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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. While this thread is still open I just want to post again and add a few things. I just finished reading through all 7 pages. This is a first. Don’t remember a thread this long. Anyway, here goes. I’m late to the party. @Quartzsite Cruiser Happy Belated birthday @Overhead Fred Happy Belated birthday to Mitzi @grapau27 I am sorry for the reception you received from Sarah’s mam. Time to move on. You have gone above and beyond. Try to forgive. She is in a bad place right now. @Nickelpenny I am sorry for your loss of Martina. It is so hard to be away and have that happen. @fruitmachine Welcome to our group. Hope you will post often and find a happy place here. God Bless, Terri
  2. Greetings from Jacksonville, We will be her until Thursday. I saw the Rheumatologist today and found out all the things I am doing wrong. I was very pleased with the Consultation. First of all I cannot get any more Covid vaccinations. They are causing flare-ups working against my getting the PMR under control. Part of the reason why I keep getting better and then getting worse. Secondly, no more alcohol until this is under control and I am totally off the Prednisone. No one ever told me not to drink. All I drink is wine, but now that is not to be. I will do what I am told. Thirdly, I am on a course to wean myself off the prednisone at one mg at a time. Very slowly. I am looking forward to the day when Prednisone is a thing of the past. I have had a busy day and will have another tomorrow. Have X-rays and MRI. Both late in the day. So we will go home on Thursday morning. I have not had the opportunity to check on Anita and will try to do so this evening. Thank you all for your well wishes and prayers. God Bless, Terri
  3. I did not have the basic drinks package. I was cruising with the old O Life program. I had no package at all. Drinks were free.
  4. Thank you all for all your well wishes today. I managed to get my blood work done this afternoon instead of tomorrow morning. That gives me time for breakfast before the Rheumatologist’s appointment. Glad I got to Jacksonville on time. Wasn’t sure I was going to make it. I have not gotten an update on Anita, but will try to find out tonight or tomorrow. If I were home I would have been at Hilton Head Hospital to find out what was happening. Thank you for your kind thoughts about DD DBIL Eugene. He was so special. God Bless, Terri
  5. Good morning, If I don’t post now, I will not get to it later. Many things to report today. First and foremost we have to go to Jacksonville. Tomorrrow, I finally have my Rheumalologist appointment. I think it is a little late, but we will see what he has to say and where we go from here. Also a GYN appointment follows. Secondly, my good friend, Anita, is having surgery today to have her right kidney removed. She has a malignancy in it. She has always been a very small, thin person, and right now she is down to 74 pounds. Please pray for her. And finally, today is my DD DBIL, Eugene’s birthday in heaven. He passed away in October 2021. As most of you know, he was a special needs person, being cognitively impaired from a brain damage at the age of 4. Jim and I were his guardians for 40 years after his Dad passed away. Happy Birthday in heaven, Eugene! There is an interesting article in the New York Times regarding the 4 year anniversary of Covid being declared a pandemic and how the US death rate was so high. Interesting reading. @dfish Happy Birthday to DS Sue. Thank you all who participate and work so hard to make this thread what it is. God Bless, Terri
  6. I was offered drinks while playing slots in the casino. I just gave a small tip to the server. Terri
  7. @grapau27 Graham, sorry I am late with this, but my deepest condolences on the passing of Sarah’s dad. Prayers for him and your whole family. Terri
  8. Hello everyone, Glad to be back. A number of incidents have kept me away. Too many to list here. I have not been able to follow all the events but will try to catch up. Hope everyone has a good day and Happy Mothers Day to all our friends in the UK. God Bless, Terri
  9. Good Afternoon everyone, We made it home yesterday and I was so tired. We just had sandwiches for dinner. Too tired to cook and too tired to go out. Thank you to all who contribute to this thread and keep it going. Today we are expecting the area rug for the living room. We ordered it in August and was supposed to have it by Thanksgiving. That didn’t happen. Then it was Christmas. It finally came in while we were on our cruise. The phone call yesterday said they would be delivering it between 11:30 am and 1 pm. Well, it is now 1:28 pm and there is no sign of them. We will see what happens. I spent the morning cleaning the Living Room floor. It hadn’t been done since before we went on our cruise. Don’t want a new rug on a dirty floor. As for my visit to the Mayo. There was no tear or fracture of my shoulder. Just arthritis. My PMR numbers are down to normal. However, the Doc wants to stay on the Prednisone until I see the Rheumatologist. We will see where we go from there. I am hoping to be off the meds all together in a short time. Hopefully with no flare-ups. We’ll see what time the delivery guys show up. Have a great day everyone and thank you all for your concerns. Terri
  10. Then it is a moot point. At least that is the way I took it. You could always call AMEX and get a clarification. Terri
  11. i do not think that UBER is considered a “common carrier”. In my case I used Chase Points to book my passage to Italy. That was a different situation. You can always use your AMEX card to pay UBER as I do. Terri
  12. Menus are posted on your TV every day. Terri
  13. Just a quick Good Morning. Thank you to Jacqui, Vanessa, et al for the Daily and Fleet Report. We are driving home from Jacksonville this morning. Decided to stay the night after X-rays were ordered for my right shoulder. Could not get them until 3:30pm yesterday afternoon. Too late to start home at that hour. Time to get moving. Shower and pack and get out of here. Want to make a stop at Costco. If I get the opportunity I will post after we get home. Happy Hump Day God Bless, Terri
