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Cruzin Terri

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Everything posted by Cruzin Terri

  1. Greetings from Jacksonville. We made it here safe and sound. Sitting int he hotel lobby waiting for a room. We figured this would happen, but at least we beat the worst of the weather. Thank you all for the good wishes and prayers. It means a lot. Will post later after the procedure is done. God Bless you all, Terri
  2. Good morning, Just got up and getting ready to have breakfast and get on our way. Thank you to @JazzyV Vanessa for including me on the Cares List for today. I need every prayer I can get. I will check in after we get to Jacksonville today, Stay warm and dry everyone. Take Care. Terri
  3. @Crazy For Cats Jake, I am sorry for your loss. Terri
  4. Thanks. I realize that. We plan to leave as early as we can. Maybe at 8:30. Even if we have to wait in the hotel lobby. At least we will be there. I am going to take it slow. Jim is not allowed to drive. So it is all on me. Coming and going. Don’t know what coming home will be like with two legs having been cut. Will have to do the best we can. I really did not need this. Thanks again. Terri
  5. Keep in mind that money doesn’t always buy manners. Many think it buys entitlement.
  6. Thought about staying elsewhere. Called a few places and all are full. Just not going without a reservation. Just will have to suck it up and drive carefully. Will do the best I can. Not a happy thought. Thanks for the advice. Terri
  7. Good Monday morning to all the Dailyites. Thank you to Jacqui @kazu for taking over for Rich so that we have the Daily to look forward to each day. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Lists that are kept so meticulously. I pray that you get some relief soon from your pains. Thank you to Debbie @dfish, Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope in the Food and Beverage Departments. We can always count on the three of you to keep us fed and hydrated. Today it is now 49 degrees outside and promises to go up to 56. Good day for my Argyle sweater. Since we replaced our Garden Tub with a beautiful big shower, I don’t think I will be taking a Bubble Bath. As for a Divorce, Monday or otherwise, I will pass on that. After 42+ years of wedded bliss, I think we will stay that way. We will pass on the meal and drink. The wine is a bit above our budget. I have been in a bit of a funk the last few days. Lots of worries in spite of my resolution to take one day at a time and make the best of each day. Tomorrow I have two appointments at the Mayo Clinic. One for blood work to see where we are with the PMR. I already know from the pain level that it is not in a good place. The other is to remove the two cancerous lesions on each leg. Our plan is to drive down tomorrow morning and get an early check-in at the hotel on campus, where I am well-known and then go to my appointments in the afternoon. Well, after we saw the weather forecast for tomorrow, we rethought the plan and figured it might be better to go today. That is, until I called the hotel. No room at the Inn tonight. So we had to scrap those plans. The weather forecast for tomorrow is horrendous. I am not looking forward to this. However, if I don’t keep this appointment, I don’t know when I will get another. I was offered this earlier appointment when someone cancelled. My original one was on Feb. 27. I am sure that one is gone now. So we plan to leave early tomorrow. About 9:30 and take it slow. It usually takes about 2 1/2 hours. I am sure tomorrow will take much longer. The hotel promises to have a room available for me for early check-in. Keeping my fingers crossed. On Wednesday we are coming back early so that I can attend a workshop on Wills and Trusts. While we just had new wills done, my Financial Advisor is urging us to look into finding out how to protect our assets. A local attorney is holding a workshop on Wednesday afternoon. So we will try to get back in time for that. We will have to make some decisions in that regard. And then at 9:30 am on Thursday, we meet with the Neurologist to go over the results of Jim’s tests and see where we go from there. So, as you can see, there is a lot on my mind. Will try to be more communicative. @rafinmdHope all goes well for you today. @smitty34877 Hope your aide is back and things are a bit better in your house. Prayers for you. Take care everyone. God Bless. Terri
  8. This is exactly what happened to us. We were not able to book any excursions. The only ones left were zip lines. We were too old for that #$%^. We were not able too use the credit for anything else.
