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Wayward Son

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Everything posted by Wayward Son

  1. First, I have the utmost respect for a mod on CC. That has to be the most thankless job ever created. However, I do not understand the "guarantee" of a priest, anywhere. Is your belief so shallow that it can't withstand a week or so without a priest? I am no judge, I just find that idea fascinating, and strange.
  2. There is no "bait and switch" ever on NCL. Just once, I wish someone would post the actual definition of "bait and switch". Ok, I will: a method of selling in which a product is advertised at a very low price to attract customers, who are then persuaded to buy a different product at a higher price: Google is your friend.
  3. That's a statement that should never be made regarding NCL.
  4. No doubt. We're just simple folk that don't know squat about NYC. But it was as easy as any port we've cruised from.
  5. I don't see anyone, other than you, that believes there be no problem. Others have explained their reasons for believing the opposite. What is your reasoning?
  6. Meh. The whiners will just complain about the chemicals used in the deodorizer. I very much dislike the smell of tequila. Why do they have to serve it in every.single.bar? Who can I contact about this abomination?
  7. Yep, that's all Alaska is, ice and snow. Keep digging that hole brother.... 😆
  8. I know. Life never takes the path we expect. I often tell my wife she's going to outlive me by 20-years. Her response is always the same, "We'll see".
  9. I know. I'm just hoping schmoopie isn't also flummoxed by "InterWeb".
  10. Are you guys really that new to the InterWebs?
  11. If you pack a parka, you're a moran. And if you don't pack a thin, light rain jacket on every cruise, you're also a moran.
  12. This has certainly changed. In April, no one was allowed to stand (or dance) in front of the stage. If you blocked the view, you were quickly addressed by staff.
  13. Wow. This thread went off the rails. Oh well. My kids are in a tough spot. Their grandmother is 95 and going strong. Their mother will likely follow suit. They'll be 70 before they see a dime.
  14. Please elaborate on this "game the system". Aren't they simply using the system as presented? If your son-in-law and you drink, and your wives don't, is it "gaming the system" to put the mom in a room with the daughter and the son-in-law in your room to avoid paying grats on 4 drink packages when only 2 will be used? More details needed as to your definition of "game the system".
  15. I think we've beaten this, somewhat unusual, topic enough. So I'll just give my wife's point of view and be done. In her mind, a marriage vow is a lifetime deal. It doesn't fade, or lose meaning over time. It doesn't need to be renewed like a Costco membership. If I'd pop this on her without consulting her, she'd deal with it, but be one angry little puppy. To each their own.
  16. Yeah, when there are 30 people subscribed to the CC Roll Call, and 200 signed up for the meet and greet, NCL has to figure something's amiss.
  17. I suggested a vow renewal to my wife for our 20th anniversary. Her response was, "Why? Didn't you mean it the first time?" Haven't considered it again since, and, the reason I suggested that he should maybe not just surprise her.
  18. I did say "comparable cost". Did you purchase "Have it All" which includes the drink package, wifi, specialty dining, and shore excursion credits (which are included on NCL)? Are you circling Great Britain, or taking a standard cruise in the Caribbean? Are you sailing in shoulder season? We're in summer season. Details matter.
  19. Can't argue with that. I'm trying Holland America in August. Certainly not for lower cost, but for better food and service. We'll see.
  20. Yep, all that and an additional $2-300 per night higher comparable cost. What a deal.
  21. I get what your saying. I was simply responding to your premise (at its most basic level) that "If MSC can do it, NCL can do it". That's simply not the case, for the reasons I mentioned and probably many more. And, wouldn't it be logical to assume that a company intent on expansion and becoming a major player in the industry (as MSC most certainly is) would be willing to take a significant loss in order to attract new customers, while their core business is making massive amounts of money? And how would they do that? By keeping prices low, and keeping all the amenities other cruise lines are eliminating? Of course that's what they'd do.
  22. Of course it is, but they have a massive, built-in buffer with their shipping business. This allows them to make less profit (or even take a significant loss) while expanding their cruise business. That is a luxury other cruise lines do not have. Also, MSC has minimal debt compared to the huge debt load other cruise lines have. While cruise lines were gasping for air and bleeding money during the pandemic, MSC was sucking in money hand over fist in their shipping business. Jamie's comparison sounds logical, unfortunately, the facts get in the way.
  23. MSC is a privately owned company that doesn't need to satisfy 100's of thousands of investors. MSC is the world leader in global shipping with cash growing on trees. Your comparison is not logical.
  24. You've obviously never been to one. When people leave their brains at home, insanity ensues. They make a fortune.
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