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Everything posted by seagarsmoker

  1. Then go to the other pool. It is the only area on the ship we can smoke at. We can't go to the middle pool and smoke. You have other pool options, we don't.
  2. Thanks for the Daily Report and I hope everyone has a great day!
  3. We had a very relaxing morning and afternoon by the Seaview pool with @Nickelpenny and a few other cruisers. Lunch at Dine Inn, very good burger and fries. Temperature was perfect 79 degrees with slight breeze. We are having dinner at Canaletto's this evening, then the start of the dreaded packing. We are doing self embarkation, so we don't have to put our luggage out. PS I do have a bunch of photos to share during the coming days after I download them from my camera. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend. 😀
  4. Greetings from our last full day aboard the NS. We had a brief shower late afternoon yesterday, otherwise a beautiful breezy day. For my birthday yesterday, Suzi had Pinnacle grill dinner delivered to the room. I had an excellent filet and she had the 12oz lobster. We shared of course and it is a wonderful meal. The crew must be getting over whatever sickness that was among them as we noticed much less dust masks late afternoon, evening and so far this morning. The ship is almost at Nassau this morning, however we will not be going ashore. We will spend the day onboard the ship relaxing. 😀 I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  5. Not much to report since this morning. We have spent most of our time at the Seaview pool area today. Had light lunch of tacos since we are having big dinner. The restaurant manager told us they have several sick crew staff, which in turn cuts back service in some areas of the ship. Talking with cruisers who were onboard last week, they had a significant number of new crew members leave/join Saturday, including the Captain. The restaurant manager confirmed this and said they will have several crew members leaving/joining this Saturday and the following as they are getting ready for transatlantic and European cruise season. We will be having shrimp appetizers being delivered at 5, then pinnacle grill dinner around 5:30.
  6. Good morning aboard the NS. Celebrating my birthday on a windy day today as we move towards the Bahamas. Last night was a relaxing evening and not much new to report except the crew are back wearing dust masks. Supposedly not covid, but still amazed 3 years later they have not supplied all the staff with N95 masks for these occasions. No plans today, a sea day, except we are having pinnacle grill delivered to the cabin for dinner. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and will report back later.
  7. We had a nice day in Falmouth, Jamaica and weather was perfect until about 2:30, then we see peeps scurrying for cover where we sit (aft Seaview pool area) and the rain is coming down by the bucket full. As usual, it lasted for about twenty minutes and the sun reappeared ten minutes later. No plans rest of the day. Will be eating at the Lido. Our living room: We received new flowers in our cabin today:
  8. We went shopping in the port area of Falmouth, Jamaica this morning and it was a night / day difference than Ocho Rios. Very clean, and no hassle like Ocho Rios. Royal Caribbean did a very nice job building this port area. I bought a few cigars from La Casa Del Habano and that was it. Most stores I named China 1, China 2, China 3... 😀 Weather is still nice with great breeze both on land and sea view pool area. We are having lunch at Dive In in a few minutes. Hoping it's still good.
  9. Thanks for the Daily Report! Sorry for late post today, however I kept getting errors trying to get here this morning. We are at Falmouth Jamaica today, arrived early on a bright, humid, hot, sunny day. Cruise staff wearing masks starting last night and today. We've been told no worries, crew members that are sick do not have covid, but its protocol now to wear them. Hopefully, it's the flu and they feel better soon. We are going to wal to the port shopping area in a few minutes. They have a new La Casa Del Habano here, so of course I need to buy some cigars. 😀 Will check in later and I hope everyone has a great day!
  10. Good afternoon from beautiful Grand Cayman aboard the NS. The other 2 ships here today are on the side of the island due to swells. The concierge is picking us up at 7:45 and we were the first in line for first tender. We made it to Georgetown at 8:55. Not sure of what was going on, but something has happened between the GC tender service and HAL. Anyway, we did our usual shopping and I did get my Cuban coffee and cigars from La Casa Del Habano and Suzi bought me a shirt at Guy Harvey's. Weather was beautiful all day, perfect breeze and great being only ship in town in the morning so it made walking around a breeze. Will check in later as we are having dinner at Caneletto's this evening.
  11. Good morning from beautiful Grand Cayman aboard the NS. Water still calm with a partly cloudy sky. The concierge is picking us up in about 20 minutes and taking us downstairs to be on the first tender. I know, its rough, but someone has to do it. 😀 Suzi will be shopping and I will get some Cuban coffee and cigars from LA Casa Del Habano. Will also shop at Guy Harvey's for nice shirt. Will check in later and I hope everyone has a wonderful day! 😊
  12. Good afternoon and I hope everyone is having a great day. We are south of Cuba, heading to Grand Cayman at a snails pace. 😀 The water is so calm and it's been a beautiful day. We went to "Name that Tune" at noon today at the Seaview pool. We met a fellow Cruise Critic NickelPenny and we ended up talking for almost 4 hours. She told us about the cruise she was on with @kazu. Penny is wonderful and glad she sat at our table. 😀 No plans except dinner rest of the day. Our concierge called and we will be arriving an hour early at Grand Cayman tomorrow. Looking forward to it as Suzi and I were married there almost 17 years ago and it always bring back great memories. 😀 Hopefully will have time to check in before we leave tomorrow.
  13. Thanks for the Daily Report. The sun arrived yesterday around 1 pm at Half Moon Cay. Beautiful afternoon and evening onboard the ship. The water is smooth and winds have decreased significantly. We had a another wonderful dinner. Most everything on the cruise has been very good. Nothing planned for today as it's a sea day on our slow leisurely pace to Grand Cayman. Internet still working great and hopefully stays that way. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  14. Raining here at half moon cay. Sadly for us, at 7:30 am, already standing room only at the sea view pool smoking section. At 8:30, even though it's raining, they started tendering the island.
  15. Good morning all. We had a very good day yesterday onboard the NS. We arrived around 11:30 at the Port, parked in the garage across the street and easy walk with luggage to the pier. After getting my pic taken, the lady tells us to go over and check in. The man behind the counter was confused about what needed to be done next. Thankfully an officer came over and she apologized and said she would take of us. 5 minutes later she was skipped us through the lines and we were onboard the ship and waited for an elevator, then walked us to our room. About 15 minutes later the concierge knocked on the door and chatted for a while. We ordered room service and it arrived within 15 minutes. Went up to the Seaview pool and waited for the green light We could smoke at 2:30. Had dinner at the Italian restaurant at 5:30, thankfully they had the shrimp as the Saturday special and it was yummy. Peaceful evening walking around the ship, a little different than the NA and Eurodam. Observations, service has been great as usual. We've seen maybe a dozen children and maybe 40 to 50 older teenagers. Very windy last night, so much so that Suzi went to the PS saying it was cold. Lol Internet has been fast, and we are happy to here on vacation. 😀 😀 😃 I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  16. Canaletto on the NS still has the same menu and same nightly special as before. We both had the shrimp and it was yummy. 🙂
  17. Thank you. Beautiful day here at sail away, aft Seaview pool was packed to the gill! 🙂
  18. Sorry, wrong March cruise! We are on the NS this March, and next March back on the NA. 🙂
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