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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. My goodness. The news here is going on and on about the rain and high winds expected tonight and tomorrow. Talking about possible power outages, not to go near downed lines, etc. Also that the light company people can't go up in bucket trucks to work if the winds are too high. Let's hope it's not too bad. I'll try to make sure everything is charged up, plus I have the backup solar generators. @lazey1 Good to hear things seemed pretty stable after your Cardiology visit. @rafinmd Thank you for the photos from Robinson Crusoe Island, and especially Grytviken, South Georgia Island. Being a big fan of Shackleton and his expedition, I would love to visit Grytviken. @StLouisCruisers That's an interesting way to clean shoes. I hope your family in St. Louis is safe!
  2. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Haven't touched a bunsen burner since a college chemistry class. No clams for me. Crayons are fun; I liked having the big box growing up. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine ($$$). I haven't been to Robinson Crusoe Island. Hoping to see some pictures. It's raining here and there are high wind watches for today and tomorrow. Hopefully no power outages. I slept a total of 9 hours, but I'm sure all the antihistamines in my system (for my injection) contributed. No plans today other than tidying up the house and starting to lay out things to take on my trip. @StLouisCruisers Appreciate you starting us up today. I hope the roofer can fix things so there's no more leaks. @seagarsmoker Wow on the milk and cookies experiences! Thanks for the photos. @rafinmd I'll take your meal today. I'm pleased to hear of your improvement, even if slower than you'd like. @Seasick Sailor I hope you're feeling better today. Sorry one of your bags got smashed. @cat shepard Thanks for today's wine info. Enjoy your dinner with friends tonight. @Vict0riann Thanks for popping in and the photo. I'm following your live thread. @cruising sister Safe travels to Tucson, and have fun! @smitty34877 Thanks for thinking of me. My hand (only one joint) still hurts, but it's intermittent; sometimes I press it and nothing, other times I can barely touch or move it without pain. The knees and hips aren't too bad. Good that DD can watch Tana, so your cousin can rest (and hopefully not called out). I hope DH's appointment goes well. @cunnorl Happy Birthday to DS! Enjoy the golfing and dinner. @Cruzin Terri Sorry you're so tired; try to get some rest. Just post when you can; it's ok. @marshhawk That form sounds frustrating. @ottahand7 Thanks for the photos. Too bad you didn't get to go ashore. Nice photo of you in Boca da Valaria. @dfish Sorry Sue has a migraine. I'm sure you'll do fine entertaining River. @ger_77 Nice of you to take coffee and treats to your friend, and a nice surprise that someone dropped off afghans! @senorjim Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily! 3 months in Puerto Vallarta sounds divine. @luvteaching Good news that DH is improving. He's fortunate to have you in his corner. @durangoscots Good to hear that you're able to do more, but don't overdo it. @Crazy For Cats Wow, congrats on having all those cruises booked! Prayers for the Care List and Cheers to the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  3. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger RMLincoln’s DH recovering from eye surgery Luvteaching’s DH in the hospital with pneumonia, improving Pope Francis hospitalized with respiratory illness Nashville school shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine/Tornado victims in Mississippi and Alabama From the rotation: StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Bennybear’s test results Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Status of St. Louis Sal (6/29/22) and JAM37 (6/20/22) Celebrations and Shout outs: Marshhawk’s friend Jesse’s tests showing him cancer free Mamaofami seeing better Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises 2 Days for Mister 67 (Celebrity Reflection 4/2 to 4/9) 2 Days for cruising sister’s trip with DSIL to Tucson 3 Days for Overhead Fred Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam 4/3 to 5/6) Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Cruzn single (Rotterdam to 4/19), Vict0riann (Rotterdam to 4/19) Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam to 4/29), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  4. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn; I don't always feel I'm in control, mainly due to medical stuff. I'll salute doctors. Probably no walk in the park today for me. I like the quote. I'll pass on the meal and take the drink; yes to the wine if someone else pays. I've been to Greece but not sure about Katakolon. Today it's sunny. Starting off below freezing, but it's set to warm up. This AM I noticed some weird skin changes on the same leg I gave my shot yesterday, but not at the injection site. So I sent off a photo to the Rheumatologist to see if she felt it was related. I may go to BFF's DD DF's house this afternoon to help with more going through stuff. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting the FR/Daily today, sharing DD's tree, and the Katakolon photos. I like your rabbit knickknacks. @Crazy For Cats Congrats on the cruise booking to celebrate a big birthday. @richwmn Sorry to hear about the port change. @seagarsmoker Thanks for sharing your observations about your cruise and the photos. @mamaofami Great news about your vision since the cataract surgery. @cruising sister Good to hear the hand therapy is going ok. @RMLincoln I was glad to hear DH's vision was better and hope the pressure comes down. @rafinmd Nice sunset. @aliaschief Good to hear Sue is home, even if there were a few bumps along the way. Ha ha on the memes. @Lady Hudson Cute bunnies. @Suslor Sorry to hear about the heart issue after your cruise, but good that it's resolved. Oh no on DH's emergency surgery and hopefully he's doing well. Prayers for you both. Enjoy your day today! Prayers for the Care List and props to all with something to Celebrate. Be well everyone.
