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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. Delighted to find this post, Jim. I look forward to following along on both boards!
  2. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I used to go to the cinema a fair amount, but sadly no longer as I can't sit through movies without discomfort. I bowled a good bit in the past, but after shoulder surgery, no longer. Some skyscrapers are quite amazing. Funny but often true quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink. Is the wine really from 2012? I haven't been to Celukan Bawang. Both good days in history to celebrate. It's sunny and going to be nearly 90F today. I didn't get yard work done, and it's going to be too hot the next few days. I slept in this morning, as I couldn't fall asleep until after 2AM due to leg discomfort. I did wake up to post the Cares List, then fell right back asleep. So I really need my coffee that I'm just now drinking. Also my leg is itchy where I gave my RA shot way back on Wednesday; odd, but a Claritin is taking care of it. @grapau27 Thank you for the link. It looks like a lovely day in your part of the world. Great photo of you and Pauline. @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry to hear about Mark and the 2 DGS's being ill. Exciting for the one DGS to go to Portugal for a week with DS. @kazu Enjoy your visit with your friend. @Crazy For Cats Bon Voyage! @luvteaching Bon Voyage! And hugs to you on this new experience. @Beckett Welcome to the Daily! @Cruzin Terri I'm glad the cleaning person will be helping you get the house back together. @smitty34877 I hope you can get some relaxation in this weekend, although the aide(s) may be off. @ottahand7 I'm glad you're getting the staining done, in the absence of the painter. Sorry the fishing and tomatoes weren't up to expectations this year. Beautiful butterfly picture. @1ANGELCAT It's awful that Longwood Gardens has to be closed due to that escaped convict. How did that happen if he was in maximum security? I saw video from someone's camera that purportedly showed him at night, only about 2 miles from the prison. @aliaschief Enjoy the family and the surroundings! Thanks for the photos. @RMLincoln Safe travels today. I hope DH's eye pressures normalize soon with the extra meds. @cruising sister Such a heartbreaking update on Baby Murphy. Prayers for her and her family. @kochleffel Sounds like a good plan for the luggage on your trip. @ger_77 That smoke in the air sounds awful; I hope it clears out soon. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  3. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on vent, unstable Sharon in AZ’s Aunt Betty passing on 8/30 Catmando with cancer recurrence, and new medical issues Cruzin Terri’s cousin post stent, not doing well RIP Jimmy Buffett All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; those in the path of Franklin or Idalia Shooting victim(s) Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Kazu with elbow pain and mobility issues Haljo1945 with a frozen shoulder, PT for now and eventual surgery Smitty34877’s DH Lou recovering at home, poor appetite Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Crazy for Cats (Jake) and Juan! Bon Voyage Luvteaching (Karen)! Aliaschief and DW in Oregon spending 2 weeks with family Mr. Boston in Europe prior to cruising Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas improving after a fall and rib fractures StLouisCruisers (Sandi) and Dennis becoming HAL 5-star Mariners Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from rehab DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for RMLincoln (Norwegian Joy Sept 4 to Sept 20, B2B) *ship departure delayed 1 day due to late ship arrival in NYC from Bermuda due to hurricane Idalia* Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday, Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ), Luvteaching (Westerdam to Sept 10), HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B) and Crazy for Cats (Zaandam to Sept 13)
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the FR/Daily. Wow, on page 3 already! I've been on the USS Missouri, where the instrument of surrender was signed. I like beards on some men. Now that college and professional football games are starting, there will be lots of tailgaiting here. I do love bacon! Good quote. Yes to the meal and wine, pass on the drink. I haven't been to Icoaraci. The great fire of London was a great tragedy. Another cold start here in the 50's, but it's going to get hot. No rain predicted until late next week. I somehow don't have the enthusiasm to work in the yard, so I may do inside stuff instead. @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Anniversary to you and Steve! @RMLincoln Happy Birthday! @kazu How nice that Ivan is so well behaved. It sounds like you've found a good therapist, even if it does take a while to get to where it needs to be. Prayers for a successful outcome. @StLouisCruisers It's nice for Ren to get back home to see his friends and family. Too bad things weren't comfortable enough to see some sights in Icoaraci or Belem. @Crazy For Cats Oh no, Jake, on the flight cancellation! I hope the rebooked flights go smoothly. @ottahand7 Thanks for the photos from your tour. @smitty34877 I know that medical marijuana has helped many cancer patients and people with other medical problems, so hopefully Lou's doctor will have some insight. @dfish What a fun project for River! @Cruzin Terri I hope the floor guy does finish up today, and that you and Jim go out this evening to celebrate your birthday a day late. @Haljo1935 Good to hear that the PT is already increasing your mobility. Prayers for the Care List and woohoo for those with something to Celebrate.
