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Everything posted by mahdnc

  1. I like this area, too. We don’t fly on American very often so I usually don’t get to see it.
  2. We have gotten through security and are eating breakfast at ORD.
  3. We have booked an Xpedition Suite (502). I mainly wanted the balcony for seasickness control.
  4. I am not saying these are the best out there, but these are the apps I currently have on my iPhone. Of the three, I use Sky Guide the most
  5. It will be a long day of flights today. 3+ hours from ORD - MIA, 4 hour layover, and then a 4+ hours flight from MIA to UIO. For all the times we have cruised, this will be the first time we have ever been to MIA.
  6. My wife and I will be flying out soon today to Quito. We have booked the 11 night Quito cruise tour package--and we added an extra night on our own before the cruise tour. This will be our 16th sailing on Celebrity and our first time to the Galapagos. @prmssk is currently on Xpedition (Northern Loop) and she is doing a fabulous job with her live thread--the best Galapagos one that I have seen so far and with outstanding photos. If you have not seen it, I would seriously be looking at it (then read mine afterward!). As for our trip, here are some details about our trip (link😞
  7. Like you, I am aware that the written policy does not extend Captains Club free laundry to the Galapagos ships and that only PS/RS passengers get free laundry. However it seems from reports from you and others that the actual practice on the ship is different.
  8. We will be on the 12 night Singapore to Hong Kong sailing next month.
  9. Those magnets are usually not a problem for electronics. Just make sure you transport your magnets so that two of them cannot connect squarely face to face. Depending on their combined strength, they can be difficult to separate!
  10. Nice photos, again. I hope you cruise continues to go well. We will be leaving for Quito tomorrow.
  11. Your pretty bfb photos are missing the artist’s signature and print number….
  12. Thank you for your reply, Rebecca. Your Galapagos morning greeting sounds pretty cool.
  13. Lol. Makes getting through airport security a tad easier. But if you have to run to catch a flight….
  14. Rebecca, Dark skies are sight to behold. You should be able to see the Southern Cross and the Milky Way spilling though it. Also you should be able to see the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds which are satellite galaxies orbiting around ours. They are naked eye objects (dim blurs) but binoculars help quite a bit. So far on your trip, what is your opinion for the need of using a dry (watertight) bag for your camera gear as far as wet landings go? Good night. David
  15. I doubt anyone has a camera as nice as your D500 either (cropped or full size).
  16. I would not have survived such a comment.
  17. Lol--that is everyone's worst fear (did your wife make the same error? If yes--very funny. If no--hey, she didn't have your back, so to speak). I supposed there's no disembarkation photo to commemorate the event?
  18. If you forget to set anything aside while packing, you are also likely to be wearing the clothing that you will be walking off the ship with!
  19. We usually have our luggage out by about 11p to midnight. During the sailings that we did the self walk-off, we skipped all that.
  20. Awesome summary and photos. Good night. May you have an excellent day tomorrow.
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