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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good afternoon, everyone! We made all our donation trips today and left quite a bit in places. Sue is still filling donation bags and that is a good thing. Her bedroom is looking like a normal bedroom again. Now, the guest room and the art room need to be organized. We are 6 siblings and I am the eldest. We've had our ups and downs and we all have our quirks, but we have stayed close through the years. I know my mom was afraid we'd go our separate ways once she was gone, but we haven't. It has been great being back in Michigan in order to spend time with each of them. DB Bill and his wife are coming for dinner Friday for Cinco de Mayo. DB Jeff may join us. He's thinking it over. Jacqui @kazu I am glad that Ivan is acclimating to your home. My sister had a large dog (black lab/newfoundland mix) and he did well with others. When she would travel a lot she'd have me come and stay with him or her friend, Karen. Karen never gave him his pig's ears at night and he always lost weight when she was there, but he loved her and literally jumped with joy when he saw her. For those undergoing medical procedures and surgeries tomorrow, my well wishes for a successful outcome and rapid recovery.
  2. Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly start to a colder than normal day here in mid-Michigan. Temps are only getting up to the low 40s. And there is the possibility of an s word. Things improve tomorrow. As the weather forecaster said, we just have to suffer through today. We are going to spend the day taking things around to donation sites. Like @Cruzin Terri, I have been pruning my closets. I'm getting rid of the stuff that is too big for me. That is a hopeful thing. Once this adrenal issue is taken care of, I am hoping I can lose weight instead of gain it. So, I'm keeping the stuff that is just a little tight. Sue has been tossing stuff as she unpacks. She has a load for the resale shop. We give as much as we can to the resale shop that helps support a residence for victims of domestic abuse. Furniture, and we will have some, will go to Habitat for Humanity. We got to know these places well after Dad died. One step closer to restoring order. Today's meal is one I would like without the rice. I would use the riced cauliflower because otherwise the carb count is way too high for me. Remember, if you don't like Tilapia, you can always substitute another mild white fish. There are plenty! Use cod instead. This first one doesn't seem too spicy hot, just flavorful. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/spicy-tilapia-rice-bowl/ If it is the heat you don't like, leave out the cayenne. I love the cayenne and many times people don't notice it if you use it sparingly. https://thebestblogrecipes.com/spicy-mexican-tilapia-bowls/ This last recipe sounded good with the pineapple added in. https://www.thesecretingredientis.com/blackened-tilapia-rice-bowls/ Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  3. Hugs and warm thoughts and caring feelings sent across the miles, especially for Tana and the teenager. The teenager needs lots of hugs. Thinking of you all and the struggles you are facing. @Cruzin Terri Your bathroom looks fabulous! I would love to have that shower. @dobiemom Hoping you get the A-OK report from your doctor.
  4. The Daily family has gotten large enough that we need a scorecard. Calling people by the wrong names is normal in a large family. My dad used to go down the list of names until he hit the right one. My sister did get a bit miffed the time he called her the dog's name. @St Pete Cruiser You have certainly been through the wringer. I am glad to hear that you are safely recuperating in the hospital and that the HAL medical did such a stellar job taking care of you. I hope you continue on your road to recovery and that it is complete.
  5. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit! Good morning, everyone! It is a chilly day here in mid-Michigan. Projected high is in the 40s with rain possible. Same tomorrow. There is a dry period here this morning, so I will get my walk in. Today's meal should give the air fryers a workout. I no longer have one. I had an air fryer feature in the oven in my house in Ohio and that is where it remains. So, I will do chicken parm the old fashioned way - in a skillet and the oven. Here's one to get started: https://www.julieseatsandtreats.com/air-fryer-chicken-parmesan/ Or there is this one: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/air-fryer-chicken-parmesan/ The Pioneer Woman offers us this version: https://www.thepioneerwoman.com/food-cooking/recipes/a39476632/air-fryer-chicken-parmesan-recipe/ I would have extra sauce available. The air fryer will make the chicken crispy, but it looks a little dry to me. Special hugs to @kazu on the anniversary of Jose's passing. I hope the warmth and caring from her Daily family can guide her through today. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  6. The one we did was a 14 day Best of Norway. It was two 7 day cruises put together - Norse Legends and Viking Sagas. The Voyage of the Midnight Sun hits some coastal towns and some fjord towns as well as Honningsvag at the northern tip of Norway. Have a stupendous time!
  7. On our second visit Sue and I hiked to lake outside of town. It was a perfect day for hiking - not too hot and not too cold and no rain. Looking down the river towards the fjord. They do have a glamping place close to the fjord and on the river, but I didn't take a picture of that. Eidfjord is a beautiful town and I'd love to go back someday.