  5. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on vent, unstable Sharon in AZ’s Aunt Betty passing on 8/30 Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration Catmando with cancer recurrence, and new medical issues Cruzin Terri’s cousin post stent, not doing well All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; those in the path of Franklin or Idalia Shooting victim(s) Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Lobsternight’s great nephew with bike crash, multiple fractures, surgery Smitty34877’s DH Lou recovering at home, poor appetite Crusing-along’s niece Jeannine with MS recurrence Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Anniversary Quartzsite Cruiser (Lenda)! Happy Birthday RMLincoln (Maureen)! Aliaschief and DW driving to Oregon to spend 2 weeks with family Mr. Boston in Europe prior to cruising Crazy for Cats’ upgrade to a Neptune suite StLouisCruisers (Sandi) and Dennis becoming HAL 5-star Mariners Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from rehab DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Crazy for Cats (Zaandam Sept 3 to Sept 13) 1 day for Luvteaching (Westerdam Sept 3 to Sept 10) 2 days for RMLincoln (Norwegian Joy Sept 4 to Sept 20, B2B) Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday, Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
  6. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit. No cats here. A cherry popover sounds good. Hard NO to Tofu; I once tried a "tofupup" at a cookout, which was a substitute for a meat hotdog (yuck). Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine. I haven't been to Nagasaki City. A day to remember in Canadian history. I'm just back from PT. It's a nice sunny day, 77F at present, after starting off in the mid-50's. I had intentions of maybe doing some yard work after PT, but just don't feel like it. I need to start in the morning if I'm going to do that. BFF and friends from Germany are on their way back from Myrtle Beach. @Cruzin Terri Happy Birthday! @HAL4NOW Great photos, especially with the moon. @kazu Sorry to hear about the elbow pain and I hope the cupping person can help. @StLouisCruisers Good to hear that DGD is ok. @ottahand7 I hope the staining isn't too difficult. Enjoy the family dinner. @Denise T Chase is handsome. @marshhawk Nice ginger cats. I am so sorry to hear about the growth on Chuck's hip. And I hope the lesion on his arm is not serious. And you didn't need the stomach upset on top of all of that! I know that Metformin can cause abdominal complaints. @Seasick Sailor Wow, 6 dogs at your place! @Quartzsite Cruiser Very interesting photos from Nagasaki. @dfish Enjoy the day with River and your Farkle tonight. @RMLincoln I hope stopping the extra eye drops helps the itching, but doesn't increase the eye pressure much. And good luck with online connections for the tonometer. Get that packing done! @1ANGELCAT Thanks for the update on Barb; continued prayers for her recovery and that she tolerates the chemo. @RedneckBob I'm glad you checked in and are ok. @smitty34877 Continued prayers for improvement with Lou, as well as for Tana and the whole family. @Cruzin Terri I have my ways, lol! Ugh on having to empty the rooms so the flooring can be replaced, and the broken security monitor. I hope you can take a little time out to enjoy your day! @sailingdutchy Lovely photos from Nagasaki. @aliaschief Yay! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.
