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Posts posted by ray98

  1. Overall value is the main reason I have been drawn to Carnival recently although prices have been rising but that is expected because they seem to be not only sailing full but many ships are selling out weeks in advance. In the past we were just about equally split between the big 3, now we are taking CCL 75% of the time. The reason is they seem to offer a better value while providing the same primary experience. Some things they do better and some things need improvement but I feel the same way about the other 2.


    I believe right now CCL is trading fares for market share and I think they are winning.

  2. We use ones we found at Walmart where the card fits in a small clear pouch. Works great for taking my ID and CC with us in port.


    We have always used them and I never found it to be a hassle or in the way like some of the above comments. It is out of there way but quickly accessible for the few dozen times it is needed daily.

  3. Do you even realize what you're saying? Of course you don't. Someone says they want to use cash on their S&S account and you make a big deal out of it just because you do it differently. Who needs the safe space? Why are you so sensitive to others handling their vacations differently? In the last few days alone, I've seen you go after people for handling their on board expenses differently and for asking a question about balcony doors. Talk about trying to suppress others. People like you are a dime a dozen on internet forums. You bully others for having different opinions or doing things differently, but when anyone stands up to it, you try to make them out to be the bad guy. It's nothing new, I've dealt with it for 20 years. Maybe you're used to chasing others off. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not the pushover you're hoping for.



    You seem to be triggered which is why I mentioned a safe space.:confused: You are taking things mighty personal over a comment where I said nothing more than it is a 'complicated' way to handle the finances on board. You will see I am not the only one who feels that way but for some reason you want to single me out and portray my view as somehow dramatically out of line. Sure, one way may work but in the ongoing discussion it is possible to learn of another way that would work even better. It happens every day on here. You are doing everything you can to blow this out of proportion which is simply odd behavior.


    As for the other topic, I stand by my comments. It is a fact that leaving the door open has a negative impact on the cooling capacity of the surrounding cabins. When someone knows this and basically says 'oh well I like hearing the ocean...sucks to be them' that is nothing but a self centered and selfish move that should be mentioned.


    I'm sorry you think someone is a 'bully' just because they may hold a different opinion than someone else. So, I guess keep up your grand fight against those who discuss things on a forum about cruise discussion! You have been doing it for '20 years' and as long as you are on a message board your mission will never end.

  4. The info is out there for anyone to find on their own unlike a couple decades ago where you needed someone with experience to guide you. You have as much info as they have these days. I no longer need hand holding or advice figuring out what we want, I find out myself if I don't know. Unless you are getting some serious kickback from them then do it yourself and avoid all the pitfalls that can come when using a middleman.

  5. We love cruising in the fall and have been on several. The weather is still great and the prices can't be beat. You will certainly notice the difference on the amount of kids if you are used to spring break and summer cruises.

  6. Whether she put it out for discussion or not, once posted on a public site, it's up for discussion by anyone who wants to discuss it. I, along, with many other, as you stated have answered the question by stating Yes, it will work. But I, along with many others question "why" someone would want to waste the time to do this which is perfectly acceptable to do on this site. The OP can answer or ignore the question as they see fit but you have no right to tell others what is open to discussion.


    Absolutely. Some people are so sensitive to contrary opinions they go to great lengths to try to suppress them. Some here appear to be running straight for their safe space.

  7. This thread isn't about what you, or anyone, thinks of her plan. She asked if what she wanted to do was possible. YOU would not stand in line to add money to YOUR account while YOU are on vacation. See what I'm getting at here?


    When you put things out for discussion you get discussion. See what I'm getting at here?

  8. Ask any HVAC person what the effect is when the defined climate controlled area is enlarged to infinity if you don't believe it. You would think common sense would bring you to the same conclusion. What happens at home when you have the AC on during a 90 degree day and raise the windows? The ability of the system to work is severely compromised, it can't keep up due to the volume of air being let in.

  9. Absolutely. We use ours all the time. It will double as a water cup that keeps things cool during the hot afternoons and be my transport that holds 2 or 3 drinks so I didn't need to go to the bar as often during a show or when I want to hang out in the cabin.

  10. Are you going through Customer Service? People in booking can't do anything.


    Respond to their canned email with: That is a canned response and not acceptable. I need a call today. This needs resolution.



    What??? LOL. It is an email simply to notify you that they have received your communication and will be contacting you. If they are like any other company I have worked IT for in the past those mailboxes are not monitored.


    Of course that would be a 'canned response'. Who would pay a person to sit around and type emails saying a rep will contact you later?

  11. I don't see their plan as being complicated at all. She wants to budget her daily spending by only adding $100/day. If she chooses to take a few minutes out of her day to do it, what's it matter to you?



    It is my opinion of her plan which is what this topic is about. I think it is overly complicated. It is the same amount of money either way as long as some self control is exercised. I would not stand in line 7 different times to add money to my account while I am on vacation.

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