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Sharon in AZ

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Everything posted by Sharon in AZ

  1. Good early evening! Thank you to everyone for the Birthday wishes for Craig. We went out to lunch, Craig had his usual pizza and I tried a chicken wrap, very out of the box for me, I’m not a huge fan of chicken, but all the ingredients sounded so yummy together. I forgot to take a picture but here’s a screenshot from their menu. Then we got gelato, we shared one. I have been to Avalon, Catalina twice. Most recently this past October on the Koningsdam, Jane @lazey1, Maxine & DH @AncientWanderer, Linda @lindalerwere also on that cruise. Linda arranged for Seth Wayne to join our M&G, he was very entertaining and has quite a history with cruising. (Sad he’s no longer with HAL.). We just walked around the waterfront area and had lunch. It was a very enjoyable day. I went to look at the pictures I took and Craig must have taken them because I only have our food. Calamari and Sand Dabs. Have a great evening!
  2. I started to say that I have one in the kitchen but realized, after reading other poster’s answers, that I have three. One in the kitchen, one in the entryway and one in my bathroom. I thought everyone had a junk drawer, where does one put things like rubber bands, scissors, paper clips, pencils, markers, etc?
  3. Not necessarily. My husband tested positive on Day 2 after having a difficult night breathing and coughing (Day 1 being embarkation day) after testing negative Day 0 with no symptoms to board the Oosterdam. He missed the first 6 days of our cruise. He did enjoy the last 6 days but was still recovering. So, you can become ill at anytime during your cruise.
  4. Good morning! Thank you for the Fleet and Daily Rich. Thank you to everyone for sharing. We were in Valletta on the Rotterdam May 2001. I accidentally broke my camera so I don’t have pictures but Craig took video. We went to St John’s Co Cathedral and walked around a lot. It was interesting seeing all the narrow pedestrian streets, most of which were sloping or stairs like the one in Sandi’s picture. We also went to a hard to find church called St Paul’s Shipwreck. Paul the Apostle shipwrecked at Malta and is considered a spiritual father to the Maltese. It has a few relics of St Paul. A friend of ours asked us to seek it out and I brought him back some postcards. Then we had a lovely lunch in a restaurant that was like a wine cellar. Thanks to everyone who posted pictures. I have a lot to do in the next few days. Tomorrow is Craig’s big birthday, his 70th. So we are having family over on Sunday to celebrate that plus his retirement. Have a great day everyone!
  5. I think I’ll try this recipe. Thank you so much for sharing this. And I have everything but the sour cream. I really try to avoid cream soups so this one sounds really good. Thank you for subbing!
  6. Good morning everyone! Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich. Thank you everyone for sharing on the Daily. Yesterday was spent with DM, first a dental appointment for her then lunch. She wanted to try crab at the fairly new location of the chain restaurant Angry Crab Shack. The other one was too far away from us and this new location is much closer. The crab was good but I did most of the work and it was messy. When they brought us plastic forks for our salads Mom looked at me like “what the heck?” But I thought it was all good and we both thought that the onion rings were some of the best ever. Then DGD came over to spend the night. Right now I’m getting ready to make pancakes. I always make the entire batch and freeze them, then microwave for about 90 seconds and they always taste fresh made. DGS was here a few days ago and had some, so it’s nice to have them at the ready. We will probably go swimming this afternoon and we are planning on grilling some pork chops that are brining in the fridge. It is good to hear people are getting over covid, Sarah, Camilla and parents, HAL Sailor DB, etc. Prayers for Amy and family as Buddy is laid to rest. And Roy too, for your cousin being laid to rest. Sorry I didn’t blue bubble but my arthritis is bad today and my stubby fingers get in the way. Have a great day everyone!
  7. To those asking about spacing between pictures, this is what I do on my phone and PC. I space to where I want the picture to be and add the file aka picture, then click insert and it shows up where the cursor was. I usually only do one picture at a time so I can space them out. After you insert the picture the cursor is now immediately after the picture and usually you can’t see it, but either way just hit the return key several times and then the cursor will be below the picture and you should be able to see it and add more spaces if you want. Then I can add text to comment on the next picture. I hope this helps. Happiest of Birthdays to sweet Allen! I knew you were in the Lake District! Lovely pictures Graham and Pauline. You are both looking so fit!