  7. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on vent, unstable Sharon in AZ’s Aunt Betty passing on 8/30 Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration Cruzin Terri’s cousin post stent, not doing well All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; those in the path of Franklin or Idalia Shooting victim(s) – UNC Chapel Hill professor killed Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Cruising-along’s DBIL diagnosed with prostate cancer Lady Hudson’s DH needing PT for leg strength 1Angelcat’s friend Barb recovering from surgery for pancreatic cancer Kazu’s dear friend’s DH with leukemia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Happy Birthday Cruzin Terri! Aliaschief and DW flying to Seattle Mr. Boston in Europe prior to cruising Crazy for Cats’ upgrade to a Neptune suite RMLincoln’s DH with a good eye exam report StLouisCruisers (Sandi) and Dennis becoming HAL 5-star Mariners Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from rehab DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 2 days for Crazy for Cats (Zaandam Sept 3 to Sept 13) 2 days for Luvteaching (Westerdam Sept 3 to Sept 10) 3 days for RMLincoln (Norwegian Joy Sept 4 to Sept 20) B2B Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday, Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
  8. Jacqui, I just logged in on my old cheapie Android tablet, using Chrome as the browser, and I can see your signature just fine. So I don't know what their problem is, if they have signatures on.
  9. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. It's a little cold to eat outside now, but maybe later. I like trail mix but don't eat it often, mainly on car trips. I've liked some memoirs. Interesting quote. The meal would be nice as a side, the drink looks tasty although I wouldn't call it a martini, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Manaus. An important invention by Edison. Brrr. It was a chilly 54F this AM, but going up to 78 later. I may try to do some work in the yard later. Prayers for those who lost their lives and all with property damage from hurricane Idalia. @Sharon in AZ Condolences on the loss of your Aunt. Prayers for all of her family and friends. @StLouisCruisers Lovely photos of Manaus. @ottahand7 Interesting on the fox. There are a couple of very thin foxes in a neighboring town that are believed to have mange, and wildlife rehabbers have been trying to trap them so that they can be treated, then released. Thanks for the Manaus photos. @Mr. Boston Safe travels to Rome and then enjoy Europe before your cruise! @summer slope Nice photos of the inside of the Opera House. @RMLincoln Best of luck to DH at the eye doctor appointment. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. Enjoy the long weekend with River. @Cruzin Terri Great news on coming through the storm intact! And the floor guy better show up. @0106 Thanks for the recommendations. I've only read Maya Angelou's memoir. @marshhawk I hope DH's infusion goes smoothly today. It would be great if you could get some better sleep soon. @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos, thanks. @smitty34877 I hope the internist has some insights to help DH. @ger_77 That visa change for Canadians visiting Egypt sounds like a real pain. @Cruising-along Prayers for you to be back to 100% soon. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  10. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on vent, unstable Sharon in AZ’s Aunt Betty passing on 8/30 Catmando getting immunotherapy today Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration Cruzin Terri’s cousin post stent, not doing well All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; those in the path of Franklin or Idalia Shooting victim(s) – UNC Chapel Hill professor killed Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Marshhawk’s family (Momma Norma and son) and friend issues Ger_77’s DH with vertigo Tana’s pulmonary issues Smitty34877’s DH Lou recovering at home Celebrations and Shoutouts: Mr. Boston’s leaving for a big 5 week trip to Europe – Safe travels! Crazy for Cats’ upgrade to a Neptune suite StLouisCruisers (Sandi) and Dennis becoming HAL 5-star Mariners Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from rehab DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 3 days for Crazy for Cats (Zaandam Sept 3 to Sept 13) 3 days for Luvteaching (Westerdam Sept 3 to Sept 10) 4 days for RMLincoln (Norwegian Joy Sept 4 to Sept 20) B2B Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday, Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
  11. Thanks, Susan. I mainly live in good athletic shoes or walking shoes, with orthotics put in, as I pronate a lot. My issue is finding a nice looking flat shoe for being a bit dressier, that has some support, not those ballet type shoes. We have a store here that carries SAS shoes, which are supposed to have a wide toe box, removable insole, etc. They're handcrafted and pretty expensive. I'd like to try on a pair. They're not "cute" shoes, but at this point I'm not looking for cute.
