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Everything posted by angelsfort

  1. Yes! It's always hilarious! This was my boyfriends first time seeing it and I've never seen him laugh so much at other peoples jokes 🤣 (he thinks he's a comedian and tends to laugh the hardest at his own jokes LOL someone has to do it).
  2. the Fantasy was my daughters first cruise ship and YES! that Cats lounge was awesome! Somewhere we've got a bunch of pics taken in there! LOL
  3. during our cruise, the Cruise Director took a poll of the audience - asking for folks who were married a certain amount of time... for the newlyweds, he picked the ones married the shortest amount of time (the couple selected had gotten married that very day on Castaway Cay) then he chose the couple that had been married the longest (the couple chosen was married for 68 years! they also won the game LOL) and for the one in the middle, he had couples stand up and kiss - and then the audience got to vote on which kiss they liked the best. The couple that had the loudest cheers got chosen to go on stage.
  4. LOL I'm sorry but I had to laugh at your post topic - Anyone have a teen with an opinion? any parent of a teen knows that they have TONS of opinions!
  5. Good luck! I'll be on the lookout for a review from you on the Miracle!
  6. I think you just sold me on the larger ships... I would LOVE to take a cooking class (or two!) while on board! And it sounds wonderful to be able to watch the rehearsals of the shows, I think I'd really enjoy that! we're not gamblers - on our last cruise, we allotted $20 for each of us to spend in the casino and had a good time using it up (winning and then losing it LOL) but once it was gone, so were we... we'd head off to do other things. I also like to hide things for others to find while on board and it seemed like I was struggling to find somewhere "new" to hide things as the cruise progressed.... the larger ships will give me more room to spread out my wings! (ducks, of course but I also make keychains and tumblers and other cute things to hide all around... if someone has a special door decoration that catches my eye, I have magnets to pop onto their doors to show my appreciation!) thanks for the "in detail" post, it was appreciated!
  7. I find it hilarious that when I do a search for the nearest location to me, the only result within Florida is the Mardi Gras! 🤣 Shaqs Big chicken.pdf
  8. LOL too funny - maybe I should just change my name! maybe more folks would pronounce it right if I WAS Nicole?! LOL and yeah, I completely agree - it was very rude and disruptive to the service. (and I feel like maybe it affected the next seating as well? We don't know... we didn't stick around to find out. We usually left before they even did any of the silliness that usually ensues in the dining room around "dessert" time... after the cruise was over, I realized that I missed that!!)
  9. I'm assuming there will be separate cabins? maybe a matching door sign for each of you that shows you're in it together? (with some 3M command strips to attach it to the door)
  10. absolutely! But be sure to do it quickly after you sit down, on our last cruise we had issues with getting our drinks halfway or towards the end of our meals also this cruise was the first time our server didn't remember that we had a drink package. On all of our past cruises, they've remembered and gotten our drinks to us almost as soon as we sat down! This server also forgot my name (Dianna) and started calling me by a different one (Nicole) halfway through the first night... and that was my name the rest of the cruise! I corrected him on day two and he apologized and referred to me by my own name but the next time he addressed me, I was Nicole again (so I gave up!) In his defense, our table was a hot mess that entire cruise - it was a table for 10 and not once did we have a full table. each night a different couple came to dinner and NEVER on time, they were always 30-40 minutes late to the dinner seating. and then they'd take FOREVER to get their food ordered... we were generally done with dessert by the time the others at our table even got their appetizers. I felt bad for our server! (the irony here is that I can't remember HIS name!!! LOL)
  11. so it literally comes down to the number of people on board? But the ship itself is bigger, with more places to be (correct?) so the number of people in any given area would be comparable to the smaller ships, wouldn't it? so the bigger ships have things like the sky rides / roller coasters? Do they have larger pool areas? more pools? that sort of thing as well?