  8. Good morning everyone! I opened my email and there was a Panera Bread email about macaroni and cheese day and I immediately thought of Roy. Maybe you will have that today @rafinmd. Thank you for your reply about going to the services for your cousin. Maybe they will stream them so you can watch. Thank you @0106 for the macaroni and cheese recipe from Emeril. You will be a great stand-in for Debbie @dfish while she is enjoying her cruise. Debbie have a great time! Bon Voyage! We were supposed to go to Piraeus/Athens on the Rotterdam in 2001 but they were having a transportation strike and we went to Potmos instead. I am probably the only person here that likes tofu but I wouldn’t want cabbage and coconut with it. I actually had a great Asian tofu dish on our BA flight from Venice to Heathrow. Craig had a beef dish that he ranted and raved over. Who knew airline food could be so good. I somehow ran across this picture from our M&G last month. It was at the bottom of the page on CC, a place I don’t look at very often. I am the only one wearing a mask but I was concerned about spreading covid since Craig had been taken to covid jail just the day before I’m not sure why it’s dated July 5th because it was taken June 3rd. Oh, I see now that it has the right date on the bottom Have a great day everyone!
  9. Roy, my condolences on the passing of your family member. I believe you said she was 90, but I’m sure it was still a shock. Are you planning on attending the services?
  10. Sandi @StLouisCruisers - I just read on yesterday’s Daily about Buddy passing. I am so sorry for you and your family’s loss. Prayers and comfort for Amy and the children.
  11. Good afternoon! I searched and searched for my Monte Carlo pictures that I posted previously but must not know how to search on CC very well. But no problem, others posted better pictures than I have. We were there in May 2001 and tendered. I believe it was the Rotterdam. A beautiful day. We went to the Palace and saw Princess Grace’s tomb and the Casino. We actually went inside the Casino and I played some slots. Of course, didn’t win. It was a great day. This past time, last month, I didn’t go into Monte Carlo when we were in Villefrance because poor Craig was in covid jail. Prayers for all, especially Buddy, Tana, Camilla and family, Jacqui, Sarah, Joy’s sister. And my aunt battling a spinal issue. Ann @marshhawk— I’m with you on the heights issue. As a child we would go skiing in the Colorado mountains and I hated it with all the mountain driving and would just go to sleep in the back seat so I didn’t have to deal with it. Then being forced to ski— oh my, don’t get me started. Have a great day everyone!
  12. Good afternoon! The morning got away from me, long story but most of it was spent on hold with a government agency for DH. We have retired the flamingo. Craig needed a part for the pool vacuum and purchased a new gage while at the pool store. It’s a clown fish which seems to be more accurate than the flamingo by about 4 degrees. Can’t believe we wasted a few weeks not getting in the pool because of a faulty old gage. We are really enjoying the pool now. We are big paper bag users. Trader Joe’s uses only paper bags and then we use them for our recycle. Craig also uses lunch size bags for his popcorn cooked in the microwave. Sorry to hear about health and other issues. Graham, I’m hoping Sarah recovers quickly. Joy, I hope your DS finds out what is going on with her eye (maybe conjunctivitis? —very contagious BTW). Susan, what a nasty fall. Similar thing happened to me when I was walking from a paved road to an unpaved road. Ouch. Hope your nose feels better. Crummy about your glasses! I know I missed someone. Sometimes it’s hard to keep track. Have a great day everyone!
  13. Good morning everyone! Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich and thanks to all sharing. We booked a cruise last month onboard the Oosterdam that includes La Goulette, but chose the cruise for the other ports— the ones Craig missed while in covid jail. Not sure if we will actually keep the cruise, we have until January to decide. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, that’s good news about Buddy’s son being able to be home now. Prayers for Buddy. Also, we always wear compression socks on long flights. I never knew there were different degrees of compression though. I hope you can get an ultrasound soon. Jacqui @kazu— Shadow is a great name and thank you for sharing the history of the breed (or mixed breed). So sad to know they have been abused. @smitty34877– oh dear, so sorry Camilla and family have covid and you can’t see her in person. Enjoy the rest of your trip. I like fennel in some things but usually cooked fennel. Not sure if I’d like it in a slaw but I would try it anyway. We are having grilled chicken breasts today. I need to get them marinated. Have a great day everyone!
