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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. Ok I see someone else already posted the new policy. Sorry
  2. Actually that's the old policy. I think it was earlier this year they changed the policy to 1 bottle of wine per adult. It used to be 2 per cabin before the policy changed. As a solo now I can only carry on 1 bottle, not 2. If there are 3 adults in the stateroom, 3 are allowed. Mostly it penalized solos best I can tell. I forget exactly when they changed the wine policy but seems like earlier this year but it's been a busy time so could be longer. I'm sure someone will tell me when the policy changed.
  3. I had to have painful surgery last year on my wrist twice. First guy put me to sleep and attached the long bones in my forearm to my wrist and they didnt stay attached. Even the 2nd doctor said terrible job. 2nd doctor for sure didnt win any personality awards, rude, acted egotistic But he was rated high as a surgeon. Just going thru surgery twice and it hurt so bad I cant even say how much it hurt when the long bones were not properly attached and rubbing on each other. You do NOT want to have bad surgery and have it done twice. It's worth a 2nd opinion. Better than bad surgery. Find a surgeon that is good. That you feel good about. The first surgery the 2nd doctor said well obviously he had a bad day. The hospital I went to wasnt a primary, a secondary he said and some times they have good days and sometimes bad. This was a bad day. If you ever want use of your right arm again it has to be redone.
  4. Oh they are so good. Best crackers I ever tasted. I love seeds in almost anything. Idk if there is a sprouts here. We had them in dallas. But for sure I'll get more of these crackers. Found my silverware and utensils today. Boxes marked kitchen imagine that. A few packers maybe spoke english and a few boxes labelled I found. Here is a unmarked box I opened first this morning. Nothing removed. A whole box that only had 2 spectrum cords, my land phone and a small surge protector. This is all that was in this box and taped shut. Is anyone surprised I ran out of cubic feet and they had to charge me more if I wanted my bedroom set. I thought empty hangers in the wardrobe boxes was the worst, but this is worse waste of space. I about put out my back lifting my microwave and have had to tske it easier unpacking. Still missing some stuff but plates and all I can do without. Silverware and spatula and real knives finally! I've emailed 3 or 4 times asking about is included with the packing I paid for. And the wasteful packing. Tell me someone was not packing on purpose so cubic feet used up and I had to oay more. On the other hand the sun is out here. The screens on the windows of my balcony make the picture look dark but the sun is sparkling on the water today. Entire box and taped up like this. 4 small items.
  5. Thanks so much for letting me know this. I guess I would have thought if you have cancer cells growing get them out. I wasnt aware people didnt always just get rid of them. I dont have a lot of medical knowledge obviously. This helps to know.
  6. It's good at least you can do them at home. I was also driving both ways about a hour each way. I was supposed to getting moms paperwork done and doing PT 3 times a day to me wiped out my whole morning. Plus more of my time doing it at home. I hope too you can transfer to full weight bearing. And get your life back. It takes up a lot of your day too if you are doing it 3 times a day. That's a lot of your day spent exercising.
  7. I had cheese and I guess biscuits last night myself. The best crack like I've ever had. Called crunchmaster... the publix here has new things to try. Someone in the store was putting goat cheese on them. Idk I even liked goat cheese but it was good. I got some vermont cheese which to me is a bit crumbly and honey ham. Idk I'd get that Vermont cheese again but all together I, loved it. Crunchmaster mulitseed even come in a protein variety. All kinds of seeds in them. 4 oz I think was 4.79 or something I thought was kind of high for 4 oz of crackers but the best I've ever tasted. I think the 8 oz of crackers were 8.99. But so good. If someone hadnt been giving out samples I'd have never tried them. Sun is out here. It's a lovely fathers day. Happy fathers day to all the fathers.
  8. Unfortunately not. A apple iPhone with service has to be turned on near them and even then still doesnt work well. Was being discussed on another thread how this doesnt work very well. Someone had a HC child they wanted to keep track of. Air tags got a bit to go to really work on a ship.
  9. What many are suggesting is booking a parent in each cabin and once onboard switching so the kids have their own cabin. Or even kids get a gty inside, to save money. Give the parents a balconys gty. But book them originally with a parent in each cabin. Get a extra key once onboard. People obviously do this all the time, reading other posts.