  12. Good afternoon. I'm back from my Cardiology visit, and he wants to increase my BP med. I'm not surprised, based on home readings (not terribly high, but not at goal). I know I need to really work on getting some weight off; being sedentary these past months, due to knee and back pain, has not helped. Then PT at 6PM, ugh. @ger_77 Oh my on DH's episode and the ER saga. But good that it was vertigo. You did the right thing in calling EMS. You deserve to relax today. I had an episode decades ago, when on getting out of bed I had to hold on to furniture to walk to the BR. Even driving, I couldn't turn my head. Fortunately after about a week, it was gone, and has never recurred (knock wood). @durangoscots Are the shoes you ordered custom or any particular brand? @Haljo1935 How long does the surgeon think it will be before surgery? @Cruising-along I'm glad you're starting to feel better today. @kochleffel Good you hear you're in less pain, Paul. @sailingdutchy Great photos, Tony. @HAL4NOW Good news that the weather has improved. @Vict0riann Yikes on all of those fires from lightning, but it's good many are in inhabited areas. It sounds like the birthday party was bittersweet due to the condition of the celebrant. @Cruzin Terri Stay safe! @St Pete Cruiser Thanks for checking in.
  13. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Grief is difficult and we should support those who are grieving as much as we can. I like the beach for the ocean, having grown up at the shore. Trying to touch a heart should be a Daily thing (pun intended). True quote. I'll pass on the meal and drink (looks like a dessert), yes to the wine. I haven't been to Haifa. I will salute Wm Penn, as I live int PA. It's partly sunny here, but chilly. We may not reach 70. I'll be going out soon to a Cardiology appointment. Then I have a late PT appointment. I might try to do some lawn edging in between the two. My sidewalk is fixed! Now I have to replace a little section of grass by the curb that got destroyed. BFF says they are getting some early rain and thunder in Myrtle Beach, from the very outer bands of Idalia. Thinking of all in FL who are in the path of the storm, as well as others along its track. @HAL4NOW Thanks for the photos and sorry to hear it's raining. @Mr. Boston Safe travels tomorrow! @StLouisCruisers I'm glad DGD is somewhere safe. Wonderful photos from Haifa/Tel-Aviv/Nazareth. @Crazy For Cats It sounds like Jasper is doing better. @kazu Thanks for the funny memes. @Cruzin Terri Stay safe and I hope for no flooding where you are. @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the great photos from Haifa and surrounding areas. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. I pray all in the path of the storms stay safe, and don't take any chances.
  14. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on vent, unstable Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration Marshhawk’s family (Momma Norma and son) and friend issues Kochleffel with a fall Cruzin Terri’s cousin post stent, not doing well All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; those in the path of Franklin or Idalia Shooting victim(s) – UNC Chapel Hill professor killed Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Sharon in AZ’s DM’s sister in hospice StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Kazu’s dear friend’s DH with leukemia Catmando with cancer recurrence, on immunotherapy; post eye surgery Celebrations and Shoutouts: Mr. Boston’s upcoming big 5 week trip to Europe Crazy for Cats’ upgrade to a Neptune suite StLouisCruisers (Sandi) and Dennis becoming HAL 5-star Mariners Nickelpenny enjoying substitute teaching Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from rehab DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 4 days for Crazy for Cats (Zaandam Sept 3 to Sept 13) 4 days for Luvteaching (Westerdam Sept 3 to Sept 10) 5 days for RMLincoln (Norwegian Joy Sept 4 to Sept 20) B2B Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday, Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
