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Everything posted by IAcruising

  1. This is as close as you're going to get, which is actually nowhere, since like many NCL "policies", they sometimes exist, and sometimes don't. For your convenience. "Recently, we explored making an extremely limited number of reservations for The Haven restaurant available to non-Haven guests. Given that this test has not been well received, we will continue to preserve The Haven experience exclusively for our Haven guests." - NCL
  2. USS Iowa. Kind of a big deal for us. Can't wait to visit her again in April.
  3. Dawg getting spanked up in here. Good rule of thumb: what you don't know is more important than what you do know.
  4. Watch him until he puts your luggage on the rack. If all the other tags are your ship, you're good.
  5. Apathy is easy when it's the least enjoyable place you could be on the ship at that moment.
  6. Hmm. While I agree, I'm betting Mrs. IA would make good use of him.
  7. @BirdTravels Thanks. We are in the "strong" range for 12 rooms, and "poor" for the ten 2-bedroom villas. Seems like a bunch of 2-bedrooms available. But it's not exactly a family type cruise.
  8. I'm confused. What time are you talking about reserving? If you book at 5:30, I'm wondering why you think "drinks with friends" would end that early. Seriously? Getting back to the ship early? Like, 4:00? You're a pier runner. I don't get it. If you book at 7:00 and don't show up, trust me, no problem. Someone will be there to take your spot.
  9. A glass of bubbling something, a snack, and a shout out to anyone Platinum or above. Oh, and the sales pitch to buy CN certificates, for your convenience. 🤣
  10. @BirdTravels There are 22 empty Haven rooms we have bids on, 3-months out. Chances?
  11. I'm not reading this monstrosity of a thread, but I too am waiting on a bid. Yes, I have bids on four different categories. They take all bids, and only one will be accepted, if and when hell freezes over. 🤣
  12. Just a heads up, if you are the least bit mobility challenged, you won't make it to deck 18.
  13. I just put my card in my pocket. Seems like a lot less work.
  14. But d, if you hide it at the bottom of the page, in an obscure link, and make it an actual process to be followed -- many will just give up -- saving how many $100 OBC's? Not a terrible thing. If you want a credit, put in the work.
  15. We have also found this to be true -- except for night 1, which always seems to be a cluster. I only book a MDR reservation for the first night and have always been glad I did. After that, no problem.
  16. You know about the jewel in the rough! We attended my niece's wedding at Hacienda Guadelupe. Wedding lasted until 2:00 am, then left the next morning at 10:00 am for a 14-hour wine and bar tour. I found out I was getting way too old for that sht. 😆
  17. Someday, I'll get a butler. I assume Mrs. IA will figure out how to use him.
  18. When you board, the Social will have a complete list of shows for the week. You can book Choir of Man, but that's it. But at least you will have a complete list to reference the rest of the week. For the best Beatles shows in the Cavern Club, get there an hour early, or prepare to stand in the back.
  19. Yeah, it's only been going on since the day cruising began. So deceptive, unless you can read.
  20. 10:30 is a no-brainer in Manhattan. At 9:30 you'll be one of the last off the ship. Your checked bags will be nearly alone in the terminal. You'll walk straight through the facial recognition camaras and be on the street in minutes. The only stress is getting across the street.
  21. I have it from a good source that they're waiting for the 10-year-olds to decorate it.
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