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Everything posted by dfish

  1. I was able to connect with Flight Ease in less than an hour but am now on hold while they reissue the tickets. I think I've been on hold as long for this as I was to just have my call answered. Turns out they never did reissue the tickets after the itinerary change. I'm glad I thought to ask them the date of the ticket issue. It was back in May. The itinerary change was early last week. I'm not sure why it should be taking this long to do this unless it is because they waited too long? I am really glad I decided to spend the time trying to call. We would have been in quite a jam when we tried to get home.
  2. @smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear Camilla and her parents have Covid. This virus is a major PITA. Enjoy your time away and come home refreshed. I am currently on hold with Flight Ease. Lufthansa and United both claim that our return flight tickets have not been issued. I can't access the e-tickets for our trip and we fly out Friday. The first time I was on hold with Flight Ease I had spent most of my "less than an hour's wait" when I was disconnected. So, I am now on hold for a "less than 2 hours wait". Joy, oh joy.
  3. I was going to say the same thing. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I am glad you are going in today. We all want to rest easy that it is not serious. Covid can cause blood clots so it is nothing to fool with.
  4. Good morning, everyone! We are in for another beautiful day here in northeast Ohio although it is supposed to get quite warm out this afternoon. I'm going to go through the clothes I put out to take with me and decide what I really need and what I don't. That will be a good afternoon activity on a hot day. Today's meal reminds me of a TV show I watched at the beginning of the pandemic. There was some creative programming on at that time and one of the shows was Amy Schumer Learns to Cook. Amy is a comedian, not a cook, but her husband is a chef and he chose the recipes and had her assist him. There was fennel in everything. I remember one show where she was whining about the fennel and asked if they could have just one meal that was fennel free. Nope! Then they started a new run on the show and fennel was replaced by celeriac (celery root). Amy explained early on that the celery root was the new fennel. This is the only recipe I found that is actual blackened chicken with the fennel slaw. You'll find it on multiple websites, but the recipe is the same. The chicken doesn't look very blackened to me, but they used a blackening spice and the flavor is what matters. https://www.starvingbear.com/recipe/462/40/Blackened-Chicken-with-Fennel-Slaw I thought this spicy grilled chicken actually looked better and it has the fennel slaw along with it. BTW, if you don't like fennel, just use regular slaw. https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/spicy-grilled-chicken-with-crunchy-fennel-salad I thought the marinade for this chicken sounded good. The addition of the orange slices to the fennel would be great! https://bcchickenmonth.com/recipes/bc-mojo-chicken-with-fennel-orange-slaw/ Here is another interesting marinade for the chicken to go along with a fennel salad. This makes a nice light meal - easy on the calories and the carbs. https://familystylefood.com/buttermilk-chicken-breasts-fennel-salad-cannellini-arugula/ Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for our Daily family members who are facing struggles or challenges, especially to health. Keeping Buddy, Amy, Tana, Curt, and @Heartgrove Jack's brother close. Cheers to those who are celebrating! Wishing you all a lovely day.