  5. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger RMLincoln’s DH recovering from eye surgery Luvteaching’s DH in the hospital with pneumonia, improving, out of ICU Smitty34877 losing the aide for Tana Pope Francis hospitalized with respiratory illness Nashville school shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine/Tornado victims in Mississippi and Alabama From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues Bennybear’s test results Marshhawk’s abnormal lung scan and COPD NextOne needing valve surgery Celebrations and Shout outs: Happy Birthday Suslor (Susan)! Happy Birthday cruzn single (Mary Kay)! Happy Anniversary USN59-79 (Ray and Sara)! Marshhawk’s friend Jesse’s tests showing him cancer free Mamaofami seeing better Two new eaglets at the Hays Eagle Nest Many Dailyites with upcoming cruises 3 Days for Mister 67 (Celebrity Reflection 4/2 to 4/9) 3 Days for cruising sister’s trip with DSIL to Tucson 4 Days for Overhead Fred Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam 4/3 to 5/6) Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Cruzn single (Rotterdam to 4/19), Vict0riann (Rotterdam to 4/19) Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam to 4/29), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  6. Ugh. Active shooter threat at a local catholic high school, now deemed a hoax. But threats at 5 other schools, thought to be due to "swatting" , the practice of making a prank call to emergency services in an attempt to bring about the dispatch of a large number of armed police officers to a particular address. What is wrong with people???
  7. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Sadly there are less and less mom and pop businesses, as many are driven out of business by chain stores. I'll salute manatees. No use for smoke and mirrors. Funny quote. The meal looks ok; I have a ham in the freezer, but told BFF I'm not up to making a big dinner this Easter with all my aches and pains, plus trying to get ready for our trip. Pass on the drink and wine. I have been to Honolulu, both on a land trip in 1992 and a Golden Princess cruise in 2012. It's sunny right now and we started out in the 20's. Going to the 50's, but then rain/snow later tonight as the temps drop. Today is injection day, so I won't be doing a lot. I have to premedicate with Benadryl, so I'll be sleepy this afternoon; I'd hoped the injection site reaction would fade away, but I still have to take meds for 2-3 days to avoid itchy hives at the site. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for starting us up today. Thanks for your Hawaii photos. @seagarsmoker Thanks for the info about and photos of your cruise; interesting that the PS was too big. @smitty34877 Bless your cousin for helping with DH's appointments, and I hope you can find a new aide soon. @GTVCRUISER Nice photos. @rafinmd I like your meal. Nice sunrise pic and Hawaii photos. @Vict0riann Bon Voyage! I'm glad you made it to FLL. Sorry to hear about Pat's nosebleeds; I hope the stop soon. Do you know the cause? @RMLincoln Prayers for a good report for DH at his eye appointment today. @ger_77 Great blankets you've made. Very nice of you to do that. @marshhawk Wonderful news about Jesse's cancer journey! I hope antibiotics clear up the infection quickly. @aliaschief Thank you for reminding us it's Vietnam Veteran's Day! Prayers for all who served there. Great memes. @cruzn single Bon Voyage! Have a great cruise. @kazu That sunset photo is gorgeous. @Quartzsite Cruiser Wonderful pictures. @sailingdutchy Bon Voyage! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Be well everyone. Diamond Head Crater from Waikiki Beach, 1992. From the cruise in 2012, trying not to duplicate too much The Aloha tower as we arrive (Crystal Serenity in the background) National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Punchbowl Crater Statue outside the USS Missouri Instrument of Surrender, signed 2Sept1945 by the Japanese on the USS Missouri, and the spot on the ship where it was signed. USS Arizona Memorial Sunset in Honolulu
  8. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger RMLincoln’s DH recovering from eye surgery Luvteaching’s DH in the hospital with pneumonia, improving Smitty34877 losing the aide for Tana RM Palmer candy plant explosion with deaths, missing and injured Nashville school shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine/Tornado victims in Mississippi and Alabama From the rotation: Jacqui recovering from elbow surgery Summer slope’s friend with a brain injury StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shout outs: Bon Voyage Cruzn single! Bon Voyage Vict0riann (and Pat)! Bon Voyage Sailingdutchy (and Martha)! Welcome home DWAlisaschief! Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily sunviking90 Mamaofami seeing better First eaglet hatched at the Hays eagle nest Sunday; awaiting 2nd hatching Many Dailyites with upcoming cruises 4 Days for Mister 67 (Celebrity Reflection 4/2 to 4/9) 4 Days for cruising sister’s trip with DSIL to Tucson 5 Days for Overhead Fred Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam 4/3 to 5/6) Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Cruzn single (Rotterdam to 4/19), Vict0riann (Rotterdam to 4/19) Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam to 4/29), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  9. @Vict0riann I'm glad you made it to FLL safely! @Seasick Sailor Thanks for checking in and the cute photo of Ethan! @StLouisCruisers I hope the gutter solution fixes things. And oh my on DB being in the hospital! At least no blockage and something medication can help. It's difficult knowing where the ships are with all the changes; don't worry, we don't fault you if something is different than what you post. @cruzn single I'm glad you made it there' at least the hotel is only for one night.
  10. @TiogaCruiser I first encountered gelato when I went to Germany the first time. It's big there, with shops everywhere. A favorite of BFF and mine was haselnuss (hazelnut gelato). We eat lots of it when there. I tried to make it once at home, but it wasn't the same (I didn't have a gelato maker).
  11. Good afternoon. @luvteaching I'm glad to hear that DH is doing better and has a better prognosis. Once it's suitable, having him at a closer hospital will make it much easier on you. Hard decision about the upcoming cruise, but I know you'll do what's best for you both. @cruzn single Wow on your hotel being changed in FLL! @StLouisCruisers Big changes coming for Ren and DDIL it seems. Interesting trek for the Koningsdam; thanks for the maps. @dfish I got some enzymatic stuff that I put down the kitchen sink drain that's supposed to keep it clear. One thing I learned when I started making a sourdough culture for bread was to not put the discard from the culture down the sink; it supposedly turns to cement! @smitty34877 Very kind of your cousin to take DH to his appointment, after working the night shift. I'm glad the prednisone helped you. I am on low dose prednisone daily for my eye inflammation, and considered just bumping up the dose for a day or two. I took a Medrol dose pack for my back last year, and had such horrible fluid retention that I vowed I wouldn't do that again. @bennybear Sorry to hear you have plumbing problems too! @Seasick Sailor Joy, we hope to hear from you. I pray all is well.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn, If something on a stick is kabobs or fudgesicles, I'll take it. I don't appreciate weeds and don't have a cat (but many Dailyites will be respecting their cats). Not sure about the quote. I like the meal, although high carb. I'll pass on the drink but take the wine. I haven't been to Moorea Island. It's cool here, in the 30's with a high in the 40's; rain/snow tomorrow, but probably no accumulation. Not much on the agenda other than a MS Teams virtual meeting with my financial planner. Then BFF is coming by after a doctor's appointment to pick up his Dad's PC; I think the HD is bad and I couldn't get it up and running, after spending too much time on it. I messaged my Rheumatologist about my painful hand joint; she suggested a quick steroid pulse, but I think I'll just ride it out a bit as my next biologic shot is tomorrow. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start today. Great photos from Moorea. Sorry to hear about the roof leak. I leave on 4/21 for FLL. @lvhh Oh no! I hope this doesn't start a new round of the appliances curse. @RMLincoln Prayers for your DH and his surgeon as he undergoes his procedure. They should put a shield over the surgical eye so he won't rub it; my Ophthalmologist was conservative and had me wear it 24/7, not just at night while sleeping. @grapau27 Thanks for the explanations of the days. @RedneckBob Yum, key lime pie on a stick sounds great! I haven't made it to Key West yet. @Vict0riann Good thing you planned to arrive 2 days ahead! I'm glad you had an evening with friends. Safe travels to FLL. @seagarsmoker Nice photo. Isn't it so tough going back to work after vacation? @rafinmd Thanks for the alternate meal and the sunrise. @smitty34877 I am so sorry to hear your aide left; I can understand her wanting better pay, but it leaves you in a lurch! (((Hugs))) I hope you can find someone new and good. @cat shepard Sorry to hear about the nearby wildfires. @GTVCRUISER Nice photo. @dfish Thanks for the recipes. I'm glad the plumbing issue wasnt too expensive. @ottahand7 Safe travels to see your rheumatologist. @kazu WTG on getting the garage door opener working. Good memes. @ger_77 Your meal looks delicious, even though I don't eat salmon. @aliaschief Thanks for the laughs. @Cruzin Terri You are inching toward the bathroom being completed. @sunviking90 Welcome to the Daily! Don't be a stranger. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Moorea. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Stay well everyone.