  14. Sorry to be posting so late. We never made it home from Jacksonville. I had to get some X-rays to make sure my shoulder was okay. Couldn’t get that appointment until 3:30 in the afternoon and then we felt it was too late to start home. So we are staying the night. The X-ray showed the shoulder is not broken nor is the rotator cuff torn. I just need to do some exercises to get it moving again. Also my nose did not suffer any permanent damage from the fall. Good news. I see the Rheumatologist in two weeks and then my PCP again at the end of March. We took the opportunity to visit my cousin in Ponte Vedra. She just bought a house and was proud to show it off. It is not new and she is putting a lot of work into it. She is really good at that and the house will be beautiful when it is all finished. We then went out to dinner at an Italian Restaurant nearby, where we have gone often. I don’t know what happened to me, but the shrimp oreganato did not sit well in my tummy. I hope this resolves soon as I need to get some sleep so we can drive home tomorrow. @cat shepard Ann, prayer for your sister. @marshhawk glad to see you back @JazzyV glad the pain is improving. That’s all for now folks. Hope to be able to post tomorrow after I get home. God Bless, Terri
  15. Hello all, As promised I am reporting from Jacksonville. The numbers from the Blood Test are within normal limits. So my question to the doc is “Why do I feel so bad?” My back is hurting, my right shoulder and upper arm are hurting. I just plain feel lousy! We will see where we go from here. I have an appointment with the Rheumatologist on March 12. I have been waiting fro three months for that appointment. We will se what comes of it. I am very tired tonight. Hopefully I can get an X-ray of the shoulder tomorrow and also get to go home. More tomorrow when I get the opportunity. Terri
  16. Good morning all, I have not read the posts, but will do so later. We are getting ready to get out of here on time so that I get to Jacksonville in time for my afternoon appointment for Blood Work. More appointments tomorrow. I also realize that I did some damage to my right upper arm and shoulder during that fall on the dock in Barbados and will try to get that checked out while I am there. Will post more after we get to the hotel and finished with blood work. Vanessa, thank you for including me on the list today. Terri
  17. Good morning all, Sorry I haven’t been around. It has been an unusual week. A busy one in some ways, and in other ways, just lots of stuff happening. I am just hoping that things start to calm down. My bruises are just about gone and I don’t need makeup to cover them anymore. We have a number of things to do this weekend and then I have some appointments in Jacksonville at the Mayo Clinic on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. I dressing the surgical wounds on my legs where the cancerous lesions were removed. I do not like the way the left leg looks and will see a nurse while I am there. I will have blood work for the PMR and see my PCP also. So we are leaving on Monday morning and returning on Tuesday afternoon. I still don’t have a cleaning lady and need to get some things done today. I am not happy about this situation. It just makes me exhausted and I have to find someone soon. Hope everyone has a great Saturday and a nice weekend. God Bless, Terri
  18. Sorry I haven’t posted. I am just too tired. Maybe tomorrow. God Bless, Terri
  19. Greetings from Miami. Not much time to post. We are sitting in the Centurion Lounge having a Mimosa and a bite to eat before our flight, The lounge is at D12 and our gate is at D53. The train service is out for a good long while. We have wheelchairs ordered to pick us up in a little while. Good to see Baby Murphy’s Graduation photo. Prayers that she continues to improve. Welcome home to all have completed their cruises in the last few days. Prayers for everyone. We expect the flight to be on time despite the rain. We are looking at arriving home at approximately 5:00 to 5:30 this afternoon. Making a grocery stop first so that we have stuff for breakfast. Will post more later. Happy Sunday and God Bless, Terri
  20. Hi All, Just checking in real quick. I am in the midst of packing. Stuff all over the room. Yesterday we were in Costa Maya and spent the day at Maya Chan. We had a great time except for the amount of walking we had to do to get to and from the transportation to take us to the resort. After dinner I was so tired from the whole day that I went straight to bed. Never touched my Ipad all day. Prayers for all of you. i will catch up after we get home tomorrow. We are on a 1:20 flight on American Airlines out of Miami arriving in Jacksonville at 2:39. Plan to get in our car and drive home. Should take us about 2 hours or so. Plan to stop for some groceries so that we don’t have to go out again. Will try to post tomorrow evening. God Bless and stay safe. Terri
  21. My AMEX offer is to spend $1000 on Oceania and get $200 in statement credit, thereby only costing $800. Terri
  22. Thanks Jacqui. That was another thing I missed thanks to Covid. Terri
  23. I took advantage of a Spa Special today. We have a lot of shipboard credit and I want to make sure i don’t leave any behind. It is all non-refundable. I had a 50 minute massage and a 25 minute mini-facial. Both were very good and I needed something to feel better. We have been to Lisbon twice. Both times did not turn out the way we expected. The first time we went on a private tour with a group. Everyone but us had been to Lisbon before and wanted to see the outskirts. When we finally got to Lisbon, i was so tired, i fell asleep on the mini-bus. The second time we were in Lisbon was in May 2022. Jim and I book two private tours for just the two of us. One of Lisbon City and the other of a day in Fatima. Well, we both came down with Covid and were quarantined. So we saw neither. We are planning a cruise in October that has an overnight in Lisbon. Hopefully, the third time will be a charm and we will get to see the city and Fatima. So far today has been a good day for us. Looking forward to more of the same. Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating and cruising. God Bless, Terri
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