  15. We embarked on Jan 17, 2012. I had wondered if we might have been on the same cruise, but I see we weren't.
  16. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. Bats are interesting, as long as not in my house (BTDT); I did learn a lot about them at Carlsbad Caverns. I don't use much salt at all, only on eggs usually. I so wish motorists would be more considerate, like not running lights and using turn signals, among other things. Funny quote. I like the meal. Pass on the drink and wine. I left from the Port of LA on a Princess cruise to Hawaii - is that San Pedro? A great day for Brazil to celebrate. Another nice day with a high of 83 and less humid. Tomorrow's high is only 73! After posting the Cares List I tried to go back to sleep, but jackhammering started shortly after 7AM. Then the doorbell rang and one of the workmen asked if they could use one of my electrical outlets briefly. I asked if the water was going to be off, and they said they were repairing the temporary street patch the water company left in June. I asked about my sidewalk and they said they'd fix that too. Yay! I had PT this afternoon, now I'm not sure what I'll do. BFF is in Myrtle Beach with our German friends; I've told him to be weather aware. @StLouisCruisers Nice photos. A big congratulations on making 5 star mariner! @Quartzsite Cruiser I sailed to Hawaii on the Golden Princess in 2012. When were you on her? @kazu How nice that Ivan is doing so well after the shots. Good luck with the freezer. @Sharon in AZ Prayers for a peaceful transition for your DM's sister. It will still be hard for all, even if expected. @Denise T Sorry about the coffee table. Good luck with the MRI; adrenal "incidentalomas" are common and usually not a problem unless making hormones or malignant (hence the name, as they're usually found on scans for other things). @rafinmd Thanks for the photos, especially of you and @Copper10-8 John. Nice sunrise. @RMLincoln Prayers that your nephew stays safe; as well as for all in the storm's path. I hope people heed the evacuation orders, but there are always those who won't leave and then call for help. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. @Seasick Sailor That was so kind of you to offer to keep the two little dogs for your friend for 10 days; it'll be fun times at your house! @marshhawk I'm hoping DH feels a bit better every day. Good for you for telling that boss no, and staying in sales, which makes you happier. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're home. Better to be safe. @ger_77 That guy was lucky there were people on the plane with medical knowledge and willing to help. @cunnorl That was quick for delivery of the new dryer. @smitty34877 Doing some cooking with the teenager is a good bonding time. I'm glad things were a bit quieter last night. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. From the stateroom, leaving the Port of LA. The SS Lane Victory is an American Victory-class cargo ship used in World War II, the Korean War and Vietnam War. The ship was preserved in 1989 to serve as a museum ship in the San Pedro area of Los Angeles, and is a National Historic Landmark. For Roy, passing Crystal Serenity as we leave port (2012)
  17. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, on vent, unstable Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration Marshhawk’s family (Momma Norma and son) and friend issues Kochleffel with a fall Cruzin Terri app’t for PMR at Jacksonville Mayo Clinic today, travel home Cruzin Terri’s cousin post stent, not doing well All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; those in the path of Franklin or Idalia Shooting victim(s) – UNC Chapel Hill professor killed Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Haljo1945 with a frozen shoulder, doing PT and needing surgery 1Angelcat’s friend Barb recovering from surgery for pancreatic cancer StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Smitty34877’s DH making treatment decisions Celebrations and Shoutouts: Mr. Boston’s big 5 week trip to Europe Crazy for Cats’ upgrade to a Neptune suite Nickelpenny enjoying substitute teaching Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from rehab DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 5 days for Crazy for Cats (Zaandam Sept 3 to Sept 13) 5 days for Luvteaching (Westerdam Sept 3 to Sept 10) 6 days for RMLincoln (Norwegian Joy Sept 4 to Sept 20) B2B Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday, Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