  14. Good morning! Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich. Thank you to everyone posting and sharing. Well, we did get in the pool yesterday afternoon and it was wonderful and felt warmer than the 82 degrees that the flamingo said (the floating temp gauge). However, even though I had a hat on I got too much sun and had a headache later. DGD and I had some fun races too, of course she always wins. Jacqui @kazu, I love the scarf @Horizon chaser 1957sent you! How beautiful and thoughtful. About the dog— I say go for it! Only you can decide and I don’t believe in that one year rule, maybe that’s true for some but I don’t think you are in that category. Ouch about your toe. @Heartgrove, such great news about your brother getting to go home. Prayers for all, especially Buddy and family. Peace and comfort for him. Have a great day everyone!
  15. Good morning everyone! Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich and to everyone sharing on the Daily. Prayers to all on the lists, especially Buddy and family. Peace and comfort for him. DGD is here for the weekend. All she can talk about is turning 15 in a few weeks and starting high school the same day as her birthday. And eating up a storm plus an entire container of my homemade strawberry ice cream. It’s crazy but we haven’t been in the pool yet this summer, it’s just been too cold. It hasn’t been warm enough overnight to maintain heat. Today might be the day though. The water was finally at 82 last night. And our overnight temps have been in the high 70’s. Graham @grapau27, I think I might know where you two are. I saw something on a napkin the other day that gave me a clue. Enjoy! I’ve been enjoying your food pictures. @jimgev — welcome home and thank you for sharing your cruise with us. Traveling has definitely changed since the pandemic. We had our own crazy experience recently and were also very surprised that our luggage arrived. Ann @cat shepard, enjoy your house guests, especially the young ones. Sounds like they are good helpers. Tell Lyla she found a great meme today. Have a great day everyone!
  16. So exciting for you to book your cruise! I have to admit that when I first read this I thought you were on the October 8th sailing which has many Daily-ites and was ready to ask you to email me. Then I realized that you are on the sailing right before. Wish we could meet! We’ll just have to wave at you from our hotel as we wait to board. You’re going to have a great cruise!
  17. The way you worded it sounds like metastatic cancer which can be really hard to find since the originating is being treated (I don’t know much but just remember this from my years working with doctors who did cancer surgery). And it can be very aggressive. How heart wrenching that Amy is making arrangements. I am so sorry. How old are their children?
  18. Sandi @StLouisCruisers, oh my, I just read your post from the other day about Buddy. This all happened so quickly. I’m sure he will be much more comfortable at home with family for his last days. Yes, 50 is just too young. I can’t imagine what the family is going through. Please convey to them that our prayers are for him to be comfortable at this time. So good to hear about everyone helping them out too.
  19. Annie @marshhawk - I echo all the comments about the Euro’s. And definitely let your bank and credit card accounts know of your travel plans, however we still had a few transactions rejected. We never found out the reason other than fraud (maybe from too many transactions in a day). Thank goodness we had two cards we were using and then called the one that rejected as soon as we could. Another story- We were in Dubrovnik on a tour and had an hour of free time in the old walled city. I went shopping for souvenirs and a couple who were on our same tour were also shopping but their credit card was rejected, they hadn’t notified the company and hadn’t used it yet in their travels. Dubrovnik doesn’t use the Euro, I believe it’s called a kuna, and most shops won’t take Euros. I suggested that I pay for their purchase and that they pay me with their Euros, they were very grateful. BTW, Croatia is changing to the Euro January 1, 2023.
  20. Good afternoon! Thank you for the Fleet Report Rich. Thank you to all who share and care on the Daily. I have been under the weather for a few days. Nothing big, just extremely tired. I’m still off kilter with my sleep after the trip. I wanted to share a cute picture of the newest member of Craig’s sister and her DH. Her name is Eddie. She’s 10 weeks old. She’s a Doberman. And absolutely cute. I think she’s going to need a bigger bed. Have a great day everyone!
  21. Roy @rafinmd — thank you for sharing your cruise with us! It was a blessing that the ‘complainer’ wasn’t at your dinner table the past few days. Maybe they were the ones who changed tables. 😉 Safe travels home!
  22. I love the Nieuw Amsterdam! Happy Birthday! ⛴
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