  13. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger RMLincoln’s DH’s eye surgery today Luvteaching’s DH in the hospital with pneumonia and other infection Summer slope’s friend with a brain injury Cruisercl recovering from a viral illness RM Palmer candy plant explosion with deaths, missing and injured Nashville school shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine/Tornado victims in Mississippi and Alabama From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues Cruzin Terri with PMR flare StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Marshhawk’s abnormal lung scan, getting PET scan Celebrations and Shout outs: Mamaofami seeing better Dfish resuming the Daily meal recipes First eaglet hatched at the Hays eagle nest Sunday; awaiting 2nd hatching Many Dailyites with upcoming cruises 1 Day for Cruzn single (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 1 Day for Vict0riann (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 1 Day for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/29) 5 Days for Mister 67 (Celebrity Reflection 4/2 to 4/9) 5 Days for cruising sister’s trip with DSIL to Tucson 6 Days for Overhead Fred Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam 4/3 to 5/6) DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to 3/29), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  14. Prayers for the children lost in the Nashville school shooting, and their families. This senseless violence must end!
  15. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. Unusual days. I don't know any "Joes", I enjoy theatre, and I don't scribble (when working I was complemented on my handwriting). True quote. Maybe on the meal (sugary), drink and wine. I think I was in Quebec once when I was growing up, but don't remember much. Thanks for the photos. It's cloudy here, but in the 50's. I'm late today. I stayed up way too late catching up on some tv shows on my DVR, and didn't wake up early to post the Care List (I usually wake up between 5-6, post it, then fall back asleep). When I opened my eyes it was almost 9AM! I brought my suitcases down from the 3rd floor to 2nd floor this morning. I need to make sure my carry-on will meet KLM requirements. @StLouisCruisers Thank you for our start today. I'm glad you were unscathed by the storms and hope you stay safe. I hope your shoulder and back pain stays away. Congrats to Ren's team. Great photos from Quebec City. @grapau27 I hope the knee injections next week will help. I can relate to both your knee and hip issues. I've scheduled for knee injections before my trip, but I think I'm to the point that they don't do a lot any more. @aliaschief Thanks for the memes. @rafinmd I like your alternative meal. Nice sunrise photo. @cruising sister Enjoy the getaway with DSIL to Tucson. @mamaofami Good to hear that the vision is improving in your operated eye; most people need help with reading after, if a mono-focal lens was put in. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. @dfish Thank you for the recipes. I hope the drain issue is an easy fix. @kazu I truly hope Spring comes soon for you. @RedneckBob Yikes on the alligator! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  16. Today’s care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger RMLincoln’s DH’s eye surgery March 28 Luvteaching’s DH in the hospital with pneumonia and other infection Summer slope’s friend with a brain injury Cruisercl recovering from a viral illness RM Palmer candy plant explosion with deaths, missing and injured Citizens of Ukraine/Tornado victims in Mississippi and Alabama From the rotation: Durangoscots still with fatigue Cruzin Terri with PMR flare NextOne needing valve surgery Marshhawk’s abnormal lung scan, upcoming PET scan Celebrations and Shout outs: Bon Voyage USN59-79! Dfish resuming the Daily meal recipes Many Dailyites with upcoming cruises 2 Days for Cruzn single (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 2 Days for Vict0riann (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/19) 2 Days for Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam 3/29 to 4/29) 6 Days for Mister 67 (Celebrity Reflection 4/2 to 4/9) 7 Daus for Overhead Fred Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam 4/3 to 5/6) DWAliaschief’s sisters cruise (Rotterdam to 3/29), Norseh2o (Oceania Marina to 4/6), Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
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