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Everything posted by JazzyV

  1. I always wonder how close those little boats are; I know the camera compresses things, so they're not as close as they look.
  2. I don't know why some of you are having these issues and others not.
  3. I got a lot done, considering that I sat around all winter and the knee. I don't want to push it. So now it's relax the rest of the day or do little things to get ready. @StLouisCruisers I have Annie's @marshhawk cruise on the list I sent to Eva @superoma. Also a couple of events on that list. @Denise T Welcome to the Fleet Report and Daily! We hope to see you here often. @Heartgrove Great photos from Venice! Thanks for sharing.
  4. Well, I went out to rake leaves from up against the wall on the sidewalk. Then it started to sprinkle, but not bad enough to stop me from completing that. The weather people had said rain after 2PM, but when they showed radar it looked closer. Now the skies are blue again, for a while. I'll go out and finish mowing as I don't think the grass is very wet. I always wait until after 10AM to make noise, although the battery powered mower isn't that bad. @RMLincoln My condolences on the loss of your cousin's DH. Prayers for the family.
  5. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. No husband here to appreciate. Income taxes were filed a while ago. I'll probably do laundry tomorrow. Interesting quote. I'll pass on the meal (fish) and drink. Yes to the wine. I've never been to Venice, although I've been to Italy. I hope to get there one day. It's cloudy but 60F. Rain later. Snow flurries were mentioned for Tuesday!! So I didn't lounge in bed, as I want to try to do some work outside. I'll do the quiet stuff first, some raking of old leaves, then try to finish the mowing. I was surprised when I woke up to see a wet spot again on the sheets; apparently after laying down all night, there is discharge from higher up where the injection was (I knew it!), but when I saw the doctor after being upright for a while it was from lower down. So I adjusted the gauze pad and rewrapped the leg. I need to find someone to do my lawn I think, but it's too late now before I leave. I'll come home to a jungle! @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. Best of luck to Ren and his team today. Lovely Venice photos! @kazu You have quite the green thumb! I wish I was closer to get a couple of tomato plants. @aliaschief Great sunset and memes. @Sharon in AZ, @AV8rix, @TiogaCruiser, and @Dismomx5 Bon Voyage! Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  6. Today’s Care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger Cruising sister’s best friend’s son’s death 4/13 JazzyV with knee issues Luvteaching’s DH in rehab Broward County flooding Nashville school shooting victims/KY bank shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Tana’s pulmonary issues NextOne needing valve surgery StLouisCruiser’s DB with pulmonary fibrosis Marshhawk’s abnormal lung scan and adrenal gland issue Celebrations and Shoutouts: Bon Voyage Sharon in AZ! Bon Voyage AV8rix! Bon Voyage TiogaCruiser! Bon Voyage Dismomx5! Cruising-along and DH feeling better Luvteaching’s DH showing improvement Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises 1 Day for GTVCRUISER (NCL Jewel 4/16 to 4/23) 7 Days for JazzyV (Celebrity Apex 4/22 to 5/7) Cruzn Single (Rotterdam to 4/19), Vict0riann (Rotterdam to 4/19), aliaschief & DWAliaschief (Eurodam to 4/28) Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam to 4/29), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), TiogaCruiser (Volendam to 5/2), Overhead Fred’s Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam to 5/6), AV8rix (Volendam to 5/6), Dismomx5 (Volendam to 5/6), USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12), and Sharon in AZ (Volendam to 5/17) at sea
  7. What is wrong with people! At the shopping plaza near me, where I grocery shop, 2 cars ran the length of the plaza shooting at each other around 3PM, hitting several parked cars and a few storefronts. I was going to stop there after I picked up my antibiotics, but decided to just come straight home. Fortunately no one was injured, but people in the stores were shaken up. I'm glad to hear of our Dailyites making it to Ft. Lauderdale!
