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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Good morning and Happy Sunday. Great collection of days today. I’ll take the spinach that some of you don’t want. I use it in many ways but a favorite is in quiche. I vividly remember when the shutdown happened and Rich @richwmnmentioning that he might call it the Daily. Then viola, it happened on March 16, 2020. It sure has evolved since then with many additions and Rich’s maps too. Roy @rafinmd, thank you for posting links and dates to the landmarks of the Daily. Bruce @aliaschief, I always love your memes and forward many to Craig. They make me laugh out loud. @luvteaching, best thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery for your DH. Your positive attitude is amazing. I will pass on the chicken today but I do make a taco version sometimes. I just use taco seasoning and bake the chicken tenders. I do it with fish too and they make really good fish tacos or chicken tacos. Have a great day everyone!
  2. Good evening! I had a full day with DM and then tried to catch up with the Daily, but it took until now to read all 5 pages. DM had a 6 month follow up with her radiation oncologist for her lung cancer and everything looks great. He was going to have her come back in 6 months again but she wanted to do a year so he compromised at a 9 months follow up. Then we went out to one of her favorite restaurants and our dear friend Kim Crawford showed up. Tonight I had a Zoom meeting with my faith sisters. Happy Birthday @seagarsmoker! Your cruise sounds like a fabulous way to celebrate and with a Pinnacle Suite too! A comment about yesterday's conversation about bending after eye surgery...... Yes, eye surgeons request no bending because it puts severe strain on the face and eyes, especially if there is an incision. Some really enforce it, the doctor I worked for was a stickler. I made today's meal of the day during the lockdown and the whole internet craze. I need to make it again because I really enjoyed it and it's so very easy. Thank you for the recipes @0106 Tina, the first recipe looked more like the one I made. BTW, Boursin cheese is delightful. We use it a lot, especially in mashed potatoes, yum! Tomorrow will be another late day for me because DM has another appointment. This is her hair appointment, she does like to look her best! I'm on our desktop so no puppy photo from me today. Have a great evening!
  3. In the meantime you might use an old sock and just cut off the toe part. It really worked for me when I broke my hand. The splint was hot and I was always sweaty and sticky, yuck. I never got a liner, just started using old socks.
  4. Good afternoon! I haven't read all of today's posts. I've been working on starting a blog for my upcoming cruise. @TiogaCruiser gave me the idea to start one to share with DH about my solo traveling experiences. I tried to get on CC late yesterday afternoon to post to Debbie @dfish. I wanted to wish her well on her surgery but CC wouldn't cooperate. I kept getting an error message. Debbie, I'm wishing you a great recovery and hope all is well after your surgery. Well, I leave three weeks from today for my adventure. I did decide to cancel my tour in Corinto based on the reports from a few days ago. It's not an issue for me and allows me to add an excursion in a different port. Right now I'm wait listed for two excursions, hopefully they will add more departure times, if not that's okay. I've never felt the need to have to always be on an excursion or tour, especially in a port that I've been to already. Wishing everyone well. Have a great day!
  5. Oh, I am so sorry for your loss. I always enjoyed hearing what she was up to when you posted. If she was 19 or 20 she lived a good life and probably a better one after you adopted her.
  6. Roy, what a pleasure to see you posting your Sunrise picture of the day again!!
  7. Good morning and Happy Sunday. I’ll celebrate all the days, even poultry, although I don’t enjoy it as much as most of you do. I’ll pass on the drink and wine. DGD is here and made us dessert last night. A strawberry and blueberry sauce in shortcake shells. There was sauce everywhere but it was yummy. I have made a version of today’s meal. It’s actually easier than regular lasagna. I have a veggie recipe that is good. After the discussion yesterday about the port Corinto, Nicaragua, I have mixed feelings about the excursion I decided to take there. I’m going to rethink my plans. I wouldn’t mind just staying on the ship. Have a great day everyone!
  8. Good morning and Happy Friday and St Patrick’s Day! I just started my Corned Beef in the crockpot but we won’t be having cabbage. Craig doesn’t like it and it’s a waste to make just for me to eat just once. I buy my corned beef at TJ’s and it’s uncured, so Carolyn @Cruising-along it might be okay for you to eat. Jake @Crazy For Cats, I’m sorry about the change in your itinerary. St John was one of our favorite ports last cruise. I wonder what the reason was. Have a great day!
  9. What a beautiful dog Sam is!! I know you have said before but what breed is Sam?
  10. Good morning and Happy Thursday. It’s cloudy here and our high should be around 66F today, mostly due to the rain we had yesterday. Just a quick note from me before my Dexa appointment this morning. I did get everything done yesterday for my DM so she won’t question me about it anymore. She likes things done immediately. While I’m more a Scarlet O’Hara. Have a great day everyone!
  11. Yes, and I should have mentioned that I was paying with a credit card not gift cards. I put the deposit down on a Friday, tried several times on Saturday to pay and on Sunday it finally worked. So maybe waiting until the next day was the answer, not sure.
  12. I have done the sort of same thing but with Vienna sausage. My DM would take a piece of Rainbow white bread, slather it with butter and layer sliced Vienna sausages, fold it in half and that was my lunch. Fat on fat on fluffy bread but so good. No wonder I love butter so much! Yours sounds yummy too.
  13. When I recently tried to pay for the second segment, a B2B, of my cruise it kept going to the first segment which was already paid for. I kept trying because it was the weekend and I really didn’t want to wait until that Monday to call since I knew I’d just have to leave a message for my PCC. I was finally able to make the payment so thank goodness I didn’t have to call.
  14. Lenda, thank you for the comment about my DM. She is so deaf that there would be no way she could continue functioning through all of her appointments and understand everything. Thanks for the advice about the CPAP. He actually has a physical next week, so we will see what the doctor says. However, this has been going on for 20 years and I've learned you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I'll try to gently suggest......
  15. Sandi, I thought that the Volendam was going to be at Half Moon Cay on Friday. Maybe I'm wrong.....
  16. Good morning and Happy Wednesday from a cloudy Tucson. It’s supposed to rain today. I’m taking it easy today after being so busy lately. The past few days have been filled with appointments and errands with DM. It’s really tough when I have so many consecutive days with her, especially with so much driving around. But the good part is that her taxes and physical and lung CT and banking and dermatology are all done for the year. We also went to the DMV and got a handicapped placard. Next week is the Lung CT follow up with the radiation oncologist and her hair appointment. Then I think I’m done until I get back from my cruise. I do have a few things to do for her— crazy, she got a federal jury notice that I have to deal with and schedule her dental and ENT appointments. Sorry for the rant but it helps telling my friends. Debbie @dfish, thank you for the recipes. I’m not a big fan of curry but these look really good. I’m going to check out the first recipe with the brown sugar. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, congratulations to Ren! I noticed the deeper blue bubble last night when I was catching up with the Daily. Not sure if I like it but I’ll get used to it. Gerry @ger_77, Craig had the same issues using a CPAP. He ended up just not using it at all and now it sits in a closet. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I know I missed some birthday’s and celebrations lately so Happy to everyone I missed. Have a great day!
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