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Everything posted by firefly333

  1. You could do 2 balconys next to each other solo and also get 2 pts each. Compare prices. Often the JS is more than double a balcony. Or I'd book one.
  2. To me interesting downtown miami, bricknell area, where hotels are, prices are crazy good imo. I saw a new listing alert last week sure was a good price. CNBC just had a guy on and a oversupply of condos in bricknell area, miami beach though is in demand. It really depends where you are looking. I kinda briefly thought about it, but I'm tired of city living, wanted a quieter area. Downtown miami idk if safe or not but i doubt I'd love living there, even though its close to a port. I'm on a neighborhood app and every day i see someone had something stolen. Someone posted the hood of their truck was stolen. I think smaller areas like PC are safer. I hope I'm not wrong. I dont feel safe here.
  3. I dont remember having a brace. Once they put the metal plate inside my wrist and reattached the long bones in my arm there wasnt a sling or brace. Hurt a lot but no brace. Its about 90%. I tried to pull myself onto the carousel on harmony and was reminded that I cant make a tight fist. Felt stupid, lol, should have been so easy to grab and pull myself onto a animal. I just know big boxes are too heavy for me to handle. If there were 2 of us moving I'd plan on doing more, but isnt going to happen. As far as my bil, there have been times when we just had to say if he was a genius he woukdnt have married my sister who is a slow learner. Just a week ago he told me he was thinking of changing from gas to electric heat because he thinks the gas is leaking. The house is mlre than twice the sq footage and he keeps the house 75 to 78. And a artic blast came thru in January. Turn down the thermostat, the gas isnt leaking. How he and his daughter cleaned out the house will have to go down in that category. We talked and he told me his latest excuse. I said to him in a calm voice the family agrees with me, even a moran would know you dont go thru someones safe without asking. He told me get over it and that's that. There used to be old stock certificates in the safe I wanted. It's not about money. $2 bills, stuff my dad and I saved in there. He wanted to go to maine. I got online and got it all fixed up but he needed to put up a credit card. Hes never ever used a credit card, and still hasnt. We gave up the idea. Now they might just take a trip out west, where they can stay with my cousin and book a pkg at the train that takes you to the Grand Canyon. Drive. Not fly. His idea of a vacation is drive and drive and look for a vacancy sign at a hotel along the way. I said that wouldnt work flying to bar harbor and a rental car, and you have to commit to a certain number of days ahead of time. Nope. This is something I have to just let go. Not everyone has the same mental capabilities. Or able to be logical. hes a hard worker and the house sparkles. So clean the kitchen really as I said seems to sparkle. Never looked so good. When they got married he said to mom and me how we just underestimated karen. She could do laundry, take clothes out of the dryer and fold them, set the table. Mom and I just looked at each other. Sure enough by 6 months later he was doing everything, she could fall if he let her do the clothes etc. Its easier to just do it yourself than get her to do anything. If he doesnt mind doing all the work, great for everyone. He calls her his little angel. Lol. I was more than happy to sign over my half of thr house to her trust. It's all hers. I agree with renee who said about being in a cabin where someone died. I dont want to live where my parents lived. Onward and upward.
  4. I would say no they cant without paying. Hibachi only has 8 seats per section and taking up 2 extra chairs there wouldnt be allowed. Idk about other restaurants that might be less full, but I doubt they can sit there and not pay at least kids prices.
  5. You cant assume that. Whichever is open you might get. No rhyme or reason. If you have strong preferences, dont bid on the one you dont mjch want. If it goes thru you are billed and moved, and notified.