  18. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I use my mouse a lot, but don't race around the icons. I never had a pet other than fish, but know Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day is important to many Dailyites. Yes! Red wine day is my day, lol. I like the quote. I like the meal (one of the few seafood items I'll eat) but have never prepared it myself, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Praia da Vitoria. A salute to Henry Hudson. And the MLK speech was spectacular; as a young girl I saw my DM cry over it (she grew up with segregation), and we got an LP record of the speech, which I still have. It was in the 60's this AM, now up to 73F, high of 81F, but getting even more humid. I managed to get the lawn mowed yesterday. I think I'll wait to do edging, as later in the week will be cooler. I heard jackhammering down the block, so there may be more water line replacements going on. I'm still hoping my sidewalk is repaired soon. @StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear that Mark was hospitalized. Continued prayers for him. Thanks for the photos from Praia da Vitoria/Santa Criz. @aliaschief When I was in high school, Mateus Rose was popular among those kids who drank, as it was pretty cheap. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. @smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear Lou and Tana both had a rough day; prayers for them and the rest of the family. I hope today is a better day. @marshhawk Good news that Bubbles and Uggles showed up, but I'm sorry Fawn hasn't come back. @cunnorl Sorry to hear about your dryer. Very nice of your neighbor! @Haljo1935 I hope you get a good report from the doctor today. Can your dryer be fixed? I have an older one with no fancy readouts or anything. @cruising sister Heartbreaking news about Baby Murphy. Prayers for her and the family, who may have some tough decisions to make. @rafinmd Nice photos. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  19. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, ? off ventilator Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration Catmando (Marshhawk’s DH Chuck) post eye surgery, check-up today Marshhawk’s family (Momma Norma and son) and friend issues Cruzin Terri traveling to Jacksonville for appointment on 8/29 Cruzin Terri’s cousin post stent, not doing well RIP Bob Barker All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; flooding in several states from torrential rain Shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Sharon in AZ’s DM’s sister in hospice Tana’s pulmonary issues Smitty34877’s DH making treatment decisions Kazu’s dear friend’s DH with leukemia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Mr. Boston’s big 5 week trip to Europe Nickelpenny enjoying substitute teaching Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from rehab Smitty34877’s DH Lou doing a bit better Cruising sister on a spa retreat DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 6 days for Crazy for Cats (Zaandam Sept 3 to Sept 13) 6 days for Luvteaching (Westerdam Sept 3 to Sept 10) 7 days for RMLincoln (Norwegian Joy Sept 4 to Sept 20) B2B Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday, Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
  20. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn. I can play music on the porch, but inside is better where it's not humid. Every day should be speak kind words day. I'll salute the Pony Express. Typical Poe quote. I like the meal, although carb laden. Lots of shrimp recipes lately. Yes to the drink and to the wine. I haven't been to Pago Pago. An important history day, although sadly it didn't prevent wars. It's a cloudy day and 70F right now, although the sun may come out later. I'd like to mow the lawn while it's not sunny. After I posted the Cares List at 6:30AM I fell back asleep until 9:30! What was that about, although I didn't go to sleep until almost 1AM. @grapau27 Thank you and have a good day. @kazu Sorry your helper tested positive, and hopefully a mild case. I hope it's only rain for you, although that can cause lots of problems too. @daisybertie Great photos. Thanks. @StLouisCruisers I'm glad DDIL made it safely to Frisco. Wonderful photos. BFF and friends will be in Myrtle Beach, so hopefully Idalia doesn't do much other than rain there. @Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and hopefully the doctor will have recommendations on Tuesday to get you feeling even better. And safe travels to and from Jacksonville. Your Rome to home trip is sounding wonderful! @Lady Hudson I'm glad you had a good trip. Now on to the next one! @marshhawk How is Chuck doing today with his eye? @Seasick Sailor Thanks for the info about the fire in Kaanapali, and I'll keep Denise and David and all in that area in my prayers. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. @RMLincoln Wow, you got a lot done towards your trip. I'm glad DGD and her DH are recovered, and hope their fatigue resolves soon. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating. Be well everyone.
