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Tom and Ingrid

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Everything posted by Tom and Ingrid

  1. Craps was always our "game" when we would go to Vegas - but that was back in the $1 and $2 minimums. Now, even the more old and worn down places seem to be $5 or more (Celebrity casino even more), so we trailed off playing much. When it was $1, $30 lasted a LONG time for us, and often left close to even. Now, say starting at $300 for close to the same play time is less enticing, but if I knew plunking down $1,000 bucks in the casino (even if losing it all) would get me a "free" cruise, I'd do it every time. Love craps, hate losing, but it's not a loss if I got a free cruise in return 🙂
  2. I'm guessing the Icon (196') is approaching the limit, and the next generation (if taller) will be at the limit for the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge (228'). Two more decks? It just might happen!
  3. Building toward what number? I think the OP is looking for the "trigger" points where gambling $X.00 yields a 5 night cruise, Gambling $X + $Y yields a 7 night cruise.
  4. "Odd" in what sense? Historical? Not odd. X and most others have had the rule all along. It might be odd if it changed. Relative? Not odd. Most restaurants have dress codes, so if you look at the ones on land that are large enough to explain their dress codes, you'll see "no shorts" is the norm. So is it odd in some other way? Maybe, but not to folks who cruise on Celebrity or who go to mainstream nice restaurants on land. The great news is NO ONE will starve on a cruise as there are plenty of options for places to eat while wearing shorts 🙂 just not the MDR or other specialty restaurants.
  5. Anyone off the Silhouette recently think that I should cart a few books for our trip this month? We always have books to donate to the local library. Our home has a dedicated room for our books, but my wife is always adding, while I (who read 99% on Kindle) am usually trying to subtract (hence the donations). I could see finally paring down my hardbacks and freeing up some new shelves for my wife's stuff. And a bit of space for "souvenirs" on return makes sense.
  6. We did the 7 night Summit to Bermuda and loved it. To me, it's a "repeatable" one like the ABC or other Caribbean ones might be for Floridians. My hope is that as the final E rolls out, and then the next ones are in the pipeline, that X doesn't start dropping the M class ships, and simply adds a new class so their fleet grows by 5 or so over the next decade. But my "hopes" usually don't match the X/RCCL game plan.
  7. This for sure. I'm a fan of more options for departure ports. I like Cape Liberty since my siblings can drop me & pick me up and I can leave my car (and pup) with them. For me, there's also the Baltimore cruise terminal where I'd love to see it used by X.
  8. It is, in many folks cases, an ability to "self insure". A hundred grand would've bought YOU and not your insurance agent a LOT of stuff. 🙂 Like I wrote, though, if it's about peace of mind (not a requirement for a car registration, a mortgage, or similar), that's well and good and you're buying something that makes you feel better. If it's actually based on "probability", that's great for sharing here, so others can use them for their decisions. IOW - if there is a 1 in 100 chance you're not gonna get to take a cruise dues to a claimable reason, that's good to know. If there is a 1 in 10 chance, then that's REALLY good to know. If it's 1 in 1,000 or 1 in 10,000? Well, darn, that's a good reason to be like the OP and just figure out a way to make it work.
  9. I get when folks are worried so that it might be prudent to buy trip insurance. For most, I guess it's mainly a psychological boost knowing spending $X.00 potentially protects them from losing $Y.00. As folks age, I definitely can see that having both more of a psychological boost, but also as a pragmatic hedge on their own health and circumstances. I'm about 30 years into traveling without any trip insurance. I can see though, that my NEXT 30 years of traveling will be increasingly "risky" as my wife and I age (and the loved ones in our lives). Up to $160/couple adds up to a lot of trips in the past for us. What's your "claim" of coverage benefits track record? Do you regularly run up against problems that force you to cancel or highly modify a trip? Or did one big claim make all the non-claims "worth it"?
  10. Yep - in the OP I compare it to the devaluation of airline programs where status means less over time. We definitely don't chase status with X and the CC although I will do the bonus Power Up videos to see what's new. I think we're also into the "burn miles" mentality for airlines and hotels mode, since they pretty much devalue immediately, so when we hit a milestone to use them, we do. 4 nights at the Marriott in Amsterdam before leaving for the Norway cruise will eat some, and we'll keep working the balances down over time. And the answer to this is a resounding YES, we are ACTIVELY looking at other cruise lines (not RCG related) including but not limited to MSC, Princess, Virgin, and maybe Cunard. In many cases, totally different vibes across those lines, but there is not really a reason to "stay" solely with X from a "loyalty" program perspective, and with the two X cruises on the books this year, I see 2025 as a possible non-X or and X (Bermuda, TP, or Mexican Riviera) plus another line sort of year. Probably more than the loyalty issue, though, I am challenged by finding a great X itinerary for the US without repeating ports. That's for the other threads, though.
  11. We've done two (Turkey & Greece and then Spain & Portugal) and headed to Norwegian Fjords at the end of the month. So, those three 😄 But our next one would be an Italy/Croatia most likely.
  12. What SHOULD they offer? I personally think X is actively moving towards crafting at least two completely different experiences, but using that via The Retreat and not loyalty. So they do offer that already, and it seems to follow the progression I mentioned in the OP. In all honesty, the Elite+ complimentary cappuccino, latte, & espresso are about the only next tier item on my radar. Coupled with the Elite HH, and that would keep us from wanting a beverage package on anything except a TA/TP. From a "special" perspective, the options for priority service are nice, and maybe the Elite breakfast and Officer parties. And the laundry (which we still haven't needed).
