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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Joy, I am so sorry to hear this. Praying for your sister and her physicians and care team. Take care.
  2. I wanted to let you all know about my recent experience with Stock Perks. I downloaded the app back in January to apply for OBC for our Hawaii cruise, long story but I had already faxed in the information months prior with no response. Anyway using the app was easy and the OBC was applied quickly. Fast forward to this past Saturday— I applied for OBC for my cruise next month using my two booking numbers. It was even easier this time because all the information was stored, but I’m sure it has to be updated every year. The app said it would take 5 days to hear back. That evening I received an email confirmation that the credits had been applied. Talk about fast! I was impressed. So I wanted to share how simple it is and not believe everything you read elsewhere. 😉
  3. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit 🐇 🐇 🐇 Good morning and Happy Monday and Happy Canada Day!! 🇨🇦 Good collection of days. I believe I’ve had the LaCrema before and it’s not bad for a Chardonnay. Usually not my favorite. I’ll pass on the drink, any time I see schnapps I cringe. Thank you for the recipes Debbie @dfish and also your family recipe. I had never heard of Garlic Expressions so did some research. It’s locally available at some Target and Fry’s but not near me. I see that it’s available online too and Amazon but I’m thinking about going to the closest Fry’s that has it available instead. Yesterday I didn’t stay very long in the pool because I didn’t like the look of the clouds. I’m not sure about today, it’s much cooler and will only be about 95. Blue didn’t feel good yesterday and didn’t eat lunch but after our nap he searched out all the hidden pieces of food that he had tucked away and gobbled down dinner. I think he eats icky stuff outside, silly thing, and gets tummy aches. We let Summer sleep in her fort again, we didn’t have the heart to have her take it down. I got an email from someone in the trivia group from the Volendam cruise last year saying that they and another couple are on the 28 day Westerdam Alaskan cruise. Sounds like they are having fun. The couple were the ones who set up our special Pinnacle Grill dinner. They arranged an off menu meal with the chef. It was very good. Have a great day everyone!
  4. Yes, but I also take a screenshot to document what I did that day. I also do that with the excursion description, menus for the day, etc. That way I can go back and see what I ate and did.
  5. I would have been 6 days old, Wow! I wonder if my parents watched it but with two small children I doubt it. My father was in Grad school and my mother was working full time at a bank. She has told me that she could only take two weeks off work when she had me— her vacation time for the year.
  6. Good morning and Happy Sunday. The girlfriend decided not to spend the night and had her mother pick her up. Summer decided to still spend the night in the living room where they had built a “fort”. Since the storms are coming later I think I’ll get in the pool early. I like avocados. My father’s sister and her husband had an avocado orchard in Fallbrook, CA. It was large but they ended up selling it and moved to Hawaii in the 80’s because none of their children wanted to continue with the orchard. Sad. I have good memories of walking through the trees. We were living in Brush, CO at this time and whenever they came to visit they brought a suitcase full of avocados and my DM was thrilled because you couldn’t buy them anywhere at that time. This was in the 60’s. I’ll skip the drink but would like to try the wine. I like both lobster rolls and just lobster with butter. Last lobster roll was in October 2022 in Portland, ME on our Nieuw Statendam cruise. Have a great day everyone!
  7. I also learned this the hard way after not being able to access my boarding pass in Barcelona. Now I also screen shot my excursion tickets.
  8. Good evening! It’s not as humid but still feels muggy. The pool temp is down 4 degrees. Craig still got in but I’m making bread right now. Summer has a friend spending the night so thought that they would enjoy grilled cheese sandwiches. Summer will only eat them on my bread. Also she took her drivers training test online today and passed. The whole process has really changed since our kids started driving. I’m not entirely sure but I think you have to be 18 to get your license and have had at least 6 months of a permit. It’s confusing. Annie @marshhawk, I loved the kitten pictures! Dixie @summer slope, congratulations on the cruise booking! Debbie @dfish, I made the ground beef with broccoli yesterday and not only was it quick and easy but also delicious. Thank you for the recipe. Next time I’ll add an extra bell pepper. The girls are getting in the pool and I need to check the bread. Have a good evening!
  9. I should have said in my earlier post that I was only counting the current HAL ships. We started cruising in 1987 but had a long break after that due to having young children and started back up in 1999. Since 1999 I’ve not been on the Ryndam, Amsterdam, Prinsendam, and Zuiderdam. So in August I’ll accomplish having been on all the ships in the current fleet.
  10. Not a stupid goal at all! It’s actually one I’ve been trying to achieve myself. Finally in August I’ll be on the Zuiderdam, my last HAL ship. Congratulations on booking the PC transit cruise. One of my favorites!
  11. This is today’s lunch menu from the Zuiderdam. Note the macaroni and cheese, no mention that it’s Beechers.
  12. I noticed that on the current Zuiderdam MDR lunch menu that the macaroni and cheese is no longer listed as Beechers. I’m not sure if it’s itinerary related or if they no longer have the Beechers cheese fleet wide. I’ll find out in August while on the Zuiderdam and report back. I enjoyed it many times at lunch.
