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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. I don’t remember who it was that posted the short clip of Sebastian Maniscalo, but thanks for that. We just finished watching the third of his specials on Netflix, and they were all excellent. I can’t remember the last time we both laughed so much. If someone needs a good laugh, I highly recommend. Going to recommend these to my daughter today.
  2. It is already 61° this morning, and will be in the 70’s today for playoff football for our grandson’s team. Had to buy an actual newspaper yesterday, because our granddaughter’s picture was in it, in her cheerleading outfit. We have had only digital subscriptions for years now.
  3. The only time we see clothes hanging outside here, is when we drive through the Amish community. It always seems strange to see them hanging outside in the winter. I know that is one time I would not want to put on anything that was just taken down from the line.
  4. Drove by there many times, when our son was in grad school at University of Rochester. Haven’t been up that way much lately, although we have gone up for the lilac festival a few times since then.
  5. The only problem with those apple pie slices, is they had raisins in them.
  6. It will make more work for the servers, as someone tells them they wanted to pay for that lower price drink, and save the voucher for a more expensive one later. Of course, everyone should be telling them upfront, if they want to use the voucher. Me too.
  7. I might have taught Ricky a new word today, when he gave me a subtle hint that I need to get back on my diet. I was sitting at a high counter stool, eating some lunch, when he showed off some leaping skills. And some claw skills as they sank into my stomach as he climbed the rest of the way up. The word was not ouch! It might have been more than one word. 😏
  8. My daughter has a Bosch, and I absolutely hate trying to load anything in it, It seems like the wires on the racks never fit what I try to put in there. It takes forever to run a complete cycle. Give me our old Whirlpool any day. Easy to load and quick. That’s why I was happy I was able to fix it after our flooding incident. I still haven’t trusted to walk away and let it run yet, but I am getting more trusting.
  9. Was off to my daughter’s house, early this morning. Got a little time to play with Ricky. So I made the drive in the dark and heavy fog, to get my daughter to her hospital appointment, while Susan stayed behind to get the grandkids to school. I just heard from her that grandson lost a tooth, so it looks like the tooth fairy will be looking for him.
  10. After my meeting last night, I stopped and picked up supper, then a Powerball ticket. The sky looked strange. Evidently it was an omen that I was not destined to win. Not even one number. I need to do better at reading omens before the next drawing.
  11. iPhone 12 Pro running 16.1 and no problems now. Is your phone saving your old password and trying to use it? Check the password section Under settings. If it saved the old one, you can update it there.
  12. Out for a walk this morning, and at 10:15, the fog is still pretty thick. This is the spot I proposed to my wife, 42 years ago, last May.
  13. Going back to a few posts that I may have missed the last couple of days. @ReneeFLL I really like Mike’s formal outfit. @DaniDanielle Love your granddaughter’s Halloween costume @BonTexasNY Sorry to hear you will be back in the boot. Hope things get better for you. @George C Sorry to hear your niece needs an operation. Hope all goes well.
  14. Our temperature this morning and they are right about the dense fog. Can barely see to the road. This looked a little eerie this morning. Today is the first day, in a long time, that I don’t have anything planned. Well, except for a meeting tonight of a local government board that I serve on.
  15. It seems that I can now log in with my iPhone also. In fact, I didn’t have to log in at all. It did it automatically.
  16. I seem to have more time to read now. It slowed down considerably when our grandson was with us 24/7 this summer. I just finished one of the new James Patterson books 22 Seconds, and I am currently about half through the old Brad Thor novel, Use of Force. Waiting in the wings is the new Lee Child Book, No Plan B, that Susan is currently reading. Also waiting in the wings is the new CJ Box book, Treasure State. I am also on the library wait list for new books by Nelson DeMille and Michael Connelly. Just hope I am done with these by the time those are ready for me.
  17. Seems to be common to the phones, where the pop up box is usually hidden. I thought maybe upgrading to iOS 16.1 yesterday had something to do with it. I tried chrome, Firefox, and Safari on the iPhone, and none of them work. At least it is working on my iPad and computer now.
  18. As a seasoned cruiser, you probably do not need to be told to keep your phone in airplane mode and Wi-Fi on. I believe I remember following your blog on one of your other cruises. If your largest ship was around the size of the Coral Princess, my guess is that you are going to be impressed with the quality of the shows, as well as the size differential. Enjoy your cruise.
  19. You would think they would have tested things out a little more to avoid these log in issues. Don’t they know that old people hate change, and get easily annoyed?
  20. I couldn't log in on my iPhone or iPad, but could on the PC. Once I cleared all cookies and website data for Safari, I could log in on the iPad. I will have to try clearing on my iPhone now. I did notice that the avatars got deleted. I had to upload an old low res one, so I may have to do a new one now.
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