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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. Would you agree that somewhere on the Internet I can find that bartenders on cruise ships are making far more than $1000 per month? In addition, your 3000 out 4000 passengers may be far too high. You have to exclude anyone under 21, and anyone who declines the drink package. For example, that would be 3/4 of my extended family who might, might have a glass of wine or a beer at dinner. Finally, you have no clue who is included in the receipt of the drink package gratuities. How about the MDR servers who bring 4 drinks to the table? How about the runners who stock the bar? The staff that washes the bar glasses? Maybe the laundry staff who wash the bartender/server uniforms? Point is, it's all pure speculation.
  2. And don't forget the runners who have to go to the coffee shop every time an espresso martini is ordered! (had to throw in a Bird reference there)
  3. Wow. Pulling numbers out the arse is easy. How about backing them up?
  4. Thank you for pointing out that it's just an opinion. Opinions are like leaves on a tree -- there are thousands of them, all fluttering in every possible direction. What disturbs me is when people make blanket statements as if they are fact, and then get upset if someone disagrees with their "fact". That happens far too often.
  5. Yes, but that's not the point of the thread. The OP's question is whether you'd buy it for the OBC, not as a long-term investment for retirement, or whatever. And what does being a ship's master have anything to do with it?
  6. Well now. That's an interesting little can of worms you've opened. 🍿
  7. If you're buying it with your retirement on the line, you're doing it wrong. If you're buying it for immediate tax-free money, you're doing it right.
  8. The price is what it is. Do you want a tax-free dividend, or not?
  9. Excellent point. And relevant to any other Latitudes discount. To be honest, I'm not sure if I get my discount on a t-shirt in the shops. I've never checked.
  10. UK, you make a lot of silly blanket statements that I just laugh off. But man, you've been going off the deep end lately. "As a group"? What does that even mean? All of us? Some percentage? I assume you are included? Are you ok?
  11. And really, the gold card doesn't often matter other than unlock the Haven door. I've stood right next to a "gold card" at the bar, and my silly little green card got served first.
  12. Of course. We've sailed by Cuba, and many places. But I would never say I've been there. I also draw the line with airport connections. I've had layovers in Charlotte, Detroit, Phoenix, Atlanta, etc. But I would never say I've been to those cities.
  13. We've never lounged by the pool. Even Mrs. IA isn't willing to get up at 6 am to put a flipflop on a chair.
  14. Sorry, that's all I noticed. Pretty sure I agree with the rest of your post. 😄
  15. I can only book the Manhattan Room on my cruise. Taste and Savor are "unavailable to book". Go figure.
  16. Next one, I'm there. It will be esteemingly gloriousness.
  17. Ah. I missed that you edited the quote from UK. Nice. What about the 125-day dining?
  18. We've done Cavern Club ships twice. Loved it, except the 2nd time we were on deck 9 right above the Club. We also got rehearsals, sound checks, etc. We are now going for the 3rd time on a 3-week repo. Not quite as exciting. 😆
  19. My brain experienced a nasty twitch when I read this OP. I hope this ends well, but I'm not going to make any bets on it.
  20. You were able to book dining at 125 days in the "cheap cabins"? You got a bag of free laundry and a bottle of (crappy) wine?
  21. Encore is our favorite ship, and we'll be taking the repo cruise in April. It is full. If you want to be close to the pool, forget it. If you just want a lounge chair in the sun, you'll find one. And then, there is the Vibe. GSC is a crapshoot everytime. And if you end up getting there, getting back is a complete cluster. Get a freaking dock.
  22. Yep, those days are getting closer than I'd wish. But if I can't ever do it, I will also say that I've never been to Antarctica.
  23. I would be in Heaven. Give me the open sea in all directions, a Blue Moon, and Mrs. IA. I would die a happy man. 🐀
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