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Everything posted by 3rdGenCunarder

  1. I've never had that question. Who comes up with these questions????? I believe I was always addressed by waiters with title and surname.
  2. I did ask for that in my post-cruise survey. There weren't many write-in options for this one, so I didn't have an opportunity to ask for that. I did manage to get in a "vote" for dressing up, though.
  3. This is a new one for me. I've received post-cruise surveys and an occasional random survey about some aspect of Cunard. But this morning, I received a link to a survey related to the fact that I just booked a cruise on Cunard. Has anyone had this? The email specified that it was about that recent booking. It asked about how I researched, what I looked for in making my decision, the sort of questions you'd expect. And then it had a scale of 1 to 7 (I think) questions about Is Cunard different? Is Cunard a Trend-Setter? I hate the trend-setter question. How do I know if what they do now will become a trend or fizzle as a fad? And of course, the stupid opera question. But not the question about enjoying dressing up to "make an occasion."
  4. Did you encounter many rude and/or drunk passengers?
  5. On the Around Britain May-June, there were around 1600 gold, platinum, and diamond WC members.
  6. Well, I haven't sunk quite as low as you, as I don't take a beer or other drink back to my cabin. But I often bring something from the buffet back to my cabin, so maybe I'm one rung above you on the tacky-person scale. I have to say, OP's description doesn't match what I saw on QA.
  7. Yes, for ship geeks (yes, that's me), the power and speed of QE2 were awesome. Back when she changed from 5 to 6 days for a crossing, many of her fans complained that it was "taking it easy." One poster replied "But if she takes 6 days, you get an extra day on her." I'm not sure anyone had an answer for that!
  8. Oh Canada! Enjoy your celebrations!
  9. Enjoy the gardens. The roses should be fantastic this time of year.
  10. 10 AM sounds too early, probably an error. Let us know how it goes.
  11. I think there are several versions attributed to different sources, including Longworth. My Fashion Police friend always found wonderful birthday cards and she sent me one with that quote, attributed to Parker.
  12. No, I never did. That could descend to "who wore it best?" discussions like the trashy magazines I read at the hairdresser!
  13. I don't know that status matters for table assignment in Britannia. And I don't understand the fuss about a window table. It's nice, but you've got your family with you to pay attention to. For a group of six, I'd go with fixed dining. It's good to have the same waitstaff. They do get to know you and your preferences. I'm pretty sure you can change it to open if you don't like it, but you can't go back. (Others may correct me on this) Early and late each have their good and bad points. Early does come too soon after tea unless you control yourself at tea (not easy to do). Late means staying up later. It depends on what you're used to. The main shows are timed to follow the dining times in Britannia, so that shouldn't be a problem.
  14. Yes, that's another problem. That's why we sailed Princess only once. Liked the ship but hated the fact that there was no quiet space except our teeny balcony. I recall seeking refuge on our balcony on a Royal Caribbean ship, too.
  15. What others wear can be very entertaining. I have seen some gentlemen on Gala evenings with flamboyant dinner jackets, and they always brought a smile. And the men in kilts always look dashing. Back in the days of QE2, when we sailed with friends the Chart Room was our place to sit with a pre-dinner cocktail. We would watch the queue of people go by on their way to the Queens Room for one of the cocktail parties. Dorothy Parker said, "If you haven't anything nice to say about anyone, come sit by me." But for all that BFF and I joked about being the Fashion Police, nearly all of our comments were positive. "Ohh, I want that dress!" "Look at her, she looks gorgeous." "I would wear that if I were 20 years and 20 pounds younger."
  16. I agree that Cunard is special in more ways than the dress code, and your examples are part of what keeps me coming back to Cunard. But dressing for dinner is part of it, too. Your last sentence shows that, indeed, you haven't sailed on other lines. Not the ones mentioned in the post you quoted, but there are some lines I struck off my list because they attracted passengers who didn't know how to dress. Or didn't care. Or enjoyed the "screw you" outfit at dinner.
