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Everything posted by h20skibum

  1. And just like that, that $100 my grandson got, was spent on sports memorabilia. When he was over to our house, he asked if I had any from when I was growing up. I said no, all my baseball cards ended up in bicycle spokes, then were thrown away. (Oh, what some of those are worth now!) So I told him, all I have is a 1960 Pirate’s World Series pennant with a team photo. Both his, and my SIL’s eyes lit up when I gave it to them. It is now hanging in their man cave. And yes, that is Roberto Clemente in the bottom right.
  2. Consider this is like spring training. If you want to play with the pros, you need to up your game. 😂
  3. We are in that snow belt that gets lake effect snow. Been very lucky that the only time I have touched my snow blower this year, was when I bumped into it as I walked out the garage. Only six more weeks, and maybe I can put it away. I looked at pictures from two years ago, and we had a pretty good snow on April 21st. I know about the south and snow. I took my family along to a conference in Mobile, Alabama one year, thinking we could get away from the winter. As it turns out, it snowed while we were there, and everyone was in a full blown panic. They closed everything for a little dusting.
  4. Have a great day at Coco Cay. I would rather be looking at sand and sea, instead of this white stuff outside my door!
  5. @dani negreanu Dani, I wanted to thank you for posting about the Premier Pass. A couple weeks ago, when I was having an optimistic moment, I booked a cruise for later this year. That was available for my sailing, so I booked it. It looked like a good deal, just for the internet alone. And while I am saying thanks, I want to thank all of you who have offered prayers and support for my daughter. I am glad we have so many kind and caring people who have stuck with this thread.
  6. As they say, you can’t be a day drinker if you don’t start in the morning. I raised a drink to you all from cloudy, cold, Ohio. Where I am at the moment.
  7. Here is my amusing story for the day. My grandson has been big, into collecting baseball cards. We stopped at a mall in Ohio yesterday, and saw they were having a big card show. So Susan texts our daughter to tell her about the show. When our grandson hears this, he asks to borrow his mom’s phone, and this starts. Now, seriously, I need to teach Susan some bargaining skills. He starts out with can you LEND me 40 - 30, and she goes right to I’ll give you $100 So he thanked her 3 times and gave the phone back to his mom, not realizing she can just read what he texted. And just like that, I am $300 bucks lighter, because if one gets money, they all get money. I am glad I only have 3 grandkids.
  8. Congratulations on Charlie’s 20year anniversary. And congratulations to Eric’s 7th year. Wishing Pauline a happy birthday on Monday. That was also my aunt’s birthdate.
  9. Hollywood, and M’ville is an interesting place. We rented a house there a few years ago, and M’ville was frequented often. I still remember the look on the face of the valet, when I pulled up, and he started counting as 11 of us got out of my SUV. The big question is, did you ride the flow rider there?
  10. Speaking of March 6th, I got an email from one of the ancestry sites last week, reminding me it was my great grandparents anniversary. They were married in 1865. When I looked at their ages (he was ready to turn 40, and she was 17), I wondered what could they possibly have in common? Maybe the war reduced the available men. Of course, my grandfather would not be born for another 20 years, and his wife was 14 years younger. It appears I come from a family of cradle robbers.
  11. It is a good thing they don’t ask you that question after a week of the drink package. Just sayin.
  12. As part of playing catch up, I was looking at some of the photos from the Amelia Island concours. C&D just did an article of the 20 coolest cars there, and @bobmacliberty posted a few shots of some they listed. However, two caught my eye. This one. And, for someone that bleeds black and gold, this one. I did read this one is for sale for $3.45M.
  13. @A&L_Ont sorry to hear about your cousin. Also sorry to hear about the cause. It is those kinds of stories that keep us worried. I hope they eventually find a cure, because C is terrible. Sorry I am late posting this, but I am trying to catch up.
  14. Putting a large amount of coins in a carry on or backpack will get you some special time with TSA. Don’t ask how I know. I just do.
  15. That is a pretty good goal. Mine have decreased, as I get older. However, I stepped it up, because I am in a challenge to do 100 miles in 10 days.
  16. And speaking about that whole ancestry thing, look what showed up in my email yesterday. I guess that makes sense. He did have blue eyes. 👀😁
  17. Quickest way is to marry a Diamond. But why set your sights low. Marry an old Pinnacle.
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