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Everything posted by Ozark_Kid

  1. We are diamond but just purchased a 4 device package for our January cruise. It came out to $11.50 per day per device. We share the package with another couple cruising with us.
  2. I really enjoyed it on the Alaska cruise but you would of been frustrated trying to figure it all out before the cruise. The first day or two I was taking all of these zoomed snowcapped mountain pics later to find out we were much closer y the 3rd day. 😆 I don't know if it was an app upgrade but this summer I learned that you can do neat adjustments to the background when you take the pic in portrait mode. Check it out if you haven't already.
  3. Here are some pics from earlier today as we were outside Huntsville Alabama. I thought they would be blurry when taking them at 60 mph.
  4. It's been at least 3 years since I used my Canon. Sharon got it out a couple months ago and the batteries would not charge.
  5. I got the S21 Ultra over 1 1/2 years ago. You are going to love the camera. The 10x lens is a big plus. No matter how many videos you watch you will be finding new features even a year from now. Let us know how you like it after getting somewhat used to it.
  6. @Cayman Turtle Thanks for talking the time to share the cruise with us. Even b2b cruises are over to soon.
  7. Soooo true. I lucked out and tried my 1st key lime pie several years ago when we stopped in Key West. If I didn't try it there 1st, I might not of been a big fan of it.
  8. Not on this one although I like sun-dried tomato on pizza. This one I chopped up a bell pepper before covering it with cheese. On top is cooked fajita meat, peppers and onions.
  9. It looks good. Was it? A couple days ago I made a pizza topped with fajita meat for the 1st time. Taste pretty good. The family is coming over to watch the football game. Sharon is making curry for lunch and I am thinking jalapeno poppers wrapped in bacon to snack on during the game.
  10. Wow, I beat you up today! 4:30 am. We had a strong ⛈️ thunderstorm roll through..... I went back to bed. 😆 And never even thought of taking a pic!
  11. Here is a pic of Kenzie getting busted sneaking some cherry tomatoes. Near the place where they sell their flowers each week they opened a new market. The girls were able to find matching dresses. They have sunflowers coming out of their garden for them to add to their offerings.
  12. We have a few text groups set up with our girls. One is dedicated to Finnley updates where her mom post pics. The kids love holding her. Mom is taking pics all the time. To the point where Finnley looked up and thought.... seriously mom? Another pic? Mom waited for her to fall asleep. It looked like pics were not bothering Finnley until........ Seriously mom, you are taking them while I sleep 😴. Mom.... Go back to sleep. I'LL try not to take one...... oops.
  13. @dani negreanu. 😆 I did it again. I thought I was posting here but I was in a different thread. 😆 So I will repeat here. I came out to our covered deck while it was sprinkling. A few minutes later it started raining 🌧 hard. No problem, thankful for a good rain. Can't tell much from the pic but...... After I posted that it has been raining even harder and has not stopped yet. 20220902_110600.mp4
  14. That is not good! Arby's without Horsey Sauce?! 😠 😡 😤 I hate forgetting that. I even get it with the French dip sandwich. Usually 3. I usually have one or two in the fridge. I tried the new Philly the other day. It was OK but it's back to the French Dip for ne.
  15. I love a good fish n chips. When we were on Symphony last year they offered fish n chips. With the mask on and foreign accent, I did not hear the waiter explaining there was a fish shortage and they had to do a fish substitute. I don't remember what the substitute was but it wasn't the same. Happy you got a good one.
  16. Thanks for the heads-up! Great savings plan! I need to write this down 🤔....Build up the savings account by 🖊.....Booking 10 consecutive 🛳 cruises.... 71 days.... wait, I will lose money getting my clothes washed..... oh yeah, use sink to wash clothes. 😆 Glad to hear you are having mild symptoms. Hope you get over it soon.
  17. I was wondering if it would help if we changed to MTD before boarding. I wonder why it wouldn't be a heads up when we set up Specialty restaurants that they would think it through. Maybe they think it's possible I might eat at both. 🤔
  18. You would think that when people reserve their specialty restaurants the first day they could ask them if they intend on using the MDR. Then they would be aware of tables that will not be used.
  19. The cost of each restaurant varies so it depends on which restaurants you plan to go to when determining if it is worth it. You might want to try a 3 day dining plan or Chops plus one to help determine rather you think it's worth it. We are trying the UDP for the 1st time this October on an 8 night cruise.
  20. Sharon hangs on the FB cruise group. Lots of activities. Some how her FB was hacked yesterday and someone was sending messages from her account. Luckily most knew and let her know pretty quick.
  21. It could just be RC site. Even though we were able to log in and get started at 11:00 pm central, there is one on our roll call that was still having problems with it the next day! 🙃 Speaking of roll calls, I looked on your roll call to see if others were having problems. Not much activity. Even though ours is somewhat active, not as much as it has been in the past. When we checked in Tuesday night, Our iPhone and iPad was set on Central time for a cruise out of Ft. Lauderdale EST. We were able to log in to the check in at 11:01 pm, it just kept freezing up until we got off the iPhone and switched to the iPad which was around 11:20 pm Central time. So the iPhone/iPad being set on Central did not effect it.
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