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Everything posted by MacMadame

  1. I second this. We had a flight canceled on us and my husband didn't want to stand in line because they said we'd get an email with instructions. Eventually, I ignored him and got in line. By the time I got to the front of the line, the only flight they could get us on left 3 days later!! Someone behind me in line made his own plane reservations while standing in line and was able to get out the next day. He was also the last person to get vouchers for hotel & transportation because then they *ran out*.
  2. If they sell the Island, they'll only have one ship that can go through the old locks. Unless they build a new small ship, I guess. 🤔
  3. All the wifi plans come with unlimited minutes. Princess doesn't limit minutes like other lines do. And they don't have different speeds for different prices either. With Plus and Premier, wifi is free. Premier lets you hook up to 4 devices at a time while Plus has the 1 device plan. Standard fare passengers have to pay for it -- $14.99 a day for one device at a time and $39.99 for 4 devices at a time. Here are the details: https://www.princess.com/en-us/ships-and-experience/princess-medallionclass/medallionnet
  4. Wow, a few months ago, it did ask me about transfers and insurance but now it wants me to put down the deposit before I get there. (Which I'm not doing for a fake booking to see if I need to refare.)
  5. Same thing happened to me. But I called the CVP line as I've heard the horror stories about using chat or calling the general CS line.
  6. There are also supply chain issues. For example, in parts of the US finding eggs is very hit or miss.
  7. I booked mine online. I think that is the new "call and book". I like it better because I can see exactly what is booked. Also, I hate calling people.
  8. Well, I did quote you. I also don't tend to pay attention to who said what. 😉
  9. And I agree with you! 😄 I don't agree with the other poster who keeps making the argument that people who get tipped don't want to be paid a fair wage instead.
  10. If you are going to make the argument that servers make more with the current tipping situation, as some were, including the person I was responding to, then using only high-end restaurants -- a very small percentage of all people who get tips as part of their work -- is disingenuous IMO. And not a good argument for why cruise ship workers should also continue to get tips -- which again was the argument being made. As is coming up with an example of how people who are tipped make more money but only using 2 hours and making the non-tipped wage low. I can come up with many examples of how non-tipped people would make more overall. You just have to make sure their salaries are what they should be to make them whole and also include their entire work-week including slow shifts and at least a few people who just stiff them as that absolutely happens.
  11. Right. 99% of businesses have a Point of Sales system that does it all for you. Even Mom&Pop shops these days use something like Square to make sales (so they can take credit cards). However, our sales tax system is based on adding sales tax afterward and is extremely complex. If we had started 100 years ago with a system where sales tax was included, we probably wouldn't have these issues. 😄 I do think in countries with VAT, they do have a way for a business to fill out a form at year-end to make adjustments as well.
  12. The computer (register) should do most of the work. When I had my business, the people taking sales didn't have to worry about sales tax at all. But in this case, they would just push a button if you showed them you were a tax-exempt business and the computer would back out the tax.
  13. Not everyone works in a high-end restaurant. Plus, we are talking about cruise ships and the people who work there. I think it's a red herring. We're talking about cruise ships and they know what is and isn't taxable and it has nothing to do with where people live.
  14. And they get tips on top of that! Which is as it should be, IMO. It's very expensive to live here and $15.50/hr doesn't come close to cutting it. I have lived in the US for 66 years and have been to many Broadway plays and plays all over the country and I have never seen anyone tip the usher for handing them a program. I know many wait staff who have told me stories that directly contradict this. Many times the PITA customers are also the worst tippers. Also, the whole tipping a percentage of the bill is whack because different orders take different amounts of effort on the part of the waitstaff and that effort does not correspond to the price of the item.
  15. That seems to be a consistent complaint I've been reading. Not just Princess, either. Not sure what is up with that. Word. Working with the apps pre-cruise has me wanting to fly down to FL and show them how to do it. 🤣 I hope it's not even more frustrating when we are actually on the ship. I think the newer ships have more of that stuff. The new Sun Princess seems to be pretty blinged out with go-carts and water slides and all that. I'm not into that so I don't know the details. But having enormous ships with a mini-amusement park on the top deck seems to be a trend with all the cruise lines. It makes me feel old. LOL
  16. They are $15 each so $60 would be 4 meals. Are you counting both cabinmates? I do all my math with one person.
  17. It would depend on if you plan to use the fitness classes (me - yes, dh - no) and take advantage of the 2 free casual dinings. And have other non-alcoholic drinks since almost everything we drink costs extra. Oh, and use the wifi. 😄
  18. I thought Alfredo's was there as a popup on sea days? There is a pool in the Sanctuary (which is aft) but you have to pay for that. I assume you mean balcony cabins. There are definitely none of those on the Coral which disappointed me when I was booking. But they do have some ocean view aft cabins if people are interested in them. Same.
  19. It's not the whole cover, just a stick-on circle. Kind of like a pop socket. This is another possibility. It also holds credit cards / id https://www.amazon.com/Cruise-Princess-Medallion-Accessories-Holder/dp/B0BWNTB65J/ref=sr_1_4?crid=29TVKCD7SGPK1&keywords=Cruise%2BOn%2BPrincess%2BMedallion%2BPhone%2BAccessories%2B[2%2BPack]%2BHolder%2Bfor%2BOcean%2BMedallion%2B(iPhone%2C%2BAndroid%2C%2B%26%2BAll%2BDevices)&qid=1704656178&sprefix=cruise%2Bon%2Bprincess%2Bmedallion%2Bphone%2Baccessories%2B2%2Bpack%2Bholder%2Bfor%2Bocean%2Bmedallion%2Biphone%2C%2Bandroid%2C%2B%26%2Ball%2Bdevices%2B%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-4&th=1
  20. I am looking at a Canon R7 vs Canon R6 Mark II. Thoughts?
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