  8. Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. No ex-spouse here. I'll celebrate international moment of laughter and looking up at the sky. Cute quote. Pass on the meal (fish), maybe on the drink (in cold weather) and no to the wine. I like @rafinmd Roy's meal better. I haven't been to Prince Rupert, Kaien Island. Wow, it's 80F here already. No time to adjust slowly to the temperature. But it'll be cooler this weekend. So, I saw the Ortho guy. He called it "weird", and I told him I am the Queen of weird medical stuff. He's only seen something like it in 1 or 2 people post knee surgery (which I haven't had). The fluid was not coming from the injection site, but an inch or so below that. I'm to take antibiotics, try to keep my knee straight when walking (not very doable), and keep a 4x4 gauze and ace wrap on it for now. So nothing to stop my travels, although my mobility may be an issue. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers. I did a couple of errands after, and am just sitting down to my "morning" coffee. While I was sitting in the waiting room of the doctor, my outdoor cameras kept notifying me of movement. I look, and sweet BFF is there cutting my grass! He couldn't finish because it was so tall and he ran out of battery power, but he got about 2/3 done. I was so touched by this gesture. @StLouisCruisers As usual, thank you for starting our day. @TiogaCruiser Wow, this has turned into quite the adventure! I'm glad you made it to ORD with your luggage. @richwmn Sorry you have to miss Le Havre. @kazu Thanks for the memes. I'm trying to decide about putting my cacti out before I leave. Usually they go out the beginning of May, so it's close. @cruising sister My condolences to you, your friend and her family. So sad. (((Hugs))) @tupper10 Good to hear you're doing better and that good night's sleep is a bonus! @Quartzsite Cruiser Nice photos from Prince Rupert and your ferry experience. @marshhawk I don't know how you do that job, when people are like that. @Lady Hudson Sadly new appliances don't last like the old ones. I had a 40 year old dryer at one point. @smitty34877 This old house is toasty too. I wasn't sure I could sleep last night, although I do have a ceiling fan in the bedroom. I had central air installed, but didn't want to turn it on yet. @ger_77 I hope you're feeling better. Thanks for the update on @Sharon in AZ. That's nice of the Ukrainian couple to invite you over for a meal. @rafinmd Nice photos. @luvteaching I'm glad DH is settled at the rehab. I hope they can get him situated to come home. And great that he could participate in the reunion by Zoom. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
  9. Today’s Care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger Ger_77 with strep throat Lazey1 with colitis flare, improving JazzyV with knee issues Luvteaching’s DH having to go to rehab 50 miles away All those trying to get to Ft Lauderdale to embark on cruises, affected by flooding Nashville school shooting victims/KY bank shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: Tupper10 recovering from back surgery, improving Tana’s pulmonary issues Marshhawk’s abnormal lung scan and adrenal gland issue Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shoutouts: Dailyites helping others whose travel is affected by the flooding in Broward County Cruising-along and DH feeling better Luvteaching’s DH showing improvement Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises 1 Day for Sharon in AZ (Volendam 4/15 to 5/17) 1 Day for AV8rix (Volendam 4/15 to 5/6) 1 Day for TiogaCruiser (Volendam 4/15 to 5/2) 1 Day for Dismomx5 (Volendam 4/15 to 5/6) 2 Days for GTVCRUISER (NCL Jewel 4/16 to 4/23) Cruzn Single (Rotterdam to 4/19), Vict0riann (Rotterdam to 4/19), aliaschief & DWAliaschief (Eurodam to 4/28) Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam to 4/29), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), Overhead Fred’s Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam to 5/6), USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  10. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily. I appreciate plants, both indoor and outdoor. Bookmobiles are important for those who don't have easy access to libraries. Yum, peach cobbler; my DM used to make it, I haven't. Funny quote. The meal looks interesting, although carb laden. I like the drink, in winter. Pass on the wine due to price. I was supposed to visit Monte Carlo on my cancelled 2020 cruise. Another gorgeous day, sunny and going up to 82 (near record temp). Nothing new with me. Still noting some drainage from the knee, but no fever/chills or purulent drainage. I'll see Ortho tomorrow morning. I'm hoping to be able to mow the lawn tomorrow or Saturday (before the rain), if I get the ok; it's really getting high after 2 feedings of fertilizer. I see FL is getting slammed with rain and the FLL airport was closed this morning! I hope everyone traveling gets where they need to go. @StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start and the photos. @richwmn Thank you for setting things up so we could continue the FR/Daily, the info on the quote, and for the history mention. Handel's Messiah is a favorite of mine, and I used to sing in a choir that performed parts of it too. @Crazy For Cats Lots going on at your house! @TiogaCruiser Fingers crossed for no issues flying into FLL. Safe travels. @aliaschief Enjoy the PC transit. Fun memes. @mamaofami Hoping for good news on your eye checkup. @kazu Love the clematis. Good