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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Debbie, sorry about the meds. Wednesdays are procedure days at pain management clinic. A few people were having nerve ablations, a few like me were having epidural steroid injections.
  2. Lenda, maybe that's what it was. It's almost back to the usual tingling, not that terrible numbness. And you had to have a driver or they wouldn't do the procedure.
  3. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I will salute global dignity. Sometimes it's hard to love your body, due to appearance or how it's functioning. It's easy to get information overload. Love the Kubler-Ross quote. I like the meal, drink and wine. I've never been to Riga. 3 good days in history. It's 58F and cloudy here, but going up into the low 60's. Another bad night of sleep, waking at 2AM, then 4AM with leg pain. I've been up since 4AM. My Apple watch shows 3.5 hours of sleep! I'm back from my procedure. It wasn't too bad. I had to lay on my stomach with my head in this circular pillow. At first I thought I wouldn't be able to breathe. The going into the spinal canal was a lot of pushing; I felt some pressure, but they'd used a lot of local anesthetic, so no pain. It was a bit scary when I came home because the right leg was tingling a whole lot and felt numb. As I made some coffee, I wasn't sure I could stand up without support. That has subsided some. BFF stayed until he felt I would be ok on my own. I may not see any effect for from a few days to a couple of weeks. Last night eating out, I only had soup with noodles, so the stomach was ok. And I was coerced to drink a shot of Jägermeister! @marshhawk Bon Voyage to you and Chuck! @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Birthday! @Seasick Sailor Happy Birthday Joy! @NextOne Prayers that you're doing well. @57redbird Prayers that all goes well with your DH's procedure. @grapau27 Hugs to Pauline on this sad anniversary. It's nice she can spend time with her brother today also. @rafinmd I hope your Oncologist visit goes well today. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for thinking of me! @cat shepard @smitty34877 @RMLincoln @Quartzsite Cruiser @ger_77 @Cruising-along @bennybear Thank you for the good thoughts. @RedneckBob I like that quote! @Haljo1935 You're brave, getting 3 at once. @Lady Hudson I'm glad you decided to take the cruise with your twin. I'm glad your DH Bill is feeling fine. @Heartgrove I'd be upset about no lab orders put in by your doctor, after fasting and going to the lab. @cruising sister Thanks for sharing a bit of good news about Murphy; I hope it continues. @superoma I use the library mainly to download books to read. They do have many classes and other things going on too. @ottahand7 I hope John is able to fix the oven. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. I hope you get the medication straightened out. My doctor who's helping me with my weight did an A1C and it was normal, so I didn't qualify for those meds (I was happy about that). She mentioned Metformin, but with my stomach issues I said no, just let me work on the diet (and hopefully exercise if I can get my back and leg feeling better) for now. I hope your day gets less frustrating! @Nickelpenny I'm glad you had a good visit with your PCP. I hope you find out the cause of the numbness. @ger_77 Safe travels tomorrow. @happywandering @spkack Welcome to the Daily! @Vict0riann Thanks for the heads up; I'll make the change. I'm sure Pat's medical issues are making travel a bit harder, but you'll get it done. @durangoscots Be careful walking the dogs that you don't fall. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  4. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator NextOne’s valve replacement surgery yesterday 57redbird’s DH having an external nerve ablation for afib today 5th memory of Paw13’s (Pauline’s) mam Ruth’s death Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized, ? at rehab StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications Cruising-along’s DH with pneumonia CrabbyPatti’s DFIL hospitalized with Covid, pneumonia, heart issues Cruzin Terri having challenging days All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Tana’s pulmonary issues Quartzsite cruiser’s DH Steve’s post-shunt placement Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Marshhawk (Annie) and Chuck! Happy Birthday SusieKIslandGirl! Happy Birthday Seasick Sailor! Royal Caribbean cruise ship evacuating Americans from Israel RMLincoln’s good respite with family & good meetings at the new community Cruzn single now testing negative for Covid Smitty34877’s aide for Tana working out well The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas Oct 19 to Oct 28, Canada & NE) 2 days for Vict0riann (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) 2 days for Sailingdutchy (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) 