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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. Dock, I would love to be able to tell you everything to make your cruise perfect. But that's not my job, Reseach the ship, research the ports, research the temperatures. Research the interiors and exteriors vs. the temperatures. Spending $1000's of dollars is worth a bit of effort, right? Personally, I'd jump on that ship in a heartbeat. 😄
  2. Welcome to the Ncl bidding process that has no rhyme or reason. Bid the most you are willing to pay, and then forget about it until the week of your cruise.
  3. And that's the end line, right? Who deserves money, and who just wants money?
  4. Whatever. Have fun on a modern cruise ship,
  5. Yeah, as usual, the thread goes sideways. The answer in 2024 is, what are you talking about? No smartphone? What does that even mean?
  6. OP, I'm with you. But based on the title of this thread: what would you consider a "fair" cancellation fee?
  7. Totally agree. Can you show me a recent NCL itinerary that shows something different?
  8. It's often difficult to discern whether one is serious, or sarcastic. Do your research, and do you.
  9. kathy, your review is appreciated, but polar opposite of what we experienced. To each their own.
  10. Haven't quite wrapped my head around why you would get the up charged filet in Le Bistro without the fois gras, but, whatever. You can get a filet for an upcharge in the MDR.
  11. Seems like the end of the story is -- if you want to go to Venice, book a trip to Venice. A cruise might not be your thing.
  12. I find it sad you even need to mention this. I have a dream that all posts are an accurate representation of a true fact. Oops...just woke up. 🐀
  13. For certain. Once Prima and Viva become the "old ships", the value vs. price will increase accordingly.
  14. I've been reading along, I really have. But I'm trying to wrap my head around all this intense discussion about what to me is essentially Econ101. Is it normal for NCL to have a DOS available after final payment, for which they need to discount in order to sell? If yes, then they are charging too much to begin with, because the demand at that level isn't there. In no, then they need more DOS's or charge a higher price, because the demand is higher than the supply. What am I missing?
  15. Gary was my intro to YT cruise videos. He is fantastic. I've accumulated a number of others I watch daily, but yes, he is the gold standard.
  16. No, OP chose the cabin. Just because there were no other cabins in the category available still puts the onus on the OP. NCL had nothing to do with it. Unless I'm missing something that you have seen from his posts.
  17. The video is the Breakaway. My experience was different on the Joy and Escape (I think). Your mileage may vary on the Epic.
  18. You are not in a Las Vegas casino. You're on a cruise ship that has a casino. You need to make friends with the casino host.
  19. It seems that NCL is not allowing MDR reservations by app or online (for at least some cruises). For our cruise in 60-days, I couldn't make an online reservation, but I could via chat.
  20. Unfortunately, the customer rarely gets the benefit of marketing or IT errors. It happens, but not often.
  21. Can you find a previous post from the OP that makes this statement correct?
  22. That is unfortunate. 😄 But yes, you likely have much better/cheaper options than flying out of Des Moines.
  23. This happened to us when we booked through a PCC, so I assume it will also happen on a website booking. I just called our PCC back and she applied the 10% to Mrs. IA's fare as well. No problem, just a glitch in the system. What a shock.
  24. All mini fridges we've seen BA+ ships have no freezer. In fact, they are barely refrigerators.
  25. Fellow Iowan. We have a UK trip out of Rotterdam in August (flying to Amsterdam out of Des Moines). Flight Ease isn't even remotely close to what we can find directly.
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