memes. @Sharon in AZ Oh my on the cancelled flight and rebooked late flight! Safe travels. @ottahand7 Thanks for sharing your plant photos. @tupper10 Good to hear you're feeling better. @cruising sister That's interesting luggage. @ger_77 Welcome home. Sorry the farewells were difficult and to hear about the strep throat. Good thing the antibiotics are working. @RMLincoln Good luck with DH easing off the Benadryl. I hope the drops can be reduced further. That cruise sounds interesting. I hope you're able to get to your friend's celebration of life. @Quartzsite Cruiser Great Monaco photos. @kochleffel Do you ever use something like Lactaid that you take before eating dairy? I was severely lactose intolerant from my 20's to 40's, but then seemed to outgrow it. I don't know if the enzyme to digest lactose came back or what. Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Be well everyone. My night blooming cereus
  11. Today’s Care list: Roy recovering from pneumonia and working on getting stronger Tupper10 recovering from back surgery, improving Cruising-along and DH recovering from Covid Lazey1 with colitis flare, improving JazzyV with knee issues Luvteaching’s DH in the hospital Nashville school shooting victims/KY bank shooting victims Citizens of Ukraine From the rotation: RMLincoln’s DH’s sensitivity to glaucoma meds Tana’s pulmonary issues Summer slope’s friend with a brain injury Scrapnana getting chemotherapy Celebrations and Shoutouts: Superoma’s DGC doing well with their education Cruising-along and DH feeling better Luvteaching’s DH showing slow improvement Many Dailyites cruising or with upcoming cruises 2 Days for Sharon in AZ (Volendam 4/15 to 5/17) 2 Days for AV8rix (Volendam 4/15 to 5/6) 2 Days for TiogaCruiser (Volendam 4/15 to 5/2) 2 Days for Dismomx5 (Volendam 4/15 to 5/6) 3 Days for GTVCRUISER (NCL Jewel 4/16 to 4/23) Cruzn Single (Rotterdam to 4/19), Vict0riann (Rotterdam to 4/19), aliaschief & DWAliaschief (Eurodam to 4/28) Kplady (Grand Princess to 4/28), Sailingdutchy (Rotterdam to 4/29), St Pete Cruiser (Noordam to 5/2), Overhead Fred’s Anniversary cruise (Rotterdam to 5/6), USN59-79 (Westerdam to 5/7), and Cat in My Lap, Gail&Marty, Richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam to 5/12) at sea
  12. Great news on the mammogram. There's English Toad in the Hole https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/classic_english_toad_in_the_hole/ And there's American Toad in the Hole https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/toad-in-the-hole/
  13. I'm looking forward to following along! And I hope to cross paths on the TA. This will be my first cruise on Celebrity and first TA. After disembarkation, we'll fly to Germany to spend 3 weeks with family.
  14. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and @StLouisCruisers. We've had too many big wind days recently, causing damage and fire threat. I like a good grilled cheese sandwich, but don't make it often. I have little interaction with lawyers, but we should be kind to all. Interesting quote. Maybe on the meal; I'm not a pesto fan. Pass on the drink. I'd like the wine but it's too pricey for me. I haven't been to Alter Do Chao. It's going to be a glorious day here today. It's already 60F and sunny, going up to 79 this afternoon. There are red flag warnings due to dryness, and there have been a few wildfires, although no where near me. Unfortunately other than sitting outside a bit, I won't get to enjoy the weather much. The lawn really needs to be mowed, but that has to wait. Today would be injection day, but Rheumatology wants me to wait until after I see Ortho on Friday. I'm having less pain in the right knee, but the left hurts from using it more. There was some drainage on the gauze this AM, but it's hard to tell on white material. I appreciate all the good thoughts and prayers! @StLouisCruisers Thanks for the startup and your photos. @richwmn Thank you for today's history. I visited the Star City Cosmonaut Training Center when I was in Russia in 2008, which had a big statue to Yuri Gagarin. Sorry you'll be missing Brest. @Crazy For Cats River is very handsome. Happy 8th Birthday this mornth. @aliaschief Enjoy your excursion in Cartagena. Unfortunately when I was there, my knee caused me to not be able to walk much, so I only saw the animals in the park near the dock. @kazu It looks like the gardening is coming along well. @Heartgrove Awesome photo of Lily and Sam, Jack. I had that reaction to the first Shingrix shot, but almost nothing with the second one. @Lady Hudson Wow on that house situation. @Vict0riann I hope your weather isn't too bad! @superoma That's a nice big garden. Congrats to all the DGC on their academic achievements, despite Covid! @rafinmd Great sunset photo. Thanks for the blog link. @smitty34877 Sorry to read of Tana's issues, but I'm sure it helps the new aide to have you their with your calming manner and experience dealing with it all. @marshhawk I don't know how you keep up with all these rotating jobs and bosses! Fingers crossed for DH to get the Disney concert hall job. @Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos. @kplady Good to hear you're both out of quarantine; sorry you missed all the NZ ports. @atexsix Bruno, glad you stopped by the Daily yesterday. You have done a great job caring for DD and I hope the PT is able to get him good enough to travel again. Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List. Be well everyone.
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