6 days for Aliaschief (Seabourn Quest Oct 24 to Nov 7, Montreal to Miami) Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal), Marshhawk (Carnival Pride to Nov 12, Rome to Rome +TA) and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I'm my own boss now, since retirement. I love pasta, but try to limit it due to the carbs. I don't think I have anything gaudy. Good quote; that's something it took me a while to understand. I'll pass on the meal and yes to the drink and the wine. I haven't been to Fakarava Atoll. An important day in history. It's cold again and cloudy, but supposed to warm up the next couple of days, into the upper 60's. It was in the lower 40's, now up to 50F. I'm sitting here waiting for the plumber, who was supposed to be here at 9AM (they came at 9:45). The house is cold, about 62F. I think I'm no longer going to hold out on turning on the heat; I think this is the latest date I've gone. I heard from pain management, and I need to be there at 8:20AM tomorrow for the epidural. BFF will take me. The usual pains and numbness when I woke up today. The steroid injection won't kick in right away, but I'm hoping it helps. I have PT later, then dinner out with friends. I need to eat something plain, since the last 2 times I ate out I had bad stomach issues after. @NextOne Prayers for a successful surgery today, and smooth recovery. @aliaschief It's 7 days until you board, but a 14 day cruise 😉. @ottahand7 I hope the oven can be repaired. Lovely Calla Lily. @Vict0riann Sorry you have a cold; feel better. @dfish I'm waiting to hear when curb leaves pickup starts. Last year it wasn't until near Halloween. I'm sure you'll feel better soon. I got the RSV on the 7th, and just scheduled for Covid and flu vaccines on the 27th. I figure getting it on a Friday gives me time to recover before any appointments. @ger_77 I can hear the excitement in your post about visits to the grandkids. @smitty34877 Continued prayers for you and the family. @RMLincoln I also pray that you both remain healthy. @Haljo1935 I hope you can get the Intl DLs. Sorry PT and Chiro didn't help. I agree that 5 weeks of numbness is too long. It may be a pinched nerve, like I have. I would get it looked at, if you can before you go, but there's not much time. @sailingdutchy Safe travels! @mamaofami I hope Sam is making progress. @HAL Sailer Prayers that your DH is continuing to do well. @Cruzin Terri I hope things are going better for you. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  6. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator NextOne’s valve replacement surgery today 57redbird’s DH having an external nerve ablation for afib on October 18 Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized, ? at rehab StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications Cruising-along’s DH with pneumonia CrabbyPatti’s DFIL hospitalized with Covid, pneumonia, heart issues Cruzin Terri having challenging days All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Haljo1945 with a frozen shoulder, PT for now Catmando with cancer recurrence, on immunotherapy Celebrations and Shoutouts: Royal Caribbean cruise ship evacuating Americans from Israel RMLincoln’s good respite with family & good meetings at the new community Cruzn single now testing negative for Covid Lady Hudson’s DH Bill improving from bronchitis Smitty34877’s aide for Tana working out well The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 days for Marshhawk (Carnival Pride Oct 18 to Oct 28, Oct 28 to Nov 12) 2 days for Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas Oct 19 to Oct 28, Canada & NE) 3 days for Vict0riann (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) 3 days for Sailingdutchy (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) 7 days for Aliaschief (Seabourn Quest Oct 24 to Nov 7, Montreal to Miami) Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal)and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  7. Thanks, Lenda. The recipe is from Skinnytaste.com. Gina, the creator of the site, has lots of good tasting and healthy recipes. She now has several cookbooks as well. This recipe is one of her oldest and most popular. Here is the link: https://www.skinnytaste.com/crock-pot-chicken-taco-chili-4-pts/
