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Everything posted by dfish

  1. Good morning, everyone. It is another beautiful morning here in northeast Ohio. It will be a great morning for doing my laps. I can't wait to see how much progress they made on the construction behind me. It sure sounded like they were busy all day yesterday. I gave up cookies a long time ago. The horizon is calling me and I will be watching it in just 8 days. Because of that, I am doing laundry and washing everything. So, fashion for the next week is going to be a bit of a rag tag thing as I am putting the freshly washed stuff away in my suitcase. Pizza is a rare treat for me due to the carbs in the crust. I tend to look for ones with a thinner crust, but I do enjoy the deep crust version as well. One slice is the limit on this first one: https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/deep-dish-sausage-pizza/ 1 slice: 548 calories, 34g fat (14g saturated fat), 68mg cholesterol, 1135mg sodium, 32g carbohydrate (8g sugars, 4g fiber), 27g protein. In this next one Valerie Bertinelli gives us her recipe for deep dish pizza along with some tips on getting the right temperature of water to activate the yeast. https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/valerie-bertinelli/deep-dish-sausage-pizza-3644024 This last one is from Pampered Chef. https://www.pamperedchef.com/recipe/Main+Dishes/Homemade+Pizza/Chicago+Deep-Dish+Sausage+Pizza/1685307 I do like some veggies on mine, so I would probably add the peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc. and turn it into what we call The Kitchen Sink Pizza. Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for Daily family members facing struggles and especially Amy and Buddy. May Buddy's last days be peaceful and comfortable. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  2. Many thanks to Jacqui @kazu and Tina @0106 for volunteering to do the Meal of the Day while I am gone enjoying the cuisine on a BHB. I'm so glad someone stepped up as I didn't want anyone to go hungry! Flight Ease insists they have reissued my tickets, but United still says they haven't. I think the problem is on United's end. I checked the reservation on Lufthansa, the first carrier for our trip home, and it has our status as confirmed. That is good enough for me. If it isn't good enough, we'll deal with it when we get there. At least it is on the way home and not the way there.
  3. Thank you to both of you for your kind offers. Maybe one of you would like to do the first week and the other the second week? Email me so we can decide how we want to do this and I can send you the list of meals for the dates in question. My email is dsilverstein at neo dot rr dot com. Put Meal of the Day in the subject line and I'll know it isn't spam. Thanks again.
  4. Good morning everyone! It is another beautiful day with plenty of sunshine, blue skies, and moderate temperatures. It will be great for doing my laps. Actually, the laps have changed in nature a bit. The construction on the street behind me has grown. It would have been nice if they had finished the sidewalks on one side before they tore up the other side. I may walk through and just use the street. Still no tickets for our flight home. I may have to do battle with Flight Ease today. It is getting to the point of ridiculousness. Today's meal is a unique one. Pla Thot is a type of Thai fried fish. Usually the fish is fried whole. This first one marinates the fish in a garlic/turmeric combination. Later the garlic and turmeric are fried and ladled over the fish. https://www.eatingthaifood.com/recipe-thai-fried-fish-garlic-turmeric/ This recipe uses red snapper for the fish. https://www.thaitable.com/thai/recipe/turmeric-fried-fish Here is a related recipe, but different in that it is fish cakes with a cucumber sauce. Some may prefer that. https://importfood.com/recipes/recipe/4-spicy-thai-fish-cakes-tod-man-pla This next one looks really good. And, they are low in carbs and calories. https://rasamalaysia.com/thai-fish-cake-tod-mun-pla-recipe/ Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for our Daily family members facing challenges. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Wishing you all a wonderful day! Just a note: I fly out on Friday, July 15th for my Norway cruise. Due to time differences I will not be doing the Meal of the Day. It will be on hiatus until I return home on August 2nd. Hopefully I'll return home by August 2nd.
  5. That good? Nice to know. I sure hope it goes in October.
  6. I'll tell Sue to try that. She loves the peanut butter pie.
  7. Thanks, Jake, for the pictures of the Bay of Fundy excursion.
  8. When do I get really nervous about my airline reservations? I'm paid and was ticketed for my cruise coming up July 17th. We fly out a week from tomorrow. There was a last minute change in itinerary for the return trip. United says HAL has not reissued the tickets. HAL thinks they did as one of the three flights has a ticket number, but the other two don't. I've requested that the tickets be reissued, but so far nothing. I really don't want to get on a plane to Amsterdam unless I know I have a way home.
  9. I have it booked for this October. Sue and I can probably do it when we are in Halifax next summer. I think we'll get there twice. Once for the Ocean Floor and once to shop.
