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Musky Ike

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Posts posted by Musky Ike

  1. 5 minutes ago, MissP22 said:

    They use to walk around & check to see if your eyes were shut and tell you to pay attention if they caught you sleeping. 😁 

    Just like grade school. Maybe they should put a quiz at the end of the video that you need to pass.

  2. 54 minutes ago, deltahog said:

    They can see whether the video played in full in the presence of your medallion.  They cannot see whether you closed your eyes and put your fingers in your ears going "LALALALALALALA" at the top of your lungs.

    Like people all listened so intently under the old system? 😄

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, voljeep said:

    I'm going with the app - we bought PLUS50 - our app is showing Premier for a cruise in less than 2 months now.  the APP supersedes the travel summery, correct?

    Others have said the opposite, but it would seem logical that the onboard service crew sees the listed onboard app package, but maybe not. We will see. I'm OK either way. Certainly won't do any premium desserts or fitness classes.

  4. 2 hours ago, memoak said:

    If you paid $60 per day for plus then you get all the NEW items. That is the current price

    Except that we paid +50 but the app still shows we have +60 package for our cruise departing in 29 days even though the travel summary shows the +50 stuff. If the app still shows the new stuff onboard maybe that is what the crew will see as well? I don't really care, as the new stuff is not worth the upgrade cost IMHO. I did order medallion shipping on the app. I took a screen shot of the app package when I ordered, in case they charge for shipping when shipped, to prove what it showed at the time of order. I also did a chat on the Princess website and they said not to worry, if charged they will refund onboard. I took a copy of that chat as well. I have a lot of time to play the game 😉. We will see.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, LBCABob said:

    And that is exactly what I have done to get the summary webpage that does not have any way to initiate a change/delete.  Thanks for your time, anyway.


    Weird. I just checked mine by going in on the upgrade link on my account and it worked for me. I am also on chrome, so I don't think it is a browser issue. Hope you are right and your upgrade is in process.

  6. 1 hour ago, LBCABob said:

    Placed my first ever bid yesterday afternoon and received the "We got your Princess Upgrade bid!" email as expected.

    I now wish to increase my bid (since I made the minimum) and find the link in the email just displays a summary of my bid with a "Modify your offer" page title but no button or anything I can find to click on to make a change.

    Same result if I go to the Princess website and enter my name and booking # in the Upgrade section (which is how I got the bid made initially).

    Am I having a [Chrome] browser issue?  Does it take X hours after a bid is submitted for the "modify / cancel" function to become available?  The cruise is exactly 30 days away if that means anything.  Also, my booking was made in July through a TA who was asked to mark it "No Upgrade" since I have had problems in the past with Princess changing my cabin assignment without notice to one I did not care for.


    It would be wishful thinking that the system is in the process of accepting my offer and my CC will be taking the hit any second now.


    Any assistance in making a change to my bid would be greatly appreciated!




    The "modify your offer" line in your welcome email in blue is the link. click on that.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, MissP22 said:

    I don't understand it either as pizza is about the cheapest item to feed people aside from pasta. I don't eat pizza on the ship so I guess they losing money every time I eat in the DR or buffet.

    Cheap maybe, depending on the ingredients and cooking method. Big difference between a frozen microwaved pizza and one handmade with fresh ingredients in a wood fired oven. I suspect that Alfredo's is somewhere in between but closer to the latter. 

    • Like 2
  8. 14 minutes ago, ExploringTheGlobe said:

    you can still grab items from International Cafe and bring them over.  Just a few steps away and I think better than the tapas were.

    For now. Nose of the camel?


  9. 9 hours ago, cruisequeen4ever said:

    I forgot to take mine off when I went swimming one time, and it still worked. I always try to remember to take it off to be safe, though.

    Yup, they survive a lot better than my phone did that one time in the hot tub. 🙄

  10. 15 minutes ago, Tedferg said:

    How do you get to them using the App? Does the web based App also work? I tried web app but could not find a link to Excursions.

    On the phone app under Journey View there is a link for Shore excursions. I just hope this is not an attempt to put more pre-cruise tasks app only. 

    • Like 1
  11. 36 minutes ago, Tedferg said:

    I did that in Edge and get to the list of excursions for that port but then cannot bring up individual excursions. It looks like broken links.

    Yes you unfortunately need to repeat the process on the "excursion details" tab as well. PITA but I was able to book excursion reservations earlier today doing that.


  12. 5 minutes ago, Thrak said:

    I get around the excursion issue by Right clicking on the link and then selecting "Open link in a new tab". Stupid that I have to do so but it works fine.

    Had the same issue today but this work around worked. Thanks Thrak! Agee that it is stupid that we need to.

    • Like 1
  13. On 8/27/2023 at 9:58 PM, wallyj said:

    Princess has just ‘partnered’ with Lavazza to supply the ‘beans’. Coffee at the Buffett will now be dispensed from large Lavazza branded dispensers as shown in previous post #2.


    IC coffee will still have a charge unless you have plus or premier pkg.

    Wow, improving something without making it a package perk or upcharge? What a concept! 😃

  14. 30 minutes ago, HiCCCs said:

    Congrats!!!  I'm hoping to be able to give a Woot! Woot! if Princess smiles upon my bids for upcoming B2B October 21-28.  Enjoy the Vista Suite.  Where are you sailing???

    Ours sets sail on October 15 so if they are going by sail date maybe we will hear something on our mini bid soon. We will see.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, skynight said:

    I have no reason to believe that a phone app isn't the present & future for leisure industries. My question really is was it smart to spend development funds during a time when there was no or limited income to pay for a proper development, and no way to really test the system? Princess better get it right soon.

    Not much of a choice other than to go backwards to cruise cards. It was already well into implementation. They had to try and have it ready and working well for the restart, in that they failed. 

  16. 1 hour ago, ldtr said:

    Only if you do not use it again during the cruise.  I suspect if someone tries it once and the order does not arrive and they go to CS and ask for a refund and do not use it again they will probably be successful in getting a refund.  If someone uses it several times has 1 problem order and asks for a refund probably not.

    Nope, I paid to have it work every time for the whole cruise 😉, not just the first order. The point is that they better pick up their game from my limited experience onboard recently, or expect a lot more unhappy cruisers at CS. Personally I prefer to go to the bar/food station myself, or order from a server, even if I have delivery included, so I don't use it much, except as an occasional fun experiment. The DW on the other hand is a regular user. $1/day/pp for our 15 day cruise is such a major benefit to the new package 🤪.

    • Thanks 1
  17. 36 minutes ago, cheetosrevil said:

    Probably, which is a waste of product and a waste of the servers time, therefore money. Eh, charge their onboard account if they can't have the decency to wait for their order. Or, tell them if it happens more than x number of times they will be charged.

    Should be a two way street. If the order doesn't show in in 45min., or shows on the app as delivered even when we never got it (have had both happen several times). $14.99 OBC refund?

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