  10. I could be wrong but you seem to like your drinks. I think for you I bet it makes sense. For me just coffees and fresh OJ and vitamin water, sometimes a soda it wouldnt. Tried it twice and hardly used it.
  11. Yea and I should have noticed the ladder wasnt delivered. I dont have the balance to jump up on a kitchen chair and change ceiling light bulbs. I feel I need something to hang onto. How could I miss a 6 ft step ladder. I worked too hard helping. I'm still beat and now I have boxes to open. I found the lamps but they removed those things to put the shades on. Shelves need to be put back into things. I just screwed the 4 posts onto my 4 poster bed this morning. Do movers typically remove those things from the top of lamps? I'm not sure I know how to put them back on. I'm going to have to hire someone once I do all I know how to do. If I can find some utensils I think I can manage everything I need to here. I found the microwave, my metal tongs and 1 metal fork packed with it. I'd, like real silverware and I need my spatula and that stuff to cook in nkn stick pans. A plastic spoon from take out not good for cooking. I am so happy to have my microwave this morning though. To zap my coffee. Though I think it's odd to not fill up the box just throw in a fork and my tongs. These are what I have to figure out how to attach to lamps if I want the shades on them. Progress. Doing the smaller boxes in front of the tall wardrobe boxes in the back. Did about 3 yesterday of the smaller stacked boxes. My toaster was packed upside down on top of plastic bowls and microwaveable plastic and pots and pans. My bad. Crumbs were in the tray on the bottom of the toaster. Every single item had crumbs from the upside toaster on top so yesterday I had to wash every single item from that box. But progress. Clearly I'm not handy, dont know how to reattach these to lamps. I've sent 2 emails asking what the service includes I paid for. I paid for partial packing. I keep asking if that includes unpacking. Picking up the microwave to put it on my kitchen shelf. Putting lamps back together. Screwing posts back on my 4 poster. And they forgot to unwrap that triple dresser standing on end. I'll call and hire someone when I get stuff sorted I need help with. Lamp pieces to put back together. Some boxes gone from row in front of wardrobe boxes. 6 wardrobe boxes to go. Plus the smaller boxes. Most of the red small staples boxes in the back are moms quilts, just gotta figure out for sure which arent. Havent really seen any good su rises yet. Been here a week. Too many clouds to see rhe sun itself come up. I do so love being able to look out and no one can walk by and see in like my house. Priceless. The view is good for my soul.
  12. IMO the reason they are offering a discount to diamond and above for beverages is I bet many D, D+ and pinnacles say hey I get this many free, it's not worth paying for the drink package at full price. Below Diamond you dont get free drink daily vouchers. It's those D and above who need a extra discount to make it worth buying.
  13. I worked so hard Wednesday helping the movers I didnt do much yesterday, but today I opened a few boxes. My back says stop, no more. I am sure I am missing my 6 ft step ladder. It's not a expensive item, bought at harbor freight. Its listed separately on the bill of lading and I didnt notice until today no step ladder. I use it to change light bulbs for instance in the ceiling fans. I dont really need a 6 ft here, but did at the house. I dont think there is any way its packed in a box, though I've only opened 1 of 7 wardrobe boxes. The other boxes are smaller. I listed some broken stuff on the bill of lading but didnt realize the step ladder is missing. I got a reply about filing a claim and told I have 90 days to file the claim but once filed I cant add stuff later. She said wait until I've gone over everything. Lol ray the maintenance man here helped me run a few boxes I've been using down to bldg A, I got some from some delivery guys Monday. He said its Friday, I need to wait for a pick up before I dispose of more boxes. I've reached my limit lol. I cant hog the whole bin. Next week I can get rid of a few more boxes. I'm missing my 6 feet step ladder I bought at harbor freight. I cant see this fitting into a box, im pretty sure its stolen ..missing.