  5. Marinate them first so they are softened a little, but still provide that crunch and chew when you eat them.
  6. Good morning, everyone. And yet another beautiful day greets us here in northeast Ohio. It will be sunny and bright with a high of 84F. I can handle that! Right now it is a little cool out and that will be great for doing my laps. No construction work is done on Sundays so I can make my way around the block with no problem. Meanwhile, there are five of us that are excited beyond belief. A week from today we will board the Rotterdam in Amsterdam. We've only been trying to take this cruise for three years. @kazu Jacqui, if you want to adopt the dog, go for it. Your love of animals would be perfect for this dog and if it brings you joy, do it. There are no hard or fast rules on time to wait. When you feel ready, you are ready. The scarf is beautiful and I give my thanks to Laura @Horizon chaser 1957 for sending it to you in the name of the Daily family. Sorry about the burnt pizza. I hope they didn't charge you. Today's meal is really a great idea. It is more of an appetizer, but enough of them would make a meal. And the recipe is more of an idea. You can make this anything you want by substituting your favorites on the skewer. I love grilling vegetable kababs. These don't require grilling, but you could do one that does. This is also a great idea for a dish to take to a pot luck. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/antipasto-kabobs/ This next one adds cheese and tomatoes to the mix and the fresh basil leaves really make it festive. https://inspiredbycharm.com/antipasto-kabobs/ How about some artichoke hearts? I like the sound of that. https://bakerbynature.com/antipasto-skewers/ And this one adds a crouton for some crunch. Experiment with this and find the combination that works for you! https://lifemadesimplebakes.com/easy-antipasto-kebobs/ Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for our Daily family members facing challenges. Again, special prayers for Buddy and Amy as well as @Heartgrove Jack's brother. Cheers for those who are celebrating. Wishing you all the most wonderful day.
  7. Good morning, everyone. It is another beautiful morning here in northeast Ohio. It will be a great morning for doing my laps. I can't wait to see how much progress they made on the construction behind me. It sure sounded like they were busy all day yesterday. I gave up cookies a long time ago. The horizon is calling me and I will be watching it in just 8 days. Because of that, I am doing laundry and washing everything. So, fashion for the next week is going to be a bit of a rag tag thing as I am putting the freshly washed stuff away in my suitcase. Pizza is a rare treat for me due to the carbs in the crust. I tend to look for ones with a thinner crust, but I do enjoy the deep crust version as well. One slice is the limit on this first one: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/deep-dish-sausage-pizza/ 1 slice: 548 calories, 34g fat (14g saturated fat), 68mg cholesterol, 1135mg sodium, 32g carbohydrate (8g sugars, 4g fiber), 27g protein. In this next one Valerie Bertinelli gives us her recipe for deep dish pizza along with some tips on getting the right temperature of water to activate the yeast. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/valerie-bertinelli/deep-dish-sausage-pizza-3644024 This last one is from Pampered Chef. https://www.pamperedchef.com/recipe/Main+Dishes/Homemade+Pizza/Chicago+Deep-Dish+Sausage+Pizza/1685307 I do like some veggies on mine, so I would probably add the peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc. and turn it into what we call The Kitchen Sink Pizza. Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for Daily family members facing struggles and especially Amy and Buddy. May Buddy's last days be peaceful and comfortable. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  8. Many thanks to Jacqui @kazu and Tina @0106 for volunteering to do the Meal of the Day while I am gone enjoying the cuisine on a BHB. I'm so glad someone stepped up as I didn't want anyone to go hungry! Flight Ease insists they have reissued my tickets, but United still says they haven't. I think the problem is on United's end. I checked the reservation on Lufthansa, the first carrier for our trip home, and it has our status as confirmed. That is good enough for me. If it isn't good enough, we'll deal with it when we get there. At least it is on the way home and not the way there.
  9. Thank you to both of you for your kind offers. Maybe one of you would like to do the first week and the other the second week? Email me so we can decide how we want to do this and I can send you the list of meals for the dates in question. My email is dsilverstein at neo dot rr dot com. Put Meal of the Day in the subject line and I'll know it isn't spam. Thanks again.
  10. Good morning everyone! It is another beautiful day with plenty of sunshine, blue skies, and moderate temperatures. It will be great for doing my laps. Actually, the laps have changed in nature a bit. The construction on the street behind me has grown. It would have been nice if they had finished the sidewalks on one side before they tore up the other side. I may walk through and just use the street. Still no tickets for our flight home. I may have to do battle with Flight Ease today. It is getting to the point of ridiculousness. Today's meal is a unique one. Pla Thot is a type of Thai fried fish. Usually the fish is fried whole. This first one marinates the fish in a garlic/turmeric combination. Later the garlic and turmeric are fried and ladled over the fish. https://www.eatingthaifood.com/recipe-thai-fried-fish-garlic-turmeric/ This recipe uses red snapper for the fish. https://www.thaitable.com/thai/recipe/turmeric-fried-fish Here is a related recipe, but different in that it is fish cakes with a cucumber sauce. Some may prefer that. https://importfood.com/recipes/recipe/4-spicy-thai-fish-cakes-tod-man-pla This next one looks really good. And, they are low in carbs and calories. https://rasamalaysia.com/thai-fish-cake-tod-mun-pla-recipe/ Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for our Daily family members facing challenges. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Wishing you all a wonderful day! Just a note: I fly out on Friday, July 15th for my Norway cruise. Due to time differences I will not be doing the Meal of the Day. It will be on hiatus until I return home on August 2nd. Hopefully I'll return home by August 2nd.