  21. Today’s Care list: Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, ? off ventilator Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration Catmando (Marshhawk’s DH Chuck) post eye surgery, with swelling and pain Marshhawk’s family (Momma Norma and son) and friend issues Cruzin Terri with PMR flare Cruzin Terri’s friends with health/family issues and cousin post stent not doing well RIP Bob Barker All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; flooding in several states from torrential rain Shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Sharon in AZ’s DM’s sister in hospice Tana’s pulmonary issues Smitty34877’s DH making treatment decisions Kazu’s dear friend’s DH with leukemia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Lobsternight! Mr. Boston’s big 5 week trip to Europe Nickelpenny enjoying substitute teaching Mamaofami’s DH Sam home from rehab Smitty34877’s DH Lou doing a bit better Baby Murphy progressing Cruising sister on a spa retreat DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 7 days for Crazy for Cats (Zaandam Sept 3 to Sept 13) 7 days for Luvteaching (Westerdam Sept 3 to Sept 10) Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday, Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
  22. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. No dog here, but I like most dogs. Thank goodness for TP; I've learned to carry some when visiting some countries and doing excursions. We've come a ways in women's equality, but there's more to do; I saw the salary differences in the healthcare field. Good quote from Zsa Zsa. I like the meal, although probably better with pasta noodles. Pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Copenhagen, yet. I will salute Halley for his discovery. It's 72F and sunny, but humid, going up to 82F. I will wait until tomorrow to mow the lawn, as it's supposed to be cooler and less humid, plus it needs to dry out a bit from our days of rain. Today is community day, with goings on in the park, then fireworks later, as well as a borough wide yard sale. Friends from Germany are arriving today, but at Dulles as they wanted a direct flight and none come to PIT. BFF is driving to pick them up, then they're going to Myrtle Beach for a few days. I didn't go as there's not room for 4 plus luggage in BFF's car, plus I have my PT and other medical appointments. I noticed cones with no parking signs in front of my house and next door. No clue what it's about, but it would be nice if they were going to repair our sidewalks from the water line replacement. I had sent an email to the water company asking about that, but no response. @Cruzin Terri Prayers for all that's going on with you and your friends and family. Nice photos from Copenhagen. @kazu Sorry to hear of more rain, and I hope there's no significant damage to your area from Franklin. @StLouisCruisers Prayers for a safe trip to TX for DDIL. Thanks for your excellent photos from Copenhagen. @Mr. Boston Enjoy that time in Europe before your cruise. Where will you be visiting? @0106 Beautiful wildflowers. @mamaofami Great news about DH Sam coming home and that he has recovered so well. Answered prayers! @grapau27 Your times in Copenhagen sound delightful. @ottahand7 I'm glad you got the bat out of the cabin. @dfish Welcome back to the daily meal. @GTVCRUISER Aww, what a cute picture! @smitty34877 I'm sure it will be nice to have DS there, even if for a short time. Continued prayers for your family. @RMLincoln You've got a lot going on as your cruise trip nears. @Quartzsite Cruiser That sounds like a very Southern meal you're having tonight. Lovely Copenhagen photos, thanks. @RedneckBob Prayers that you stay safe and sustain no damage from the storm. @rafinmd Thanks for the sunrise. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.
  23. Today’s Care list: Live4Cruises’ DH Nicholas with a fall, broken ribs and head laceration Catmando (Marshhawk’s DH Chuck) post eye surgery, with swelling and pain Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, ? off ventilator Cruzin Terri with PMR flare Cruzin Terri’s friend Janet with fall and broken arm, UK friend’s DB’s death, NY friend with cancer and cousin with stent not doing well All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; flooding in several states from torrential rain Shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Haljo1945 with a frozen shoulder and needing therapy and surgery Sharon in AZ’s DM’s sister in hospice Tana’s pulmonary issues Smitty34877’s DH making treatment decisions Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Oceansaway17! Welcome Home Lady Hudson! Nickelpenny enjoying substitute teaching mamaofami’s DH Sam going home Smitty34877’s DH Lou doing a bit better Baby Murphy progressing Cruising sister on a spa retreat DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse Aug 27 to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess to Sept 8 ) and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