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I used to love dictionaries, but look up words online nowadays; however my dictionary is still in the bookcase right next to me. Over the years I've decreased the number of credit cards I have; and always pay the balance monthly. I know many on the Daily will celebrate Global Cat day! Interesting quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I've been to NZ, but not Kaikoura. 2 important days in history. It's another cool and cloudy day here. Only in the 50's. Sadly I had another interrupted sleep, and my leg was tingly and numb this morning. It's somewhat better now. I'm still trying to get some things organized around the house. I'm going to make my favorite Chicken Taco Chili in the slow cooker so that there's something to just heat up for the next few days. The plumber comes tomorrow to check the boiler, and a commode that runs despite my attempts to fix it. Then PT and out to dinner. I don't know yet what time my procedure will be on Wednesday. I just noticed I didn't update the countdown for those about to cruise - oy! @StLouisCruisers Very cute photos of Sadie and Milo posted yesterday. And wow on DD and DSIL installing new windows themselves! So sorry about the continued delays for DS's flights home. @RMLincoln I'm glad you made it home safely and that the trip went well. Lots to do coming up, and I'm glad you'll have some help from the grandkids. @Haljo1935 Good luck tomorrow with PT and the Chiro. @smitty34877 Prayers that the ups and downs modulate out to a smoother course. @CrabbyPatti Prayers for your DFIL that his health improves soon and he can be released from the hospital. Beautiful sunrise. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  9. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator NextOne’s valve replacement surgery on October 17 57redbird’s DH having an external nerve ablation for afib on October 18 Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized, ? at rehab StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications Cruising-along’s DH with pneumonia Cruzn single with Covid, after her cruise Cruzin Terri having challenging days All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: Quartzsite cruiser’s DH Steve’s post-shunt placement Crusing-along’s niece Jeannine with MS recurrence Celebrations and Shoutouts: Lady Hudson’s DH Bill improving from bronchitis Smitty34877’s aide for Tana working out well The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 3 days for Marshhawk (Carnival Pride Oct 18 to Oct 28, Oct 28 to Nov 12) 4 days for Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas Oct 19 to Oct 28, Canada & NE) 5 days for Vict0riann (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) 5 days for Sailingdutchy (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal)and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. 3 good days. True quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink, and take the wine. I haven't been to Iles du Salut. There are off and on showers, a little brighter skies, but chilly with a high of 54F later. Sleep was fair, waking up around 4AM with pain, then again near 7. I'm trying to do some straightening in the "music room", which is my hangout with the PC and TV. I don't know if I'll need to stay downstairs after my procedure on Wednesday, so I may end up sleeping in the recliner or on the sofa. Going upstairs is a struggle every evening, and I don't want to do anything that might lead to a spinal fluid leak. @grapau27 Welcome home. @StLouisCruisers Nice photos. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for your photos. @dfish I envy all your quilting. My quilt is a sampler quilt, with each block being different. It's all pieced together, just needing each square quilted. I think about half are done, by hand. I'm tempted to try to find someone to finish it or I fear it will never be completed. @smitty34877 I'm glad you're getting a break on meal preparation today. @Nickelpenny That pesky L4-L5! I think it's L4 where I have a bulging disk and nerve root stenosis. I hope your doctor has some suggestions. I don't like daily NSAIDs either; they help my back but do nothing for the nerve issues. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  11. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator NextOne’s valve replacement surgery on October 17 Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized, ? at rehab StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications Cruising-along’s DH with pneumonia Cruzn single with Covid, after her cruise All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: Smitty34877 grieving the loss of her DD DH Lou and caring for Tana StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues Ger_77 with torn rotator cuff Celebrations and Shoutouts: Lady Hudson’s DH Bill improving from bronchitis Smitty34877’s aide for Tana working out well Cruising sister’s asthma improving The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 3 days for Marshhawk (Carnival Pride Oct 18 to Oct 28, Oct 28 to Nov 12) 4 days for Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas Oct 19 to Oct 28, Canada & NE) 5 days for Vict0riann (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) 5 days for Sailingdutchy (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal)and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  12. There's a Prevnar 20, not 23. I had the Prevnar 13 back in 2019, and the Prevnar 20 this year. And going further back I had the Pneumovax 23, which is a different type of pneumonia vaccine.
