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Everything posted by daiB

  1. That is what is being implied by some posts. Not drift at all as many people on the thread claim that the app is an indicvation that Iona is designed for young people. The title of the thread is Oldies Not Catered for. So no drift.
  2. Thqat has nothing to do with your age and can equally apply to younger cruisers. the question was about older cruisers not being able to cope with IT wihch of course is rubbish and insulting.
  3. One of our cruises was on Iona in the Easter Hols. No issues with the app.and few queues, I was a 7 night cruise withe 1000 children and clearly we were on freedom dining. We are on Britannia at the end of June nfor 3 weeks so we shall see then. We are however, on set dining as ever. Dai
  4. Harry have you noticed the irony of people complaining about having to use a web page on a ship, on a website. clearly get their grandchildren to post for them. 😁 Gan Canny Dai
  5. I will find out in a month although as we are in set dining we would not be using the app very much. I saw the announcement a few weeks ago but as we willn be on set dining on all our cruises apart from the big 2, In did not fully take it in. I don’t go to the theater so my OH books what she wants before we sail. Her experience of the late show (22.30) is that it is never full on any ship.
  6. I never used the app for the glasshouse at lunch. I went there sat and ordered a drink and then asked If I could see the menu. no problem. If the venue is quiet i dont think the app is needed.
  7. No stress o9n Iona, apart from getting used to it the first day. no one on board even talked about it. Have you not heard that apart from the two big ones its use has been dropped for MDR’s and entertainment.
  8. On most P&O ships the set dining comes in two sittings 18.30 and 20.30. The shows are at 20.30 and 22.30. The shows last 50/60 mins
  9. This thing about not getting the same drinks in all bars is not new. It has happened to us many times, On Ventura, Asura and Britannia. You found the atriumn noisy? How odd. It is so high the noise nseems to just dissapate and I found it very comfortable. And yes our cabin was lovely.
  10. Well I have met a large number of oldies who love Iona and read many comments from them. I see no reason why oldies would not like Arvia either. These two ships can not be only for the younger element as they are not availabloe 12 months of the year to cruise. That would be the older element like us. saying that we oldies cannot cope with technology is plainly offensive. Also very odd on an on line forum. Iona is a fabulous ship and I have no reason to assume that Arvia is not equally as good. Unfortunatly I have to wait until next year to find out.
  11. Never been a fan of Lobster. Found them generally tastless. Much prefer crab
  12. There are on Arcadia. as the front is more like a show lounge.
  13. Pat, tyhe co9rrect answer to your question is £3 on Iona and I assume Arvia on all the rest itb is £2. This low figure reflects the number of people wanting and willing to play. At £5 you have an empty table most of the cruise. As I have said to Dave I am on the tables every evening, when open.
  14. Dave sorry that is not correct. The minimum bet on Iona was £3. and on other ships it was £2. I do spend quite a lot of time playing the game.
  15. We nare coming up to 60 cruises and unless on Iona/Arvia have a table for 8 second sitting every time. Only one poor table which my wife did not like. We still communicate with people from our first two cruises as well as many others.
  16. I sent in my email on a Friday and got my confirmation on Monday morning. However I never apply until the finalo payment has been made to P&O.
  17. Andrew I think your memory is tricking you. There is certainly a great deal of positivity on this forum now indeed far greater tan before. There are a number of posters with I have rarly agreed with in the past who seem to be having a great deal more positivity about P&O. In some way I think it is due to the game changer of the two new ships. With these ships I feel P&O has upped the ante. Friends, not on here are now much more positive about cruising P&O after their recent cruises. Andrew try a bigger ship.
  18. We found the glasshouse on Aurora to be cold and not good if in a scooter as most of the tables are up 2 steps. Ionas glasshouse is not all in a walkway. you get a fantastic view out to sea. I like it as a bar as well and it does haqve some nooks and cranniies in the bar area.
  19. Thats the same menu it always has, different from the menu on Asura and Ventura as it does not ave the full meals, steak etc. Having said that the food was excellent. You could get 3 beef dishes or pork ones or chicken and I think vegetarian as well as a good mix of tapas. I suspect the other dishes were missing as you could get them at the Keel and Cow.
  20. On Iona in March/April during the day we just went up to the restaurant found a seat and a waiter came and served us. never used the app at all.
  21. Although they were on Iona in March/April, I only sae them taking photos in the Atrium. never saw them in a restaurant or getting off the ship.
  22. I have not used CPS at Mayflower for some time as we now get a lift to the port so have no car to worry about. We did CPS last cruise at ocean for Iona but we had sent all our luggage with the Baggage Handling Company so that when we handed the car over my wife only had a small overnight case to roll on. and my scooter carried everything else. This is why I was not sure how Mayflower worked at the moment.
  23. Here I am on C deck looking down at D deck cabins. all the same.
  24. All D deck cabins are overlooked because they are longer and the balconies, ‘stick out’ The DD balcony would be exactly the same.
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