  11. That good? Nice to know. I sure hope it goes in October.
  12. I'll tell Sue to try that. She loves the peanut butter pie.
  13. Thanks, Jake, for the pictures of the Bay of Fundy excursion.
  14. When do I get really nervous about my airline reservations? I'm paid and was ticketed for my cruise coming up July 17th. We fly out a week from tomorrow. There was a last minute change in itinerary for the return trip. United says HAL has not reissued the tickets. HAL thinks they did as one of the three flights has a ticket number, but the other two don't. I've requested that the tickets be reissued, but so far nothing. I really don't want to get on a plane to Amsterdam unless I know I have a way home.
  15. I have it booked for this October. Sue and I can probably do it when we are in Halifax next summer. I think we'll get there twice. Once for the Ocean Floor and once to shop.
  16. I am anxiously awaiting the report on your excursion today. You know that is one I've been wanting to do since 2018 when it was cancelled on us. That was the cruise that both of our Halifax excursions were cancelled and I had to settle for shopping in the cruise terminal.
  17. Good morning, everyone! It looks like a beautiful day is in store today. Lots of sunshine and moderate temperatures are forecast. I'll take it. It is cool this morning so I will enjoy my laps. Bring on the chocolate! I think my dad was wary of taking a walk with me after one time when I was 2. We were walking over to visit Aunt Manie and I wanted to ride my tricycle. We got halfway there and I was done with the trike. I wanted Daddy to carry me. And the trike. He ended up taking his belt off and using it to drag the trike behind us. Looking forward to the pictures of Corner Brook. That was on one of my Covid cancellations. Hopefully we'll get there next year. I love Cobb salads. The only problem is they are not for those watching calories. Most salads like that aren't. All those yummy salads in restaurants generally have more calories than a "sensible" meal. But, once in a while........ Most of the salad recipes are the same and what varies is the dressing you put on it. We'll start with this one from Delish and it truly looks Delish. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a58703/best-cobb-salad-recipe/ This one uses a balsamic vinaigrette to dress the salad. That would be nice to have for any salad! https://natashaskitchen.com/cobb-salad/ This next one uses a red wine vinegar to make the dressing. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/cobb-salad/ This last one has a honey mustard vinaigrette dressing and suggestions for customizing your salad. https://www.cookingclassy.com/cobb-salad/ Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for Daily family members facing struggles and challenges. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  18. I am hoping all goes well! Give in and take a nap. Well, it is almost depressed but not quite. The level is low, but not in the abnormal range. I am in the abnormal range in general. Yes, the endocrinologist is doing the evaluation and now I have the 24 hour urine test. Joy, joy, joy. I sure hope you can find someone who can help you. Three weeks to reply to a request in unacceptable. I can understand not getting in for an appointment for a few weeks, but it is just common courtesy to respond to a request.
  19. Does anyone have recent experience for United Airlines international business class baggage policy. I've called United and gotten several different answers. On the website with my reservation it says I get one bag at 50 lbs free and a second one for $100. I think these are the economy class baggage allowances. One person told me I got two free bags at 70 lbs free and then transferred me to someone else who was to fix my reservation. That person came back and said only domestic business class gets 2 free bags. International is allowed only one bag. If I call again, who knows what the answer might be.
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