  8. We were in Eidfjord twice last summer. We did back to back Norwegian cruises. Eidfjord was on the first itinerary, but not the second. The itinerary kept changing for the second week and two days before, Eidfjord showed up. We were thrilled. It is a cute little fjord town and we really enjoyed our time there. The first day was warm and sunny. We did the Troll Train and then after lunch and ice cream, we did the RIB adventure. Views from the Troll Train Those are troll eggs. Sue and I were checking out the real estate in Eidfjord. She thought this would be great because she could fish from the house for our dinner. On the pier waiting for our RIB adventure. Nephew Matt, his partner, Laura, me, Sue. All dressed up and ready to go. You get a different perspective when you are down close to the water. It was fun doing donuts on the fjord. You can also get up close and personal.
  9. Good morning, everyone! It is a gloomy day out today in mid-Michigan. That is probably ok as we can spend the day unpacking and putting some of this stuff away. As it stands right now, Sue can't get to her bed because of all the stuff surrounding it. I think that has to take first priority. We'll figure out the stuff in the guest room and garage later. Today's meal is a miss for me as well, but I might keep it tucked away for my vegetarian friends some day. I think I would like this one with chicken and cauliflower rice. https://www.wellplated.com/tofu-stir-fry/ Here's the carrot version. https://minimalistbaker.com/tofu-that-tastes-good-stir-fry/ And this one has broccoli and red bell pepper. You can use any vegetable you like in a stir fry. https://www.skinnytaste.com/tofu-stir-fry-with-vegetables-in-a-soy-sesame-sauce/ @JazzyV no more falls! Hope the bruising is minimal and you are back at full strength pronto. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  10. Oh, my! I have unpacked the hall boxes in the dining room/kitchen area and put all that stuff away. Sue likes to keep things on the countertop, but I like to have them clutter free. So, this will be an interesting experiment. You couldn't even see the countertops in her old house. I told her she could bring all the nick nacks she wanted as long as she kept them downstairs. She has three rooms she can junk up to her heart's content. I only need to go down there to get to the laundry room. Maybe to the guest room if more than two people come to visit.
  11. Right now we don't have anyplace to store the unpacked boxes. They are lining the hallways. I did a major purge at my house after we cleaned out my dad's house when he died. Then, I did a purge every spring. I did another major one before I moved last fall. I gave away as much as I could. We went through boxes at my mom and dad's house years ago and gave the sibling owners 48 hours to pick up their junk (they were all in town). After that, they went to the curb. Sometimes you have to be tough. We do inside cabins regularly. In Alaska you want to be out of the cabin and in the public areas as well as the open decks to get the views. Use the cabin as your bedroom and the rest of the ship as your home.
  12. Welcome! Now that you've posted once, we hope you'll post again and again! @kazu Glad to hear from you and the boiled egg report is encouraging. Let's hope you can do more tomorrow. Sue came and unloaded all her stuff. I don't know what she was thinking. She brought antlers and boxes of rocks. She has so much furniture that it is being stored in the garage. Most of it should really go out as it is in disrepair. Then, there is all the rustic cabin in the woods stuff. It would be fine in a rustic cabin in the woods, but not in a mid century modern home in the city. We're going to have to talk. She told me she got rid of most of this stuff.
  13. Thank you for sharing with us! We hope to hear more from you!
  14. Good morning, everyone! The fuschia plant is inside waiting for the temps to go up a bit more before it heads outside for the day. I do wonder if the transition from inside to outside is a bit much for it. Oh, well, I only have to keep it alive and healthy until tomorrow. Today Sue arrives with the moving truck. She has four guys helping her so loading and loading should go quickly and smoothly. She will go back up to the rental tonight to clean it before turning over the key to her landlord. I'm a little concerned about how much she is bringing down. We are almost at our limit here! She tends to be a bit of a hoarder so I'm hoping she thinned the load down a bit. We'll find out! If it isn't designated so, paella should be the national dish of Spain. Restaurant after restaurant offers their version of it and they all differ. Paella valenciana is the traditional paella of the Valencia region, believed to be the original recipe, and consists of round-grain rice, bajoqueta and tavella (varieties of green beans), rabbit, chicken, sometimes duck, and garrofó (a variety of lima or butter bean), cooked in olive oil and chicken broth. The dish is sometimes seasoned with whole rosemary branches. Traditionally, the yellow color comes from saffron, but turmeric and calendula can be used as substitutes. Artichoke hearts and stems may be used as seasonal ingredients. Most paella cooks use bomba rice, but Valencians tend to use a cultivar known as senia. Paella de marisco (seafood paella) replaces meat with seafood and omits beans and green vegetables, while paella mixta (mixed paella) combines meat from livestock, seafood, vegetables, and sometimes beans, with the traditional rice. I saw ads for black paella made with black ink from squid in Barcelona. When Gloria made paella at home it was almost a clean out the fridge type of meal. All of it was good. Today's paella is a vegetable paella. So, your vegetarian family members can chow down! https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a36973210/vegetarian-paella-recipe/ Most of the variation in these recipes will be due to the vegetables used. You can use what you like, even carrots! https://thefeedfeed.com/lasmariacocinillas/paella-de-verduras-with-red-pepper-zucchini-artichokes Saffron is what is used to give the rice the yellow color. If you don't have saffron (it is very expensive), you can use turmeric to color the rice. Just be careful as it stains easily. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/vegetable-paella-recipe-1972902 Hoping @kazu Jacqui is feeling better today. Wishing you all a wonderful day!