  13. Yay, another Charla cruise and review! And Happy Birthday to Jeremy.
  14. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Didn't we just have bald day? I like dessert and like eggs for their protein. My DM didn't like eggs, but made them for me so I wouldn't be prejudiced by her dislike of them. The quote is true for some men. I like the meal, pass on the drink and the wine. I have not been to Victoria BC. 2 important days in history. We had rain overnight, and today is cloudy and rainy all day, with temps in the upper 50's. I'm glad I got the lawn mowed yesterday. Probably lots of leaves will come down with the rain. I watched the annular solar eclipse on NASA's YouTube channel earlier. We would see only a little bite out of the sun here, but we're socked in with clouds. I will do indoor tidying up, as my back allows. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the great Victoria photos. @rafinmd Welcome home. I'm glad you were able to take your cruises. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. I too disagree with the pharmacist saying RSV is only a baby's disease. @ottahand7 I hope the oven continues to function normally. @dfish I'm glad you got the referrals. Thanks for the recipes. Your DM's meatloaf recipe sounds like my mother's. @ger_77 Sorry to hear of the torn rotator cuff. I had a torn glenoid labrum, which people who fall on an outstretched arm and baseball pitchers get (I was the former, lol). I had surgery many years ago, and I'm always asked if it was a rotator cuff repair. @kplady @GTVCRUISER Thank you for sharing your nice photos. @dobiemom I'm glad you got to see the eclipse. @Cruising-along Beautiful fall colors. @sailingdutchy Great photos. @cunnorl Wow that was some experience with DD's wheelchair! @cruzn single I hope you're feeling ok. @mamaofami Prayers for DH Sam. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate. A composite photo from my trip to Nashville in 2017 to see my first solar eclipse.
  15. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized, ? at rehab Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications Cruising-along’s DH with pneumonia Cruzn single with Covid, after her cruise All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: 1Angelcat’s friend Barb post surgery for pancreatic cancer, getting chemo Quartzsite cruiser’s DH Steve’s post-shunt placement Tana’s pulmonary issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: Lady Hudson’s DH Bill improving from bronchitis Smitty34877’s aide for Tana working out well Cruising sister’s asthma improving The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 4 days for Marshhawk (Carnival Pride Oct 18 to Oct 28, Oct 28 to Nov 12) 5 days for Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas Oct 19 to Oct 28, Canada & NE) 6 days for Vict0riann (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) 6 days for Sailingdutchy (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal)and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  16. Oh, I'm sore! So much bending. I did mow the grass, which allowed me to see that my neighbor's tree company wasn't good at cleanup. I knew they had come into my yard, from my outdoor Blink camera. But I had to pick up many twigs in the back part of the yard, from the maple that they trimmed. And they removed a dying evergreen in the front, leaving my yard with many small branch pieces and lots of small pine cones. I'll have to rake those up another day. I wasn't happy. Thanks. I already have your trips on my list, compiled from Jacqui's Future Cruise Listing. Happy Birthday to your son! Thanks for the update on Barb.
  17. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. A little skepticism is good, I think. I have no silly sayings. I will salute world sight day, especially given my own eye issue, which can threaten sight. I like the quote. Pass on the meal (fish) and drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Corfu Island. All good days in history. It's 67 and sunny, but rain (heavy) overnight and all the way through Monday. Yesterday I slept 2 hours in my recliner due to the Benadryl I took for my injection. That didn't stop me from sleeping last night, although I awoke at 6:30 with pain (just in time to post the Care List!). I did fall back asleep for a bit. Then I had PT. I really need to mow the lawn, due to the upcoming rain, but I don't feel like it. @StLouisCruisers Great photos as always. Happy Anniversary to DD and DSIL. @mamaofami I'm so sorry to hear that Sam is back in the hospital. And that alarm going off to disturb your sleep was not what you needed. @cat shepard Today my arm is finally not sore from the RSV shot last Saturday; it seems to hang on. Now I just have to schedule the other two. @rafinmd Another great sunrise. Safe trip home today. @Heartgrove Very nice photos from Corfu. @Mr. Boston Thanks for the Corfu photos. @Cruzin Terri That looks like a nice tour you had. @kochleffel Interesting photos. @smitty34877 I'm glad the aide and Tana are doing well together. I do hope you can get some relaxation time in for yourself. @Quartzsite Cruiser Wonderful photos from Corfu. @ger_77 I hope the tests give some answers. @Overhead Fred Beautiful scenery there. @Sharon in AZ Nice photos from the palaces and grounds. @ottahand7 It would be great if that works for the oven. @Cruising-along It certainly was a good thing DH went to the walk-in clinic. I hope he's feeling better soon. Excellent photos from Corfu. @sailingdutchy Thanks for sharing your photos. @bennybear Interesting photos. Thanks. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  18. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: Cruising-along’s DBIL with prostate cancer, now with a treatment plan StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Haljo1945 with a frozen shoulder, PT for now and eventual surgery Celebrations and Shoutouts: Welcome home Rafinmd Lady Hudson’s DH Bill improving from bronchitis Tbay’s DH recovered from pneumonia Cruising sister’s asthma improving HAL Sailer’s DH improved, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Mamaofami’s DH Sam hospitalized, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 5 days for Marshhawk (Carnival Pride Oct 18 to Oct 28, Oct 28 to Nov 12) 6 days for Lady Hudson (Liberty of the Seas Oct 19 to Oct 28, Canada & NE) 7 days for Vict0riann (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) 7 days for Sailingdutchy (Oosterdam Oct 20 to Nov 15, Ancient Empires & Spanish Farewell) Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal)and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  19. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I have lots of cookbooks, including some of my DM's with her handwritten notes in them. And binders with many recipes from online. We should all try to save if we can. A salute to farmers old and young. I like the quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Costa Maya. Important days in history. It's 61F and partly sunny now. I had a not too bad night. I was awakened by my neighbor's tree service, taking down a few trees. Yay! One was half dead and leaning toward my house. Maybe I'll have less leaves to round up now. I just got off the phone with a dietician that my GI PA wanted me to talk too; all stuff I know, it's just doing it. I really need to increase my fluid intake. I didn't remember to take my RA injection until almost bedtime, so I need to do that today. @cruising sister Happy Birthday! @summer slope I'm glad your reaction to the shots seems to be minor. @RMLincoln Congrats on signing with a realtor. It gets real now! Nice sunset. Safe trip to NY. @StLouisCruisers Lovely photos. @smitty34877 Yay for heat! Continued prayers for you and the family. @marshhawk Have safe travels to Rome. @Haljo1935 I'm glad your neck feels better, but sorry the shoulder pain and foot numbness continues. @dfish I'm sorry to hear you didn't have a good night; I was so tired from the prior night that I slept pretty well. I'd love to finish my quilt; it's all hand done and I can't see me doing the rest by hand. Do you have plans for the hernia getting taken care of? Thanks for the recipes. @rafinmd Enjoy your last full day on your cruise. @RedneckBob To you and all others near tornados, stay safe! @Quartzsite Cruiser Aww, sorry about the "fishing" car, but it gave you many years of service. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.
  20. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications USN59-79’s DW Sara having dental surgery today RMLincoln, safe travels All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires, earthquakes in Afghanistan Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: RMLincoln’s DH with glaucoma issues Smitty34877 grieving the loss of her DD DH Lou and caring for Tana StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday cruising sister! Marshhawk and Chuck have a safe flight to Rome! Welcome back Wannasea Lady Hudson’s DH Bill improving from bronchitis Tbay’s DH recovered from pneumonia Cruising sister’s asthma improving Quartzsite Cruiser’s DH getting good reports from doctor visits yesterday HAL Sailer’s DH improved, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Mamaofami’s DH Sam hospitalized, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 6 days for Marshhawk (Carnival Pride Oct 18 to Oct 28, Oct 28 to Nov 12) Rafinmd (Crystal Serenity to Oct 13, Quebec City to NY), Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal) and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
  21. Debbie, I'm waking up due to pain. It seems that laying flat for a few hours must irritate the nerve and then any movement of the right leg causes pain. If I try to then lay on my left side (thinking I'm taking pressure off the right), it is excruciating to move the right leg into position. I found by accident that sitting up and leaning forward for 5-10 minutes alleviates the pain. Then I lay down and fall back asleep until the next episode. Last night it happened 3 times. And the new addition is the feeling like the leg is asleep. During the day I mainly have the tingling and occasional pain in the leg; plus knee pain. On the 2021 MRI I have a lot of narrowing where the nerve that would cause my symptoms exits from the spinal canal. The thought is the steroid may lessen any inflammation of the nerve and lessen the symptoms. I'm a bit concerned about the procedure, but can't do much of anything with lack of sleep and the pain/numbness. I'd like to avoid any back surgery.
