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Wayward Son

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Everything posted by Wayward Son

  1. I do it all the time, just for fun. My wife is never impressed. I'm always telling her that if she keeps rolling her eyes like that they're going to get stuck.
  2. I get it. Every cruise line is different. I've just never considered having 21-days to get it done, "bizarre".
  3. Can you explain what you mean? There is no information you get at check-in that you don't already have -- except your arrival time.
  4. I somehow forgot that hyperbole is never used in this forum. Not everyone who gets an unsatisfactory answer goes into a rage, just like not everyone who correctly shrugs it off is always happy. I thought that would be a given. It's certainly understandable to want to know the answer to something. It's when people turn that want into a demand that I get my panties in a bunch. Whether that applies to you, I have no idea, and it doesn't really matter. It applies to someone.
  5. I'm also new to HAL, and use the website. Yes, it is a long-winded process to get to your actual reservation. Unless someone knows a better way.
  6. As far as know, the passenger is always informed about a port change. It's just a matter of when. The sooner the better. I think we can all agree on that. Perhaps. But the "why" is just a want, not a need. It's when people don't get what they want, and go off into a rage, that boggles my mind. What a colossal waste of time, effort and general happiness.
  7. For sure. I think MH is confusing knowing about a port change, and why the port was changed. I can think of no reason off the top of my head that a passenger needs to know why.
  8. Based on our experience, you will need everyone's card to sign up for a show. That is not the case for dining reservations.
  9. Absolutely. My wife is shy, and I'm annoying. So, there you go! 😆
  10. No, I did not. Do you think I chose lavender by accident? The assumption was already made. I'm also going to guess that there is a significant list of odors and substances that are a discomfort to you. I know a few people with issues similar to yours. The odor of stale smoke in a limited number of areas on a limited number of cruise ships is the least of their concerns.
  11. I apologize if I misunderstood your post. I thought your concerns about dining alone included the MDR. We have no problem sharing a table in a crowded buffet. It's a fast madhouse. You don't really need to speak to your new tablemates. Not so easy in the MDR.
  12. No. Yes. I wish you had just left it there.
  13. And that surprises you? That's when you should plan to go. Going where the crowds aren't is Cruising 101.
  14. For sure. Which is why, forever onward, I will always remember your advice when in high seas.
  15. Thank you. I'm off to read the contract I signed over a year ago. I'll let you know if I'm concerned.
  16. I've noticed that being a thing, but has anyone posted the actual wording of the old contract and alleged "new version"? I haven't read every single post. I may have missed it. Post# please?
  17. That's a bit extreme. 😀 But from our standpoint, my wife and I don't spend $1000's to dine with strangers. We'll meet them in the bar, and move on if we don't want to spend 2-hours with them. To each their own.
  18. I agree, but this quote from the OP makes it quite clear: "On boarding we went straight to the desk and asked why. We were told that our new cabin was larger and therefore an upgrade" It's obvious what they did wrong. Research your cabin all you want, but also understand the terms you are accepting when you book. I don't recall if "No Upgrade" was the default, or if I had to click it when I booked, but in either case, you need to pay attention to what you're signing up for.
  19. I have not seen where Florin has stated whether or not they chose "No Upgrade". That's the deal, right? If you sign on for an upgrade, you get what you get, whether you think it's an upgrade or not. What am I missing?
  20. That is the silliest, and most fascinating, thing I've read about motion. Hmmm.
  21. Loop closed. I think I made it quite obvious that I do not determine the definition. 😉
  22. All good, friend, all good. I only have 90 things to do, so you got me there. On the other hand, I already know the definition of "significant", so there is that. 🙃
  23. Of course not, because that's too hard. I'll let others explain what "significant" means. I obviously cannot.
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