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Everything posted by angelsfort

  1. spending time with my daughter on the ships - doing silly things together and making people look at us weird. on one cruise, she put on a bright pink mustache and wandered around the ship with it... then we stopped at the atrium where they were doing karaoke - she wanted to do it too but we were too late to sign up - so she went to the deck above, at the top of the stairs behind the karaoke singers and began to dance... at the end of the Karaoke session, the DJ said thank you to all that had participated and then did a special call out for the Karaoke DANCER - everyone cheered when he said it!!!! she's 20 now and does most of her cruising with friends instead of her mama... I miss those days!! But I also do have to admit that it's nice to just be able to do "grown up" things when cruising now!!
  2. I don't have an answer to your question but it seems like an awfully good one! Hopefully my comment will bump your post back up to the front page of posts and someone will answer for you!
  3. I'm very curious about this "Sonia's Jerk Shack" that you mentioned! Can you tell me more about it? My boyfriend and I have a cruise in May (for my birthday) and I plan on forcing him to go to Ardastra Gardens while we're in Nassau. Sonia's Jerk Shack sounds like it might be a good place for lunch while we're there too! I've been many times but he's never been to Nassau, so I'm hoping to make it fun for him. (we're not interested in shopping, Atlantis is only mildly appealing for the aquariums / tour of the hotel - we aren't "beachy" people (during the day LOL) We're likely just going to wander around the city exploring.
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