  13. Wow!! That’s crazy. I would actually leave it alone but just check for those slugs, it might come back.
  14. Carolyn, yes overnight marinating is best. I have to admit that several times I’ve done two nights. I think it makes them more tender and flavorful. Glad you enjoyed them. I saw a slug near my basil plant and now need to go check it out. I didn’t know they can be so damaging.
  15. Good morning and Happy Friday from a muggy Tucson. We were very aware of lightning safety last night while in the pool. We could hear thunder so got out but got back in when it dissipated. Later, we had a huge downpour which stopped just as quickly as it started. I only use cap locks when using an acronym or a title. I’ll pass on all the rest. I prefer real gnocchi but don’t have it often. Jacqui @kazu, I hope everything goes well with Ivan’s appointment today and his dental surgery. I didn’t used to get Blue’s teeth cleaned very often until he lost a lot of teeth. Now I schedule it every 4 months. Ann @Vict0riann, I hope you had a good nights sleep and are feeling good and not too sore. Continue healing! Rich @richwmn, I saw your post about your upcoming cruises. How exciting! I wish I could join you for trivia! Have a great day everyone!
  16. We were on the same cruise as @dfish and really enjoyed the cruise. Yes, it’s a lot of sea days but there is so much to do. I went to several cooking shows and Hawaiian lectures. You can fill your days or not. Weather is up to Mother Nature. We were sailing during the “Pineapple Express” and had some wind and rough seas on our way to Hawaii. Lots of people and staff were seasick. No problem on the way back. Club Orange was wonderful but unless you are in a Neptune Suite it might be sold out by now.
  17. I hope you enjoy them! I really like the bone in thicker cut pork chops, the ones that look like a T-bone steak. We buy them from TJ’s but I’m not sure you have one in your area. Hi Joy! So glad Allen is doing better with the eczema. I have breakouts too. Add some ham or bacon to the biscuits and gravy!! BTW, that is one of Craig’s favorite meals.
  18. Paul, my DH donated platelets for years and felt the same way every time. He hates needles and they hate him too. I hope it passes quickly and that you feel better. Ann, such great news! Have a good nights sleep.
  19. You will probably have to wait until you are onboard. First thing go directly to the reservation kiosk and see about changing.
  20. I am able to open my recipe box today and wanted to share the grilled pork chop recipe. I marinate them overnight and sometimes add different spices depending upon my mood. Grilled Pork Chops
  21. Good morning and Happy Thursday. Last night we went in the pool, it was a wonderful 89, Craig thinks it has warmed up because of the higher humidity. We decided to get married 50 years ago and our 50th anniversary is this December. I was 19. I would also make the third recipe. I like tomato cream sauce. I would also add mushrooms as the recipe developer suggests. I will pass on the drink. Zenato wines are really good. Craig and I always ordered a bottle of Zenato Pinot Grigio when we went out to a local little restaurant. They closed down the location near us years ago and have a larger restaurant in the foothills. Ann @Vict0riann, prayers for your surgery today. Jacqui @kazu, I’m sorry you are down, I’m sure the pain plays a big part in that. Hugs. Terry @smitty34877, I hope you can wet Tana’s appetite with the eggplant Parmesan. It’s one of my favorites. Have you ever made moussaka? You could even make it vegetarian. I saw a version on America’s Test Kitchen yesterday. Yum! Gerry @ger_77, congratulations on your 10 retirement anniversary! I retired at 65 four years ago this month and am so happy that I did. @luvteaching, thinking of you today. Have a wonderful lunch with your family. @Mr. Boston, things are moving along with your move! Tell DH to get well soon! @RMLincoln, yikes on the damage at your DGD’s house. Hopefully insurance will cover the totaled vehicle. Joy @Seasick Sailor, how is Allen doing with his Dupixent? And had he gained that pound? Have a great day everyone!
  22. Wow, I just realized that you probably meant something else. Do you mean substitute a different dining venue for the Pinnacle Grill? If so, no probably not. I would go to Customer Service and ask. I actually put something similar on my after cruise survey that I would like the option of using the dining credit for lunch instead of dinner. I know, it’s not comparable in price but I would enjoy it more.
  23. I’ve never had a poor meal in the PG, however some have been better than others. I’ve been able to choose 3 starters for my entire meal which is great for me because I have a small appetite. In your case they would probably only substitute something for something that is already on the menu. Like a different sauce. However, it’s really easy if you want steak— you just order the type of steak that you want. It’s the multiple component dishes that you might want to make substitutions.
  24. Terri @Cruzin Terri, I’m glad you are home and feeling a bit better, hopefully that will continue. We will keep praying for the bubble wrap to surround you. Debbie @dfish, each time you write Golden Beach I think of On Golden Pond, a great movie. Annie @marshhawk, I can’t believe a superior hung up on you, totally unprofessional. Deeni @DeeniEncinitas, it’s so good to see you posting more. Enjoy your Hawaiian home. 🌺🌺🌺
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