  17. I think the uniforms reduce distractions at school and stress over having "the right outfit."
  18. Yes! It creates a special ambiance. That's part of what I have come to expect from an evening on Cunard. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. And I hope you post pictures of your daughter's outfits (or just the outfits on a hanger if you don't want to post her picture). I want to see what that Edwardian walking skirt looks like!
  19. I took a quick look at next year's itineraries. They vary, so do some research on the different ports and see what matters to you. I think they all do Glacier Bay and one other, either Endicott Arm or Hubbard Glacier. Of the two, I'd choose Hubbard over Endicott. If you like trains, you might want to look at Skagway. The train ride is spectacular, and the town is fun, with a gold rush museum, walking tours (some given with a "floozy" leading the way), a microbrewery where you can get beer brewed with spruce tips. If you want to do a whale watch, Juneau, Icy Strait Point, and Sitka all are possibilities. I love Sitka. It's a real town. They've fought off the usual suspects like Del Sol, diamonds International, etc. They have an excellent raptor center, a drug store with an old-fashioned soda fountain, and a food truck that sells delicious fish. It looks like all the cruises from Seattle use Victoria BC as the foreign port. Check to see that you get a daytime visit. Some cruise lines call for a few hours in the evening just to meet the regulations, and it's a shame to not have a day there. I would say take a longer cruise, 10/11 days rather than 7 days, especially if you're going to fly all that way. Season doesn't really matter as much as ports. People may squawk at this statement, as the fall has a reputation for rain, but it can rain any time. One time in September we had one rainy day the whole cruise. And we had several rainy days on a cruise in June, which is "supposed" to be less rainy. I've gone twice in June (nice for long nights) and twice in September. I'm going in July this time. The downside to late June through August is kids in the US are off from school so you may see more families on the ship and in port. On the subject of crowding, go to one of the port searches like whatsinport dot com to see how many other ships will be with you on your itinerary. The answer is likely to be LOTS, but it doesn't hurt to check. Changing the homeport to Seattle could be to make it easier for people from the US. I know that I have lots more options from the East Coast to Seattle than to Vancouver. It could also be a function of port crowding. I love Vancouver, but embarkation and disembarkation can be a nightmare when there are 3 or 4 big ships in port. Seattle has more than one pier, so that spreads things out. So to go back to my first comment, do your research. The ports I like may not be the ports you will like. The Alaska port of call board has tons of information, so check it out.
  20. @*Miss G*, your comparisons to HAL mostly match mine, especially about the buffet. I love everything about QM2 except the buffet. I find the layout confusing. Toasting your own bread at breakfast is like being at Motel 6, and there never are any cookies (unlike HAL where the double chocolate cookies at lunch are divine). I take cookies with me on Cunard. I take crackers on HAL. The salad bar on QM2 is a joke, with only the most basic offerings. I once was so frustrated with the poor flow and bad layout that I said to travel companions, "Some day, I'm going to throw a plate of food in the air and scream I $%^&ing HATE this $%^&ing place!" Unfortunately, one of them has a long memory and still asks me if I've thrown my plate in Kings Court yet. I haven't, but that doesn't mean I never will. To be fair to Cunard, the buffet layout on the other ships is more like the ones on HAL. On QA nearly everything was served. On QE and QV, most food is served, but the salad bar (WAY better than QM2's) and cold items are self-serve. I use a paper napkin to pick up utensils.
  21. They don't require the dress code all over the ship. For people who don't want to dress up, there are venues that do not follow the dress code. Buffet, pub, I think some others.
  22. I agree. Carnival has a wide variety of lines, if they're all the same, does it matter which you sail on? My reaction to QA was "meh" because there was nothing special about her, nothing to make me stop and take a better look at something. Nothing that made me smile. She didn't feel Cunard, she felt like she could belong to any line. I was thinking about this issue this morning and remembered a line from a movie in which the young man says to the young woman, "Why do you want to fit in when you were born to stand out?"
  23. Is it still possible to book lunch at Verandah in advance? I just looked online and all I see are evening hours. I get lunch there as a WC perk, so do I have to book that onboard?
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