  10. I am anxiously awaiting the report on your excursion today. You know that is one I've been wanting to do since 2018 when it was cancelled on us. That was the cruise that both of our Halifax excursions were cancelled and I had to settle for shopping in the cruise terminal.
  11. Good morning, everyone! It looks like a beautiful day is in store today. Lots of sunshine and moderate temperatures are forecast. I'll take it. It is cool this morning so I will enjoy my laps. Bring on the chocolate! I think my dad was wary of taking a walk with me after one time when I was 2. We were walking over to visit Aunt Manie and I wanted to ride my tricycle. We got halfway there and I was done with the trike. I wanted Daddy to carry me. And the trike. He ended up taking his belt off and using it to drag the trike behind us. Looking forward to the pictures of Corner Brook. That was on one of my Covid cancellations. Hopefully we'll get there next year. I love Cobb salads. The only problem is they are not for those watching calories. Most salads like that aren't. All those yummy salads in restaurants generally have more calories than a "sensible" meal. But, once in a while........ Most of the salad recipes are the same and what varies is the dressing you put on it. We'll start with this one from Delish and it truly looks Delish. https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/recipes/a58703/best-cobb-salad-recipe/ This one uses a balsamic vinaigrette to dress the salad. That would be nice to have for any salad! https://natashaskitchen.com/cobb-salad/ This next one uses a red wine vinegar to make the dressing. https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/cobb-salad/ This last one has a honey mustard vinaigrette dressing and suggestions for customizing your salad. https://www.cookingclassy.com/cobb-salad/ Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for Daily family members facing struggles and challenges. Cheers to those who are celebrating. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  12. I am hoping all goes well! Give in and take a nap. Well, it is almost depressed but not quite. The level is low, but not in the abnormal range. I am in the abnormal range in general. Yes, the endocrinologist is doing the evaluation and now I have the 24 hour urine test. Joy, joy, joy. I sure hope you can find someone who can help you. Three weeks to reply to a request in unacceptable. I can understand not getting in for an appointment for a few weeks, but it is just common courtesy to respond to a request.
  13. Don't forget about the Norwegian disaster film The Wave. It is about a mountain collapse that causes a giant wave to crush Geiranger. It is good for a rainy afternoon. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3616916/ @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I am so sorry to hear of the turn for Buddy. Most people prefer to be in the comfort of their own homes at this time and I am glad Buddy is able to be there. It sounds like Amy and Buddy have a great community that will be there for support when they need it. Prayers for Buddy and the family that hospice can make his final days peaceful and comfortable. @marshhawk Congratulations! You will love it!
  14. Looking forward to your report. We board the Rotterdam on July 17 and will wave to you from the Movenpick that morning.
  15. A few scenes from Geiranger. And, I echo what @StLouisCruisers Sandi said. If you can, go in person. I had the best lunch at the grocery store in Geiranger. This is me and my boyfriend. He followed me all over Norway. Here I am dressed up and ready for my RIB adventure. In the RIB you are right down at water level. It gives you a far different perspective than what you get from the ship. Here is part of the Seven Sisters waterfall. You can get up close enough to stick your hand out in the water. You can pick out six of the seven sisters. Across from the Seven Sisters is the Suitor. The story has it that he asked each of the sisters to marry him and they all said no. So, he drowned his sorrows in the bottle. I think the bottle had a screw cap on it. Here's the Koningsdam from the RIB.
  16. Good morning, everyone! It looks like it is going to be an indoor walk today as rain is in the forecast. After my walk I have to go to the doctor's office and pick up an order for more testing. This is a result of yesterday's blood tests. My calcium levels have been high for a while now and yesterday's tests showed high calcium but normal parathyroid hormone levels. The parathyroid is usually the responsible party for this, but not in my case. I keep telling these doctors I am an outlier. I love fried chicken, but it doesn't love me, so I don't have it very often. Like maybe once a year. I have been to Geiranger and will be going back when we go to Norway this month. 11 days! We are so excited! I'll look for pictures in a bit. Today's meal sounds really good. My dad used to make Chicken Liver Marsala for us on holidays. Not too much of a jump over to turkey. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/turkey-scallopini-with-marsala-sauce/ This next one uses a full bottle of marsala in the sauce and also has instructions for roasted garlic broccoli. I can go for that one! http://livefromjulieshouse.com/easy-turkey-scallopini-with-marsala-sauce-roasted-broccoli/ And here is the low carb version. You season the turkey directly and don't flour it to fry. https://www.lowcarbmaven.com/turkey-marsala/ And lastly we have this recipe from Williams Sonoma. https://www.williams-sonoma.com/recipe/turkey-cutlets-with-mushrooms-and-marsala.html Prayers for all who need them, especially those who are victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for Daily family members facing challenges, health or otherwise. Cheers for those who are celebrating, especially if it is on a BHB. Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  17. I look at it this way: Gun violence is a social issue, not a political one. Discussing solutions to gun violence is discussing a social issue. There are those who want to politicize it, but if we are ever going to control gun violence, we have to keep talking. And calling. And writing. And praying.