  22. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I salute girl children, as I am one. No party today. ER nurses deserve to be appreciated. Good quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Kiel, although I been to many cities in Germany. Late again. It's lovely out, 65 and sunny. I had another bad night, awake multiple times. My watch says I got about 4 hours of sleep, and I'm so sleepy now. The last time I fell back asleep, I was awakened at about 9:15 by a call from the plumber, to schedule my boiler check. I had my appointment with the pain medicine doctor. The paperwork that I had to complete before was interesting, with lots of questions about drug use (prescribed and illicit) and depression screening. I guess in their business they have to do that, but those questions went on and on in different forms. So, I'm scheduled for the epidural steroid injection next Wednesday. BFF will take me. Fingers crossed it helps, although he said it takes a few days to see any effect start. @StLouisCruisers Great photos, Sandi. @Haljo1935 I hope the Chiro was able to help your shoulder. @Heartgrove Prayers for comfort on this sad anniversary. Thanks for the Kiel photos. @RMLincoln Safe travels tomorrow. The framed photo was a nice gesture. @Lady Hudson I'm glad to hear that DH Bill is improving. I'm sure you'll decide what's best as to whether to cruise next week or not. @Cruzin Terri Good luck with the floor guy. Good to hear you slept better. Nice photos. @dfish I hope the pain with walking lessens quickly. I think we're twins! @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos. I hope DH's appointments went well. Nice to have trustworthy mechanics, isn't it? @Nickelpenny Belated Happy Birthday! And a salute to you having been an ER nurse! @ger_77 I hope you get some answers about your shoulder. @marshhawk Good that DH made it safely to and from his infusion appointment. Good that the new card arrived. When I had credit card fraud, and was on a road trip with BFF, my replacement that was supposed to be overnighted never arrived. I had a different card with me, but wasn't happy. @Vict0riann Good news about Pat's appointment. @Tbay Excellent news about DH's recovery! I'll remove him from the care rotation. @cruising sister I hope you can get the surgery earlier. Lots of Libra birthdays on the Daily, including me. @Cruising-along I was humming the same song, lol! @Sharon in AZ Good for you with all that cooking. I seem to have lost interest cooking just for me; and it hurts to stand, so lots of salad with chicken breast on top, or soup now that it's cooler. @rafinmd Thanks for the sunrise and the Kiel photos. @1ANGELCAT Your neurologist sounds like mine. Sorry about the power outage. I hope it won't be too cold there. @cunnorl Thank you for manning an ER all those years! I'm glad you like your new doctor. @Crazy For Cats I'm still holding out on the heat, even though it was 62 in the bedroom (I had the electric blanket on low on). Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.
  23. Today’s Care List: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on ventilator HAL Sailer’s DH hospitalized Mamaofami’s Sam hospitalized StLouisCruiser’s friend Susan’s DH Scott hospitalized, post-arrest, with complications Quartzsite cruiser’s DH Steve’s visit to spine surgeon and shunt post-op visit All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Recovery from Wildfires in Maui, Canadian/US wildfires, earthquakes in Afghanistan Citizens of Ukraine and Israel From the Rotation: Cruising-along’s friend Rhonda with kidney stones, lung fluid & new DM dx Quartzsite cruiser’s DH Steve’s post-shunt placement Tana’s pulmonary issues Celebrations and Shoutouts: HAL Sailer’s DH improved, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Mamaofami’s DH Sam hospitalized, with possible transfer to inpatient rehab Smitty34877’s aide working ou The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 7 days for Marshhawk (Carnival Pride Oct 18 to Oct 28, Oct 28 to Nov 12) WannaSea (Eurodam to Oct 12, Pacific Coastal Cruise), Rafinmd (Crystal Serenity to Oct 13, Quebec City to NY), Kazu (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), 0106 (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), St Pete Cruiser (Rotterdam to Oct 22, Atlantic Sojourn), Live4cruises (Westerdam to Oct 28, N.Pacific crossing & Japan Collector), Horizon Chaser 1957 (Eurodam to Oct 28, Panama Canal) and Lindaler (Volendam to Nov 22, Tales of the South Pacific)
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