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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Enjoy your cruise. We enjoyed 32 days on the Zaandam in July and August.
  2. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly morning - 45F - here in mid-Michigan. It is supposed to be mostly sunny with a high of 68F. Sounds good to me! I love cream sticks, but only have them on my birthday in place of cake. We are more than willing to celebrate Crab Fest day in this house. Mmmmm. And, I'll take an Irish Coffee, please! On cold weather cruises I like to have an Irish Coffee when I get back to the ship from port. On hot or warm weather cruises I enjoy a Bloody Mary. Nothing on the agenda today except a Zoom meeting at 1:00 pm. I think I'm going back to the gym today instead of walking. Walking is too hard on my back right now and I don't come home in pain from the gym. @rafinmd great news on the negative test! I love ratatouille. When DS Mary Jo was living in France we would make up big batches of ratatouille and then use it to make a chicken torte. We put the ratatouille in the bottom of a casserole dish, places sauteed chicken chunks on top and topped the whole thing off with some puff pastry. We always had fun decorating the top of the pastry. If you're looking for something to do with all that extra zucchini, this is for you! https://www.fromachefskitchen.com/ratatouille/ This next recipe includes directions for pistou, an accompaniment to the ratatouille. It is sort of a French version of pesto, but without the pine nuts. https://www.acouplecooks.com/ratatouille-recipe/ Pistou Pisto is the Spanish version of ratatouille. The two dishes are very similar, but there are some subtle differences. When I spent a summer in Spain living with a Spanish family, my Spanish mama made pisto often because I loved it so much. https://gypsyplate.com/pisto/ If you want to get fancy, here's the recipe for you! https://www.31daily.com/ratatouille/ Healing thoughts and warm hugs go out to our Dailyites in need. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  3. We tried the shrimp tacos tonight and they got two thumbs up. I used kind of a hybrid recipe from the three presented.
  4. Carol, I am sorry to hear of Sam's setback. Healing thoughts sent his way and prayers that his medical team will find a way to restore him to health. Hugs for you! It looks pretty good to me! Even if you are not a fan of ATK, you know the product here and it is worth the effort. I bought shrimp and taco makings. Terry, that is good to hear. I am sure Lou is far more comfortable being in his own home. Hugs to you both. @kazu Jacqui, good to hear from you! I hope Lee turns into a wimp before he makes it to your place. Stay safe! @Cruising-along Carolyn, I'm pleased to hear that the satay chicken with peanut sauce was a hit. That may be the meal for Farkle Friday which is on Saturday this week. @Denise T I'm happy to hear that your adrenal mass is benign, even though it has grown. Do keep track of it. My surgeon told me mine had to come out whether it was hormonal or not (it was) due to size. They don't like to let them get too big. He said if it had been any bigger they wouldn't have been able to do it laparoscopically. Busy day today. We did our morning walk and I am still in pain from that. It doesn't hurt as much to walk on the treadmill at the gym. And I don't have pain from using the weight machines. I think I am going to have to go in that direction rather than walking the neighborhood. The pain from walking is because of my back issues. Every step on pavement sends a jolt up my spine and it settles in my neck and shoulders. I think I only have two discs that are not damaged. Most no longer exist. But, I will keep moving. I have a lot more nature to commune with. After the walk we went to the grocery store. Wednesday is our shopping day since we get a 15% senior discount. May as well take advantage of it. After lunch I pulled all the cans of old paint that were gifted to us by the previous owners and filled them with kitty litter. Once they are dried up we can put them in the trash. I am determined to keep up with stuff like that. Time will tell how good I am with that. Have a good afternoon, everyone!
  5. @CrabbyPatti I am so sorry to hear of your DD's condition. Hugs to you and your family at this difficult time.
  6. Good morning, everyone! Today will be much brighter in mid-Michigan with the sun peaking around the clouds most of the day. Temps only getting to 65F, but that is fine by me! No Farmer's Market today as we are still well stocked in veggies. We will hit the grocery store and get our senior discount - 15% off on Wednesdays. That will be after a walk this morning. Shrimp tacos sound great to me. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, if you leave the slaw out, would you put something in instead? Like tomatoes, avocados, etc? I might do these for dinner tonight. We have some cabbage we need to use up. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/shrimp-tacos-with-lime-crema-slaw/ I like the spice mix in this one: https://tastefullygrace.com/shrimp-tacos-with-lime-crema-slaw/ But then, there is this one with bacon in the slaw. https://downshiftology.com/recipes/shrimp-tacos-cilantro-lime-bacon-slaw/ That last one may be the one that wins out! I hope those in the vicinity of the escaped murderer can breath deeply in relief. Stay safe, everyone. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  7. Good morning, everyone! The rain has stopped for now here in mid-Michigan, but it is still overcast and dreary out. Sue is taking DB Jeff down to Saginaw to buy a suit for our niece's wedding in October. I'm staying home as I have a Zoom meeting. Today's meal sounds rather tasty to me. I like anything with peanuts. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/chicken-satay-skewers-with-peanut-sauce/ This next one does not use the coconut milk, so it might be more to your liking, @Cruising-along, Carolyn. https://www.wellplated.com/satay-chicken-peanut-dipping-sauce/ This last one seems to add a lot of sugar to it. I don't understand why we need to add sugar to everything. I would probably experiment and leave it out at first. I really do prefer savory to sweet. https://www.recipetineats.com/thai-chicken-satay-peanut-sauce/ That sure looks good, doesn't it? Wishing you all a great day.