  6. @RFerringtonI saw your question about me moving. I am not feeling all that well and saw my gp without any real results, and just was busy. Did some cruise stuff yesterday hotels and such. Yes I'm going to try and move in may after I do mariner. I also need to do a lot of taxes in april I hope so set the closing to sell my dallas house for may 20, so I have a week afte my mariner cruise to get movers in to pack up my stuff. Meanwhile yes I found a 2nd larger condo I decided to buy in the PC vicinity. Yes I still have the condo I bought originally to move into. Its rented until sept 1. I had a buyer for my house here, not a great price. It seems like prices here have come down. The house next door was flipped and all redone and didnt appraise out for enough and priced below what 2 others sold on my block. So I took less. Time to move on. In the meantime all kinds of fun. (not). We did the inspection on the new place and it needs a new hot water heater, though I plan to change all the appliances. Last time I posted I was the last day of my 14 day inspection where we had gotten someone in to give a estimate for a new hot water heater, then wrote asking the seller for a new one. They didnt agree. That night my real estate agent got the other agents all to agree to a lower commission and the 3 agents involved are pitching in to buy me a new hot water heater. It's from 2002 and the inspector says old fittings old heater. I was prepared to just replace it so was happily surprised my agent got the agents to accept less commission and all chipped in to pay for a new one. Never expected or heard of this before. The sellers (3 kids who inherited it) couldn't agree and didnt say they would. They couldn't even agree on the clause if any past due from hoa they would pay, 2 out 3 only agreed, so we checked and hoa says nothing owed, so I agreed to remove this standard clause. We are now heading I to the home stretch to close. I asked the broker at my trust about borrowing or getting a smallish amount to tide me over between closing. News to me it triggers a tax issue for my CPA and I have to write a signed letter to transfer money from my trust to my checking. I need a trust handbook. After we close I plan to get someone in the paint everything fresh. Then hire someone to clean and disinfect from people who were in and out looking when it was for sale. Then hire movers. So I can be out of here so this place is empty when I close to sell here. I still like the condo I bought originally but think it's too small. I'm keeping about 50 small boxes each with a quilt my mom made. No I fought to get them and just got about 15 last Sunday I didnt even know about. Had about 35, now I have about 50. My bil and his daughter just helped themselves to stuff. She had the quilts and said nothing to me until I meet her for lunch a week ago. I'm over being mad and angry at them. Moving on. And moving away from them. I told my doctor I'd been having anger issues when I saw him and my hc sister is also his patient and first thing out of his mouth is defending my sister. Which is why everything from my parents was put into a trust. She is unable and unwilling to do anything but be a princess. Here take the house, I'm gone. Consider myself lucky she found a guy to marry whom is a dynamo of energy and willing to do all the work. No one else I've ever heard of could go thru and clear out a large house of 40 years of stuff and have a garage sale 9 days after the funeral. And he does all the work, she doesnt cook or clean or do any work around the house. Just gets her nails and hair done and they go out to eat. Consider myself lucky she didnt have to move in with me. The new bigger condo has room if she ever does move in with me. Large 3 bedroom, over 2k sf.
  7. I sure hope it's not prostate cancer. My cousin went thru that and had to learn functions kinda like a woman. I know he says he wouldnt wish it on anyone. Please no but do have it tested.
  8. I would be careful booking with many sites and some dont have as good of service and if you book with a TA it needs to be someone good. Some sites arent good service wise imo. If your price drops yes you get the price drop. I think there is another thread saying this going on now also. If you got obc with the price, it's part of the price, you lose it if you price match lower. So be sure to count it.
  9. I think I never was loyal to royal as I did them all. But I would like to lock in pinnacle just in case they decide to change stuff. I'd like to lock it in. Locked in carnivals top tier in jan. Once I lock in pinnacle idk if I will be so loyal either. I have never felt royal was the most ethical company. I got a email from mbayley office saying how they never add onto port fees once you are booked ... oops added on Bahamas. Other stuff. I just have seen and read stuff to me not the most ethical. They seem all about profits not about doing things right ... and when in doubt blame IT. I do agree with the OP communication is poor and they say this or that is a rule, but then bend it themselves too often. They dont care if a few cruisers never book again. It's about the dollars. Enjoy your new cruiseline.
  10. I had a assigned person who sometimes didnt call back for days. Well they had to move equipment into her home she said when I complained. Having a dedicated person wasnt great for me. I now use a TA who usually has better group prices. I've called a few times and not gotten someone even in the USA. Ask around when you are on your jewel cruise for names. We cant name anyone here. I've called about excursions and they just were kinda clueless imo. One told me a excursion price didnt drop, the difference was taxes. Excursions dont get taxed. I learned now how to cancel on their site in the planner.
  11. Yes. I posted in the what are you doing now thread. And yes I still own the oceanfront. We can talk over there. Still buying near that port.
  12. Lower and middle of the ship have the least motion, think of a teeter totter. That being said I prefer higher, but mid ship will have less motion. I bring some generic pills from Kroger or wherever you shop just in case. You might hit turbulence. I found some ginger beer onboard harmony, with extra ginger. Ginger supposedly helps settle your tummy.
