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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. Well dream and another that class have some longer cruises out of Galveston. I did 14 days on dream and it had some 8 days. Unless you dont use the T pool only on dream class. But jubilee is nice too. Lots of good feedback. And jubilee has some better restaurants. Once I get moved I'm going to try to find a last minute mardi gras. I admit to wanting the new ships too.
  2. Sounds like we had the same b2b. 2 stowaways. They came onboard and checked out passports, all set to return to our cabins except for the 2 stowaways. Eventually they had to march us all off the ship. Took a while to find them.
  3. Or they can book usa rates thru a canadian TA and get canadian protections??!!
  4. WJ will have lots of free french fries. Not onion rings. I'm looking forward to mariner who has play makers onion ring tower. Not free. Those days seem gone.
  5. The one thing I disagree with is those mega ships have more dining options. I have enjoyed some of them. Wonderland on harmony was fun. I'm looking forward to play makers on mariner. I do have some extra obc that I will use up on mariner. It's not just the rock climbing it's also food choices and mega ships have more choices.
  6. Clearly sw is a learning curve. I picked a later time to fly into hobby than I really wanted. The very next day when I checked a shorter flight leaving not quite a hour earlier was there. I should have grabbed it, didnt know you could just change online. So now I checked and what I booked was $14 less same exact flight. Says 1 left. I booked that 1 price and have a $14 future credit. .. and checked again. 1 left at the same lower price. Wouldnt be flying sw again any time soon. I can say I sure didnt get good prices. Fail for me both directions. Now they show cheaper prices. I guess my timing was just wrong. Next flight will be from rome to orlando may 2025. Not sw. I couldnt find anyone else who flew to hobby. I'd have to fly into IAH to do a regular airline. I know hobby better. The bigger airlines are cheaper base fares but extra to check baggage. Cant win. They all wind up about the same.
  7. I check in tonight at midnight for the 7 day mariner. I've seen 10:30 previously, the harmony earliest was 11 am. I've never seen 10 am out of Galveston. I'll know tonight.
  8. Well my thinking is the same as January I pushed to diamond on carnival, lock it in before it changes. Now I'll lock in pinnacle. I sure wish I could make it before the TA and have that free wifi for 13 then 10 days. I'm too far away. But I will make pinnacle and like you then look around more. But I want to lock it in before they change it. I dont trust them not to change the points. I dont have any really high priced booked, not like icon prices.
  9. Just my opinion but I'd do dream class if you are booking a cloud 9 spa cabin. Dream class is the only carnival class with the T pools. Wave and minerals. Yes heated benches and all that but only dream class has the T pools. Jubilee will have more food choices but they moved on to Havana area vista class then mardi gras class has a new elite area. Spa class is a afterthought. I'm going to push on to pinnacle on royal. Got 18 booked, so I will do these and hope prices fall. Decide then.
  10. Almost every stock jumped yesterday but last week a analyst gave it a one year target of 160.
  11. Yes I had already chosen. I just posted the prices here after the doctors visit. I gave him the money right then, that day, but afterwards was wondering. For something forever I wouldnt choose less. The worse thing is the eye drops. The surgery doesnt hurt because they do eye drops that burn like heck that deaden your eye. 3 rounds of 5 drops as fast as they can and one burns. He says that eye is 20 20. I guess. Time to start my daily eye drops. Left eye is april 1, the 4 weeks of eye drops after for that eye. Just barely can get it in before my may 6 cruise. Mariner. Never did mariner and so wanted the one week maiden texas voyage when it arrives in texas. A friend booked too so I have someone to hang out with. Then move.
  12. I tried at 11 pm texas time, then midnight. I needed to book my flight with SW. I googled when flights show up after release, it said by 5 am. Tried 5 am and still didnt see nov 3. Finally fell asleep and just tried :( No good fares left if there ever were. Lots of people book same thing? I finally got a 11:05 am flight out of Hobby. I could have gotten a cheaper one almost 4 pm, but kinda late for less. I'd like to be back before dark to florida. Hope 11:05 isnt too early. I guess I should have tried every hour since 5 am. Maybe they never had cheaper flights when they came out? They advertise fares from $65 but evidently not to florida. Or only if you booked the minute it came out this morning. How does this work. I booked American last spring break but other than that it's been pre covid since I booked. Is demand really that high? Well seems like I was late to the party to book a flight home (and late to book to hobby). I still had harmony booked out of Galveston and wanted to make it worth while flying to Galveston one last time. Then after oct this year everything is booked out of florida.
  13. Rent a wheelchair so you have it with you?
  14. I got fall of 2024 free, but lots earlier in the year. Got my first out of PC b2b adventure dec 2024 over xmas 2nd leg. Then feb wonder that Bella 2.00 group and they decided to come back to PC 1 night and then 4 day utopia. I'll bet they can make a party in PC for one night. Then I have 8 day adventure to southern, then in may the TA to spain, and the 10 days after leg to rome. Spend a few days and fly home ... then a long time nothing. They are all booked close. I dont see anything fall 2024 that I dont have already booked, at ever higher prices. I'm waiting for a deal to drop for fall lol.
  15. I've read you have to use a voucher to do thismdiscount. Lol I'm still imagining ordering 4 bottles of wine for dinner. Hahahaha. That's a lot!
  16. Is that the jewel b2b? I have a friend booked that. He quit flying and we have the 7 night mariner booked may 6 and the oct 12 harmony to coco cay booked together. That's the end of my booked cruises out of Galveston. I'm trying to get moved to PC.
  17. Now that is really a nice reduction. Even for a suite, its money in your pocket. I dont think I've got any that could go down. If they did I might have to leave the group rate and go nonrefundable so I just leave mine alone, but I didnt book at enough to see a price drop of $2400. Lol.
  18. Yes just call them. If you are seeing the price correctly and its before final payment, there should be no problem getting it reduced. Just call.
  19. They said they are working on being able to reserve the nights before you board. Right now its non existent. Once you board, book all 3 nights asap to get the times you want.
  20. Yes you can ask them to make a whole pizza just for you if you want something they dont have. If they have it, you can have as much as they have when you step up to the counter.
  21. My last one on harmony told me to pack all my stuff. No mention of not packing hanging stuff. Maybe they saw you had more stuff on hangers?
  22. We are sorry too how disappointed you are that they wouldnt make a exception for you and you were misinformed. Those agents just arent as well informed as they should be. Too bad you couldnt have booked a JS instead of the inside or some higher level cabin to make it possible. Pinnacles are already fighting over getting into the ck and many busy dates. They didnt change policies hence why you werent informed they changed their minds. Imo some agent just told you incorrectly. This was the policy as many posters posted when you booked. No policy was changed. I use a TA who is very particular on rules and such and how I say them. He would have told you when you booked the inside cant eat in ck.
  23. I might be the only one, but SW opens nov 3 and beyond I think tonight. It says march 21. I need to fly back to florida from hobby, I'm assuming I get moved. I finally booked to fly there, but havent booked to get home, missed it by 1 day. I need nov 3 and it's open until nov 2 right now. I didnt book until lately so dont know if fares open really low or those low fares they open are for shorter legs. Havent seen anything below $173 one way and I waited and that's now gone except very early or late at night. Not sure if when they open new dates I'll see lower rates than the flight there. I couldnt find another air line from florida orlando other than sw to hobby. I plan to check at midnight and see if flight home open.
  24. That would work maybe for top tier I'd guess but not for the free drinks.
  25. So you are going to sign up some random friend I travel with as my significant other? Cant be just a friend, you would have to claim they are your significant other.
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