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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. You can take a picture of the bar code, and upload to a site that reads bar codes like this https://online-barcode-reader.inliteresearch.com/ the last digits returned should be the cabin number.
  2. Snowflake, the Elf, was trying her hand at golf today. She wasn’t pleased with her shot, so she was beating her candy cane club on the ground. I didn’t know that you could not touch the elves with your hand, or they would lose their magic. Evidently you have to use kitchen tongs to pick them up. I guess I learn something new each day. 😁
  3. Reading about everyone doing their check in for their cruises, trying to get those early times. Last Friday, we went out to dinner and helped our technology challenged friends check in to their January cruise. We were all supposed to be sailing together, but that is one of the cruises we had to cancel. So, of course, the earliest boarding time they could get was 1:00. Not only that, but since they hadn’t booked any shows, all the comedy club times were already gone, and many of the other shows just had crappy times available. Looks like they will be in a few standby lines.
  4. Maybe @Ozark_Kid can explain just what these are. I saw it at Sam’s Club today. Umm, on second thought, maybe not! Speaking of Sam’s Club, we have been using their mobile checkout. You scan items with your phone as you put them in your shopping cart, then pay on your phone and walk out the door. No need to stand in the checkout lane. Although, they must keep some buying habits on file. When we checked out today, it asked if we needed to pick up some Fireball. 🤣. How did they know I was getting low?
  5. Sorry to hear about your friend’s fire. Glad everyone got out safe. It looks like you had a great get together.
  6. Snowflake the Elf appeared at the top of one of the trees today. Last night’s supper. Filet, baked potatoes and corn. Sorry, but I already cut up the filet. It was done just right. Susan does a fantastic job of having a great meal ready for us. This is meal the grandkids requested the last few weeks. Or as granddaughter says “I want that meat that comes from a cow”
  7. That is exactly like what we got, except we were in the 75% phase.
  8. Call them again. They sent me one when we canceled, and it had the cancellation number, the date canceled, and the phase , along with the total amount of cancellation charges. That is the figure insurance will need.
  9. Daily elf sighting. It appears the elf likes a nice beach vacation. I am not sure who that is, trying to get some sun, but she is eyeing him up. Also had a Ricky sighting.
  10. When my son and his wife did their Post-docs at Stanford, they had an apartment in Sunnyvale, not far from the Caltrain station. From what I recall, that wasn’t a bad area. I know housing is very expensive in that area. She could expand her search, if she looks at areas that have train service. That is probably less than Uber. I think the train from Sunnyvale to Stanford is around $3-$4 for a 20 minute ride.
  11. Ok, now the pesky elf is just getting creepy. She showed up in the kids bathroom, where she can watch them. Not only that, but she replaced all the TP with Christmas wrap Granddaughter had to find another bathroom to use today. 🤣🤣. She is not going there.
  12. @dani negreanu and @Luckynana Don’t know why only the first and last paragraph showed up in my response above. This is what I had written. Guess CC demons are about today. She is past the halfway point in her series of treatments. The doctor says her response to the treatments are right where they expect them to be, but they don’t have any additional imaging scheduled until near, or at the end of her treatment. It is encouraging to us, that the response seems good, but the emotional toll is tough sometimes. Susan is her sounding board, and she fields all those late night calls and calms her down when her mind is filled with those, “This is probably my last Christmas……(fill in the blank for any other occasion)” thoughts. One of the things that makes our days so long, is she is cold capping. For those who don’t know what this is, it is supposed to preserve most of the patients hair. They wear a tight fitting cap that is attached to a computerized machine that cools the scalp to 36°F. They have to start this an hour before treatment, and it extends through treatment and a couple hours after. She wanted to do this, not because of vanity, but because she thought the complete loss of her hair would frighten the kids. I must say that it has worked well. The problem is that it is not covered by insurance, so we are picking up that cost for her. I think by the end, it will be about $5K out of pocket for it. I think this should be available to any patient who wants it, and not just to those who can afford to do it. One thing that helps, is a lady I am friends with on an exercise site went through the same thing with her daughter last year. As it turns out, her daughter had the same type, and was the same age as my daughter, and she had a good outcome. She has been very supportive. Sorry to ramble on, but this is where we are at now. Just taking it a day at a time
  13. Unless you have one like our California grandson. Never a tear from him when we have had him for the entire summers. But I bet if we kept the two grandkids that live here for an extended period, there would be tears involved, Even though we see them every day, they would miss their mom and dad.
  14. I think the beard looks great on him, Greg. (Says the man who has had a beard for 50 years). I wish mine was that color, instead of white.😁 In fact, you all look great.
  15. I guess that would be me at this point. I had a lot of information that had already been researched, but I undertook a project during the pandemic, to condense seven generations into a book, complete with photos and narrative of their lives. Needless to say, my goal of completing the book by last Christmas didn’t happen, so I am shooting for next Christmas now. My only stumbling block has been getting further back than Susan’s one grandfather. He was a orphan, and records have been hard to come by. Everything else in my book is complete and ready for the printers.
  16. She is past the halfway point in her series of treatments. The doctor says her response to the treatments are right where they expect them to be, but they don’t have any additional imaging scheduled until near, or at the end of her treatment. Oh, and Dani, great picture of the boys. I hope you get to have more extended stays with them. Nothing like spending time with the grandkids. They grow up way too fast.
  17. Hope all goes well with your appointment tomorrow, Graham. We had 39° F and rain this morning. My Monday will be spent as every Monday, getting my daughter to and from her cancer treatment appointments. -4°C is about 25°F. Still cold.
  18. We are making cookies with them tonight. This is the “before baking” shape. If they morph into some other shape, I may not be able to show their finished look. 😉
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