  12. You see lots of folks that say that for one reason or another they won't sail on the bigger ships (and vice versa, others won't sail on the smaller ships) but I'm wondering why?! How do they differ other than sheer size and guest capacity? Are there more venues / shows on the larger ships? few bars on the smaller ships? If you're one of those people that have decided not to sail on certain ships, can you explain why? Enquiring minds want to know!
  13. I understand that completely! Our last cruise I struggled to find excursions to book through Carnival - we ended up not really booking anything. it seems like since the return to cruising they've had less excursions available - some of my favorites were just not there this time around. 😞
  14. I'm not a big Pepsi fan, at all. But I do want to say that Starry is far superior to Sprite any day of the week. Sprite has a "dirt" after taste that is off putting and Starry is just lemon-limey goodness. And no rootbeer can compare to MUG rootbeer... it is the KING of all root beers!!
  15. We had the bottomless bubbles on our last cruise (on the Liberty) - we also brought 30 oz double walled stainless cups (that I personally designed / created for our trip). We took our cups to the bar and gave them to the bartender, who filled them with ice and our choice of soda... the cups were large enough that we got the entire can of soda AND because they were double walled stainless, they stayed cold and the ice melted very slowly, so our drinks didn't get watered down. It was a win / win! LOL my BF is a huge Purdue fan (and Purdue graduate) so of course the cup I made for him had to be Purdue related!!
  16. I get what you are saying and I agree with you BUT... that last line of the post "Failure to bring documentation bridging the name differences could result in denial of boarding. " is enough for me to want to cover ALL the bases. My BC doesn't match my drivers license... here's why.
  17. Exactly. When my daughter was little, I always brought my husbands death certificate as well - so they didn't give me any trouble traveling with her alone. I was her only guardian - no need for a letter approving my travel with her.
  18. It's not OUR definitions that change, it's the radio industries definition. I still think that the music my 81 year old dad listens to is "oldies" and my music from the 80's & 90's is classic! 🤣
  19. I always bring my marriage license as well, just in case, because it links the drivers license and the birth cert together. (but I've never been asked for it) I'd rather be OVER prepared then under-prepared... and if there's an issue off the ship, I feel like it'd be better to have some sort of evidence of the name change
  20. I'm pretty sure you can (call Carnival) but they're going to charge you a fee (I believe its $100) to do so. did you try to do it online? I've heard that if you make changes online (and I've not confirmed this myself, so take it for what it is) that you don't get charged that fee...
  21. are rooms assigned when the ship is fully booked? or maybe just when your specific cabin class gets fully booked? I can see that they wouldn't need to wait any longer, if all cabins were sold out...
  22. for those that still wanna do that "doc dance" - for a small fee I'll accept your digital documents and print them out and mail them to you!! 🤣
  23. I thought of a few other items that we received in our gift exchange card games (UNO / Skip-Bo) travel sized games - we got a little yahtzee game (tiny dice & tiny score cards) and a little game called "toss up" (another dice game) in a little plastic container. I can see how you can get real creative with the travel sized games if you're okay with spending a little more on your gifts for the exchange. I really enjoyed getting these little games in our bag and I've already started collecting them (buying a few at a time... so that by the time we go on our next cruise, I'll have plenty and won't have a big expense all at one time)
  24. hmmm.. Freedom is a couple years younger than Liberty and it has a "splash park" for the kids (which the Liberty doesn't) both have waterslides but the Freedom has a more robust water park area and the waterslide itself has more twists & turns that the Liberty's slide. I wonder if that may be the reason Freedom is more expensive?
  25. I go into the all of the other cruiseline boards to see the chatter going on about their particular line and I am never dissappointed! EVERY cruise line has a bunch of folks who are upset about changes being made to the line and they also have those loyal fans that just roll with the punches. I promise there is not a single forum in here that doesn't have complaints and issues rolling around... It doesn't matter which cruise line you are on, if you are someone who nitpicks and finds fault in everything, you won't be happy with any line and you may as well just stay with the one you're on.
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