  9. Good morning. Hoping everyone has a wonderful Sunday. Thank you all for your contributions to this thread. Terri
  10. Thanks FF for that invaluable info. Last cruise we booked late and lost all of our credit for tours. Terri
  11. Good afternoon to all. Trying to post earlier than the past few days. Today started out with the news that my cleaning lady canceled. She hurt her back and is unable to come. Doesn’t know when she will be back. Haven’t seen her since the beginning of Dec. Time to look for someone else. I need consistency. I hate to let her go because I trust her. I ended up doing some cleaning this morning but with PMR, I know I will suffer later. All that kind of activity only ends up causing a flare-up. Will do some more tomorrow. Things are moving right along here. On Tuesday we are going down to Jacksonville to the Mayo Clinic. I will have two cancerous lesions removed. One on each leg. We will stay overnight and come home on Wednesday morning. On Thursday, Jim sees the Neurologistl. Hopefully with some answers and some plan for treatment. Keeping my fingers crossed that we can keep this under control. I am trying to deal with each day as it comes. Not too easy. Have a good day everyone. God Bless, Terri
  12. My condolences. May she rest in peace. May you have many happy memories to comfort you. Terri
  13. Good morning, Thank you all for your contributions to the Daily. Hope everyone has a great day. Terri
  14. I am really late to the party. It is already tomorrow. Can’t sleep so I finally had a minute to read all the posts. Let’s just say that the last two days have not been easy. More later. Good night everyone. God Bless, Terri
  15. Good evening all. Just finished reading all the posts. Thank you Jacqui for the Daily and Fleet Report. To Vanessa for the cares and celebration lists and to the F&B ladies. How exciting to the Dailyites who embarked on their Grand Voyages. To all of you I wish you a Big BON VOYAGE! Today was a crazy day for me. I woke up thinking i would get a lot done and ended up doing nothing I had planned. Too much to explain. Anyway, all is good and things will move along. Hope the best to all who are traveling for a safe and healthy cruise, Enjoy every minute. God Bless, Terri
  16. @RMLincoln Happy 31st Anniversay. Hope you have many more.
  17. Good morning to all Thank you to Jacqui @kazu for the Daily and Fleet Report. Thank you to Roy @rafinmd for the maps. Nice to see that you feel well enough to get back in the game. Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the lists that you meticulously maintain. I truly hope that you soon get some relief from the pain you are enduring. Thank you to Debbie/Tina. @dfish/ @0106 in the food department. I would truly like to try Chicken Divan but have to be careful with meals with creamy sauces. Thank you to Dixie @summer slope and to Ann @cat shepard in the Beverage Department. While I do not drink hard liquor, I would most likely think about trying the wine. I am trying to get some wine recommendations for our upcoming cruise. So this one looks good. Interesting Days to celebrate. I will pass on Happy Mew Year. We don’t have cats. I am not a big fan of buffets. When we sailed on HAL I used to avoid the Lido like the plague. However, on Oceania, you never get to touch the utensils. Everything is served to you. Also the tables are smaller. So we do frequent the buffet there. However, that is the only buffet we ever go to. It is quite good. As for Motivation and Inspiration, I could use a bit of both. As for the quote, well……. Rodney Dangerfield usually used his humor to put down women. What more can I say. I have not been to Casablanca. In two instances either the cruise or the port was cancelled. In October we have a cruise planned that stops there. Whether we will actually go on that cruise remains to be seen. We will see what the Neurologist has to say on January 11 and proceed accordingly. Yesterday did not turn out according to plan. I woke up with a stomach bug. We had to cancel our New Year’s Day dinner. Instead I subsisted on toast and tea. Jim had a turkey sandwich. Not exactly what we had in mind. Oh well, we will make it up on another day. Prayers for all on the Cares list. @dfish Hope you are doing well and feeling better each day. @Nickelpenny Prayers that you are feeling better @smitty34877 you are in my daily prayers. Of course Baby Murphy is always in our prayers. Cheers to those traveling to their cruises. How exciting to be going on the World Cruise or the Grand Australia. Hope you all have a great day. God Bless, Terri
  18. Good morning and once again HAPPY NEW YEAR! Prayers for everyone that the new year brings heath and happiness. God Bless, Terri
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