  24. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. No kissing here today. I haven't had a banana split in ages, but just bought bananas and some ice cream. The National Park Service is vital to the parks and to all the park visitors. The meal sounds good, pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Keelung. Galileo advanced science immensely. We had strong lightning, thunder and pouring rain at about 12:15 AM and got about 2.5" total overnight. A tornado nearby with power outages and trees down. It's very humid now. I woke up this morning with some strange pain on the side of my knee; it wasn't the joint, but muscle, although not tender to touch. I had trouble putting weight on that leg and it was hard driving to PT. I couldn't do all my exercises, but was hoping that working the leg would help. At the end I had them put heat not only on my back, but the leg too, and that helped a lot. Always something! @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry you didn't sleep well. I call it re-entry burn when coming back from vacation. Great photos from Keelung and surrounding areas, and so nice to have that connection there. @0106 You've done a marvelous job with the daily meals in Debbie's absence! @puppycanducruise Sad news about that truck driver. @marshhawk I hope your appointment with the Endo went well. I hope Chuck is feeling better soon. @kazu Ivan sounds like such a good boy! @smitty34877 Continued prayers for the family as you navigate all your issues. @Haljo1935 I will add you to the Care List. I hope the appointment today went well. And I hope you get all those cruises in. @Nickelpenny I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the subbing. Sorry you didn't qualify for the knee study. @ger_77 Yay on the negative colon test. What a deal on the pork loin; I was just looking at chops in the grocery and left them there. I hope the new front door is perfect. @HAL4NOW Thanks for sharing pictures from your cruise. @RMLincoln I hope you get to kayak. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great photos from Keelung and Taipei. Good job on the air fryer and oven. I tend not to cook things that will splatter in my Breville countertop oven because I don't want to clean it (I use an old egg shaped air fryer for that). My big oven is self-cleaning (my first) but I haven't done that as I heard it's bad for the oven? I need to clean it manually I guess. @aliaschief None of us want to see Jim Cantore in our towns! @Cruzin Terri I'm glad to see you back. I hope your appointment at Mayo goes well. And that the floor guy shows up when he's supposed to. @Cruising-along We had stink bugs for a few years, then they seem to have faded away. But now we have the awful spotted lantern fly invasion. There are photos from certain parts of town where buildings have hundreds on them. They like my brown garage and back doors, so I have to keep the broom at the ready. They destroy crops and some trees. Our area is "quarantined" so you're supposed to check your car so you don't transport them if traveling. @bennybear Good to hear that DD and family made it home safely. I used to have foxglove, but it eventually didn't make it. I should get more. @sailingdutchy Great photos, Tony. @USN59-79 Thanks for the correction about Taiwan. @grapau27 Those HAL cruises from Dover look interesting. @Live4cruises So sorry to hear of your DH's fall, rib fractures and gash on the forehead. And oh my on needing a chest tube! Prayers for his quick recovery and I hope he's home soon. Prayers for our Care List and Cheers to those Celebrating.
  25. Today’s Care list: Catmando (Marshhawk’s DH Chuck) post eye surgery, with swelling and pain Cruising sister’s great niece Baby Murphy post-surgery, ? off ventilator Cruzin Terri with PMR flare All Dailyites going through worries and stress, whether mentioned or not Wildfires in Maui/Lahaina Canadian/US wildfires; flooding in several states from torrential rain Shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Sharon in AZ’s DM’s sister in hospice StLouisCruiser’s friend’s DB Mark with bile duct cancer Tana’s pulmonary issues Kazu’s dear friend’s DH with leukemia Celebrations and Shoutouts: Welcome home NextOne! Ineke, Welcome to the FR/Daily! Smitty34877’s DH Lou doing a bit better Denise T’s success in lowering blood sugar elevations Baby Murphy progressing Cruising sister on a spa retreat DeeniEncinitas safe on Maui The Daily Gardening Club posting wonderful flower pictures All the contributors to the Fleet Report/Daily Upcoming Cruises or At Sea: 1 day for Oceansaway17 (Grand Princess Aug 26 to Sept 8 ) 2 days for Lobsternight (Celebrity Eclipse Aug 27 to Sept 3), celebrating 60th birthday Lady Hudson (Vision of the Seas to Aug 26), and HAL4NOW (Zaandam to Sept 13, B2B)
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