  14. I was probably just as sick and coughing and it was bronchitis or pneumonia I'd guess. I thought for sure at the time I had covid and was prepared to be confined to my cabin. I tested negative for covid. They sold me nyquill and a envelope of cough drops. They asked if I wanted to see the doctor and I said no. I still mostly stayed in my cabin away from others. Clearly I was sick and they sold me stuff for my coughing and all. Charged to my account. To get a doctors advise she said would cost like $175 so i declined. Said no thanks. I tried the 7 11 in cozumel no cough medicine or in the onboard stores. Ran out of the cough drops. They sold them in a plain white business envelope. I hope I'm done getting sick on cruises. Never got sick before covid and then now twice since covid. The other was food related. That time a bunch of us all got it and the ones who got off that leg and had doctors tests said e.coli. Time for some good luck. Oddly I was on oasis spring last year and a friend also had the runs and he was treated completely differently and he was confined to his cabin. He also was on a b2b or really s2s and they wouldnt let him board. Me they sent back to my cabin. I dont think there is a one answer this is what they will do. I've now added a few items to my suitcase travelling pharmacy. Seems like I got more pharmacy stuff packed than clothes at times. .. just in case.
  15. That's what I just heard from my friend. His doctor said prostate cancer he has he would die of something else first. I guess for me it would worry me to know i had cancer cells growing slow or not. You could say that about a lot of skin cancers too. If you are 100 great, the cancer is slow growing and something else will get you first .. I plan on living as long as I can. I am aware of the cures, but I would be worried saying oh let it go. But of course greg should do whatever he feels is best for him.
  16. But still do hydrate before midnight or you go to bed. I forgot and had some coffee with creme before the anesthesia and I was ok. I think it's a just in case kind of thing. I started to worry again about my friends hubby after your post. I called just now and he got on the phone. Monitoring every 6 months some kind of levels. And its only in one quadrant of his prostrate. And then he said his dad died of prostate cancer so all this slow growing dont worry we are monitoring it didnt make me feel better. I guess the word csncer worries me. Or well his dad made it's to 93 before he died of prostate cancer. Like that's acceptable. I just talked to him on the phone. So if I'm extra worried about you forgive me, I'm a worrier. It's a fear I have of that in particular.
  17. Lol compared to paying full price rates, of course it's a very good rate for 7 days. Like other curious which ship but if they offered me a cruise 271 x 2 I assume, I'm solo, I'd grab it. People post prices and as a solo I never know if they mean that's the real price or per person. I can remember the olden pre covid days. Cheapest during hurricane I'd see was like 299, usually 399 per person at the top of hurricane season around labor day. I always jumped on it. Now I dont see as big of a difference during hurricane season as before covid. I think people have forgotten how ports can get missed. I personally dontd care if it's just a same ole Caribbean. I'd do it in a heartbeat.
  18. I remember when they did those tournaments and personally I enjoyed them. Once I almost won, came in 2nd. I think I just got a size small shirt but still fun. I dont have strong feelings about losing the $25. I did go into the casino in January and got my $25. Most unlucky ever. I never lost money so fast lol. I knew I should look for that german heidi machine I'm lucky on but coukdnt find it ... saw it later. I enjoyed the tournaments more so this is kinda easy come easy go. Royal only says gives you $6 but if you go in to play within 24 hours it turns into $8. So to me $25 was super generous.
  19. Lol I just no showed myself. I have been overwhelmed with moving. Idk why, I always prints my boarding pass and put it with my passport .. got to the port hotel, next morning went to get my passport and was like oh no. I couldn't board so I drove home. This is twice. I also was a no show last year right after my moms funeral. My brother in law thought it was his right to just go into her house and take stuff. Mr religious thought he could do whatever he wanted. I had stored valuables there, that were mine. He and his daughter had a garage sale 9 days after her funeral and went thru picture albums they thru out, my own personal stuff in my bedroom. In 20 years I've never been too sick to cruise, but now twice, missed 2 cruises for non covered insurance reasons. I know I cant believe it either I forgot my passport for my may cruise last month. I'm moving to port Canaveral and after 11 nights inna hotel they finally brought my stuff. Broken antiques and other small stuff. And I paid for a partial packing. Silly me thought unpacking. I cant lift a microwave, but I'm here. Now this everlasting thing I have to file a damage claim for stuff broken. And unpack. So twice during my ordeal im going thru i missed 2 cruises and just no showed. I think sometimes you have to decide what's best for you. I obviously just was having a hard time wrapping my mind around a cruise last month. I actually delayed closing on selling my dallas house until after the cruise. 3 days after I'd made final payment I decided to ove sooner than I originally planned and found a larger condo. Now I have 2 condos here :( .. I really think only you know if you are in a cruising mood. I understand hating to lose the money. That's the hardest part. No one here can tell you the right answer. There may be no right or wrong answer. From someone who just no showed for a cruise .. i feel for you losing the money and I would have liked the loyalty pts.
