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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. I wouldnt sail or not sail because of carnivals loyalty program. Imo they should add something that would make people want to book again. Some monetary bonus for being loyal would be nice. I last did a journey cruise and lost my priority boarding etc.. I think they should change it to just diamond so everyone doesnt lose out. Add a level beyond diamond so people have something to chase after diamond.
  2. This is really nice to hear how much your family cares about you and that they are all willing to go the extra mile happily.
  3. Doesnt make sense. I have 5 free vouchers a day. I'm always yes use my voucher. It takes just as much for the printer to type 0.00 or 5.25 for juice ..and I either add a tip,or I dont. Same time to print it out and to sign. For a while after covid rcl didnt make you sign for a $0 drink, and maybe you remember this... I think they went back to signing to encourage tipping.
  4. You cant just remove a portion. Just dont prepay and remove them if that's your wish. We cant stop you. I dont get why people come here and post about removing tips, just do it. Dont need our permission.
  5. How would a waiter know if you had the pkg or not and were going to tip extra or not unless they served you before. I dont get why service would be different waiting in line for a drink.
  6. I am sailing with you and a friend signed up recently. Ship was almost sold out of balconys when he booked, very few choices. I havent dont this ship that I remember so I jumped on this 7 day too. I do hope there isnt a lot of adjusting to texas like grandeur had to do, though it was sailing from a island. Not sailing full then hit texas and wham! 2 hour dinners for instance.
  7. I started to use my free spin lately and twice walked away with a small win. $13 and $16. Took my money and left. Gave away the change voucher, cant get it without standing in line at cashiers desk, so I just took the bills. One time $6, I was not in there first 24 hours, $8 the other time. Last time lost fast. Go to the smoke free area if smoke bothers you.
  8. Harmony and oasis class dont tender like cayman island, so they also skip jamaica.
  9. I think verandas are what royal calls balconies? And they are treated just as regular cabins. A Junior Suite and up would have upgraded toiletries.
  10. I've done both but grandeur more recently and it wasnt my favorite experience so I lean toward rhapsody. Be careful with those JS as I seem to remember hearing 2 different couples who booked one and were below where they serve pizza at night. They werent happy. We were full, they couldnt move. I'd pick rhapsody but I'm biased.
  11. That's what I told myself last year when I just didnt show up for my own cruise. I never needed insurance for 20 years, until that time, cost me less than paying insurance for that many cruises.
  12. I cant imagine they kept blankets they asked their steward to get for them.
  13. I bought a fleece lap blanket on my cruise to alaska very cheap in the onboard shops. I still have it. No more than $10 at most on close out the eason sale.
  14. Yes any non alcoholic drink in a bottle or can under 17 oz
  15. Have to leave one original pax on the booking unless it's some kind of wierd charter where you can. If you can manage to recoup some money why not?
  16. After final I'm not aware of any good options to cancel. The sooner the less you lose. I lost a cruise last year, my TA didnt know of any way to get a refund even back then other than a positive covid test which I doubt works now. Call and ask to move it and see if they will mlve it is all I can suggest. .. try..
  17. I just checked in yesterday, late after I went to krogers and gave up on them. Supposed to be midnight ship time, but wasnt working on the app or online, even yesterday morning still not working. So I went off to do errands. Missed the 10:30 am check I, got 11 am. My friend got 11:30 .. their fault. Aggravating to keep trying and it's not open. Keep your patience under control.
  18. I got a 13 day next year. I think they cut them off now under 14 days on purpose just for this reason. Even solo I'll be forking money out over and above obc to pay tips. If I was inside it gets a extra $50 obc I gave up to do a balcony. ..the extra pt is the best thing.
  19. I wonder how they count it? If I have $250 obc and spend $300, so end up with $50 billed, did I spend $50 or $300?
  20. On oasis class the cafe that serves the roast beef sandwiches is open until 5 pm so I've gone in quite late in the day and skipped early dinner. The WJ opens around 6 pm usually on most ships.
  21. Or sell 80 shares ns hold 100. New 1 year target set of $160. You can tell here pricing is holding and stock doing well. Check the last minute sales ..if it gets soft sell the rest until you need it for obc. Selling it all now to me is gamble you can buy it back lower later.
  22. I'd like a solo discount or some perk. A extra loyalty pt or anything. I didnt use my free steak dinner, but I received the letter. Hopefully it carrys over to the next cruise.
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