  18. Good morning, everyone. I am hearing the rumblings of thunder outside. We are supposed to get rain this morning, clearing this afternoon, and rain again tonight. The yard needs it. Last night's booms were not from the neighbors up the street. They must have worn themselves out the last two days. Either that or they ran out of money to buy their fireworks. The booms last night were a little further away, but still annoying around 11:00 pm when I wanted to go to bed. We're having cookies for dinner! Everyone remembers those delightful Mexican wedding cookies that are oh so sugary and melt in your mouth. We'll start with a traditional recipe: https://www.food.com/recipe/traditional-mexican-wedding-cookies-162213 The Mole New Mexican Wedding Cookies have a bite to them due to the addition of chili powder, cinnamon, cloves, and allspice. Mini chocolate chips are also added for balance. https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/mole-new-mexican-wedding-cookies/ If you want a slightly different flavor without the heat, try these with just cinnamon. https://weelicious.com/cinnamon-mexican-wedding-cookies-aka-snow-balls/ Or be totally different and use everyone's favorite fall flavor: Pumpkin. https://cookieandkate.com/pumpkin-pecan-polvorones-mexican-wedding-cookies/ Or go in a totally different direction with these coconut lime cookies. https://www.onceuponachef.com/recipes/coconut-lime-mexican-wedding-cookies.html I'd probably go for a fish taco before the cookies, but that is just me. Prayers for all who need them, especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for our Daily family members facing challenges. Cheers to those who are celebrating, especially on a BHB. Wishing you all a happy day with appliances and electronics that work like they are supposed to work.
  19. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Everyone else in my party received the email. Ours are just lost in cyberspace somewhere. The voyage is test free and no one will be asked for test results at the pier.
  20. I'm in the US and never received the email. Hopefully I'll see you onboard!
  21. That drink really looks refreshing for a hot day. It is supposed to get close to 90F here.
  22. Good morning, everyone! It is a beautiful morning here in northeast Ohio. It is supposed to heat up later in the day so I will get out and do my laps early this morning. The past two nights some neighbors up the street have been shooting off fireworks. They are quite loud and leave a mess in the yard. I'm guessing it will be worse tonight unless all the partying has caught up with them. I feel for the animals in the neighborhood and any veterans with PTSD. There were a couple of booms yesterday that shook my house noticeably. Today's meal sounds good to me, but I will probably be having my usual fish and vegetables. I would probably skip the ravioli part and just have butternut squash and seared chicken. Here's a recipe from Country Living to get us started. https://www.countryliving.com/food-drinks/recipes/a44277/butternut-squash-ravioli-seared-chicken-recipe/ Most of the recipes that stuck with the seared chicken were the same ones, just on different websites. But, there are variations worth looking at. This next one uses chicken sausage and kale and it looks like the ravioli was made with the butternut squash. https://www.punchfork.com/recipe/Butternut-Squash-Ravioli-with-Chicken-Sausage-Kale-EatingWell This last one is a brown butter braised chicken with butternut squash ravioli. http://thymeatthetable.com/brown-butter-braised-chicken-and-butternut-squash-ravioli/ Prayers for all in need especially victims of violence and injustice. Special prayers for our Daily family members who are facing difficult challenges. Cheers to those who are celebrating and Happy Fourth of July! Wishing you all a wonderful day.
  23. I'm hoping you are right. The reason I questioned it at all was because the information on United.com did not show the correct baggage allowance. It showed one bag at 50 lbs. If it had the correct information, the conversation never would have happened.
  24. Yes, the rules of the first flight apply, but they weren't using those rules. They were making up their own. That is the problem. Also, when they changed the itinerary they did not reticket the flights. I called them today because they sent me an email asking me to call so we could resolve the issues. Instead, they just read me the pre packaged form instructions and continued to give me incorrect information. No, I don't expect a phone agent to have memorized the regulations for every airline, but this is a ticket being sold by them and I do expect them to know the rules for the tickets they are selling. And, I expect that information to be correct. It wasn't. Currently what they have in the system for me is incorrect and it means I will be charged $100 for a bag that should be free. No, I won't back down.
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