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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. This just struck me as hilarious. I thought, "she doesn't have 2 husbands", right?
  2. You mean in the next 19-days? I would guess your chances are only slightly above zero. Never hurts to try, I guess.
  3. Unlikely. If your son had a way to vape pot with zero odor, he would be a billionaire.
  4. That would be an extremely ignorant parent. The difference is blatantly obvious. Not the least of which is the silly, stoned grin on their faces.
  5. I'm no tax accountant, but I'm pretty confident that if an American citizen makes an income on the high seas, the IRS is going to want their cut. As for other countries, who knows?
  6. My drinking hours are essentially 2:00 - 11:00 pm, at most, so I guess whether it starts/ends at midnight or 6:00 am doesn't really matter.
  7. Here's another question that's probably been asked 100 times: How easy is it / what's involved to get a few of my drinks charged to my wife? We have the EBP, so she'll maybe have 3 counted drinks a day.
  8. That would be me! So, what's the answer? 😆
  9. That would be my Manhattan at dinner.
  10. I was thinking about a thread regarding the drink limit. I hope we can get some discussion. I drink double shots with a splash of Coke. So, we're talking 7 being the actual limit for me, correct? On a sea day, starting at 2-3 pm, I'd hit that limit by dinner. 🙃 So, my question would be what drinks are high alcohol content that only counts as one drink?
  11. Same issue on my Samsung but didn't just have a system update. No problems on the website.
  12. This ludicrous idea of "bribery" isn't going to get less ridiculous just because you keep saying it.
  13. A tip is a tip, before, during, or after. Calling it "bribery" is ridiculous on its face, and I'll repeat my assertion that any tipped crew member would agree.
  14. Ridiculous. Ask the crew if a tip is demeaning. I'm going to go out on limb and guess that they say -- ridiculous.
  15. Who cares if it's ice cream, ice milk, frozen dessert, whatever? If it's cold, creamy, and easily fills a cone, I'll eat it. Quit being a grumpy old geezer. 😆
  16. We were on an NCL cruise in 2017 when this exact thing happened. Many drink prices went up to $1 more than the package limit. Oh, the outcry when word got out! Bartenders were pulling their hair out with trying to deal with it. The line at guest relations was a mile long. If I recall, it lasted about 4-hours. Suddenly, the package limit was raised $1.
  17. If I recall correctly, you can't "do the port luggage thing" on flights prior to noon. You'll have to check your own bags at SeaTac. I would use Seattle Express from the port to the airport, but that's just my opinion. We've had great, fast service with them. Since you have Precheck, 11:50 shouldn't be a problem. Without Precheck, I wouldn't do it. SeaTac can be a nightmare.
  18. Last year on the Prima the Super Bowl was on every screen everywhere.
  19. I'm pretty sure that means they can't claim two dinners for themselves. They can bring a guest.
  20. Obviously a very subjective situation. I'm 235 lbs. and Mrs. IA is 110 soaking wet. We're already bumping into each other and always in each other's way. Add another adult of any size and there will be some angst, for certain. Storage would probably be fine, again, depending. We'll never do it, but to each their own. We all choose our own level of comfort.
  21. There is no place to add it in your profile, so it's unlikely a call would do any better. I do seem to remember being able to add it when booking, but it never shows up anywhere after that.
  22. Kinda like the Raiders? ...just...could...not...stop...........
  23. I think you're confused. The Rolling Stone Rock Room has nothing to do with the band called the Rolling Stones. It's the Rolling Stone magazine.
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