  13. An example would simply be any "exclusive" event that a certain status or above is invited to. If there are 100 folks on board at that status, it remains a "perk". If there are 1,000 folks on board with that status, it is more a "meh" situation. Scattered throughout a cruise, there are various events we get invited to, and over the years, those become more and more full. So your WAG is a devaluation will be coming, and maybe isn't already happening? I can see that. With the small return to departure day HH, things actually went "back" in folks favor, but I also see the pendulum swinging the other way soon.
  14. Watched a fun YouTube video by the Ritzy Travel Guide of cruising in the 70s and 80s, and it featured a lot of Carnival archival footage. Some scary stuff back in the day 😄. Honestly, had we taken a Carnival cruise in the 80s, I don't think I'd have ever taken another one. Maybe the 90s were a more reasonable time.
  15. As I slowly move up the ranks of X loyalty/status (still only Elite), I see that X is experiencing pretty much the same issues as all these programs - too many "big" fish making them devalue the perks for all or X is stuck with a growing "cost" eating into their profits. Since we know businesses don't eat into their profits when they can figure out other methods, clearly a devaluation is coming or, as many feel, is already happening. Every single day, more folks are moving up from Select -> Elite -> Elite+ -> Zenith, and there is no way the existing Zeniths are dropping off at a fast enough pace to simply be replaced. The ranks of the "special" folks on a cruise will swell and swell. I foresee that the trend in X towards $$$ and not status counting most of all will accelerate. Like airlines before them, status will mean less (or be accrued differently). IOW - as mentioned in another thread, "loyalty" programs don't mean much if they don't inspire loyalty. I gotta wonder where this leads - for us in particular - as we approach retirement and more time to cruise, and nothing too enticing about progressing too much further up the ladder, especially if by the time we get to Zenith (10 yrs more?), it will likely be a shadow of what it was. I see changing from a "X or bust" cruiser to almost solely being driven by price and itinerary (already high priorities).
  16. For sure they played a PART in it, but the inventing part pre-dates them a bit. Don't want to forget the Silent Generation who didn't really toot their own horns.
  17. Huh? Boomers are post WWII babies. Pretty sure kids in grade school weren't doing that early work on the internet. Credit goes to the folks born before the war. But this generation naming stuff is nonsense with regards to a topic on AGE. Next year, the age brackets of 55-64, 65-74, 45-54, etc. will still be the same, but generations? Those are slowly advancing into an age bracket and then out of it. One day a Gen X or a Boomer is in the 45-54 bracket, and then one day, they're not. Cruising will always have an eye towards the 65+ crowd, as those are the ones retired and/or with disposable income - regardless of the generation name they might be in.
  18. We are stopping in Molde, Norway on our cruise at the end of this July. We would like to hike up to the Trollkyrkja (Troll Church) caves, however, I am not positive how easy it is to get to the trailhead from Molde - without a car. I see that there is a bus route (the 510 and 512) that passes past the parking area for the trailhead, so I think I could easily sort out finding a way from Molde to the parking lot by bus. What I am not sure about is how the RETURN trip would work - ie making sure we can catch a bus from the lot back to Molde. It's difficult to ascertain if the bus stops there or you need to flag it down or find a specific spot for it to see you & stop. My guess is that it is super simple and folks do it all the time, but obviously, the last thing I want to do is get to the hike, and then mess up and struggle to find a way back to the cruise ship in the afternoon. Any one done this hike, used the buses, or have general insight into bus travel in the Norwegian countryside? Or any other general tips? I did load the FRAM app on my phone, and it looks relatively straightforward. Likewise, there looks like there is a bus depot in Molde that might have helpful info.
  19. My wife has been suggesting we try the Icon and a true mega-ship. On one hand, I'm all for trying something new and seeing what something that big is like - especially compared to X. And then I watch a video review and everything about it screams, "DON'T DO IT!" as I see the crowds. On X, I'm used to the "crowds" - ie the migration to/from the MDR to the theater - but that's about it. I just can't wrap my head around the "reserve" a spot for the shows - before you sail if possible - or other big ship situations. But, 100% I would take a free cruise on the Icon! 😄 Or probably any of their ships. Maybe with a drink plan included to calm my nerves.
  20. I'll let you know when I get there. I've been cruising on Celebrity for 20 years and am not yet 55. 🙂 But it has been a fun trip going from our early 30s on our first X cruise - Eastern Caribbean on the Century - and being "that young couple" to all the folks we met. Over time, the younger folks have increased in size and we've aged into the "middle aged" couple. No longer do we really stand out as "young", but we do stick out a bit as the more energetic folks - lots of walking, stair taking, participating in the active activities, and generally maximizing our time on and off the ship. So, for sure, lots and lots of folks in the essential, core 55-65 age demographic on board, but as the fleet grows in size and passenger capacity, there will be a skewing towards the 45-54 and a bit of the 35-44 demographics. X is NOT the cruise line for the ADHD crowd, and definitely not for the "send the kiddos out at breakfast and regroup at dinner" crowd. Those are much better served by the Mega-ships of Royal or Disney.
  21. The one I noticed was gray and also had a little extra zippered interior "purse".
  22. I am averse to combining "pool/spa/hot tub" and "bars". Sadly, I think those are more common than ever.
  23. This is the classic challenge that poll & opinion analysts always run up against. Folks feel one way, but act another. Or feel one way about themselves but another about a broader issue. "How are you doing financially?" "Great! Never better." "How is the economy as a whole?" "Awful! On the verge of collapse." The reverse "grass is always greener". 🙂
  24. I think fine alternatives that travel well are "golf pants". More breathable fabric, wrinkle free, some degree of stretch, and generally available for reasonable prices. They also work well OFF the ship when out in ports - either as sun protection or for hikes or general sightseeing. It's been a LONG time since I've bought or worn traditional khakis or Dockers type pants.
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