  13. I hadnt ever even thought about it. And having a cabin months later, when many many have stayed in the cabin since, idk. And how about the condo I'm buying. I'm betting someone died is why it's being sold. But wouldnt know that until it was under contract. A trust turned out to own it, with 3 kids. So most likely someone died for this trust to be the owner. I know 3 kids because we said in the offer they were responsible for any previous hoa amounts, or some such box that we checked. Came back and my realtor said 2 kids said ok, the 3rd doesnt understand and refused to ok this standard clause. We checked and no money owed to hoa, no assessments so removed it. Would someone go to the bother to find out when and where their dad died and if it was at home before accepting a contract. My dad died at home. My sister and bil now live there. For me I agree that the house if filled with my parents and for me I didnt want to move in, so I can kinda see it.
  14. Canadian, but has US clients. Hes telling you that agents were notified. It's your TA who missed the notification. if you booked with a TA then the notification went to your TA. They are the one who should be looking into it.
  15. There is a thead about the world cruise which has the 2 options, the 25% or 50% obc, and some letters other have gotten. If you are booked, I'd read thru some starting with the end...and read back to friday. The ship cannot go thru the suez canal, they are shooting at ships there, so it's going around africa. The vote is feb 27 I believe. I would read back to the meeting held last friday afternoon at 3 pm.
  16. Yes that's what they are trying to say above. Pizza isnt separate from the cafe, but served in there. Plus playmakers is open until midnight but not free. Wings, onion tower, burgers
  17. And when the app matches you with a table number you dont even have to be watching. The carnival ship horn goes off and when you open it up confetti is dropping. It's a loud ships horn sound.. you KNOW when you match. Much better than standing in line on royal. And dont forget to look for that button to share a table lower down .. I use it for brunch for fast seating.
  18. I'm sure you guys know this, but voyager is doing a TA may 2025 from PC to spain. Im booked and on the next leg. .. idk if it would be unusual to do 2 TAs in the same calendar year.
  19. I've been getting my coffee in the promenade cafe but I saw vitality cafe also has it. Didnt try park cafe. I go to vitality cafe to get vitamin water and people in line there were ordering coffees. They have a blender. Not aware of any in solarium. .. crown lounge and suite lounge have free machine if you qualify to go in those. I wasnt aware park cafe quit doing coffee but I guess I'm not keeping track. Wonder has something I think in the closet that is like a personal router so signal is better from your cabin. I just plug in my phone or tablet in regular plug, so not sure of your ubs question. But I know wonder is more updated with the signal in your cabin.
  20. Did you pay $200 per person or able to get a discount?
  21. What I especially like about oasis class, so many balconies that booking one is downright reasonable. Those smaller ship balconys cost more than oasis class. A few of us who did harmony and sat together for dinner decided to book around may. Mariner comes in may 5 and is doing a 7 day. Harmony is also doing a 7 day. One guy finally said harmony has cheaper balconys. My other friend booked mariner with me, and he paid about $200 extra for a balcony on mariner. Over 2k. Harmony would have been a little cheaper. It is Mariners maiden voyage out of Galveston but still ... it's a older ship. A ship with more balconys equals a better balcony price. Now a JS or suite is cheaper on older ships, but not balconys. Also fewer perks on older ships.
  22. Kona will be just the opposite. Stark black lava rock everywhere. Dry side of thr island. Each island has a wet and dry side.
  23. I love how anytime dining works on carnival (vs how it is terrible on royal). I just pressed the button I wanted a table. Even when it said 20 minutes wait, it was 5 minutes or less. I couldnr press it in my cabin and get there before it went off every time. Carnival does a lot more anytime dining vs royal who needs to take lessons from carnival.. I say this as a D+ on royal. For brunch on sea days I usually click shared table. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click you want to share a table. Then press go. For dinner shared rarely works, just prepare to sit with your husband wife or whomever . . For during the day its a fast way to be seated with people to meet. I love it on carnival. Hate it on royal. Prepare to like it. FFTF faster to the fun can be purchased if you want to board sooner, no biggie to me.
  24. This should be similar. The price that is crossed off is the price onboard. Gives you a idea anyway. I dont have enchantment booked, but several other smaller ships.
  25. If you post what ship someone can post prices of that class. My mariner specialty seems about $2 less than my harmony oasis class. Smaller older ships have lower prices.
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