  20. Well I am happy to see your post and no positive for sure cancer. They always have trouble finding my veins. They say hydrate and drink lots of water thru night before helps with them sticking a needle in you. I just had cataract surgery and even though thru dont put you to sleep they do anesthesia to numb you up. And my gp they have trouble every time. If you need to again, drink as much water the night before as you can. I have the same issue. More hydration they keep saying. Getting a biospsy ouch, more fun times. Sorry. Even if I dont always respond I have been reading along. Best wishes for continued no cancer.
  21. I am so glad you will finally be getting answers. I think not knowing and worrying its ahead of you is the worst part. Please let us know the results. I'm still worried about my friends in san antonio is visited just before I moved. Known her 50 years and known her husband almost that long. He just had had prostate surgery. The very last morning he was able to get out of bed and talk. I am alarmed. I wanted to wait to call her back but he has prostate cancer cells he is NOT having treated. He said things like they told him that prostate cancer cells are slow growing and they think they are only centered in his prostate. They cut off enough so he can peo but hes not doing any chemo or having his prostate removed or any other treatment. Clearly they went over possible treatments with him for him to say all the treatments he is NOT doing. He also said he is 100% disabled vet from viet nam war due to agent orange, so there is obviously more to the story. It was the morning just as I was leaving. He was saying how being disabled 100% is unusual. So I'm thinking more to the story, but for him to say he still has cancer cells in his prostate he is not having treated. Yes I'm alarmed. And my cousin also went thru prostate cancer and had his removed. And told me how hard recovery was for him. So I really hope your results are perfect and just old age and nothing to worry about. I have been worried about you ever since you said you needed to go get checked for cancer, sorry but im a worrier and know too much about this.
  22. Have you considered buying a case of water that is delivered to your cabin. I think its listed under gifts but I could be wrong where its listed. It's not listed with the packages that are daily charges, this is a one time charge. Also of course you can carry on power aide, 12 per cabin, carry on only. For me the pkg woukdnt be worth a daily charge, but everyone is different. Many buy a case of water to be delivered usuallynbosrding day. I also get 3 bottles of free water I always give away. I like carbonated water or ice water. I prefer ship water with ice to free bottled water. It's hard for someone to suggest to someone else, we are all so different.
  23. I'd like them to update a long list of stuff. What restaurants are or are not included in bogo heads my list personally. I dont want to get izumi sushi side on allure and get on harmony and be told it's not included. Or wonderland. Last time I didnt even try.. tired of a different story on how it works on each ship. Price dropped on something and I was onboard and their customer service desk called. They said the higher price on a excursion was due to taxes. NO. Excursions dont have the 18% tax added. That's when I figured out myself how to go into planner and cancel stuff myself. It was a b2b so I could still cancel for the following week a excursion. I suspect they outsourced a lot of customer service. And those people just dont know. I was talking to someone who spoke like a american but lived in a Caribbean island. I'd asked her and she readily told me where she lived. I forget now which island, but they are no longer sitting up in the state of Washington like they used to. I had a dedicated person who they assigned me to book cruises and it woukd take 3 days or more for her to call me back. She said they were allowing her to now work from home. Technicians needed to come out and fix her connection. She admitted she wasnt getting messages in a timely manner. She blamed royal IT didnt set it up at her home correctly. Issues. I love my TA, if I havent told him that lately. 3 days to call back, by then the price has often changed. I dont see a way for me to put a hold on a cabin myself with royal online. With carnival it's so easy. I can look and see a cabin, and push hold. Easy as that. Days I can hold seem based on how far out the cruise is. But I can hold for 3 days and extend it so easy., royal makes so many things harder than they have to be. Anytime dining make it on the app I can push a button when I want to eat, not stand in a line. The dedicated C&A number just one of many things.
  24. They will be sitting at their desk. If they arent busy they will talk to you if you have a request, or you can write down your name and sit and they will call you up next. Like I asked for bogo which is a D+ perk. They said no to both wonderland and izumi sushi side (yes I know izumi hibachi excluded, says nothing about either wonderland or izumi sushi which I pointed out). After 5 times back and forth 3 weeks on ship, as a special favor the concierge granted it but made it clear special favor which I read as TIP ME.
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