. I knew something about it by Ultra-Wideband, but never as UWB and I also had no idea what API was in any form. So, thanks for the educational experience. I do mean that, BTW.
  6. https://www.phonearena.com/news/apple-iphone-record-sales-us-december-2020_id129957
  7. Once again, I didn't bookmark the site that I got the 65% figure from. But, here is another site that says it is/was 65%. The site I quoted from in the earlier post (I believe it was STATISTA) also said that it did drop to about 55%. It was at 65% for a relatively short period of time. Even your link above says it reached 57%, last paragraph. https://backlinko.com/iphone-users iPhone Key Stats More than 1 billion consumers currently use iPhones. Since its initial launch, more than 1.9 billion iPhones have been sold. Apple shipped 206.1 million iPhones in 2020. iPhones have a 65% share of smartphone sales in the US. 6 of the top 10 most sold smartphone models in January 2021 were designed by Apple. I bring up the market share because one of my first posts in here, I mentioned that Android is the dominant mobile device (ie, Tile users) world wide and I also said that I believe that as Tile gets to be more of a household name, their market share will increase, too. I also believe that Tile has much more flexibility for users and their options to use different brands of phones. So, I've seen this 65% number in two sources. Are they completely reliable? I think Statista is, not sure about backlinko. That's the problem with discussing statistics, it depends on where you get them, who is presenting them, and so on. I have not said why I dislike Apple. There are many reasons, one of which is their use of soooo much proprietary things, at least the last time I checked and that was a few years back.
  8. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending one brand or the other, although I dislike Apple products. I'm really just concerned about capabilities or compatibility, I should say. A couple of you have two separate and differing statistics, 1 billion vs 2 billion. But, that's not my concern. I'm more interested in compatibility. Chances are that if I'm looking for my "whatever", there is going to be either an iPhone or an Android somewhere close by, market share in this case doesn't matter, especially if it is in an airport, cruise terminal, on the corner of Broad and Main, wherever there is human movement going on. I don't think that there are any public places that prohibit one brand of mobile device or another. But, I change phones a lot, I bounce from Moto to Samsung to LG (although I don't think LG is in the phone business anymore)....... I hate buying an accessory for one thing and then find out that I can't change because of compatibility issues. Just a side note, Apple lost it's market share (I believe it is just their phones but as usual, I could be wrong) form ~65% to <55% not long ago. Don't know if it has gone up or down since that reported statistic, I believe it was one or two of last year's quarters.
  9. I avoided bring that up in my post as I stated that in another post on another board and you wouldn't believe the personal attacks, name calling, and just down right nastiness. Yes, I totally believe that the guy/gal you see with a badge on their shirt is one that they got out of their cabin closet right next to their dishwashing uniform, or whatever. No, I don't think that most of their security personnel are professional security folks.
  10. Today's cruise ships, the newer ones, have some of the most up to date video security systems in the hospitality industry. It would be hard for me to believe that the ship's security didn't observe the lead-up to the assault or at least a possible issue. While the cruise industry may have the latest and greatest security toys, I don't think they have the latest and greatest security personnel. I try not to judge a book by it's cover. But, some of the security personnel I've observed (not all) don't look like they know a crime from a baseball card and I especially wouldn't want some of them to be sent to back me up in a pinch.
  11. Another question: Let's say I follow the advice of some and buy the "Samsung" or "Pixel" device and tags, can only a Samsung/Pixel device track the tag? If so, doesn't that also limit the number of phones that can track an item? That's why I purchased the Tile, my thought was (right or wrong?) that it is, for lack of a better term, generic and can be used with any brand phone as long as it an Android or iPhone.
  12. And you know what? If I saw you in the MDR, Chops, WJ, whatever, I bet the taste of my meal wouldn't change one bit, the paint on the walls wouldn't start melting, and no family or friends would fall to the floor in the fetal position and suck on their thumb.
  13. Yes, be specific. In fact, be as specific as you can with everything you reserve/order/whatever , especially with those that are ESL.
  14. I'm not a big fish eater, especially bait! I do like shrimp though. So, in Izumi, I get the beef (steak), shrimp, and fried rice. But, I've been told by others in my party that the Chicken is very good as well.
  15. That guy is me, in spirit. I don't wear shorts, but I don't get dressed up either.
  16. Yep, relative to known locations, landmarks, sun positioning and many other possible factors.
  17. Happy New Year to you and everybody else. Here's to hoping that 2023 is much much better than 2022.
  18. That's weird, I don't see it at all now, it's gone, at least for me. It has a link to Wiki and a cut and paste of how it is an opensource reference and anybody can edit it. It was a quote from you where you posted a link to Wiki.
  19. BTW, my last response toyou is awaiting review. I don't understand why. I just posted a link to WIKI'se disclaimer and the fact that ANYBODY can edit it. I don't use WIKI for anything other than to post the disclaimer and the link to it. So, I guess we will have to wait until a moderator approves my post to you.
  20. I just looked, don't know why I didn't earlier, my Samsung S21+ has UWB. Imagine that. But, my Tiles aren't compatible, yet.
  21. I think that this is just about the perfect letter to be sent to the CEO of Royal. Just to let him know what your/our expectations were and what reality is. We all need to do a letter writing to the CEO. This can't stand for long. I like Royal and I don't want to give up cruising. I can't think of another cruise line that isn't doing the same. So, if I leave Royal, I'm leaving cruising. I'm not there yet and I'm not sure how many straws it will take to break this camel's back.
  22. You wouldn't want to see me wrapped in Saran, only. It ain't purdy, I promise.
  23. https://www.slashgear.com/tile-ultra-bluetooth-tracker-adds-uwb-ar-tech-for-ios-and-android-12694874/
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