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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. I know that @Sea Dog Greg would love our hotel. The owner has about $250k in Christmas decorations. Every floor has a tree at each end of the hall The lobby area has lots of decorations with a big tree to greet you. The dining area also has decoration overload You are greeted at the elevators by this. And I love these Santas by the pool
  2. I believe they are just artwork. Each of them has a plaque by them. This, from the broken heart.
  3. Dinner last night was at Pirates Landing. That is actually how we discovered Elkin and the surrounding area. We were traveling north one year, looking for a place to eat, and it sounded good. Their hush puppies are addictive. Susan had the big shrimp dinner, and I had the smaller, Senior one. Not bad for 9.99. They haven’t raised prices yet.
  4. We didn’t revisit “Mayberry” this time. As many know, we both do a lot of walking, so we went out to get a five mile walk in before dinner. They have a nice trail here that we have walked many times before. This is the Elkin RR trail They take very good care of their trail, and everything was decorated for Christmas. There are several gongs along the trail. With the Broken Heart gong at the end of the trail.
  5. One of the nice things about driving, is you get to see so many interesting places in this beautiful country. A couple years ago, we made a slight diversion to Mt. Airy, which is about 20 minutes from our hotel. If anyone remembers The Andy Griffith Show, Mt. Airy was near Mayberry. Andy Griffith’s home place is here. I will not say this happens often, but we ended up in the back of a police car. It was a neat way to get a tour of the town. There are lots of things related to the tv series here.
  6. So how did we do with the last leg vs. the spreadsheet? Crossed into NC Arrived at our hotel 4 minutes ahead of schedule. Not bad for the first day, and the weather was beautiful.
  7. I totally agree That’s why I think I will not like the 3 day Allure. But I have my reasons. Thanks Sue.
  8. Planning gives us an idea where we will be, but it also leaves room to deviate from it. I had started planning a cross country road trip, but it isn’t nearly complete. May be a couple years before we do that. That is one that really takes some thought.
  9. I saw a little of that forecast. We do plan to park at the port. I hope it warms up by the time we return, and our family arrives
  10. By all means, feel free to post. It may take some pressure off me. Safe travels to you.
  11. I really like these 8 night, southern routes. Enjoy your February cruise. Thanks. It is easier right now, when I can post while Susan drives. Thanks OB. I thought of you yesterday, when we passed a sign along the way that said Lighthouse Club. I am sure you are a founding member.
  12. Thanks, Greg. I have been using spreadsheets for a while to keep things organized. You should see my packing one for these month long trips.
  13. Driving has been good for us for our December and January cruises, and as I mentioned, it is nice to explore along the way. Maybe I should mention here, why we drive this time of year. We will arrive for the cruise, then we will spend the holidays in a beach house we rented. Our family will fly in to join us for the holidays, and our vehicle will get the nine of us wherever we want to go. After the first of the year, we will drive north to visit some friends, then board Allure for a short cruise.
  14. So how is the schedule now? Spreadsheet estimate for stop #3 was 1:30. Pulled in at 1:31. Not bad.
  15. Yes, we are familiar with the restaurants in that area. I think Susan already has a plan where to eat. Day 2 is usually a bear, depending on traffic on 26 and 95. By that time, we are ready to stop.
  16. Elevators will not be a problem for us. The only time we will be in one is when we disembark with our suitcases. As for Windjammer, we may not see much of it either. That said, it looks like we will have a nearly full ship.
  17. We have made the driving trip to Florida many times, and we have explored several interesting places along the way. I could almost drive it with my eyes closed. But then I may end up like Clark Griswold.
  18. So, how are we doing, schedule wise. Left at 7:33 and made our first stop at 9:42. Not too bad, considering we had to stop fora Starbucks and had to pick up Daryl. And we found our first roadkill in West Virginia.
  19. we are at the Residence Inn, Bob. An easy on and off for us. Sometimes we will stay in Georgia on the trip south.
  20. We make our drive over three days. This gives us some time to explore areas along the way. The planner in me has not only the route mapped, but our planned rest stops, lunch stops, and fuel stops. With two of us driving, we try to limit each driver to two hours or less at a time. I know, planning even goes so far as to research gas prices at our planned stops. Will see how close we stay to our schedule.
  21. Three days till cruise day. I spent the last week finalizing our planning and packing. This time of year for us takes some planning, because we are packing for a month. And, we are driving to the port for the first part of our trip. Unlike some of those who live in Florida and drive to the port, our drive is a little longer. It is a little over 1,200 miles. Now, when I was younger, that drive would have been done in a day. In fact, I was just talking with my neighbor, and they were getting ready to drive to Florida with their six kids, in one day. I shudder to think of how many times they will hear “Are we there yet?” on that drive.
  22. I am going to miss the elf’s antics. These were from the last couple days. Somehow it was trapped in a bottle. then, caught trying to steal a Christmas tree from Barbie’s house. oh, and we are on our way to Florida. I did start a LIVE so I won’t clutter up this thread. No promises on it, but here it is.
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