  8. @smitty34877 Terry, thank you for updating us on Lou's situation. I hope the hospital bed comes soon so that Lou can come home. I know from my experience taking care of my mom and dad that home is where people prefer to be. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs to you and your family.
  9. I have tickets to see it in person when the touring company comes to Midland in April.
  10. As I do every year, here is the YouTube video of the Clydesdale horses paying tribute to the victims and heroes of 9/11. Watching it still gives me chills. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riB30oZ4Q9k
  11. Thank you! I made it Friday night and it was a hit. Sue and I finished off the leftovers last night. I forgot to mention I was in the Falklands in 2011. I walked out to Gypsy Cove and back. That was a hike! I know I couldn't do it today.
  12. Good morning, everyone! It will be a cool, rainy day today. Instead of my morning walk I'll be heading to the gym to use the machines. Time to get back to them anyways. I was at work on the morning of 9/11. A student came running in to the classroom and told me to turn on the TV because a plane had just hit the World Trade Center. We turned it on and watched the second plane hit. I realized that this was no accident and that we were under attack and I think most of the students realized that as well. Many parents came and picked up their kids that day, wanting to keep their loved ones close. We did decide to stay open the next day, but would not count absences against any student's record, giving the choice to the parents on what they wanted to do. Most high school kids came, a lot of elementary students stayed home. Today's meal is a picnic favorite. I'm sure everyone has their favorite recipe. My mom made a great macaroni salad. She didn't use pickles in it, just celery, onions, green olives, and hard boiled egg. I'll offer a few recipes, but ask you what your secret ingredient is for macaroni salad. What makes yours unique? Our first recipe claims to be a classic. You decide. https://sugarspunrun.com/macaroni-salad/ This one has an interesting recipe for the dressing. Mom just used plain old mayo. https://southernbite.com/macaroni-salad-and-my-childhood-fears-of-the-potluck/ Ree Drummond offers her recipe for macaroni salad: https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a10675/the-best-macaroni-salad-ever/ When I saw the title of Hawaiian macaroni salad I fully expected to find pineapple as an ingredient. It isn't. https://www.chewoutloud.com/hawaiian-macaroni-salad-ll-bbq-copycat/ This last one has peas and capers. https://www.loveandlemons.com/macaroni-salad-recipe/ Healing thoughts and wishes to those who need them. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  13. I can't leave out the lemon drop martini I had at the Movenpick in Amsterdam. It was the best I have ever had.
  14. Even better! Make sure it is dark chocolate and the good stuff like you get in the Pinnacle.
  15. Good morning, everyone! It is going to be a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan with a forecasted high of 74F. Right now it is rather chilly at 53F. Sue is basking in Grandparents Day as she enjoys being a Grandma. I plan to get the sewing machine out sometime soon and work on a quilt I started back in May of 2022. It kind of got put aside during the move. @Crazy For Cats There was a Mariner's Lunch on our Greenland/Iceland cruise, but it was just lunch. We were herded in, served lunch, and left. No address by an officer or toast to fellow Mariners. We did get pillow chocolates every night. I keep forgetting to mention that! I've been to Amsterdam many times. I've been there with students on a bus tour and when cruising. My pictures are pretty much the same. Today's meal is an easy Mediterranean orzo salad recipe with feta, loads of crunchy vegetables, fresh herbs, and a tangy Greek dressing. Make this healthy pasta salad for your next picnic or prepare it ahead for dinner! It’s even better the next day.https://www.themediterraneandish.com/orzo-salad/ This one varies slightly in ingredients and dressing recipe. The nice thing about salads like this is that you can adapt them to your tastes easily. Add in the vegetables of your choice. https://www.foodiecrush.com/mediterranean-orzo-salad/ Ree Drummond adds chickpeas to her orzo salad for an added boost of protein. But, she says, feel free to toss in some chicken. https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a11963/mediterranean-orzo-salad/ I hope everyone has a relaxing, pleasant day. Hugs to those who need them.