  15. Good afternoon, everyone! @bennybear Yes, it is good to hear from you! @marshhawk More hugs to you. DS Mary Jo and I enjoyed the quilt show. She is not a quilter but can appreciate the workmanship that goes into them as well as the artistry in fabric selection. For a town the size of Midland, the Center for the Arts is a fabulous venue. There is a symphony orchestra that has a regular season and the Center does have a "Broadway" season. Next April Come From Away will be presented and I am going even if no one goes with me. Next week Sue and I are going to a musical presentation by a musician from Sydney, Nova Scotia. The Center regularly has exhibits in their museum space. Currently there is one about architecture in Midland, greatly inspired by Aldon Dow, a student of Frank Lloyd Wright. They often have programs and exhibits for kids that center around arts and sciences. We are lucky to have something like that.
  16. Thank you so much. Hugs to you and wishes for a speedy recovery from surgery.
  17. Here's one for the Garden Club. I found trillium growing in the back 40 in our "wooded area". I call that part of the yard the wilds.
  18. Good morning, everyone! It is 42F and cloudy right now. It should stay dry for the morning walk, but rain comes in this afternoon. DS Mary Jo and I are going to a quilt show this afternoon at the Center for the Arts. I'm excited. I love to look at them and get ideas. Tonight is Farkle Friday. We had a break while DB Bill and his wife were in Florida visiting their daughter. But, now the routine continues. We won't be having Pumpkin Curry for dinner. That sounds like it should be filed away for next fall. I might like it then. Tonight we are having another family favoritie - scalloped potatoes and pork chops. Yellow curry, also known as gaeng garee, is a Thai curry with Indian influence (source). It typically includes spices such as turmeric, cumin, and coriander. Turmeric is what gives yellow curry its vibrant color. This magical spice has been used in India for nearly 4,000 years and has gained popularity throughout the world in part due to its vast medicinal uses. Turmeric and its components, including curcumin, have been the subject of scientific studies. “Some research results show that people who have osteoarthritis reported less joint pain when eating turmeric in recipes,” Brown says. “Turmeric’s effect on mood disorders, depression and dementia have also been explored, but studies are small, so more research will reveal if there is a benefit.” In addition to these conditions, research studies have shown some possible benefits of turmeric for: Inflammation Degenerative eye conditions Metabolic syndrome Arthritis Hyperlipidemia (cholesterol in the blood) Anxiety Muscle soreness after exercise Kidney health You can read the whole article from Johns Hopkins here: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/turmeric-benefits Ok, back to our curry. I would probably like it as I like all the ingredients. But, it would have to come in small portions due to carbs and such. https://minimalistbaker.com/1-pot-pumpkin-yellow-curry/ This next one is a bit more involved, but it may be worth the extra effort. https://allwaysdelicious.com/thai-pumpkin-curry/ I like this one with the chunks of pumpkin in it. https://www.indianhealthyrecipes.com/pumpkin-curry-recipe/ Hoping we hear from @bennybear today and that the surgery went well. Healing thoughts and hugs out to @St Pete Cruiser. Warm wishes that his recovery from the venomous spider bite is quick. @cruising sister It sounds like Grandma did just what Grandma is supposed to do. Was ice cream on the menu? That was my meal after I had a tooth extracted. Special hugs to @marshhawk as she and Chuck have a difficult day ahead. @superoma Eva, thank you for including Sue in the celebration list. I think that celebration will go on for quite some time. You are doing a fantastic job with the Care and Celebration lists. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  19. I'll put it out for some outdoor time today. We'll do this gradually. Oh, my goodness! What an adventure you've had and not one that anyone would want. Hope your recovery is going well. Thanks! I plan to make this a gradual change. I was thrilled.
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