  16. I'm constantly telling friends and family that I do not want "dustables".
  17. Good morning, everyone! It will be a beautiful day here in mid-Michigan. We have sunshine and a high of 73F. We're hitting the Farmer's Market this morning and have a neighborhood picnic this afternoon. I'm going to make the corn salad from a couple of days ago. @smitty34877 Hugs and warm thoughts being sent your way. I hope Lou has nothing but comfort and peace once he's home. @marshhawk Annie and @catmando Chuck; Raw, uncooked quinoa is 13% water, 64% carbohydrates, 14% protein, and 6% fat. Nutritional evaluations indicate that a 100 g (3+1⁄2 oz) serving of raw quinoa seeds is a rich source (20% or higher of the Daily Value, DV) of protein, dietary fiber, several B vitamins, including 46% DV for folate, and the dietary minerals magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese. After boiling, which is the typical preparation for eating the seeds, quinoa is 72% water, 21% carbohydrates, 4% protein, and 2% fat.[25] In a 100 g (3+1⁄2 oz) serving, cooked quinoa provides 503 kJ (120 kcal) of food energy and is a rich source of manganese and phosphorus (30% and 22% DV, respectively), and a moderate source (10–19% DV) of dietary fiber, folate, and the dietary minerals iron, zinc, and magnesium. Quinoa is gluten-free. Because quinoa has a high concentration of protein and is a good source of many nutrients including zinc, magnesium, folate & iron, has versatility in preparation, and a potential for increased yields in controlled environments, it has been selected as an experimental crop in NASA's Controlled Ecological Life Support System for long-duration human occupied space flights. The bottom line. Although it's considered a health food, quinoa is high in carbs and should be extremely limited on a low carb or keto diet. If you decide to consume it, never eat full portions. So, to get us started I offer the following: https://domesticate-me.com/caprese-quinoa-bake/ This recipe uses your favorite pasta sauce to make life easy. https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/creamy-caprese-quinoa-bake/ This one includes some chicken for those who want to make it a one dish meal with meat. https://www.rachelcooks.com/caprese-quinoa-bake/ Again, hugs to @smitty34877 Terry and Lou. We are all holding you close to our hearts. @rafinmd Roy, I hope your recovery is swift. Wishing you all a good day.
  18. I was very lucky when I went through the education program. It was very small group - no more than 4 people and they arranged the groups so those in them had similar test results and A1Cs. The final "class" was a one on one with the dietitian to devise a personal meal plan based on the foods we liked and would eat. I surprised her by bringing in my food log. I figured she had stock in Pharma.
  19. Sorry to hear that, Roy. I hope it is mild and that you are feeling well soon. Rest as much as you need. I think it would be really good for you to work with Cheryl again. In the meantime, count those carbs. Make it easy and eliminate the bread, rice, potatoes, and other starches. Good news! May he continue to improve. You would be surprised. I went to a program put on by the dietician at a local hospital and it was horrendous. She was pushing fried food, desserts, starches out the yazoo, etc. She said we needed to eat lots of carbohydrates and if our blood sugar was too high to just take more medication. She needed to find a new line of work.
  20. I agree with this assessment of the Zaandam cruise. We loved the talks by Jim Jacobs. Some thought he was too technical, but I thought he was just right. He also did the commentary when we were passing through Prince Christain Sound. That added a lot to experience. I hope HAL continues to offer programs like this on future cruises. I made a point of saying that on my cruise evaluation.
  21. Good morning, everyone! @smitty34877 I'm holding you and Lou close. Healing thoughts and wishes to you. I was part of the night owl club last night and I don't think I fell asleep until 2:30 am or later. So, today I will be dragging a bit. We got our walk in yesterday morning, but it started raining in the afternoon. That meant no cutting the grass. So, we decided to go walk indoors at the mall. That was a dangerous decision as we both came home with new shoes. Nothing exciting on the agenda for today other than Farkle Friday. I am making the Queso Chicken. It looks tasty and easy. Today's meal is one I would give a pass to due to the rice and maple syrup. Way too many carbs for me. The actual dish named seems to be from Bon Appetit and the other sites are just copies of that recipe. I used one that isn't behind a paywall. https://www.realgoodfish.com/recipe/757/sushi-rice-with-miso-caramel-glazed-salmon It sure looks good! @Cruising-along, the sodium is way high, so you will probably want to skip this one. This next one is similar to today's meal, but not the same. It is a coconut rice and the salmon doesn't have the maple syrup part. But, it is still high in sodium and carbs. https://www.sidechef.com/recipes/1196/miso_glazed_salmon_with_coconut_rice/ This last one is still a miso salmon but it is missing the rice. It is ok on the carbs, but the sodium will still be high due to the miso. https://thedeliciouslife.com/miso-salmon/ @marshhawk Sorry to hear about the disappointing A1C. Count your carbs. I keep a journal of what I'm eating by carb count, not calories. No more than 30-45 carbs per meal. Wishing everyone a great day.
  22. I'll be interested in hearing what he says. Late afternoon is the problem. I had the AC set for 74 and it was almost 80. @Mr. Boston My thanks as well. I'm enjoying the pictures!
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